An Act Of Love (GonKillu)

由 euphoriies

42.2K 1.5K 2.8K

Gon freeces, aknown well player about love, other people knew and chose to ignore it, admiring him and crushi... 更多

Dare Accepted
Solving the problem
Dating life
The sleepover
Drunk in love
I love you
The date
The upcoming truth
The truth
The after effects
The Warning
Things are different now
behind your back
Its Over


1.3K 51 176
由 euphoriies

Killua unlocks his house with his keys just getting home from school. It's was finally a day in which feels like forever that he doesn't feel trapped. He's finally gonna put a stop to what was hurting him for so long. He feels so relieved. Like a weight waiting to be lift over his shoulder when you can.

He discussed the way to do the plan with ikalgo. Sadly not gon but he feels like ikalgo will fill him on the plan when he can. He also heard that the gons football team is helping out to which is also good. The more people the better because he feels like if he was to do this by himself..

Forget that, that thought wouldn't even cross his mind.

He sighs and walks to the bathroom to take out the needle and the bottle which contains liquid to inject in Noah to knock him to sleep. Lucky ikalgos parents are doctors. They were questioning about why he needed it but ikalgo made an excuse and that somehow let them give him it. Shocking....but grateful...but shocking.

He takes the needle from his pocket along with the bottle. The uncaps the bottle and sticks the needle inside. He draws the liquid from the bottle into the needle before taking it out. He tests if it works by squeezing some of the liquid out of the needle, thank the world it does. He puts it deep in his jacket pocket before pulling his phone out.

Okay I'm ready, you can start to come now

Okay gotchu, I'll let the others know and we'll head there

Okay, thanks for all of this btw

Weren't you the one who told me friends don't thank eachother?, so no need to thank me

Yea but still, you didn't have to help me at all, so I just wanna say thanks

Your welcome. I would do it for my friends, my BEST friend

Killua smiles genuinely

I'll see you when you get here

See you

He takes a deep breathe before switching to Noah's contact. He frowns, the name and being anything associated with him disgust Killua more than anything. He takes a deep breath before texting

Hey babe

A few minutes go by until Noah texts back

Wow finally texting me first and calling me 'babe', huh?

Didn't help that I was forced into this abusive relationship against my will

Killua deletes the message before he could send it


Mhm, what is it?

I miss you..

You miss me?

I do..

And how are you planning to fix that problem babe?

I want you to come over

and what would you do if I say no?


I like it when you beg. Just let me finish up what I'm doing and I'll be over

'Fucker'  he scoffs as he puts his phone down on the table not increasing more conversation. He did what he had to do with Noah and he doesn't need more of it. He sighs and makes his way to the couch as he practically throws himself on it. As soon as he does there's a knock on the door. He freezes.

He was already here?, no.. that's couldn't be. Noah said he had to finish something then he'll be on his way. Unless he was tricking Killua and planning to come here this whole time. killua doesn't even have back up to have the plan in action. He shakily gets up from the couch and makes his way to the front door before taking a deep breath and opening it.


Killua let out a relived sigh. Ikalgo looked at him up and done confused.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Y-yea, I'm fine" Killua replied with closed eyes waving his hand dismissively. "Just thought you were Noah." He says opening his eyes to meet ikalgos. Ikalgo gives a slightly offended face.

"Trust me, I'm not." He says. "Yea I know." Killua says slightly laughing. He looks behind to see gons and ikalgos teammates who stand there awkwardly waiting to be let inside.

"Uh..hey." Killua says slightly smiling in a greeting way, but the atmosphere building awkwardly. They all nod there head while some give waves and others give a low quite 'hey' back. Remaining with the awkward silence until one speaks up.

"We feel bad for what your going through at the moment so we're helping you, it's the least we could do." Knuckle says looking slightly down at killua. Killua goes wide eyed heifer speaking up.

"Oh, thank you. I extremely appreciate it. A lot actually." He says nodding his head and smiling. They smile in return.

"And we're sorry about the whole thing at the football field. We shouldn't have outed gon like that. It was none of our business. We apologize." He says once more. Killua raises his eyebrows in surprise. Your telling him the loud ass amateur football team on apologizing for the behalf of something they did.

