More Than Meets The Eye

By macygirl1999

49.6K 1.4K 337

A simple transformers story. Follows the first movie. There isn't a lot of Optimus Prime X Reader books, I fe... More

Optimus Prime X Human!Reader
Contact, Injuries, and Desperate Sleep.
Home Sweet Home and Pick-Up Lines.
Stolen Car, "Are you a girl?", PTSD, and S-7?
Idiots, The All Spark, and Mission City.
Battle in Mission City, Hopelessness, and End of the Beginning.
Music, 2 in 1, and Base Doctors.
"Doing me a solid", Splinter of All Spark, and Good Questions.
Don't Feel So Good, Alien B!tch, and That Wasn't Smart.
Fugitives, Simmons, and Wheelie the Sparkling.
Jetfire, Egypt?!?!, and Pixie Dust.
Battle, Approval, and He's back!
Parental Approval, What the hell!, and Arguments
Unwanted Emotions, Attack of the Pyscho-Ninja Copier, and Sentinel Prime.
Hacking/Chipped., Betrayal!, and Forseen Consequences..
Christmas Special
Wanted Intell., A Ship to Leave., and An Emotional Good-bye.
Rescue Mission., Raising Hell., and Beginning of the "Chicago War".
Small Scare, Rescue Mission, and Taunts.
Mystery Fellow., Carly!, and Resolution: Part 1..
Stuck., Men..., and "Don't ever look back!"
Memories., Confrontations., and The Beginning..
Apologies., The Action Never Stops., and Brush of Death..
Determination., Arguments., and Getting on the Road, Again, Maybe?.
Meet-and-Greets., The Others., and Abandonment?

Off on the Wrong Foot, Literally., Heartache Episode., and Found..

664 30 6
By macygirl1999

Cade's P.O.V.

I was getting groceries and no one apparently buys groceries around 2 in the afternoon in this town. I paid and put all the groceries in my truck and started home. I got to the house and put the food away. I grabbed a cold beer and collapsed on the front porch looking out on the swaying fields of tall grass getting ready to be cut and used as hay. The sound of crickets and other insect calls were the only noises that made me relax. I started to drift off into a daydream when I noticed a human like figure slowly trying to cross my yard? They were invisible then slightly glitched into existence. This kinda reminded me of a horror movie. I rubbed my eyes then I saw them look towards me. "Nope!" I said and ran inside grabbing my baseball bat. I grabbed it and ran back outside. "I aight afraid some damn ghosts! Get ready for a Texas beating Satan spawn!" I yelled and whacked it where the head is or would be. Load crunching sound was heard before a yelp and thud. The invisible thing came into existence and appeared to be a human in a strange black suit of armor. The helmet seemed to be cracked where I hit it and (h/c) hair was tumbling out along with drops of blood. "Oh shit. I killed someone." I got into my knees and looked closer. The chest plate was moving up and down indicating that they were still alive. I looked up and around to see if there were others. Seeing no movement I got up and hooked my arms under this person's arms and dragged them into the house. Getting to the living room I dumped them as gracefully on the couch as possible. They kinda tumbled right off because not all of them landed on the couch. I finally got them on the couch with out any more issues. I then went to grab the first-aid kit that was in the kitchen and dumped my beer down the drain. Getting back to the person in my living room, I got to fiddling with the suit of armor. I found a claps and tried to pull it off, but it wouldn't budge. A button closer to the right ear and towards the inside of the ring of the bottom of the helmet. I clicked it and the helmet melted right off the person's head and into the ring. Since the clasp wasn't lacked together it fell off of the person to see the (h/c) hair tumbling around her (s/c) skin. There were cuts and bruises littering her skin. I then started to look to find a way to get her armor off. After a few minutes I got most of her armor off, but she was still in a metallic under suit like thing. Looking at her right arm I noticed a band that had buttons and clicked the bigger button. The shine of the suit melted away to leave her in a sports bra and a pair of shorts. While I was bandaging her mid section Tessa came home and opened the door.

"What are you doing?" Asked Tessa once she looked up from her phone. You are probably wondering why she would ask me that, well I am in a particular weird situation because I have an unconscious woman sprawled on the couch and myself on top of her. That in no situation would look good to their child. I froze as I looked at Tessa. "Never mind, move. You are doing it wrong." Tessa said as I got off the woman who now I notice only has one leg? I swear she had both of them. Tessa and I moved in sync to bandage and staple wounds. Once done Tessa got up while I sat on the floor leaning on the couch. I watched as Tessa got a bowl and towel from the kitchen. She filled the bowl up with warm water and came back.

"You know, you would make a great nurse or doctor." I said as Tessa cleaned the dried blood from the mysterious person on my couch.

