Bottom Todoroki Oneshots

By KuudereSimp

192K 2.3K 1.1K

This is a oneshot book of Shoto Todoroki since there are many rare ships with bottom Todorki that are underra... More

Damn Icyhot Bastard (BakuTodo)
Thoughts of You (ShinTodo)
Summer Memory (BakuKiriTodo)
Resistance and Limits (IidaTodo)
Drown Out (KamiTodo)
Stupid Barbarian (InaTodo)
Appreciation (SeroTodo)
Office Hours (HawksTodo)
Bookworms (MezoTodo)
Surprise (ShinKamiTodo)
Someone Special (ShigaTodo)
•Author's Announcements•
Encounters (MonoTodo)
Letting Go (BakuTodo)
Twice The Fun (DekuIidaTodo)
Different (InaTodo)
Spoiled (KamiTodo)
•Thank You•
Flower Language (KiriTodo)
Calling You (BakuDekuTodo)
Pure Stars (ShigaTodo)
Marriage Life (HawkTodo)
Weather Words (MezoTodo)
Conversing (SeroTodo)
Comforting People (MonoShinTodo)
"Friends" (InaTodo)
Another's Memories (FumiTodo)
•New Schedule•
A Promise (DekuTodo)
Acting Normal (IidaTodo)
Reunited (KiriTodo)
Resting (BakuTodo)
Same Situation (KamiTodo)
•Delays Again... Sorry•
Route (ShigaHawkTodo)
•I'm Back?•
Strings (ShinTodo)
Failure (MezoTodo)

Perfection (DekuTodo)

11.6K 109 39
By KuudereSimp

So some warnings for this chapter is there will be some Todoroki angst, mention of eating disorder and some dekutodo fluff.

This is an au where Todoroki is in a toxic relationship. I didn't want to use any other mha characters for Todoroki's love interest because I don't want to offend anyone plus everyone has their own biases. Also I'm not good with creating character names.

So for when Todoroki mentions his lover's name I added "I/N" meaning insert name. So just add a random name or character you don't like or something.

(Also credits to the original artist of the picture above)

Todoroki was laying on his bathroom floor crouching in front of the toilet. His fingers reached deep in his throat making him gag. The food he previously consumed for his dinner came gushing out of his mouth and into the toilet.

Todoroki finished emptying out his stomach and got up flushing the toilet. He walked to the sink and cleaned himself up before reaching into a cabinet. He pulled out a box for a packaged bar of soap. He opened the box and pulled out a small bottle of diet pills.

Todoroki took two of the pills before putting the bottle back into the box. He then walked into his room and sat on his bed. His phone buzzed with a text message from his lover.

Hey babe I can't go on our date
tomorrow but I can spend my lunch
time with you at a near by park.

Are you sure your not hanging out
with the girl you were kissing the
other day.

Of course not. What you don't trust me?

No, I trust you.

Then I'll see you tomorrow ;)

Ok I love you.

Todoroki sighed and slumped onto his bed cuddling with a pillow for comfort. He knew that his boyfriend was lying to him but he didn't care at that point. He just wanted to be selfish and keep him close even if his boyfriend was two timing.

He just didn't want to be alone again which is why he would do anything for his boyfriend. He adjusted to his interest, his preferences, and even his kinks even when they made him uncomfortable.

Todoroki's thoughts wavered as his eyes grew heavy as he drifted off into sleep.

Next Day

Todoroki was getting ready for school when he realized he was running late. He quickly washed up and managed to take another two of the diet pills before rushing downstairs. He rushed past his sister and declined her offer for breakfast, she understood because he has running late.

He luckily had arrived at school on time and manage to endure a long set of boring classes. Finally it was lunch time and he got up to get ready to meet his boyfriend.

As he packed up his things a familiar head of broccoli came his way. "Hey Todoroki-kun want to have lunch with the Iida-kun and the others."

Todoroki hesitated then continued "Sorry Midoriya I already have plans." Midoriya notice a saddened look in his eyes and nodded.

"Ok, but if you need something you can talk to me ok." He gave him a reassuring smile. Todoroki's face was covered with shock. Was he that easy to read?

"Thanks Midoriya but I'm fine." And with that Todoroki headed to the restroom to get ready to meet his boyfriend.

Midoriya was worried so he followed the dual haired male and waited around the corner. Todoroki eventually came out leaving the broccoli shocked. Todoroki was wearing make up that covered the scar on the left side of his face. He was also wearing some revealing clothes.

Todoroki covered himself with a hooded jacket to avoid being seen and started to run out the back of the school. Midoriya followed after him with many questions.

He was also concerned with how fragile Todoroki look in the revealing clothes. Since Todoroki look unhealthily thin especially for his body type that had to support the muscles he gained from hero training.

Finally, Todoroki met his destination after a good five minute run. Midoriya kept his distance as he saw a male approach the dual haired boy.

The man began to caress Todoroki's face paying him complements for how the dual haired boy dressed himself up. The man then shifted to kiss Todoroki on the lips eventually adding his tongue.

