Sinking Aurelia (Xiao X Femal...

By SeeOhTwo

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*AN Aurelia is a fantasy land I've created, with basically nothing different to Earth, other than the weather... More

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By SeeOhTwo

"We found somewhere we can sleep! And the vending machines are still intact!"

"VENDING MACHINES??" Bennett woke up from his nap.

"Yes! Come on!" Ganyu grabbed Bennett and Razor and ran to the room she was talking about. You and Xiao followed her.

"Uh step back" You said pushing Bennett behind you. You rubbed your elbow, and broke the glass of the vending machine. "Alright! Dinner time guys." You handed out bags of chips, candy bars, and different snacks. Everyone sat down to eat.

"Y/n?" Xiao whispered as he sat next to you.


"Can I talk to you about something later?"

"Yeah sure, is anything wrong?"

"Um. It might be after, but for now no."

"Alright, well hopefully I can help. You want some of this soda?" You hovered the soda in front of his face. He smiled a bit.

"Okay" He took the soda from you and took a sip.

"There's no pillows..." Ningguang shouted. You all looked over. "What?"

"Nothing!" You smiled widely. "We can take some of the clothes up to the lab's roof, and sun dry them, then use them as pillows."

"Oh yeah we can roll them up!" Ningguang grabbed her moist bag, and began taking out clothes.

"I can take them up no worries." You grabbed everyone's clothes and climbed up to the roof, setting them out in the sun. Xiao climbed up after.

"The sun's going down." He sat on the edge of the roof, letting his feet hang off the side. You sat next to him.

"What did you wanna talk to me about?" You sat down next to him.

"Um.." He rubbed the palm of his hand. "So I, um."

"What's wrong?"

"It's not- there's nothing wrong- um, fuck!" He pulled on his hair.

"Oh my god stop!" You pulled his hands away from his hair. "Whatever it is, I can assure you it isn't bad."

"Why did Xiao go with Y/n?" Razor asked. Bennett just shrugged.

"Do you guys wanna look around? I think I saw cool stuff in a separate room" Ningguang said. Razor and Bennett nodded, while Ganyu got up and led everyone to a different room.


"DAD I'M HERE!!" Fischl waved her two hands.

"Oh good. Huffman made dinner!"

"Oh okay. Come on Oz!" The raven perched itself onto her shoulder. "What did you make??" Fischl sat down at the table.

"Don't worry I didn't make any chicken! I made some good spaghetti. Dani come over and eat too!" The lady with light blue hair sat down.

"Mrs. Dani what's wrong?" Fischl asked.

"I just miss my baby."

"We all miss our children. I seriously hope they're okay." Lawrence said.

(AN_ I had no clue who to use for Bennett's dads, so I picked Huffman and Lawrence, from the Knight's of Favonius.)

"Dad how do you think Y/n is doing?" Fischl slurped up some of the noodles.

"Knowing our Y/n, she's just fine right now."

"I'm dying to meet your daughter. Fischl is so cute, so I can only imagine what Y/n is like." Dani said.

(AN_Dani is Ganyu's mom.)

"I love my sister! And I miss her so much." Fischl sighed.

"Don't worry, you'll see her soon." Lawrence said. "Hopefully our boy is okay, considering his luck."

"Even though Benny's luck is terrible, I know he's doing just fine." Huffman said.

"Yup. All of our kids are doing just fine." Your dad smiled. "Are you guys gonna want some of the iced coffee I made last week later?"

"Hell yeah! That was delicious."

"It's super fun to make." There was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Huffman got up and went to the front door. "It's just a paper.." he picked it up and read it.

"What does it say?" Dani asked.

"Um... look" Huffman placed the paper in front of everyone.

"TAINIUM IS SENDING HELICOPTERS TO HELP US!" Fischl yelled after reading the paper. They all got up and began cheering, except for your father. "Dad?"

"When does it say..?"

"Starting next week!!! Look!"

