A Second Chance (Marco x Fem...

By jen123454321

92.1K 2.9K 2.7K

'You look over to the spot your parents were standing not even a half a minute ago. Your ears were ringing, t... More

General info before reading
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Pt.1
Chapter 9 - Pt.2
Chapter 9 - Pt. 3
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
A/N, Quick easter vacay
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Marco's mom
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59 (NSFW)
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74 (Finale); The Aftermath...
Reminder for anime-onlys!:)

Chapter 45

1K 34 111
By jen123454321

Your eyes fluttered open as a streak of sunlight hit your eyelids. The first thing you noticed was a soft, floral scent, and you turned you glanced over to the corner of the room seeking the source of the lovely smell. On top of a rustic dresser sat a vase of lavenders that you in your drowsy state missed the previous night. You squinted your eyes once you noticed a little piece of parchment placed underneath the flowers. Stretching your half-awake body, you got up from the bed, walking over to the dresser to get a closer look at the note.


I'm so glad you wanted to come visit my home for the week.

I picked this bouquet for you. It's my hope these lavenders from my garden will help soothe and calm your sleep, as I've heard you struggle with anxious thoughts and dreams at night.

Don't hesitate asking me if you need anything. I'm always available.

~ Louisa

You almost choked up as you read it. From what you've heard, you didn't expect Marco's mother to be anything less than kind and caring, but this welcome took you by surprise.

'She did this for me? I see where Marco gets his kindness from'

You carefully folded the note and put it back in its place. Quickly, you went through the various drawers of the dresser, trying to get an overview of how Marco organized your clothes, before picking out something to wear for the day.

Peeking outside the window above the dresser, it looked to be a sunny day. You settled for a white, flowy blouse, layering it with a light green ankle-length dress on top. The outfit reminded you a lot of the one you wore the day the titans 'broke through' Wall Rose. You looked down on your right arm, taking the time to properly look at the aggressive, red scar that covered a vast part of your forearm from the titan bite. Subconsciously, you let your hand travel up to your neck, shifting your attention to the slight burn mark that was left there after engaging with the Colossal Titan in Trost.

'At least they healed and doesn't hurt anymore... Lucky Eren, his injuries just fades away after a few hours... Mine become scars that will never fully disappear'

You sighed before putting on the blouse, happy to cover the up the mark on your arm. You were scared of others seeing them, thinking they would probably find them ugly. With your clothes on and hair tamed, you walked out to the living room, catching a whiff of what must be the most delicious food you had smelled for months.

'The food they serve at HQ has gotten a lot better after we made that deal with the Reeves company, but it could never compare to whatever this is!'

You assumed Marco was still sleeping, seeing it was early in the morning and all. Though nervous, you walked into the kitchen to thank his mom for the welcoming gift.

"Ah, good morning Y/N! I hope I didn't wake you up with all this noise", she said once she noticed you entering the room. Now you could see exactly what was the cause of the smell. She was making omelettes and seemed to be baking a fresh loaf of bread; currently rising in the oven.

"Oh no, you didn't disturb me at all", you quickly reassured her with a smile. "I just have a habit of waking up early".

"Good. I take it Marco is still asleep?"

"Yeah, I believe so", you said sheepishly with a slight giggle.

"That boy", she scoffed, a clear smirk hiding underneath her look of disapproval. "Still as difficult to wake up as ever, huh... And I was hoping he'd at least learn to wake up on time after undergoing military training", she huffed with a laugh, which you joined in on. You had yet to discover a way to effectively wake him up, but you were determined to find the most efficient way one day.

"Is there anything I can help you with?", you asked after a short moment of silence.

"Oh, don't you worry about that", she smiled. "Unless you are comfortable making us some tea? I would love to have some outside before breakfast". Your eyes lit up; Levi had prepared you for this moment.

"Of course, I'll get started on it right away!"


As the bread was baking in the oven, you and Louisa sat on a couple of white chairs right outside the house, drinking the tea you prepared. You went with lavender, using some of the petals from the bouquet to give it a fresher scent and taste. Lavender was actually you and Levi's go-to, so you had perfected the brewing of this specific flavour a long time ago.

"I didn't know you had such talent for tea-brewing, this is the best cup of tea I've ever had", she complimented after taking a sip.

