Drunk On You || punk!cas joc...

De wingsandhunters

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Castiel and Dean have grown up together since they were four years old. Now the two have become completely di... Mais

Chapter one - Bee
Chapter Two - Blue dye and fallings out
Chapter Three - Date Night
Chapter four - Expelled
Chapter five - New Schools
Chapter Six - Gym Shorts
Chapter Seven - The Camping Trip
Chapter Eight - The morning after
Chapter Nine - Many Much Moosen
Chapter Ten - Cheerleader
Chapter Eleven - Drunk On You Pt 1
Chapter twelve - Drunk on you pt 2
Chapter Thirteen - Last Night
Chapter Fourteen - The Halloween Masked Ball
Chapter Fifteen - Gotcha
Chapter Sixteen - Ideas
Chapter Seventeen - The Beach
Chapter Eighteen - Blind Man's Bluff
Chapter nineteen - Happy Friggin' New Year
Chapter Twenty - Punk-Rockmantic
Chapter Twenty-One - The bag
Chapter Twenty-Two - Sun, Sex and ... more sex
Chapter Twenty-Three - The last french-fry
Chapter Twenty-Four - Slam you into perdition
Forgive me Father for I Have Sinned
Chapter Twenty-Five - The Worst Date in the History of Dates
Chapter Twenty-Six - The Dirty Sex
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Home
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Satan's Little Helpers
Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Caramel Latte with Cream
Chapter Thirty - "Happy" Valentines
Chapter Thirty-One - Ignorant Slut and Growley
Chapter - Thirty-Two - Post-Graduation Depression
Chapter Thirty-Three - Lingerie
Chapter Thirty-Four - One of a Kind
Chapter Thirty-Six - Graduation
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Incest Kinkfest
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Pre-Prom
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Prom
Chapter Forty - No Happy Endings
Chapter Forty-One - Phone Sex
Chapter Forty-Two - Surprise
Chapter Forty-Three - Festival
Chapter Forty-Four - Your Gay is Showing
Chapter Forty-Five - The Groupie
Chapter Forty-Five - Drugs, Sex and Rock and Roll
Chapter Forty-Six - A Letter to Home
Chapter Forty-Seven - Furniture Shopping
Chapter Forty-Eight - Hell and back
Chapter Forty-Nine - Blue Eyed Best Friend
Chapter Fifty - Five steps
Chapter Fifty-One - Nostalgia
Chapter Fifty-Two - Pink-Lipped Man
Chapter Fifty-Three - The First Step
Chapter Fifty-Four - They try to make me go to rehab and i said "okay mom"
Chapter Fifty-Five - Back in the closet
Chapter Fifty-Six - Welcome Home
Chapter Fifty-Seven - The Beehive
Chapter Fifty-Eight - The Wedding Bells
Chapter Fifty-Nine - The Best Day of Your Life So Far
What became of the likely lads

Chapter Thirty-Five - Momma Novak

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De wingsandhunters

Cas (POV)

"No parties, no tricks, no pranks, no fighting, no spitting, no fire, no experiments, no parties, no alcohol, no late bed times, no skipping school, no skipping latin lessons, no skipping church, no sex, no boys, no girls, no parties, no messing the house up, no stealing, no breaking, no throwing, no parties, no swearing, no kicking, no punching, NO PARTIES, no clubbing, no getting in trouble with the police, no late homework, no pARTIES, no a-"

"We get it Momma Novak, we are not allowed to do anything except go to school, come back from school and then go to bed." I sigh, leaning against the living room doorway with my arms crossed. 

"I mean it, if there were any parties i will know and you will all be put to death by my own hand." She says, pointing and staring at every single one of us. "I trust you to look after your little brothers and sister and i trust you not to get into any trouble."

"Why does Mikey get to go with you and we don't?" Gabriel asks, pouting a little.

"Because i'm the only one Grandma actually likes." Michael says in response, smirking at his own self-importance. 

"No she doesn't, don't be stupid." Mom tells him and his smile drops. "You have to be there to be witness otherwise we can't get our wedding vows renewed again. Your grandma won't be witness because she doesn't like me."

"Oh honey, yes she does-" Dad starts and mom looks at him blankly making him shut his mouth and go back to staring into space. 

"I mean it guys, i don't want any of you getting into any bother, especially after last time.."

"What happened last time?" Leliel asks, picking glue off her hands and wiping it on her dress. Mom goes to her with a baby-wipe and starts cleaning off her hands for her. 

"Well, Castiel decided to burn down a warehouse with Lucifer, Gabriel, Balthazar and Dean by setting off fireworks in there and they all nearly died." Mom says, smiling at her and Leliel looked at her confused.