"Do you think we'll find everyone by that time..."

"Dad obviously we're gonna find them! Don't worry!" Fischl pat his back, and Oz flew over to sit on his head.

"Yeah yeah." Your dad got up and took Oz outside with him. "Look Oz. That's where I met Y/n and Fischl's mom. Right there in that exact restaurant."

"That's cool."

"Oh, so you do talk."

"Yes I do."

"Alright guess you won't mind if I tell you more stories. This apartment here is actually mine. Technically it's Y/n's. I used to live here as a little boy, and bought it from my parents when they wanted to move to Stanislaugh. Do you know about Stanislaugh?"

"No. Enlighten me."

"Stanislaugh is a far country, that's in the south, and the people there love colorful stuff. It rains a lot, but they have good weather patterns."

"Very great."

"Yeah anyways. I bought it from my parents, and put it under Y/n's name, I've been paying rent here as well as the mortgage on the other home, because I know Y/n wants to work at the lab here near the coast. I'm glad it didn't get flooded."

"You know I may be able to find Y/n."

"Huh?" Your dad looked at the bird.

"I can fly anywhere, perhaps I'd be able to see her one day, I know what she looks like."

"Hm. I'll mull it over. I don't want you to leave Fischl."

"Well. That is fine. Hearing the stories you have about Y/n though I doubt she's in any danger." Oz said.

"Yeah, she's the bravest person I know, and Fischl is just as strong too. Both of my daughters are amazing."

"I admire them."

"Dad!!!" Fischl opened the door. "Can I take Oz? I want to use him as a reference."

"Sure." Your dad stuck his finger out and Oz hopped on. Then he transferred the bird onto Fischl's shoulder. She went inside and sat down in front of a blank sheet of paper.

"Mr. Oz please stand here and don't move." Fischl placed the bird on top of the glass table. She laughed when the bird actually didn't move.

"Fischl do you want this granola bar?" Dani walked over and looked at her drawing. "Looks good."

"Thanks. Also yes I want the bar." She stuck her hand out, and Dani placed the bar into her hand.

"Drawing birds without any sort of reference is hard right?"

"Not really, but also it can be. But definitely using references helps. I still can't draw hands without looking at references. I HATE drawing hands." Fischl yelled.

"When I was in school, I was really good at art, I may be a little rusty now, but I used to love drawing hands."


"Mhm. I used my mom for my own references a lot, so a lot of my art projects were of my mom."

"Wow, can you draw hands here so I can see?"

"I'll try." Dani took Fischl's paper and began sketching a drawing of hands cradling a face.

"Wow it already looks good! Teach me!!!"

"I can give you my best tips, but I can't really teach..."

"Okay sure!!" Dani shared her art tips with Fischl who eagerly tried every new thing.

"One last thing. I'd say to draw hands everyday. Take a piece of paper, and fill it with hands. If there's a particular pose you want your hands in, practice that repeatedly, but not strictly, you still need diversity."

"Hey guys! I'm gonna start making the iced coffees." Your dad walked past Dani and Fischl.

"Make mine in that tall glass I love that cup." Dani said.

"Don't give me too much." Fischl said.

"Right on. Lawrence? Huffman? Do you guys wanna help me make the drinks?"

"Sure." The two husbands got up and followed your dad into the kitchen.

"Look Ningguang! It turned purple." Ganyu showed her a strip of paper.

"If it's purple it's basic right?" Razor asked. They were testing out different pH levels of water samples from the labs.

"Yup this is a level 14."

"Yeesh... that's pretty high, where does that water come from?" Ningguang asked.

"This sample is from Luna city." Ganyu read the test tube.

"The sample from the reef matches the seven, what does that mean?" Bennett asked.

"It's perfect water. And that's great! The reef is healthy then." Ningguang said.

"Cool! Razor we should go to the reef right?" Bennett asked.

"Mhm." Razor brought his stool over. "Diving might be fun."