"Thank you. I have our Captain to thank for that, he taught me everything I know", you answered her, internally thanking Levi for teaching you this skill.

"The Captain!? Humanity's strongest soldier brews tea? Huh... Who would have thought", she wondered with a smile.

"Yes, it surprised me at first as well. Thank you for the flowers by the way. They are lovely"

"Oh, don't mention it. I just want you to be comfortable here. You spend all this time risking your life and comfort for all of humanity. You deserve proper rest when you have your time off", she said in a loving way only a parent could, and it hit you right in the heart.

"I didn't have any nightmares, so who knows; I might just have to carry a bouquet of lavender with me wherever I go from now on", you joked, earning a soft laugh from her. You noticed her looking down at your arm and you quickly realised you had forgotten to roll down your sleeves again after brewing the tea.

"I'm sorry for looking if it made you uncomfortable", she hastily apologised.

"No, please don't be. It's nothing". She didn't seem convinced, but decided to trust your word for it.

"I assume they are battle scars?". She motioned towards your neck as well, the top of the burn mark showing as no collar were tall enough to fully cover it.

"Yes. From burning myself on the Colossal Titans steam in Trost, and a titan biting my arm three months ago". You weren't sure how detailed she wanted it, deciding you would go in dept if she asked you to. She got a worried look on her face, which turned into a look of sympathy.

"You guys sacrifice so much for us. I wish everyone could see that", she sighed, before continuing. "But after what happened in Orvud, things seems to be looking better for the Scout's reputation. I'm happy you guys finally get the praise you deserve". You smiled at her. That was true. People seemed to be a lot more positive towards the Survey Corps nowadays. You barely ever heard anyone say anything negative anymore and it was nothing like it has been for the last decade.

"Y/N". You looked back at her the second she addressed you. Her tone sounded kind of... serious? "I just...", she paused to take a few breaths, whatever she had to say seemed to take an emotional toll on her. "I just wanted to thank you, properly, you know, for saving Marco that day in Trost", tears started rolling down her cheeks as she maintained her steady breath, not wanting to completely break down in front of you.


You weren't sure what to say. She hesitantly grabbed a firm hold of your hands, looking down at them as for support before looking back up at you.

"Last night was the first time I've seen him in four years now, and I cannot imagine not-", her voice quivered, so she paused to calm herself again. "-not ever being able to see him again... The last time seeing him being the day he left in 847". She avoided using words directly correlated to death, which you appreciated. God knows you couldn't handle thinking of Marco in that context.

"O-of course. And I'll do it again in a heartbeat if I must. I owe him my life for saving me on many occasions", you ended up saying, holding back the tears threatening to fall. "Your son is a brave and selfless soldier, Louisa". She got up from her chair, and you followed her lead, as she gently put her arms around you.

"So are you, my dear".


"No, it's true! She actually pushed me into the water barrel just so she could get the blueberry muffins first!", you assured a baffled Louisa after you told the story of the one time they served muffins for lunch at the Cadet Corps. Marco laughed at the vivid memory he got of you laying head down, waist deep, in the barrel with your feet wriggling in the air as you tried to get up.

"This Sasha girl must really like her food then", she laughed. "Remind me to double the portions if she ever comes to visit".

Marco had gotten out of bed about ten minutes after your talk with his mom; just in time for breakfast. You had spent the last hour eating and getting to know his mom a little better, telling her everything she wanted to know about you as well as sharing fond stories from your time in the military.

"So, what is the plan for the day?"

"Oh, I'm not too sure... I was thinking of showing Y/N around town, but that can probably wait a bit if you just want us to stay home for the day?". You could tell Marco felt guilty making plans that didn't involve his mother, which was completely understandable. It's been four years after all.

"Actually, you two going sightseeing today would be perfect. I forgot I had to travel to our neighbouring town this afternoon anyways. We're out of vegetables, and they have a spot where you can get them straight from the crops. I'll be back in time for dinner, so you guys just enjoy the sunny weather together", she smiled, getting up to start cleaning off the table. You and Marco both got up to help her.

"Mom, are you sure?"

"Yes, of course! Just go have fun. We still have the rest of the week to be together, angel"

"Okay then, thank you. We'll see you at dinner!", Marco kissed her cheek before turning around and grabbing your hand. You barely even managed to wave his mom goodbye before Marco pulled you with him, heading for the door.


