Ejen Ali Oneshots featuring A...


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Collection of Oneshots made by truly yours with touch of fanarts made by fellow shippers and music that may g... More



861 28 8

Isn't it strange how a life can be changed
In the flicker of the sweetest smile
We were married in spring
You know I wouldn't change a thing

╔.✯. .═════════════╗
❦                BABY                  ❦
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The couple are sitting across the woman's father looking rather nervous by the stern look of the man in front of them.

" Alicia when would you want to spend your year leave? " General Rama asked  with brows furrowed still battling with himself whether considering the decision or not.

" A year? Isn't it unnecessary Papa? I'm fine with a month "

Ali, looking anxious interfered.

" Uhm... G-general please let me talk with Alicia through this "

" Through what? A year is too long Ali. Did something went wrong?"

" Uhh--Dont worry... I --Eehm--- *cough " is what he could only reply

" Very well. I hope you decide as soon as possible. I'll be going now "

Alicia looked at her husband intently as they walked the general off.

As soon as they sat back in their couch, Alicia quickly asked Ali about the 'indifferent leave'. Ali being nervous as he was, quickly made an excuse and ran off from their house leaving Comot behind.

Alicia, who is suspecting her husband about something asked Comot but to her dismay Comot just hissed and ran off too. As if she can get an actual answer with the cat anyway.

Now Alicia really think that they are hiding something. But what could it be? As a neuro agent she can definitely see that there's nothing wrong going on but it seems that they are really hiding something so as curious as she is, she hacked her husband's belongings, too bad she can't hack his I.R.I.S. She scanned everything and she found nothing. Ali can't be cheating so what is the problem?

Meanwhile, Ali reached Viktor and Mia's home. The couple is taking care of their first kid Bea.

" Mia we'll head upstairs just call me if something gone wrong "

" Okay! "

They entered a green themed room, that somewhat calmed Ali out.

" So? "

" I badly need your help Viktor! I don't know what to do! Please tell me what to do! " Ali said freaking out again, as a 26 years old individual he can't possibly think of how to handle the matter.

Mia entered the room to serve some snacks saw the scene and giggled.

" Why? What happened? Did you ate Alicia's dark chocolate? " she asked teasingly

" It's not that! "Ali exclaimed, shaking his head continuously. Well Viktor won't wonder if Ali is freaking out just because of the reason his wife stated, he knows that Alicia can really be scary when it comes to her dark chocolate.

" Ehh? So what's the problem Ali? " Viktor asked

" Well uhmm--- I--We--I mean——"

" Oh tell it already! You don't have the whole day! " Mia said impatiently to the flustered man

" Well...  " Ali fidgety started

" Well? " Viktor asked becoming impatient too

"Alicia's-father-just-talked-to-me-about-having-kids? "

" Did you catch up Mia? What did you say Ali? Be clear man, I can't help you if I can't understand the problem "

" Ooohh that's GREAT! So? What is your problem about that? " Mia asked giggling

Viktor just looked at his wife like she suddenly have powers while Ali just buried his face on his palms flustered.

" Mia what did Ali say? I don't get it! " Viktor asked half whining

" Your friend here is having a problem because Alicia's father talked to him about them having kids, I still could not understand what's the problem with that "

Viktor, who finally catched up with the topic gave Ali a questioning look

" Yeah, isn't it good? Her father already approved of having grand kids "

Ali, who finally recovered from his 'embarrassment' responded in 'as-a-matter-of-fact' tone

" Well it's not like he have a choice or as if he can stop us from having a baby but seriously the problem is how can I tell it to Icha? Earlier, her father came to the house asking when would Alicia spend her year leave "

" Ehh? year leave? To her work? It's not like she works 10 hours a day right? She only work once in a while right? " Mia asked

Oh right! Now Ali remembered that these two didn't know that they are agents, great another lie just to escape questions

" She still need to ask for a leave you know, as I was saying Alicia thought that it is unnecessary so how the hell would I talk to her about having a baby if she doesn't even think about it? "

" Ohh so that's it! Well you can just wait for her to open up to you when she's ready like Mia do! "Viktor stated while nodding

" Lahhh, Viktor we're talking about Alicia! You know we have different approach when it comes to the both of them! "

Nodding, Mia jolted up with a bright smile on her face

" I know! We will drop off Bea to your house then take care of her as if she is your own! Show Alicia that you're a husband-daddy material I know she'll find your point while me and my dearest Viktor will have a date! Yesss! " she exclaimed excitedly, squealing and continuously nodding as if she just made the best decision

" Well yeah that'll do... I think--- " Before Ali could finish his sentence Bea's cries echoed to the house as Comot entered. Just then Alicia is already calling in the phone.


" Where did you go earlier? "

Just what Ali expected, good thing he already prepared himself for this, though Alicia is a living lie detector or maybe he is just so bad at lying so he had no option but to tell the truth.

" I went to Viktors' "

" and? " waiting for continuation, Alicia asked raising her brow

As if on cue Mia got off from the car holding Bea in her right arm and a bag in the left. If it is possible, Alicia's brow raised higher.