Wow life is full of surprises

"I-it's fine. What happened, happened. I'm over it anyways." he says shaking his head. But the actual truth was, he was far from over it. It's content we're the though crosses his mind and takes over it until he's crying about the events. They nod and Killua steps aside to that that can step inside. He looks behind them but there isn't a sight of gon anywhere. He turns to them.

"Hey, where's gon?" He asks looking at the group.

"He didn't drive with us. He said that he'll be arriving a little later on." Ikalgo replies. Killua frowns at the response. Gon was that upset with him that he didn't arrive when everyone else did?

He closes the door and walks to his couch as he sits on it and leans his head on it. He feels dumb, pathetic. He should of told gon, but he couldn't and gon has to understand that.

He needs to understand that.

"You texted him to come over?" Ikalgo asks sitting beside him.

"Yea I texted him a while ago. He said he was gonna finish what he was doing and he'll be on his way here." Killua says laying on ikalgos lap. Ikalgo furrows his eyebrows.

"I can't way to make the fucker feel the pain you did and put him away for good." Ikalgos says as he furrows his eyebrows.

Killau raises his eyebrows confused. "Put him in jail?." He asks looking up with his eye at him. Ikalgo nods. "How?" He asks

"Knuckles dad is a police officer. He helps around here and there. We saw him a couple of times come to school taking kids away." Ikalgo clarifies. Killua raises both his eye surprised.

"So he'll believe us. That if knuckle doesn't lie a lot." Ikalgo says smirking at him. Knuckle rolls his eye and grumbles.

"I don't lie.." they whole footbal team looks at him dumbfolded.

"A lot..." knuckle adds looking away. Killua snorts.

"And plus. We have evidence, right?" Ikalgo asks looking down at killua. Killua nods. He took pictures the day after of what Noah caused on his skin. It took a while of self disgust but he got it done.

"Then we should be good." Ikalgo says. Killua sighs but nods. "But when we appreh-" his sentence was interrupted with a knock on the door. Killua snaps his head up from ikalgos lap and stands up from the couch. It's probably Noah. He gestures for all of them to hide. When they do Killua takes a deep breathe trying to contain his composure before walking up to the door and opening it.

"He-" it's gon. Gons looks up from the floor to be met face to face with Killua. Killua gapes his mouth slighty open in surprise. He knew gon was coming it's just when the time is here you can't help but look like you didn't know. Which is what Killua looks like right now even though he's all aware.

"Hey.." gons replies lowly, barely meeting killuas gaze who's stuck on him. Killua shakes his head out of his trance

"Hey.." he says in the same tone as gon. They stand there for a few minutes before gon speaks up.

"Are you gonna let me in?" Gon asks looking past Killua and at him back and fourth. Killua stares at him for a moment before moving slowly out the way for gon to come in. Gon waits a few seconds before making his way inside. Killua slowly closes the door keeping an eye on gon the whole time.

He frowns, "why didn't you arrive with the rest of them?" He asks looking at gon as he crosses his arms.

"Where are they?" Gon asks. Completely ignoring Killuas question. Killua narrows his eyes at him before speaking up.

"Guys you can come on out!, it's just gon.." he says walking past gon and sitting on the couch. A few seconds later they start coming out from where they were previously hiding looking at gon. Gon raises his eyebrows looking at each and everyone of them.

Killua takes his eyes off gons temmates and ikalgo as he looks back at gon up and down before speaking up again. "Why didn't you arrive with them?" Killua asks again, looking at gon up and done before narrowing his eyes at him again.

"What are we gonna do when he comes here?" Gon asks. Ignoring killuas question, again. Killua pissed of now. Why the hell was gon ignoring him. It was a simple question that requires a simple answer. Unless it wasn't a simple answer...

"Killuas gonna act all lovely dovey with him," Killua spares a glances at gon and he Swears his eyes darken from what ikalgo said before going back to normal again. "And Killua will inject the needle in him, completely catching him off guard." Ikalgo finishes.