The town was buzzing with life as you walked through the town square. Marco had already shown you important places around town such as his old school, along with a little field where he always used to play ball with his childhood friends.

Local merchants had opened their stands and you watched intently as you passed various kinds of produce as well as trinkets and everyday items.

"Look at this!", you stopped in front of a stand selling a variety of items all incorporating different kinds of pressed/dried flowers or flower petals in some way. Marco near fell over the way you abruptly stopped while holding his hand.

"Something caught your eye?", the elderly lady running the stand asked you with a smile.

"They are all so lovely". You eyed the picture frames where dried petals made up a colourful landscape, before looking over at some petite necklaces. The pendant was a flat bronze 'cage' of sorts, bent into different swirly patterns reminding you of the way vines grow along walls. Petals from different kinds of flowers were cased inside, and you instinctively reached for the one containing a familiar blue.

"Ahh, the pretty Myosotis flower", the woman said once she noticed the necklace in your hand. You smiled down at it, failing to notice the gaze eyeing every feature of your face from beside you. "Perfect gift for that special someone you want to be remembered by".

"It's beautiful. Don't you think so too, Marco?", you looked up too meet his gaze, noticing the slight pink flush on his cheeks that had to have been there before you turned to him.

"Y-yeah. Very beautiful". He didn't even look at the necklace as he answered, his eyes not faltering from yours. You carefully put it back in it's place before looking back up at the woman.

"You're so very talented Mrs. You have a nice day", you smiled before you started walking again, turning your gaze to face Marco. "So, what's next on the-"



You both stopped, looking around to see if you could spot the person calling for him.

"Oh my god, it is you, Marco!". A girl your age approached you with a huge grin plastered on her face.

"Mabel?". She threw herself at him, giggling like a little girl.

"Yes! It's been such a long time since I last saw you, how are you?". Marco carefully pulled away from her.

"Oh I'm fine! Just enjoying my week off with my girlfriend Y/N here", he motioned over to you. Mabel looked over at you like it was the first time she even noticed you standing there. Her grin faltered for just a second before she smiled again.

"Girlfriend? How... lovely! Well, Y/N, I'm Mabel; Marco's partner-in-crime", she nudged his arm.

"Oh, childhood friend then?"

"Precisely", she smiled. "So, Y/N, are you from around here?"

"No, I'm from Shiganshina actually. Marco and I went to the same Cadet Corps, that's how we know each oth-"

"Oh! You're in the military too? I'm In the Military Police Brigade", she interrupted you, announcing her occupation proudly.

"I never saw you in the Southern Cadet Corps, where you in one of the others?", you asked, wondering how you could have missed her. If she lived here she should have been in the same department as you.

"Mabel and her family moved to Utopia District when we were thirteen, so she joined the Northern Cadet Corps", Marco enlightened you, his hand subtly finding yours again. Mabel glanced down at his movement.

"Yes. It was a bummer I couldn't join the same Cadet Corps as Marco, we both looked forward to it for years! Getting ranked in the top ten was a bitch, but I made it to ranking number nine", she side eyed you, like she was awaiting your reaction. You internally sighed, fighting the urge to roll your eyes. People shamelessly boasting always bothered you, but you wanted to be civil. It's not like she's got anything on either you or Marco, both ranking higher than her.

"Wow, that's impressive", Marco politely complimented.

"Yeah, anything to be able to enlist to the MP's so we can work together! So where are you stationed? I haven't seen you around Stohess... Are you in Orvud? Yarckel? Ehrmich?"

"No, none of them actually. I enlisted for the Survey Corps". She stared at him for a moment, as if she weren't sure she heard him correctly.

"You... You're not in the Military Police?"

"Ehm, no". You could practically see the wheels turning in her head.

"I don't understand. You didn't rank top ten, or?..."

"Yes I did actually. 8th, in fact"

"Then why didn't you join the MP's? It was our dream". You didn't like the way she said 'our dream', as if she was the reason he wanted to join them in the first place.

"I just changed my mind. There's not really anything else to it. I saw some stuff and it changed my point of view. Same thing with practically everyone else in our top ten, though Y/N had her heart set on the Scouts since forever", he explained casually. Mabel's eyes shot over in your direction as he mentioned your name again.