" I thought you went to their house earlier so why are they here now? "

Before Ali can respond, Mia already answered

" Ali!  Alicia! Can you both please take care of our little Bea just for today? We were going out and I thought it is fine if we leave her to the both of you "

Alicia thinks that something fishy going on, there's something between Ali and the newly arrived couple but she can't pinpoint it. Sighing she agreed but it's her first time taking care of a baby though. She hope they can handle it very well.

" What time will you fetch her? "

"Around 4 or 5 pm. Goodluck! Bea is such a good girl I'll guarantee that you won't sweat " Mia assured them energetically walking to the car and left a wink to Ali, luckily Alicia did not caught it


Ohh,  Bea is a good girl alright but only to Ali! Is it just her or is Ali really teaming up with these people and a baby!? Bea only come with her when she is hungry! And always making things hard for her, most of the time Bea would play with Ali who is enjoying himself so Alicia couldn't do anything but to watch those two.

Actually it's kinda' cute watching Ali playing with a baby sometimes kissing, hugging or tickling Bea that leads into laughter, Alicia couldn't help it but to smile Ali will be a great dad.


Before she can even think about it the doorbell already rang. Time flies so fast, she didn't know it's 5 o'clock already

" Hi! I'm picking up our baby! I hope she did not tire you both up! We have a good time too so thank you! Well we'll go now! " Mia exclaimed, more energetic than before

Ali is hesitating of handing Bea already. The last part of the plan should be done soon but he doesn't have the courage to do it. He looked calm but deep inside he's freaking out already

' How would I do this! '

He snapped out from his trance as the weight of the baby was lifted from his arms and a gentle pat from Mia who has her back from Alicia, mouthed Ali a goodluck. Now Ali became more nervous.

' Oh come on! How can Alicia be this hard'

The nervousness. The feelings. It reminds him of the day when he was about to propose to Alicia. He regret being nervous that day so now he composed himself and act normal. Having a baby is normal, planning to have one is normal so why is he so nervous?

Alicia who closed the door, approached her husband. She's tired of thinking about what's happening and her patience is wearing thin. She glared at Ali and gestured him to sit in the couch.

" Let's talk "

And that is Ali's cue. If he won't do the talking first he know that everything would be harder so he made up his mind and go with the flow on how his body will execute the plan.

' It's now or never ' he thought and immediately walked to Alicia that is already near to the couch.

Alicia was suprised and flustered. Ali is hugging her from behind, burying his face to her hair, sniffing her scent. Alicia couldn't move though it's been a year already. She's still not use to this stuff, cuddling and so. And now Ali is doing this! Before the talk! A-ha! Now Alicia got over from her blushing as the thought of Ali doing this just to sway the topic off crossed her mind. She attempted to broke free from his grasp in her waist but the thing is, she ATTEMPTED but failed.

" Ali, if you think I'll forgot about the---"

" Shhh, just listen to me " he murmured through her hair as he put her hair on her left shoulder, gently pressing small kisses in her neck and sometimes nuzzles her nape. You'll see Alicia in a blushing mess. She opened her mouth to protest but Ali started to talk.

" Icha, I want a baby " he whispered under his breath

Now that caught Alicia off guard, she actually think that Ali is leaving for a mission or something like that. Her breathe hitched that turned to a gasp.

" That is what the year leave for. That is why Bea is here with us earlier. We don't talk about it that much so I can't say it directly. I don't know how to open it to you. Since the general already asked so I guess your decision is the only thing needed " he confessed turning her around to face him. Now she can see her husband's red face. Alicia smiled and cupped Ali's face

" You know I want kids too Ali. I don't open the topic either since I'm afraid that I'll fail to give their needs though I'm glad that Papa adopted me, I don't want them to end up like me when I don't give enough love to them. Honestly, I didn't imagine before that I'll end up like this not until I met you. I discovered that I'm capable to love. I'm just doubting myself but now I know that you'll be here by my side, I'm not alone, we can guide a baby through life right? " she stated ending it with a smile, looking up to Ali who is wearing a wide smile as he hug her.

" Thank you " he whispered wearing his usual goofy smile

" No, thank you " she responded, her smile not leaving her face

Ali gently pushed her away so he can see her face, slowly gazed to her face wearing a huge grin. He started sliding his fingers into the tips of her hair, staring into it as if it's the most interesting thing in the world and slowly move his gaze into her hazel brown eyes, slowly leaning his face to her. He wisphered when their faces are only 3 inches apart.

" Sooooo.... How about tonight? "

He said it huskily so it caused her to blush, Alicia immediately pushed his face away from hers and ran to their bedroom, slamming the door in a loud bang.

" NO! "

Ali just shakes his head, chuckling
" I'm just kidding! Oh and don't forget to talk to the general about this " he called out as he sat in the couch petting Comot that climbed into his lap.


Credits to the artist of the fanart aboahttps://www.instagram.com/p/CLZbUzHHdLo/?utm_medium=copy_link


I'm happy so here's an update!!!'-'

I hope y'all like it!

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