Gangster Γ— Secret Agent - Sea...

Galing kay lil_archieves

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"So it all started when a new guy transferred at my part time job...." "Jeon Jungkook... Leader of b... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Note :
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 (Final)

Chapter 8

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Galing kay lil_archieves

" As long as we don't die
This will be one hell of a story"
- John Green.

Y/N takes Jungkook's enemy down.
Who jungkook kills.
Jungkook takes her to his gang.
Y/N becomes part of their planning team.
She makes a new friend, Mark.
He takes her to the fighting team.
She makes good friends with men there.

- present -

Y/N slept in a extra room at the fighting department. She woke up after 2 hours and got out. It was probably early in the morning, most of the men were sleeping.
Some men who had duties were also getting up, bowing and smiling at her. After greeting them she walked out of the training center.
She was again in the torture hallway, soon she left the basement and got into her working room. She sat on her chair and opened a few files. She opened "Bae Hyun Jae's case". The same 16 billion KRW one.
Although it was way too difficult, even for someone like Y/N, but she was interested.
Maybe she could prove herself, maybe she could attain a higher position. But if something were to go wrong, the result won't be good.
It was already early in the morning and people weren't suppose to come but suddenly someone barged in.

??? : Princess! You're still sitting here?
Y/N : Why is there something going on?
??? : If you don't want to get shot in your right shoulder then hurry towards the meeting room right now!.

He quickly left, Y/N had questions but she quickly walked towards their meeting room, which was a couple of floors away.
Looked like she made it on time, she sat next to Mark who seemed to be stressed out and was loosening his tie, Y/N asked him what was going on.

Mark : Watch and see.

That's what she did. Soon that guy Oh sehun entered the room and everyone straightened their backs. His secretary collected files, from those who brought them.
Oh sehun sat down on the only middle chair, the guy kept the files infront of him. He went through them once which took 3 seconds.

Sehun : Doesn't look like anyone's dying today.

Although really low, Y/N could hear Mark's and every other's relief sigh.
Just then Mr. Sehun raised a brow.

Sehun : Mr. Gu Jung? I see you didn't finish your project.

A middle aged man at the last seat stood up. His head was down.

Gu Jung : Please choose someone else for this.
Sehun : This frustrating project was given to you, if you can't, we can finally say goodbye to it..Along with you, ofcourse.

A couple of men entered and grabbed Mr. Gu Jung from both of his arms, were they really gonna kill a person because he couldn't make a plan.
Y/N raised her voice.

Y/N : I'll take the project.
Sehun : Lee Y/N, zero experience, joined only yesterday. You think you can do better than this Ahjussi?
Y/N : I don't know, but I'll give it a try.
Sehun : Listen, you think this is the easiest department, you just have to sort things out. But our rules are worst then any other departments. If you fail, you die.
Y/N : What's the deadline??
Sehun : I'll give you two weeks, remember.. its a 'dead' line.

He got up and left the meeting room, others followed along. Y/N opened the case. It was the same case, she had to plan billion 16 KRW Robbery now.

Mark : You're digging your own grave.
Y/N : In this case, I'll need help from the hacking team.
Mark : That's true. But listen..

Before he could continue, Y/N left the room quickly, the Ahjussi stood next to Mark..

Gu Jung : I wanted to thank her, so kind hearted.
Mark : I don't think she's doing this because of you, she's interested in this case. She's taking this as a challenge.
Y/N : Excuse me! Is this the hacking department?

A lot of guys were on their computers when they sudden looked at Y/N. One man was standing in the middle who looked like an instructor.

??? : This is hacking class, you've come to wrong place.
Y/N : Where I can find a professional hacker?
??? : You'll have to ask our leader for that, he's in room no.47.
Y/N : Thanks.

Y/N left the class.

? : Is that the legendary princess we heard about?
? : Seems so, she looks hard working and cool.
? : Wish she joins our department.
??? : silent boys, unless you want your kidney to be sold.


Y/N entered Suga's workplace which looked like a room with lot of computers. It looked like he was sitting on a chair which was turned towards the screen.
Only the sound of his quick typing was heard, the smell of smoke was all around the room.