"You were in the top ten too?"

"Oh, not just top ten. She ranked second best", Marco said and smiled lovingly down at you. Your face heated up from the sudden attention. Mabel didn't say anything, eyeing you and the way Marco was holding your hand.

"Well, I have to go. I'm visiting my grandparents for the week and I promised to make them lunch... It was... nice... meeting you Y/N", she said, and you noticed the slight distaste in her tone as she said your name. She turned to Marco, her wide grin plastered back on her face as she pulled him back in for a hug, letting her hands slide slightly down his chest as she pulled away, having them linger just a tad bit too long for it to be perceived as just a friendly touch. "It was so good to see you again Marco! We should catch up some time. It's a shame we're not in the same regiment!".

"Yeah, say hi to your grandparents for me", he smiled. And with a last wave and excessive batting of her eyes, she left you alone. You stood there for a moment, before looking at him.

"Sooo.... Partners-in-crime, huh?", you smirked, with your eyebrows raised. He chuckled.

"I honestly don't know where that came from. We were friends yes, but she'd mostly hung out with me and my friends. We never did much just the two of us", he scratched his neck.

"Well, she seems... interesting". Marco shrugged at your comment and you started walking again.

"I haven't really talked to her since she moved. Her being here kind of caught me off guard", he said honest, starting to walk again. The uncomfortable encounter replayed in your head over and over. The way she addressed you was off putting.

"Hey", Marco's voice pulled you out of your thoughts. "It's close to dinnertime, but there is one more spot I want to show you", his eyes gleamed of excitement and he smiled sweetly at you. That was enough to replace all negative feelings in favour of the usual butterflies.

"Lead the way", you grabbed a firmer hold of his hand. That seemed to be all he needed to hear, as he got a playful look on his face.

"Sure... just try and keep up", he challenged with a wink, letting go of your hand before sprinting away.

"Wha-", you stood frozen for a second before hastily following, watching as he ran through the small roads of the town. "Marco!". He turned his head to make sure you were still following him, chuckling slightly.

"Just so you know, this is a race", he yelled, knowing it would spark that fierce competitive instinct of yours. You huffed in response, picking up your pace.

"Oh, you're on!"

He had now reached the village border, leading you out onto a vast green field. He seemed to be headed for a little forest approaching a small distance ahead. Once reaching the forest edge, he didn't stop, disappearing amongst the trees. Since he was a couple of meters in front of you, you lost sight of him for just a second. Passing the same trees, you slowed down, looking around you. There were no sign of him anywhere.

"Marco?", you called out, decreasing your speed to a walking pace. You let your body turn in circles as you kept walking forwards. "Hello?", you yelled a little louder. Nothing... Except, it wasn't just nothing. Once you let yourself actually examine your surroundings, your yaw dropped. It was like the scenery was taken straight out of one of those fairy-tale books your mom used to read to you before bed.

The forest floor was covered in soft, green moss, not brown dirt. Lush, green leaves covered the branches of the trees, too thick to show the blue sky above. Together with the green flooring, they acted almost like a comforting blanket. It felt calming. The only thing that could seep through the leaves were rays of sunlight, illuminating the green vegetation. In the distance you could hear the quiet trickling of water flowing down a tiny riverbank.

"Beautiful isn't it?", he said right by your ear while wrapping his arms around your waist from behind. You yelped at the sudden touch and yanked yourself forwards.

"Marco! What the hell, you scared me!", you turned to face him, trying to calm your racing heart. He snickered slightly, having an innocent yet guilty look on his face.

"I just wanted to see your genuine reaction", he slowly inched closer to you until he had fully closed the distance. You huffed as you let yourself get caught up in his embrace.

"Well there's other ways to do that that won't result in me having a minor heart-attack, you know", you said muffled into his chest. He hummed, and you could feel the deep vibration against your face.

"I know, I'm sorry". He started stroking your hair. You pulled away slightly to be able to look around again.

"What is this place even? It's like straight out of a book".

"Yeah, I found it one time I tried to run away from home because I didn't want to do my homework". You raised your eyebrows while looking up at him.

"And how'd that go?"