"If they nearly got deaded, why are you smiling?" She asks and mom smiles even wider 

"Oh baby girl, this is a smile of pain because i wish they did die in that fire." She says sickly-sweetly and Leliel giggled while i rolled my eyes and shook my head. Then, mom turns on me.

"Listen here you little sh-munchkin, i know you are behind every prank, every trick, every bad thing that has happened in this family, you are the mastermind behind it all and i know that so i want no funny business. Anything does happen, i will blame it on you." 

"Mom!" I shout out but she pinches my lips together and looks at me intently. 

"I mean it. I know who you are and i know what you do. Do you seriously think that the twins are clever enough to put weed in the school ventilation system to make the whole school high on the day of exams? Please, they're not that smart. You were behind that just like you are behind every other prank that Gabe, Balth, Luce, Raph, Uri or Lel have done. I know you're behind it and if i hear that anything like that has happened while i have gone away, you're getting the brunt of it."

With that she turns and grabs dad's hand before carrying her bags out to the car. Dad shrugs his shoulders at me on his way out and follows her, putting the bags in the trunk while the other kids turn to look at me.

"Does this mean we can do anything we want and Cas will get the blame for it?" Gabriel asks, a small grin appearing on his face.

"Brother dear, that is exactly what it means." Balthazar replies, smirking evilly while and glare at them. 

"Are you sure you wanna do that? Because, if so then i guess you wouldn't mind the whole school finding out why you slept in the school for a whole week." I say back smoothly and the two twins mouths fell into a frown. "That's what i thought." 

"You wouldn't dare." Balthazar says quietly and i lean in smirking.

"Try me brother dear


"Alright, behave yourselves! Z, i'm counting on you to make sure none of them do anything stupid!" She shouts and Zandriel salutes casually and waves them off down the road. As soon as the car was out of sight she turns to us all and smiles. 

"Alright, i'm gonna show you how me and Michael used to play while mommy and daddy went out of town." She says, tampering past us in her high heels. "Who's ready for the biggest smash up of your lives."

"Hella." I say, nodding my head and she winks at me. 

"Hells yeah." Gabriel agrees. 

"I couldn't be more fascinated." Balthazar pipes in. 

"Whatever choices we make, whatever details we alter, we always end up here." Lucifer says, shaking his head and sighing. 

"Sugar, we're going down." Uriel nods his head and we all look at him. 

"Do you even know where you got that from?" I ask and he nods his head again. 

"I'm not stupid, i know it's my My Chemical Romance."


"No no no no no!"

"NoooOOoooOO!" We all shout at the same time. "Fall Out Boy, Uriel. Fall Out Boy." 

"My Chemical Romance is dead." Sam says and Dean snorts.

"Is there any romance of yours that isn't dead?" 


"FIRE! FIRE!" Gabriel screams, running into the kitchen and everyone stops drinking, the music pauses and we all look at him. "Dudes... FIRE!" 

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh god damn it, Balthazar is on fire!!" I shouts and i sigh and roll my eyes.

"Alright, show me." I say, picking up the ice-bucket that was no empty and melted. We walk into the back garden where Balthazar was doing the stop-drop-and-roll on the floor. "STAY STILL!" He stops suddenly and looks up at me, freezing.

Before i chuck the bucket of ice cold water over him, i get out a cigarette and light it on his burning body before tipping the water over him, making a sizzling noise as it goes out. The cigarette hangs out of my mouth as i look at the two boys. 

"What were you even doing?"

"Nothing, i think we are in a sims game." Balthazar whispers, looking up at the sky. 

"Wow. You two really can't handle your alcohol."

"Says you." Snorts Gabriel and i look at him seriously. 

"What;s that meant to mean?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"You and Dean wouldn't even be together if it weren't for alcohol." He says and i flick him over the head. 

"Shut up." 


"Ufph, i love it when you take control." Dean growls drunkinly as i push him into my room clumsily and attach my lips to his, my hands clawing through his hair and down his body, pulling at the fabric of his shirt. I kick the door shut with my foot and push him backwards towards the bed silently, kissing his neck and biting down on his skin greedily. 

"Shut it you minx." I slur before taking off his shirt and pushing him down onto the bed with on quick hand movement. He lands with a soft thud, bouncing up slightly and he grins up at me as i start slowly taking off my clothes in front of him, not breaking his eye contact. 

"Looks like we are back to where we started." He chuckles and as i crawl in between his legs with nothing put my peircings and boxers on and start nuzzling his neck and kissing his collarbone, leaving faint marks on his skin. 

"Yeah, except there is no one awake with insomnia this time to hear what we do." I laugh back, running my hand up his bare leg and lifting it up, pushing it against his chest as i lean down to kiss him more. 

