One PiecexReader AU!!Love and...

By TitaniaDLuna

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Your boyfriend of three years has cheated on you. A brilliant, handsome surgeon with tattoos and a sense of d... More

1. Pain and coping
Chapter 1.5: Pain and Coping Law's POV
Chapter 2: Morning after
Chapter 2.5: Morning After Law's POV
Chapter 3: 1 week later
Chapter 4: Loyal Employees
Chapter 5: The Coffee Cake Inception.
Chapter 7: Smoker's warnings & an unwanted visit
Chapter 8: Confronting Loneliness
Chapter 9: Becoming too much
Chapter 10: Goodbye? Or see you later?
Chapter 11: A day with Pops & unexpected encounter
Chapter 12: The Deal
Chapter 13: A Business Offer
Chapter 14: The Deal pt. 2
Hiatus notice
Chapter 15: We need to talk
Chapter 16: Landlords and Donuts
Chapter 17: Enemies
Chapter 18: All the happenings.
Chapter 19: Relationships
Chapter 20: Disasterous Situation
Chapter 21: A helping hand
Chapter 22: Coming undone
Chapter 23: Priorities Change
Chapter 24: A breath of Fresh air
Chapter 25: New Beginnings
Chapter 26: The Boogeyman
Chapter 27: Betrayals & Complicated Situations
Chapter 28: New Chapter Starts
Chapter 29: Baby Names
Chapter 30: Relationships
Chapter 31: Our Family (The End)

Chapter 6: New Neighbors

1.6K 91 67
By TitaniaDLuna

"I can't believe that jerk did that! Why didn't you say anything sooner? I would've let you live with me had you...oh I don't know called me to tell me what was going on!"

Your best friend Perona was in your new place "helping" you unpack all your stuff. She was mainly yelling at you since you didn't tell her about you and Law until you had moved out.

"I guess a part of me wanted to fight for our relationship, but I soon found out that, that wasn't going to happen. But I still loved him, and I didn't want to let 3 years go down the drain. But," you gestured to the space around you and spun yourself around. A small sad smile on your face "it ended up that way anyway."

She came over and hugged you. You were both pretty short she was maybe an inch or two taller than you. You allowed yourself to start feeling sad. You went through the memories, and all the happy memories that once brought you joy, was now the cause of all your pain. Funny how that worked.

"So you're hiring new people?" The sudden topic change threw you off and you started to laugh, Perona joining in the giggle fest. You were both just starting to catch your breath when you heard a knock on the door. "You expecting someone?"

"Probably Luffy and Zoro they said that they were coming over to help as well."

"Oh am I not enough?" You raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'm sorry how exactly are you helping?"

"I am here to help your emotional state?"

"And you couldn't maybe empty a few boxes while doing that?" Crossing her arms she huffed as you opened the door but it wasn't who you were anticipating.

"Detective Smoker?" In front of you was your regular customer, dressed in his signature grey slacks and black button up, with a gun hanging off his belt. His grey hair slicked back and a cigar behind his ear.

"Miss L/N? You're the new neighbor?" Your eyes popped even wider when you saw his partner Detective Diez behind him. His scar on his chin, the orange tinged hair, piercing blue eyes, matching blue button up, brown tie, and black slacks and shoes.


"Yeah you live between us. I live to your left and Diez lives to your right." You gave a quick look right and left then stared at the two men again. Your surprised expression made them chuckle. We just wanted to come by and introduce ourselves, we tend to come in at all hours of the day, and some people don't like the noise we sometimes make."

"Well I'm a pretty deep sleeper, and I may wake up earlier than you both."

"We'll see, if you need anything don't hesitate to bang on your walls. We'll take that as a sign to come help."

Why would I bang on the walls?

"What if she was having sex and the headboard hits the walls? Would you still come to her rescue?"


It was now extremely awkward, you were turning as red as a fire hydrant, you also noticed some pinkish tints on the two detectives' cheeks.

"I'll just knock on your doors should I need help. Have a good evening gentlemen." Before anything else could be said you closed the door on them and had to take a few calming breaths before looking at Perona and giving her your best death glare. " I hate you sometimes you know that?"

"Love you too Y/N! Now which one of these boxes has your clothes? I wonder if you have anything cute!!!" You doubted it, your version of cute and Perona's version of cute were very different. Not that she didn't have a sense of style, it just wasn't to your taste.

"If you're going to look for clothes, than the first box you open you put away."


You laughed and heard someone at the door again.

"Ooo maybe one of them is going to offer themselves to you~ They were hunky!"

You ignored her, and this time you asked who it was.


"Hey Y/N!!!! We're here!!!! Sabo and Ace are here too!!!!"

Probably couldn't find the place without them.

Three hours later your place was all moved into, everyone left and you were finally alone you plopped down on your couch and let out a sigh. You hadn't been alone in 2 years. Maybe emotionally yes, but even then you still had a routine with Law, you would still make him dinner, you would take care of Bepo and you would worry about your business. The last one didn't change but now that you were single you needed to do something to fill up your free time.