"I got hungry and went back", he admitted with a chuckle.

"Figures", you laughed.

"But not before I memorised how to get here and staying for a couple of hours. I used to bring my books or my homework here after school ever since, ironically enough"

You could picture Marco leaned up against one of the trees, reading a book as he sat on the cushioned moss ground. If only you had a place such as this growing up... You would probably never leave. You did have that tree inside Wall Maria though, which was equally as calming.

Marco sat down, gently pulling you down with him. He softly guided you to lay down on your back, before placing one leg between yours and his elbows propped on each side of your shoulders, trapping you as he hovered above you. He caressed your cheek with his fingers, his eyes fondly watching the way your soft skin moved under his touch.

"I've always wanted to take you here, from the moment I knew you meant something more to me", he said quietly, eyes still watching his fingers. You felt your heart flutter as the sun hit his face, turning his brown eyes into pools of honey.

"When was that?", you asked softly, matching his quiet tone. You let your fingers gently explore his face as well, swiping your thumb across his lips.

"Well, there are a lot of examples of situations where you caught my attention more than once. But the day I became certain you were someone I wanted by my side in life, must be the day I found you alone in the rain"...

That was during your second year in the Cadet Corps; the day of the anniversary of your parents death. Like you had discussed with Eren the year before, you liked to keep to yourself in your time of mourning. Therefore no one really knew why you distanced yourself from them for a whole week. Marco was more than worried though. It wasn't like you to have such low energy for a long period of time.

That evening you had snuck out to sit by the forest, not minding the rain that was pouring down from above. You felt like you could cry freely whenever it rained, as it would mix in with the rest of the running water. After a while, Marco found you sulking, sitting by your side until you felt ready to talk.

That was the first time you had ever properly aired out your feeling surrounding your parents and the circumstances of their death's to anyone; only leaving out mentioning the exact way they perished as it was to vivid of an image for you to relive. Marco listened the whole time, letting you talk and move whatever way you needed to, to get it out of your system.

After he consoled you, you also told him about the time you and your parents were out on a picnic and a sudden downpour came over you. Instead of grabbing everything and making a run for shelter, you dad simply picked you up and started waltzing around the field with you, the feeling of the soaking rain making you giggle as he spun you around. Rain reminds you of him, and you often let yourself get soaked in it as the feeling takes you back.

After hearing that story, Marco simply got up on his feet and reached out his hand to you. Hesitantly, you took it, wondering what he was about to do. Silently, he placed one hand on your waist and the other grabbed a firm hold of your hand, as he started to move the two of you around with rhythmic steps.

You'd think it would be awkward, dancing without any source of music, but it really wasn't. The feeling of the rain added with the soft yet sharp sound it makes made your body tingle. It didn't take long before the two of you were laughing as you spun around by the trees, forgetting all about the world around you.

"I don't know what it was, but seeing you sad and helpless had my heart in pieces. Once I held you and watched you smile and laugh again, I could swear I had never witnessed another sigh nor sound more heavenly. I knew I had to make sure you'd never go back to feeling that kind of pain while being alone ever again", he continued, moving his gaze from your cheek over to your eyes.

You felt stunned, not knowing how to express the thoughts and feelings his confession left you with using words... So you didn't use words.

You raised your head slightly, so your lips were able to meet his. He immediately lowered his head, so you didn't have to hold yours up for long. The softness of his lips matched the softness of the moss beneath you, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He broke the kiss, moving his lips along your yaw, kissing you until he found the nook of your neck. His kiss lingered there for a while before he let his face nuzzle into it. You felt his body relax, which put a bit more of his weight on you now that he didn't work as hard to hover; but it wasn't uncomfortable.

With his face still in your neck, he resumed caressing your cheek as his arm was draped across your chest. You moved your hand up to brush through his hair, enjoying the soft, warm breeze flowing through the woods.

"Looking back on it, that night was probably the night I realized there was something special about you as well", you said after a while of just enjoying each other's touch. You could feel him smile against your neck before he proceeded to pucker his lips and kiss your skin, sending shivers down your spine.

"I'm glad", he cooed softly, voice oozing of love and admiration.



I love Marco, uuugh<33333 Why isn't he real ://

Thank you so much for reading; I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!:)

As always, have a great day!<3


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