"Ningguang do you miss your mom?" Ganyu asked.

"Yeah but she's safe and I know where to find her."

"I still feel horrible about Xiao's mom.." Ganyu said quietly.

"I don't even know what to say to him about it. I don't want to bring it up, but what if he needs help too???"

"He's been really attached to Y/n though. I didn't wanna bring it up either, I did tell him I would help him with anything whenever." Ganyu said.

"Right. I'll let him know he can talk to me whenever too. Once he comes back."

"Yeah, I forgot he went up with Y/n. What do you think they're talking about?"

"For all we know they could be up there in silence. I think Xiao's much more comfortable being in her presence, and I can't say it's wrong."

"Right??? I just feel like, there's so much beautiful energy radiating off of her." Ningguang said.

"Guys, can I boil this?" Bennett asked.

"Why do you wanna boil acidic water." Ningguang and Ganyu looked over.

"Maybe something cool will happen!"

"Bennett you probably shouldn't." Razor pat his back.

"Ugh fine. I'll find something else to tamper with."

"Be careful-"

"I was not careful..." Bennett looked over with a bunch of green stuff all over his face.

"Please tell me that isn't something dangerous.."

"It was a marker." Bennett sighed and looked down sadly, then sat on a stool. Ningguang and Ganyu laughed. Razor grabbed a napkin and began wiping the ink off of his face. Bennett looked up at Razor and smiled. Razor turned red.

"U-um, it's done."

"What?" Bennett whispered.

"Nothing.." Razor looked away but placed his hands over Bennett's shoulders. He turned around to see the girls focused on their own conversation. "I got nervous..."

"Why?" Razor shrugged. Bennett chuckled and wrapped his hands around Razor's waist. Razor tensed up, but smiled and ruffled Bennett's hair. "Love you Razor." Bennett said quietly.

"Me too." Bennett shook his head.

"Say it."

"Not here."

"Maaan.. okay." Bennett smiled.

"I'll say it later I promise."

"It's okay, you don't have to."

"Guys come over! We found this cool thing." Ningguang said. The two boys rushed over.

"It might be bad." Xiao said.

"It won't be, you're overthinking it. What's up?" Xiao sighed.

"The sunset looks nice doesn't it?"

"Don't try and change the subje-"

"I think I like you." He cut you off. You sat there silently. "I told you it would be bad..."

"Nuh uh??"

"Then why didn't you say anything." You exhaled loudly, and stared out at the sun over the oceans horizon.

"You ever wonder what's gonna happen with Aurelia?"

"Yeah..?" You looked at him, seeing him chewing his nails.

"Xiao I like you too."

"Oh you do?"

"Yeah it's pretty easy for me to like people, back then if you held a door open for me I wouldn't forget it for weeks. But you helped me when I was hurt even though you were injured too, and you've been there for me all this time..."


"I don't know what's gonna happen to us, like everyone."

"Well we won't be separated! I'll go with you anywhere!" He admired your side profile.

"You'd really go with me anywhere.." you stared at the pink ocean.

"To the end of the world." You smiled and looked down at your lap.

"Give me your hand." He scooted closer and hovered his hand over your lap. You took it and rubbed your thumb in circles on his skin. "So you'll really come with me if me and my family leave?"

"Yes I will. As long as your dad lets me." You laughed.

"Alright come here." You wrapped your arm around him. "You doing okay?"

"I miss her. I wish you could've met her. She'd probably love you."

"Well she sounds amazing."

"I never called her mom... until the last moment I saw her."

"Don't beat yourself up over it. Your mom is an amazing woman, and right now she's happy seeing that you're safe"

"Well maybe not safe but alive definitely."

"Haha yeah."

"Can we hug.?"

"Mhm." You removed your arm from around him and hugged him instead. You stayed like that for a long time.

(AN_ Unedited again, I'm really sorry but it's like 1 AM or something lol. Hope u guys are enjoying so far!)

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