Todoroki appeared to be slightly uncomfortable but gave in wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. Soon after they broke apart from their kiss at sat a nearby bench.

They talked and joked around as Todoroki remembered the first few months when him and I/N first dated. He was happy as that time before his boyfriend grew distant.

I/N offered the dual haired male some of his lunch in which he declined claiming to have ate before meeting with each other.

Midorya watch nearby trying to process the new information. To him it seemed that they were in a romantic relationship and Todoroki was happy? He wasn't sure but something felt off.

All of a sudden I/N's phone buzzed and he looked at the text messages that was sent with a smile. Todoroki's heart clenched since he never seen his boyfriend look at him like that.

The dual haired boy asked his boyfriend who it was from. Suddenly the man got defensive and yelled at Todoroki on why he was always questioning him.

How Todoroki doesn't trust him. With that the next words that came out of I/N's mouth were like dagger to Todoroki's heart.

"So what if I was texting another bitch that is of no concern to you. I can have fun with anyone I want. Got that." Todoroki nodded with a sullen face as his boyfriend continued.

"Plus you think I'd pass up the opportunity to bang some chick that is as gorgeous as a model for some minx like you." And with that Todoroki felt his heart shatter although he tried his best to stay strong.

A single tear fell from the left side of his face. Todoroki began to continuously apologize to his boyfriend until the man got annoyed. He told the dual haired man to shut up and start to swing his hand to slap his face.

Todoroki braced himself as Midoriya used his quirk to rush over and block the man's hand by gripping his wrist.

"Who the heck are you?" The man asked irritated. The broccoli glared up at the man with a angered look on his face throwing daggers into the man's soul.

"Screw this I'm done, you better text me when you get home you bitch." Todoroki nodded sadly and the man stormed of.

Midoriya turned to face a pair of heterochromia eyes that looked broken. Todoroki stared at the pair of evergreen eyes and wanted to reassure them that he was fine even if it's a lie.

The dual haired boy forced a smiled and thanked the broccoli apologizing for the inconvenience he had put him though.

Midoriya felt his heart break a little. Todoroki hardly ever smiled in front of people and yet one of the few times he saw it was fake. Just to cover for his shitty boyfriend.

"Todoroki-Kim you don't have to force yourself I know that this is hard for you." Todoroki slowly felt tears roll down his face. Midoriya pulled him into his chest for a comforting hug.

Todoroki dug his head into Midoriya's neck and sobbed while feeling a warm hand caressing his head.

"Hey Todoroki-Kim how about I take you home and tell the school that you aren't feeling well."

The dual haired boy nodded and they both went into Todoroki's room. Midoriya tried to help his friend in anyway he could. He grabbed him some water and went into his bathroom to look for pain killers for Todoroki's throbbing headache.

As he was searching he looked closely at the bottle of diet pills Todoroki forgot to hide this morning when rushing to school. He thought back to the moment where Todoroki told his "boyfriend" that he ate at school.

It suddenly hit him on what his friend was going through. He found the pain killers and brought the bottle of diet pills with him.

He walked toward the sleeping boy on the bed gently waking him up and giving him the pain killers. The dual haired boy thanked him and reassured him that he was fine and that the broccoli can now leave.

Suddenly Todoroki's phone buzzed and Midoriya read the message from Todoroki's boyfriend. He laid the phone down and put it on silent.

Midoriya walked over to Todoroki and layed beside him. The dual haired boy was now confused. Then the broccoli pulled out the bottle of diet pills and asked the now trembling boy about them.

The dual haired boy tried his best to keep his cool front and brush it off but I the long run he began to sob. He had endure so much that he was now vulnerable at his friends warmth that hugged him to calm him down.

Todoroki finally decided to tell Midoriya about his insecurities about himself compared to the other pretty girls his boyfriend dates on the side.

Midoriya gave him a peck on the for head leaving the other to be completely flushed trying to brush it off because he was still technically dating his boyfriend.

Midoriya interrupted him. "Todoroki-kun you don't have to change yourself for a guy who doesn't appreciate you." The other looked at him with a saddened look.

"Why are you even dating him if he makes you feel this way."

"Because -"


"B-because I don't want to be alone again." Midoriya smiled. "Your not alone though you have the Dekusquad remember, we'll always be here for you.

Todoroki began to cry again and thanked Midoriya for his kindness.

"Also Todoroki-kun"

"Hm what is Midoriya?" He started to wipe of his tear and waited in anticipation for what the broccoli was about to say.

"I think that guy is missing out because who wouldn't appreciate someone as amazing as you."

"Me... Amazing?" Todoroki started at the broccoli to reconfirm his statement.

Midoriya the did a quick peck on his lips and smiled. "Ya, your perfect the way you are." With that Todoroki started to become flushed and speechless.

"T-thanks." Todoroki gave him a genuine smile and Midoriya was now flushed as well.

"Hey Todoroki-kun I know how you feel about you weight but we can take things slow so you can recover."



Another oneshot completed I hope you guys like it also let me know if there is any spelling or grammar errors so I can fix them. I hope you have a good rest of your day. I'll see you next time.
- The KuudereSimp

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