You heard another knock at your door, you walked over and saw Detective Diez again.

"Detective? Hi, sorry about all the noise earlier."

"Oh it wasn't that bad, this place is pretty well insulated you can't really hear a thing. I just wanted to welcome you again and that if you're ever having a hard time, in trouble or need someone to talk to here's my number." He handed you his card with his number and email on it. 

You were taken aback, in all the time you'd seen this man he always had a stern look on his face and serious, whether that was just how his face stayed or because of his job, but his face was almost kind as if he knew what you were going through.

"Thank You detective, hopefully I won't ever need your help cause I'm in trouble."

"I hope that too, good night Miss L/N. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

You gave him a smile and closed your door and went back to trying to figure out what to do with your life before you went insane. Going through a list of hobbies you used to be into before your business took over your life. You used to make jewelry from beads, leather and cloth. You could always do that again, but a physical activity would probably be good too. Your phone pinged indicating a text message when you looked it was Law. Your heart giving a little leap but not out of excitement but dread. 

Law: Just wanted to make sure that you got all moved in okay. 
You: Yeah the D brothers came by to help along with Perona.
Law: She actually helped??
You: Not really...
Law: Figured. Are you going to the Newgate Beginning of Summer party?
You: No not this year. Gtg I gotta figure out dinner.
Law: Okay ttyl, I love you.

You saw the I love you and wanted to scream, he may have written it on accident or he was doing it to get to you. All you knew is that you were feeling one too many emotions to name one in particular that you were feeling. So yo grabbed a pillow and screamed. You screamed so loud until your throat was sore than you started to cry. 

You had cried before but this was different you were in a house with someone else and you'd wanted to hide the fact that your relationship wasn't perfect. You were now crying because everything was now over. You were out of your ex's house, you didn't talk to him about the stupid things that happened throughout the day. 

You wouldn't get to smell his shampoo at night when he would finally join you in bed after a long day at the ER, you wouldn't be able to hold his hand anymore just when you wanted to, you couldn't take in his cologne scent when he would make coffee in the morning and you would hug him behind and tease him about his coffee making skills. You were going to miss how he challenged you in both the bedroom and in your relationship. Both academically and physically. 

You wept for the loss, you wept for the love you still had for Law. Yes what he did was wrong, and yes you had made the best choice in leaving but that didn't make it any less painful in leaving him or letting him go. 

The next morning was rough. You burned two batches of the coffee cake, you forgot to out coffee in the coffee makers, and you didn't count the money correctly for the register. Barto had had enough of you and told you to take a walk and come back later. And you did for about an hour. You felt that you had spent enough time escaping your thoughts you went back to the cafe. 

"Hey boss, we need more coffee cake here in about an hour we're about to run out and we had someone use that new online ordering system you had made, they want twenty of them."

"Twenty? You're kidding. For one customer?"


"Alright I'll be in the kitchen making some serious coffee cake. Besides my mess ups anyting happen today?"

"Naw boss it was all you-dabe."

"Hey can't always be perfect can I?"

You went to starting to separate the egg whites and and egg yokes when Ace came in looking a little panicked. But before he could say anything Detective Smoker came in looking the same as his partner, stern and serious. 

"Miss L/N I need to talk to you about something in private."

"Uh well I can't really talk now."

"Can I come back then after you close?"

"Uh I have a few interviews that I need to do today. Uh maybe you can stop by at my place?"

He nodded and took out a business card. 

"Call me when you're ready to talk and I'll knock on your door."

You took the card and the detective left.

"Something you want to tell me Y/N? You dating that guy?"

"What no he's my neighbor and a detective."

Ace didn't seem convinced but didn't day anything else on the matter and went back to serve customers and you got to work on the coffee cakes. 

Three hours later and you were still waiting on the person who ordered the twenty cakes. You were going to be closing soon. Just when you were about to give up and sports call pulled up into the parking lot, and a very tall man stepped out onto the pavement. He wore glasses, had a scarf around his mouth and wore a very expensive suite. He looked at your building and started walking towards your door. 

Ace and Bartomeleo already went home, now you wished that one of them had stayed with you, this guy made you feel uncomfortable. When he walked in you did your best to appear calm and collected.

"Hey welcome, what can I get you?" Before answering he looked around your cafe, and finally took off his glasses reveling eyes almost as dark as his hair. 

"I put in an order for 20 of your coffee cakes."

"Yessir they are in these boxes would you like help taking them to your car?"

"No thank you I can carry them all. But may I have a receipt?"

"Of course, one moment I will print it out for you, it's going to be a little big cause this order was made online."

It took you just a few moments when you came back he'd out the boxes in a bag that he'd brought in.

Where did that come from?

"Here's your receipt sir."

"Thank you I'll be in touch."


And like that he left out the door.

What a wierd guy.

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