"Poor Adam." Dean says breathlessly through his puffy, swollen lips.

"Hmm, it will be poor you in a minute." I growl seductively and he smirks up at me, his chest heaving upwards towards me so we are skin to skin.

"Oh, i count on it." He whispers before pulling my head down and kisses me sloppily as i run my hand over his crotch and he moans into the kiss. Suddenly, the door opened and me and Dean freeze and look at the person or should i say, people standing in the doorway. 

"Oh my god." One of them says, looking at us with wide eyes. 

"O-oh, hey guys." Dean says and pulls me down closer to him to cover him up seen as i wasn't the one that was completely naked. 

"W-we'll go." Charlie snorts and turns to leave.

"But this is really hot!" Aqua and Lisa complain before getting dragged away by Charlie and Meg who looked like deers trapped in headlights. The door slams shut and me and Dean look at each other before bursting out with laughter. 

"This is probably not the time nor place to do this, right?" Dean says and i laugh and nod my head.

"You're probably right." I crawl off him and chuck him his boxers that lay on the floor messily and he quickly puts them on before coming to stand behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"We'll finish it later though, right?" He mumbers into my ear and i lean back against him.

"You bet we will." 


"EVERYONE QUIET!" I scream and the music turns off and everyone goes absolutely silent. I look at my phone and answer the call casually, putting the speaker up to my ear. "Hey mom, how you doing?"

"We are at the airport and i was just calling to see how things were before we board the plane." She says and i open my mouth to speak but someone sneezes loudly. I freeze and look at Benny who looks back at me apologetically. "What was that?"

"That was Lucifer sneezing, yeah we're fine." I tell her but there is silence on the other end of the phone for a moment.

"That was a Lucifer sneeze." She says bluntly.

"That was so a Lucifer sneeze!" 

"Cas, i know the sneezes of all my children. That was not a Luci-Sneeze."

"How could you possible know that! People all have the same sneezes!"

"No they don't. Lucifer sneezes like a girl. It's high-pitches and rings in your ear for hours." She says and Lucifer gasps and glares at the phone.

"I DON'T SNEEZE LIKE A GIRL, I SNEEZE LIKE A MAN!" Shouts Lucifer and i give him a shove.

"Mom, he sneezed. We're fine. Everyone is alive." I say, looking around at the people who were all trying to keep as quiet as possible. 

"Are Lel, Uri and Raph in bed?" She asks and i look over to where the three siblings were all locked up in the closet, clawing at the wood. 

"Urm, yeah." I say uncertainly. 

"Castiel...." She says. 

"They wouldn't go to bed so i gave them some hot milk and now they're watching a film okay? Sorry for spoiling them a little." I walk over to the closet and open the door to see Leliel, Uriel and Rapheal all crammed in there, fast asleep against the wood and each other, all in really weird positions. 

"Alright, but don't leave it too late. Also, when you guys go to church on Sunday and if the Munson family look down on you, i hereby give you permission to ruin their lives. That Angela has messed with me for the last time and i think it's time to set my kids on her. You know what to do, Cassie. I gotta run. Bye!" She shouts.

"Alright Momma Novak, i think i still have a few tricks up my sleeve. What did she do to you?" I ask before mom leaves.

"She's Gabriel and Balthazar's teacher at school. She has it in for my babies and fails them on every single paper they do! I know they're not the best kids in the world but i do not raise dumb children and you all know the difference between Catholics and Protestants in the Elizabethan Age. Do her in, Cas." 

"On it." 

"Bye, love you loads. Tell the others i love 'em too."

"Mom says she loves you." I say, looking around and the others nod.

"Aw, we love her too." Benny says, putting his hand to his heart and i look at him blankly.



I hang up the phone and look down at my three siblings who were all still fast asleep before turning around to the crew. 


"Ginger wouldn't stop crying." Crowley said, shrugging. "So i gave her something to cry about."

"SHE'S 9 YEARS OLD, CROWLEY!" I shout and he shrugs again. "Damn it." 

I reach it and pull one arm of one of the kids and all three of them come tumbling out of the closet, waking up instantly.

"Hey guys. You alright?" I say softly and Leliel screams and all of a sudden her leg shoots upwards and she kicks me right in the nuts. All three of them run off and i double over, squeaking a little and go down to my knees, holding onto my crotch.

"Why does this always happen to me?" I squeak, my eyes brimming with tears of pain.

"Dude..." The boys say, wincing for me while the girls tried not to snort with laughter. "How many times has this happened to you?"

"So many." I mutter out before falling sideways and curling up in a fetal position. "So many."

A/N: I know it's short but it's just a filler for tonight. How you enjoyed lmao. I don't even know, this doesn't even run in with the story line. 

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