"I never really put much thought into it, but I think I will go into the medical field if I get that scholarship." Tessa said and smiled at me as she finished the sentence. I smiled at her and started to nod off. I left Tessa to her devices as I got some well deserved sleep.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I woke with a groan and pain. Mostly from my head, but aches every part of my body. Even in my left leg which no longer existed. The darkness of the roam meant I wasn't in a hospital, prison, or dead. It smelt like a home. The soft breeze and sound of ceiling fans made me want to drift back off to sleep. However something was missing, Optimus. He was home. He was that thing that I longed for, that ache in my soul, my true home. I peeled my eyes open and the crickets and saccades became more auditable along with the soft snores that were closer to my foot. The soft pitter patter for feet was growing closer until I saw a beautiful teenager. She had soft green eyes and bleach blonde hair pulled into a messy bun. She was caring a blanket and pillow staring at the man leaning on the couch by my foot. She then looked around the room and stopped on me.

"Oh. You're awake." She said. "I'm Tessa. My dad is the man sleeping at your feet." She said with a soft smile.

"Foot." I said. She stopped and tilted her head in confusion. "I only have one leg, now." I said as I looked at the ceiling and the spinning ceiling fan that was a cream color from my guess in the darkness of the room.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean."

"No. It's fine. I lost it almost a year ago. I don't want to talk about it. Are you in high school?"

"Yeah, I am. I am trying for a scholarship but I don't think I will get it." Tessa said sadly.

"Why not?"

"I have the grades, but it is a partial ride scholarship. You need to have to be at least third generation college attendee."

"Oh. It'll be okay, Tessa. You will go to college." I said as I looked at her. She smiled at me and draped the blanket over her dad's shoulder. "What's your dad's name?"

"It's Cade. He is really nice."

"Thank you, sweetheart." Cade grumbled out. He looked around the room then stopped when he noticed that I was awake. "Hi."

"Don't 'hi' me, you hit me in the head with a baseball bat!" I yelled then groaned from the concussion. Tessa gasped and looked at her dad with a sharp glare.

"What! I thought it was a murderous ghost or some supernatural thing coming to kill us. Honestly, it was self-defense."

"Self-defense my ass." I mumbled. Tessa heard and started to giggle.

"Okay. I get it. I'm sorry."

"Sure." I said skeptically. Cade rolled his eyes and looked between us two girls.

"So, what's your name?"

"It's (Y/n)." I said.

"That's a pretty name." Tessa said.

"What's your plan, gimpy?" Cade asked as Tessa whacked his shoulder. He looked at her and made a questioning face at her.

"I don't know. I need to kinda stay out of sight for awhile. Is it okay to stay here?" I asked. Cade was about to say something, but Tessa whacked his shoulder again and he grunted. He was rubbing his shoulder when Tessa answered.

"Of course you can stay. We have plenty of room. As soon as you are better we can have you help around the house." Tessa said. "You seem super smart with tech from the wonky do dads that you have. You can help dad create something that will be worth some actual money." Tessa said as she walked out of the room which I was guessing was the living room to the stairs that were peaking past the frame of the room. She ascended the stairs and disappeared from our sight. Cade turned his head and was staring at me.

"Yes?" I asked as I slightly turned my head in his direction.

"How did you get your hands on such advanced tech?"

"If you think I stole it then I should get off this couch and kick your ass."

"I wasn't thinking that at all." He said with small smirk.

"You are a liar sir." I said in a prissy tone. Cade chuckled and looked off into the distance. He was remembering someone that he lost. "I'm sorry about your loss. Was it Tessa's mom?"

"Yeah, she was the best thing that happened to me. I regret not being able to support Tessa financially, but I tried my hardest with what I had to make it work. I hope Tera is proud of how I raised Tessa and smiling down on us. I miss her."

"I miss people too." I said with sympathy in my voice.

"Tell you what, I have a good feeling about you. You can stay here as long as you help out." Cade said smiling while getting up off the floor. He dusted himself off and started for the stairs that Tessa took not too long ago. "Sleep well, (Y/n). Welcome to the family." He said with a smile before he retreated to what I assume is his room upstairs. I continued to stare at the ceiling as I grew tired and fell asleep.

The following weeks I healed and started to help around the house and work on my suit in the barn with the equipment Cade had. Whenever Lucas, Cade's intern, would come I would hide in the house. I didn't like him. He couldn't keep his eyes where they belonged and was over naive with any objective given to him. I learned after the first week of keeping my gear out to hide it because Lucas messed it up and it took me two weeks to fix it because Cade couldn't watch him. Almost 3 months have passed and I can't seem to want to leave the Yeager family duo. I kept my eyes open for any signals of Autobot's that need help that where in hiding. The ones that I have rescued are all across the US in hidden bunkers that I only know about. I still couldn't find Optimus and every day my heartache grew. Some days I couldn't get out of bed or eat. I hid in the dark room wallowing in despair. Tessa knocked on my door. Then slowly opened it.