Gon slowly nods looking away before furrowing his eyebrows and looking back at them. "And what if things go haywire?" He asks.

"Then Killua should have a safe word." Shalnark answers. Looking from gon to Killua.

"Red?" Uvogin suggests. "You know as in code red?, Something goes wrong." He adds. The whole team including Killua nods at the suggestion.

"Okay well we should get prepared. He could be here any minut-". Killuas sentence gets interrupted by a knock on the door. once again.


'Shit' . He quickly gets up from the couch and gestures all of them to hide again. Gon huskily growls as he head for his hiding spot. Killua stats for a few moments until he feels like everybody's hidden good enough. He stuffs the needle deeper in his pocket before taking a deep breath and opening the door to be met with a smirky Noah.

"Hey babe" Noah says as he puts both hands on each side of killuas waist, kissing him on the forehead. Killua internally groans.

"Hey babe." He says fake smiling before taking Noah's hand and leading him to the couch for him to sit.

"Are you hungry?" Killua asks as he makes his way to the kitchen. Rolling his eyes to the back of Noah head when he sets eyes on him.

"No thanks babe" he replies. Killua stops on his tracks and turns back to Noah to head to the couch. He sits next to Noah and intertwines there hands together while he smiles at him. Noah raises and eyebrow at him.

"Why are you being so affectionate all of a sudden?" He asks Killua. Killua gives the best oblivious innocent face he can.

"What do you mean?" He says looking at Noah.

"I mean you never this affectionate. Ever. Did you do something?" Noah asks in a slight darker tone of voice. Killua can't be faxed by his tone of voice. He can't show it atleast. But he would be lying if he said it made him shiver with a chill running down his back. But the again, his face doesn't show what he's feeling.

"I can't miss you?" Killua asks putting Noah arm around his neck with there hands intertwined. Noah expression falters from being slightly mad to being soft.

"Of course you can baby, I'm sorry." He says with a different tone of voice as he kisses the side of killuas head. Killua wants to punch him right then and there. But follow the plan.

Killua hesitantly but slowly crawls to sit on Noah lap facing him with his legs on either side of Noah's thighs. He grabs Noah hands and put them around his neck as he puts his around around Noah's waist leaning forward and laying on his chest. Noah has to talk, keep him occupied.

"How was your day babe?" He asks Noah. He can feels Noah breathing stop before it resumes again and he's replying.

"It was good babe. I did my missing work. Called my mom today to check up on her.." Killua blacked out everything else he said. Not having nor caring in interest of what he had to say. Except for calling his mom today, if only he was that nice and only if she knew what his son was like. Poor her.

He slowly and carefully takes his hand to his jockey pocket where the needle is stored while Noah is rambling on what he did to today, Off guard.

He reaches into his jacket pockets until he feels the needle there. He gets a hold of it and wraps his fingers around it. Standing still for a few seconds to see if Noah noticed. To which he didn't since he's still talking. Good for Killua

He slowly pulls it from his jacket pocket making his way up to Noah neck to inject it. He makes his way close to it and attempts to inject it quickly. Noah completely off guard not paying Killua any attention.

Well, that what he thought.

Noah grabs his arm and Killua freezes. His hearts drops so low he can barely feel it pumping in his chest anymore. How?. Noah was completely caught off guard. Killua swore Noah didn't see it coming. He thought wrong..

Noah grabs a fistful of hair from the back of killuas head and he pulls a him away from his chest, with his hands still in grip with his arm. Killua met with an angry noah. He's breathing heavy and looks pissed. He slams Killua on his back on the couch with Noah hovering over him. Killua goes wide eyed, scared shitless.

"I knew you were up to something. You never act so affectionate ever. Atleast, not towards me you don't." He says looking down at killua with dangerous clouded eyes. Killuas whole body Is unable go move or talk.

Noah looks at his grib on Killua hands following his gaze up up to what Killua holding in his hand. A needle. He furrows his eyebrows and looks back at killua.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" He asks in a dark dark tone, gritting his teeth.

Killuas eyes shoot open more. "N-no.." is all he says as an answer. He can't find himself to say anymore because of how much fear he feels.