Y/N walked closer to his chair when it suddenly turned around, his leg was quick to make Y/N trip and his gun pointed at her. Realising it's Y/N he backend the gun and rubbed his forehead with it. Looking so stressed.

(Bold - Suga, italic - Y/N)

Ofcourse, who else would have dared (Y/N got up)
I need one of your hackers to help me.
Don't disturb me when I'm at work.
When are you not? I'll come then.
You know we're free on Sundays. Wait till then.
Almost a week. Impossible I only have 2 weeks.
Don't take projects, you'll fail.
Wanna make a bet?
You lose, you leave.
I win, you'll do what I tell you to.
Deal... I'll provide you someone.

Y/N gave a satisfied and challenging look to him. This guy is the difficult one but its okay, she'll be able to manage.

- Two weeks later -
Y/N arranged the files in her hands, today was the day. She came up with a plan, if it proves successful then alot of things would get better.
The room was empty as it was break time. But if a person had important things to take care of, they were free to come here.
Her phone started to buzz, she looked at the screen and her heart dropped. We'll she picked it up again. It was Jungkook.

(Bold - Jungkook, italic - Y/N)


Y/N smiled on hearing his voice after a long time. She started to bite her thumb nail.

Hi, you remember me.
Young lady, you seem to be the one who forgets people easily.

Sorry, I'm guessing you keep track of what I've been doing.
I could but I didn't. I want to hear everything from you alone.
What should I tell you.
Whatever has been going on.
I took a project although I'm a newbie. I'm done with the data analysis. During the day I'm in planning department. As the sun sets I leave for fighting department. I've learned alot of new skills. Hoseok's men are big help.
Actually I've made good friends with them, I usually sleep in their extra room.
Don't get too close to any men.
Jealous? Come on they're more like kids.
That punk who works with you, keep a little distance with him.
Mark? You said you don't keep track me.
I've access to CCTV.
I did need someone to help me is it so wrong if it happens to be a guy.
Just don't let men get too near you, even if their intentions are pure. I'll kill them.
Okay okay..
I've made a bet with Suga, I also go to hacking group frequently, since I needed their help. And what else? Oh! This one makes me super angry..I'm nicknamed as Princess here, it's so annoying.
Everyone calls me that.
I don't think anyone even know my name.
We'll princess, that's cute.
Seokjin said that infront of some of your men. They say it makes sense because getting picked by Jeon Jungkook really makes me a princess.
One day, I'll make you my Queen.

Although Y/N had been smiling the whole time but when he said, her smile got wider.

Your smile is beautiful.
Are you watching me through the camera
(she looked up at the CCTV)
What if Iam.
How can see me. I can't see you.
Do you miss me?
What if I do?
We'll meet tonight.
Finally, I'll see you then.

Y/N waved goodbye to the camera. She went to the meeting room afterwards as she had to give this plan to Oh sehun.

Sehun : Finally, the princess is here.
I apologize.
Sehun : Let's get straight to business.

- Y/N started explaining her plan -
Right. I'll start off with 2 things we need. First one is his finger print.
Every Wednesday Mr. Bae goes to a strip club, and gets drunk, we'll easily able to copy his thumb print.
The second thing or person we need is his daughter. We're gonna kidnap her.
Ofcourse we're not gonna ask for the 16 billion won for the return of his daughter. We're gonna ask for let's say 50 thousand won only, this won't be a big amount for him.
Once he takes those 50 thousand from his bank account, the security system will get weak but only for 20 minutes, if someone starts hacking it would take about 3 days. But we'll use his thumb print at CIC level till we reach primary automated level. After reaching secondary automated level we'll move on to common dictionary which will take up to 5 minutes.

Y/N continued explaining the plan which normal people couldn't understand. Finally she finished and sehun nodded.

Sehun : I'm a bit impressed. I'll submit this.
Then I'll get going.

Y/N left as soon as she said that, but before leaving she turned around...

Please do give me more projects.

Y/N entered the training section, it was empty because most of the people had to do their duties. As they were responsible for fighting.
They were more like agents, learn fighting and do all the dirty work. She walked to a punching bad and started to punching it.

She was probably gonna continue till its finally night.


