In The Name of The King (#Wat...

By natlaxy2424

33.5K 1.2K 393

Adelaide was never quite a charmer or even a lady for that matter. A sister to six brother's is every bit as... More

The Wicked Gentlemen
The Feline
The Escape
The Knight In The Shining Armor
To Forget and Remember
To Trust or Not To Trust
The Decision
The Seamstress
An Unexpected Visit
The Painful Truth
On The Road Again
In Your Dreams
What am I to you?
Her Highness
The Dream and The Nightmare
The Knight and Her Highness
Her Highness's Obsession
Where am I?
The Hunter
His Captive
You're the Earth, I'm Your Moon
The Plan
Life is But a Mere Game of Manipulation
Jealousy Turns Even the Brightest of Souls Black
My Sinister Captor
The Knight and The Sorcerer
Damsel in Distress
The Rescue
To Love and to Be Loved
An Act of Betrayal

In The Words of Caldwell

2.2K 87 19
By natlaxy2424

Chapter 3

Sounds of horses whinnying and small town chatter bombarded my senses.

The wagon stopped abruptly, slamming Neela and I against the wall. I finally decided that the cat was officially named Neela. Her big blue eyes looked right into mine, as if she was seeing right through me. She arched her sleek body against my side, rubbing her small chin up and down.

She was the strangest cat I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. Not that I had a lot of experience in the matter. My family never really allowed animals on our property. They saw them as a distraction from our daily activities. Deep down, I've always wanted a cat as a companion. I remember I was always the one who brought in stray animals, trying to guilt trip my father into letting me keep one. It never seemed to work though.

Suddenly, the wagon's flap lifted, causing streaks of sunlight to claw its way in. The only figure I could make out was the dark silhouette above.

"Is this the woman?" The stranger whispered to the man beside him. Squinting my eyes, I tried to see past the blinding light.

"Yes sir," the man shifted uncomfortably. I scrunched the bridge of my nose in confusion. Who was this? What did they want with me? What have I done?! These exact questions bounced in my mind. Yet, I couldn't come up with an exact answer. 

Everything thats happened in the last month seemed so surreal. That I wasn't kept in the back of a wagon for ages, with little food and water. That I wasn't beaten mercilessly by my captors. My brother's always crossed my mind whenever I was sinking into a bad mindset. If I was completely honest, they're really the ones who've kept me sane throughout everything.

"Bring her in," the dark silhouetted man disappeared from the flap. I let out a breath, not realizing I was holding it in. Forannan came sauntering in with a devilish grin on his face. A frown graced my lips. I eyed the ropes he had in his grip, already knowing what was going to follow. If I had a penny for every time I was tied up, I'd be rich

"Hey little princess," he chuckled humorously. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, yeah right. Neela curled up in my lap, as if she sensed what was about to happen. Forannan snatched my wrists with a forceful tug, tying both of them together. Neela hissed, bouncing onto the floorboards. The rope was so tightly wound that it felt as if my circulation was being cut off. I glared daggers, I know he's enjoying this.

"We don't have all day, princess," he spit out, smirking to himself. I clenched my fists in anger, feeling the need to lash out.

Forannan cackled loudly, I knew he was trying to get a rise out of me. Well, it was working. I felt the urge to sock him in the face, throwing out any trace of manners I had before.

He shoved me out of the wagon, entering the town square. I stumbled for a small second before I regained my balance. Sunlight kissed my cheeks and nose, bringing a small smile to my face. It was like my own little eternity from the hell that I call my life. I just wished it could've lasted forever. It felt like forever since I felt the warmth of the Sun. I wanted to lie under the shade of the large English Walnut that dotted my family's dwelling. I had a feeling that might've been the last time I'd be able to do that.

Big oak trees sprinkled around a glittering fountain, with cobblestones covering the pathway that lead up to the fountain.

"Get a move on," Forannan forced my body forward, almost causing me to fall flat on my face. I grumbled a chain of swear words under my breath. The peaceful eternity was ripped out of my grasp as he kicked my legs repeatedly.

Forannan unlocked a brown and black rusted old door. He yanked on the handle, muttering how much he detested his job. After what felt like hours, he finally forced the door open. Dreadful smells swirled out of the entryway, I gagged. He kept a brisk pace, shoving me every now and then. The hallway had grime from the ceiling to the floor. It was the most horrid place I've ever seen. Forannan released the ropes from my wrists, causing me to flinch in pain. My skin felt raw and swollen. We entered a darkly lit room through this large metal door. The locks that were intertwined with the handles looked as if someone pried them off. In the middle of the room was a flickering candle on top of a wooden chair. I felt as if someone was watching me, that we weren't alone. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end.

"Welcome, Adelaide," I recognized the voice from the wagon. Quickly, I turned around, only to be faced with darkness.

"Where are you?!" I shouted into the inky blackness. Groping the air, I tried to find something, anything, that could give me a hint to who this man was. A deep chuckle resonated throughout the room. Forannan stifled a laugh from behind me. He wasn't helping.

"No need to shout Adelaide, I'm right here." In a blur, green eyes and red hair appeared in front of me. My eyes widened in surprise, then turned to slits.

"Who are you?" Suspicion laced my tone. He had a slim and lanky build, paired with a strong jawline. "What do you want from me?" I asked, worried that I wasn't going to like the answer.

He smiled wide, "I'm Caldwell Merek, your fathers killer."

My eyes widened with horror, this couldn't be. It wasn't possible. My father died of a heart attack! How could this man be my fathers killer if I was with him when he passed? It didn't add up. A whimper escaped my lips...causing tears to form.


Hey readers! Here's another chapter for you guys, I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to vote for this chapter if you liked it :)


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