"Hey (Y/n), I made your favorite. I know you need time to heal emotionally, but you shouldn't hide in this dark room. I know why don't we have a girls day! We can paint our nails and do facials!" I looked at Tessa as she talked about a girls day. I smiled at her as I remembered she never had an older female figure. I sat up and hugged her to me as I pet her hair.

"I would love that." I whispered to her. She looked at me with a beaming smile as she scrambled to my closet for an outfit. I ate as she rambled on what color nails would look good on me. I smiled as she finished finding me my clothes and brought my crutches over. It was a Saturday morning so that's why Tessa wasn't at school. Tessa doesn't know this, but I have paid off all the bills and gotten her a full ride scholarship to any school of her choice. We left the house and I hobbled to the truck that I fixed to head to town. Cade was gone most likely to find something from town to toy with for his inventions. Tessa hit up a salon and got our nails done, facials, then got some food before heading back. We got some groceries before making it back to the house before Cade got back. I paid for everything since I have a ton of money in my off shore accounts. Tessa stayed in the house as I hobbled to the barn to finish on my suit. It was to get off my ass and get moving. I plugged in my earbuds to listen to music while finishing my suit. I didn't even notice that Cade was back until a hand landed on my shoulder. I screamed and fell off my chair, cutting my hand on a tool before landing on the ground. I closed my eyes and curled into myself.

"Hey, hey, hey. You're okay. It's me. (Y/n), it's me! Look at me, you are safe." Cade said as he hugged my shaking form. He was rocking me back and forth until I stopped shaking. "I'm glad to see you out of the house and doing something." He said. I nodded to let him know I was paying attention.

"Yo, Cade. You ready to move the truck in yet?" Lucas asked while slamming the barn door open. My eyes narrowed at him and I got out of Cade's embrace. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend."

"I'm not his girlfriend." I said. Cade nodded as I grabbed my suit and armor struggling to hobble out of the barn to the house to change into my gear. Tessa saw me struggling and ran to my form. Lucas said some inappropriate remark make me whip my head in his direction. Cade dealt with him and told Tessa how to wash her clothes. I don't mind that she was wearing booty short because it gets hot here. I gave Cade a look and it made him stop and focus on the truck that I felt connected to. I shrugged the feeling off because of my heartache yearning for Optimus that every big rig I pass or see I want it to be him. Tessa dumped my stuff on my bed as I changed. I stripped into a sports bra and spanks. Putting on the gauntlets first and helmet collar. I linked them to each other and started my operation system. Activating the nano suit it spread over my body providing safety and a replacement left leg. I stood up and tested the integrity of the leg. I took a few steps and smiled at the feeling of not having to use crutches. I laughed and jumped around. Tessa heard me laughing and ran into my room. She saw me standing and ran to me. She crashed into my arms and we smiled at each other. Tears ran down her face as she hugged me. She knew how much being independent is to me meant. I placed all the additional armor on and put the cloaking function on so it looked like I was wearing regular clothes. Placing my weapons on my lower back, right thigh, and left arm they disappeared. I smiled as Tessa stared in amazement. I grabbed the cylinder that Ratchet gave me and strapped it onto my back as it too disappeared.

"We have to show my dad!" Tessa cried out as we went downstairs. We were talking when what appeared to be a missile fly into the house. I grabbed Tessa and we rushed outside. "Dad! There's a missile in the living room!" Tessa yelled as we ran to the barn.

"Cade! Cade! Are you okay?" I yelled as I pulled out a gun and entered the barn.

"Stay back! I'll kill you all!" A voice that I thought I recognize yelled out. I slowly moved to Cade while guarding Tessa from harm. I made it to him as I stared at my missing piece. The one thing that kept me going.

"Optimus." I said. His head whipped into my direction. "It's me, Optimus. I found you." I said as  I got closer to him. Tears ran down my face as he crouched down staring at me.

"(Y/n), I thought you died. I couldn't stay to be with you after the battle. I tried to save you and took you to the nearest functioning hospital, but with what happened I. I." He stopped at to try and remember what happened next and to tell me what happened. He got closer to the ground but didn't touch me as if I would break.

"Optimus, it's okay. It's all okay now." I said as I touched his cheek and laid my forehead on his. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too." Optimus leaned away as I chased his touch. "I have to get to my Autobot's they can fix me." He said as I looked at him then down at the ground tears fell more rapidly from my eyes as I shuffled away from him and to Cade's side. Tessa noticed and she hugged me. Lucas was silent this whole time.

"I don't know have far your gonna get in your condition. We can help you. (Y/n) is the best person here qualified to help and I'm an inventor. What do you say?" Cade said. From the corner of my eye I saw Optimus looking at me as if he was contemplating the option. He finally agreed and we got to work. I turned the cloaking off as to save power in the suit.

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