Jungkook made a call to someone after looking at a list, that person picked up with in few seconds.
Jungkook : Oh sehun, I saw the list.
Sehun : Ah yes, Are there any complaints?
Jungkook : The third plan, was it not cancelled?
Sehun : Someone came up with a plan so we added it.
Jungkook : I thought it seemed impossible.
Sehun : Someone made it possible and she just happens to be princ- I mean the girl you brought.

He put the phone down and just then the car stopped outside of his building. Y/N could be seen through the window. A crooked smile formed on his lips. She was the same girl who looked normal but is so capable and cleaver, and also Beautiful. Jungkook's men walked to her showing her the way to car's door.
She followed them and they opened the door for her. She got in and sat next to Jungkook.
He looked at her, She looked at him.

(Bold - Jungkook, italic - Y/N)

Hey, you look stunning.
Really? I'm not wearing makeup or a nice dress.
You're wearing your smile.

Y/N smiled and looked down.

I hope you didn't have something important to do.
You're important right now.
Am I ? Thanks.
How did your project go?
It went well.

Y/N had achieved something big but she didn't try to impress him. And he knew.

Where are we going?
Where do you want to go?
Are you hungry? How about dinner..
Do you know how to cook?
I'm not that good but I can try.

Y/N looked at the vegetables, meat, fruits infront of her. Not knowing what to do. She held a knife, it felt wierd using it to cut food as she had only slit throats till now.
Y/N recalled any previous knowledge she had of cooking. That's when she remembered her dad was a really good cook. He often made food for her.
Y/N as a little girl was always amazed and asked him how he made that, he would tell her the recipies, although it was years ago, Y/N tried to recall them.

You've been through deadly missions, this should be a piece of cake.

Y/N was waiting on the dining table for Jungkook to finally come downstairs, she just prepared just normal Korean food.
Except it was her first time making it, 'Why do I feel nervous' she quickly adjusted her position when she heard someone come down the stairs.

You made all this??
Why don't you try it.
Sure, I'm curious.

He ate a bit and nodded his head.

I really like it.

Y/N heart fluttered, this was the first time someone complimented her cooking skills.

It reminds me of my mom's cooking.
What type of person was your mom.
She was beautiful woman, she died years ago.
I'm sorry.
My parents were in love for 20 worthless years until it finally ended. My mom was also born in a gangster family. Her gang and my dad's gang hated each other. Both families had a fight when I was born, almost a war. This gang won. So, I lived with my father, he did let mother meet me.
He barely used me as an excuse to see her.
How did she die.
My dad shot her, at the same time she shot my dad.
That's just..... Really sad..
That's how Romeo and Juliet love stories end.

Jungkook looked at Y/N, his eyes piercing through hers. As if he could see right through her.

Why don't you eat as well.
I already ate, like a while ago.
Your nose is bleeding ( He handed her a tissue)
Ah this happens sometimes, nothing to worry.
You over worked yourself, and you didn't eat.
I guess I'll eat a bit now.

Soon Y/N was done eating, Jungkook was talking to someone on his phone, she laid her hand on the table and looked at him.
She slowly closed her eyes. After a while, Jungkook noticed. He picked Y/N in bridal style and laid her down on his bed

Was that on purpose, I can tell you're awake.

Y/N smiled slightly with her eyes closed. She held his fingers and brought them close to her lips, almost touching them.

*whispers* Its hard to control myself.

Jungkook laid down next to her and pretty much was going to sleep since he knew Y/N was tired. He himself was..

"That night....
After a very long time
I thought could sleep in peace...

I didn't have a mission to attend in the morning.
From Agency..
Nor did I have a project to deal with
From the gang.
I could sleep knowing that someone was next to me..
Someone who wouldn't hurt me
Someone I could trust
But then I realised,
That someone should never have trusted me..
That someone is whom ...
With these thoughts crossing my mind
A warm hand in my hand.
And a smile with hidden sadness on my face.....
I went to sleep"...

Y/N woke up in the morning and looked next to her. Jungkook was still there and was doing something on his laptop. As always, work. He noticed Y/N.

Good morning.
I don't think this morning will be *good* for you.
Why would you say that.
Your plan included kidnapping our Target's daughter.
Yeah, was that not possible?
It was, we kidnapped her.
So what's the problem.
No I didn't look into her profile.
Incase you don't regret that later.