Noah looks at him for a few seconds before snatching the needle from killuas hands. He inspects it before back to Killua and holding it up close to his face.

"What does it do?" He asks low. A dark low. Killua flinches. He obviously can't say.

"I-I don't k-know.." he says tearing up. Looking between the needle and Noah. Noah smirks while looking at killua.

"Only one way to find out, right?" He says before bringing the needle close to Killua neck to inject it. Killua somehow finds the courage to grab Noah's arms to try and stop him. Pry him off him. Noah looks shock to see killua fight back but continues to try to inject the needle in him. Killua uses both hands to stop him which I doing much but not enough. It still keeping his distance from his neck. That's until Noah takes one of Killua arms and pins it to the couch beside his face.

Now the needle is dangerously close to killuas neck and it's only getting closer. He needs help, call his safe word.

"GON!!" He screams in fear. That wasn't his safe-word. It was red. He knew it was red so why did he call gons name?. In less than a minutes he feels weight being lifted off of him, Noah being lifted off of him and slammed to the ground by gon. He feels someone hugging him and rubbing his back from behind for him to Around and see it's ikalgo and shalnark. Tears fall before he turns back around to see Noah getting apprehended from gon and his teammates. Mostly gon.

It was 1 against more. Noah had no chance against them at all. Especially since they were so built in muscle. Noah built but compared to gon and the others he doesn't look built at all. There's a punch of rustling before Killua sees punches being thrown, from gon. He can barely see it because gons teammates are covering it from trying to apprehend him.

But from the looks of it, it looks like gon is losing himself from punching Noah continuously. Losing himself so much that ikalgo gets up from comforting killau to go and try to handle gon. Which he does as he grabs gon and pulls him away from Noah who's struggling from ikalgo is grip on him, eager to hit Noah even more.

His hand are red from the hard contact him put and how rough it is. His face looks more than angry and pissed. He looks furious. Like he despises Noah will all the hatred in his heart. He looks at Noah not glancing at anybody else. Killua feels like The more gon looks at him  the more mad he's getting. Ikalgo can sense that to which os why he turned him Around far from Noah.

As the group moves away from Noah you can see that he's tied up with his face all bloody and bruised. His lip his busted with blood, his eye is slightly closed. The skin on his face is starting to turn black and blue, his shirt is all crumbled up and slightly ripped. Gon looked like he took everything he felt about Noah out on him. Noah looked dazed out right now to, like he didn't even Noah what just happened. It all came so fast to.

"Fucker!" Gon grits under his breathe with his ragged breathing, and clenched fist still in ikalgod hold. Killua stands up from the couch and walks to the scene before him won't wide eyes.

Noah looks around until his eyes land on Killua. He smiles in an a convincing way. "Yes baby help me." He says looking at killua. His sentence is barely audible because of his busted lip. Killau shakes his head with tears falling down his face. Almost a month of suffering can be put to and end today. How long he's been wanting  for this moment that all he can do is just cry, will tears running down his face.

"He's not helping you with shit!" Gon snaps, looking at Noah.

Noah smirks. "I did help with those marks on his neck." He says looking at gon. Gon goes wide eyed before he's charging at Noah.

"Motherfucker!" He says breaking free from ikalgos grip and heading straight for Noah until his teammates Jump to get a hold on him. They grip gon pulling him farther away from Noah than he was before, holding him secure and tight. While he's still struggling to break free and destroy Noah. Killua feels like if they let gon go then gon will end up killing Noah right here and then. A while murder scene right here on his floor.

He doesn't need Noah dying. He needs him to suffer alive, not die in 'peace'.

"What about the deal, babe?" Noah says looking up at killua. Killua makes a disgust face at the name. The deal...the fucking deal. It won't matter anymore since Noah's gonna be behind bars probably getting beat up from others there while killuas living the way his life should of been.

"Fuck you." He says to Noah. Noah goes wide eyed. "Knuckle call your dad." He says.

"Ok." Knuckle says in a struggling manner since he's still dealing with gon and getting his phone from his pocket for his dad to come get Noah.


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