He passed a file to Y/N, she got up and looked at it, her eyes widened.

No way...
She's in the torture center by the way..

Y/N quickly got up, wore her shoes, took her toothbrush out of her bag and hurried out of the room, she went downstairs while brushing her teeth..when suddenly she bumped into someone, it was Suga. He looked at her in disbelief..

Suga : You didn't wet your brush?
Y/N : Sorry..but I'm in a hurry..
Suga : A-about the bet....
Y/N : I'll deal with you later.

She lightly pushed him aside and continued. As she got outside of the house, she saw Seokjin who was moving car keys around his finger.

Y/N : I'll return this later(she grabbed his car keys)
Seokjin : Y-Yah! You--

Before he could finish his sentence, she already left with his car.

Seokjin : Aish.. that girl..

Y/N had reached the torture hallway, she kept opening various doors and ended up looking at unwanted violence. For now she ignored it all.
She finally opened the last door and there she saw them. Hoseok was sitting on a chair. A girl who was sitting on another chair with two men standing on each side.
She walked in.

That's enough boys, I request you to leave.

Both of the men looked at Hoseok who nodded which meant a Yes.They both left

??? : Y/N ? What are you...
Y/N : Its okay Irene, I'm here.

Irene : Y/N are you okay???
Y/N : I should be asking you that.
Irene : You seem to be familiar with these people and this place. Which doesn't seem healthy, that's why I'm asking you, Are you okay?
Y/N : I'm okayy, talk about your situation, you're kidnapped by gangsters.
Irene : Oh right, this person was about to tell me why.

Y/N looked back at Hoseok who had a grin on his face.

Hoseok : You know her?
Y/N : Yes I do, can I get her out of here?
Hoseok : As long as you make her call our target and say whatever we planned.
Y/N : Whatever, let's leave (Y/N helped Irene up)
Hoseok : Where are you taking her.
Y/N : Back home, that's the only non-scary place.
Hoseok : Are you sure, the guys will be there today.
Y/N : so will I.
Hoseok : Then let's go together.
Suga : Are you crazy? You brought her here??? HERE..

Suga walked around and looked like he was stressed out. Hoseok was once again watching TV. Jungkook didn't shown up.
Meanwhile Irene was in Y/N's room wheeping. Jin got up.

Seokjin : Gosh I'm hungry, I need food.(he left for the kitchen)
Suga : So no one is taking this seriously?
Y/N : Suga I won the bet. You said you'll listen to me.
Suga : Like you won. That girl is not doing anything instead she's been crying for 2 hours now.

Hoseok : Poor girl just found out she has to get her own dad robbed. And that her rich father was actually a fraud.
Y/N : I know her very well.. and I'm pretty sure she won't mess anything up.
Hoseok : She doesn't have an option, if needed we'll force her.
Y/N : There won't be any need.. I'll go upstairs and talk to her.

Y/N got upstairs, but instead of going to Irene she stepped in Jungkook's room. She looked around and he was not there.
She lightly closed the door. This was her chance, Suga was downstairs getting stressed out about the whole situation. That means she could contact KIA. Ofcourse her calls could recorded, but she had also learned a bit of hacking and that stuff.
She picked up her phone and typed a number, she put the phone against her ear and waited for someone to pick up.

??? : Who is it?
Y/N : Agent 007 reporting to Agent 002.

Taehyung : And we were planning to send a team, Incase you forgot your mission.
Y/N : Let's cut the useless talks. I only have 30 seconds, after that this call will start recording.
Taehyung : Go on..
Y/N : Task number 2, accomplished.
Taehyung : Good, but I have other questions.
Y/N : I'll meet you at the usual place in two days.

Meanwhile Jungkook walked towards the door, he was about to open it but didn't.

Taehyung : You must never forget who you are.
Y/N : Agent 002, I know who Iam. And you don't need to worry, I know very well about what my mission is or how I should achieve it.

Jungkook opened the door, his suspicion became true. He saw what he didn't want to see.
Where as Y/N cancelled the call when she heard the door open. That was it. This was the worst.

"You are an agent?"


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