Battleship: Orochi

By DragonLord39

158K 1.8K 7K

As you all know, ships are mainly referred to as girls. What would happen if one of those ships... was a male... More

Striker Character Bio
Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: Introductions and Iron Blood
Chapter 3: A Royal Pain in the Aft
Chapter 4: Assessments
Chapter 5: Blockade
Chapter 6: Swords and Honor
Chapter 7: Mirror Fleets and Shattered Seas
Chapter 8: Queen of the North
Chapter 9: Sirens
Chapter 10: Showdown
Orochi Character Bio
Chapter 12: Explanations
A Small Incident (Special)
Chapter 13: Sortie
Chapter 14: Dates and Shenanigans
4th of July (Special)
Night of the Yandere (Special)
Chapter 15: Competitions
A Small Incident Reactions (Special/Request)
Night of the Yandere Reactions (Special/Request)
Chapter 16: Finale
Epilogue, Twelve Years Later

Chapter 11: Orochi

4.8K 66 221
By DragonLord39

3rd Person POV

Pacific Ocean

Wind blew steadily across the sea as the two massive fleets faced each other, guns gleaming in the sunlight as waves crashed against their hulls.

"All units!" Enterprise shouted. "Fire at will!"

"Eviscerate them!" Empress commanded.

Both sides charged toward each other as the thunder of guns echoed across the water, Striker and Enterprise leading Azur Lane with the Destroyers, the Iowa sisters, Purifier, and the Cruisers following close behind.

Behind them, Dreamweaver hovered in the air, controlling her mass-produced ships and sending them sailing in behind the Cruisers, guns blazing.

Staying back, Hornet and the other Carriers launched dozens of planes into the air while Warspite and the other Battleships opened fire, shelling the Siren ships from a distance as they closed in, Omitter at their head while the Empress stayed back with ten High-Class Sirens at her side.

"This is the end for you!" Omitter shouted and charged Striker as the Battleship streaked toward her, sword at the ready.

Aiming her turrets, she fired, sending a barrage of shells at Striker.

Grinning, Striker ducked out of the way, revealing Enterprise, who fired her bow, sending a hail of gleaming arrows to intercept Omitter's shells.

"What—" Omitter barely managed to dodge one of Enterprise's arrows just in time for Striker to jump into the air, kicking her back and hovering across from her.

"How did you...?" Enterprise trailed off.

Striker grinned. "Let's just say I picked up a few tricks." Darting toward her, he sidestepped a blast from Omitter and dashed forward. His sword flashed through the air, trailing fire....

And Omitter's head went flying, her body disintegrating into ashes.

"Let's go!" Striker shouted.

Enterprise nodded at him, and the two of them dashed toward the enemy as multiple Sirens flew toward them, guns blazing.

"Open fire!" Iowa shouted. She, Jersey, and Tester fired, taking down several ships.

One Siren flew at Wisconsin, guns aimed, but before she could fire, something tapped her on the shoulder. Turning, her eyes widened as she found herself staring down the barrel of one of Missouri's guns.

"Mahala, mother—" She fired, blowing the Siren apart.

"Ew!" Wisconsin whined, wiping off part of the Siren's rig as it landed on her. "Missouri."

"Sorry, little sis," Missouri apologized before turning and aiming her guns at a trio of Siren ships. With a sound like thunder, her guns fired, sending a barrage of armor-piercing shells slamming into the Siren ships, sinking them.

Dodging laser fire, Laffey, Z23, Z1, Javelin, and Ayanami charged toward the enemy Sirens' east flank. "Let's do this!" Ayanami shouted, deflecting a laser with her sword.

Z23 and Z1 nodded, and the two Destroyers launched a barrage of torpedoes into the water, sinking five Siren ships and a Carrier as Laffey and Javelin launched torpedoes as well, sinking several more.

Flying over waves of gunfire, two Sirens divebombed Kaga and Akagi, but before they could strike, Zuikaku and Shoukaku intercepted, slashing off their riggings with their swords and causing the Sirens to crash into each other.

"Nicely done," Amagi said, nodding at the two of them before turning to her sisters. "Now, let us show them the true might of the Sakura Empire."

They nodded and together launched a swarm of planes into the air, sending them flying down toward the Siren fleet in front of them while Amagi aimed her turrets and fired, taking down two High- Class Sirens.

"Take them out!" the Empress shouted.

Dozens of Siren drones raised into the air and took off, flying toward the Sakura Carriers' forces. Before they could attack, gunfire tore through them as seven Eagle Union Interceptors shot through.

"You didn't think I'd let you gals have all the fun, did ya?" Hornet asked with a grin, sailing over.

Amagi nodded at her and turned as the two sides' aircraft clashed in the sky.

Aiming their turrets, two dozen Siren ships trained their guns on Cleveland, her sisters, Northampton, and Hammann, and opened fire, lasers streaking through the air.

"No!" Wales shouted.

Before the lasers could hit, a blue shield of energy shimmered into existence in front of Cleveland and the others, blocking the lasers.

Eyes wide, Wales turned and saw Dreamweaver hovering in the air, blue energy shimmering around her outstretched hand. "Purifier," she called, lowering her hand, "do you want to take care of this?"

"Do I?" Purifier cackled. Flying up above Cleveland and the others, she aimed her guns. "Sayonara!" She opened fire, sending a wild barrage of shells down on the mass-produced Siren ships and annihilating them.

"Striker definitely has some explaining to do after this," Cleveland said, staring up at Purifier as the Siren Battleship fired down at her former allies.

"Take care of this," the Empress instructed, turning to two of the Sirens at her side.

They nodded and flew down, one of them shooting toward Striker while the other advanced toward Enterprise.

Aiming her guns, one of the Sirens fired at Striker. Seeing the shells coming, Striker swung his sword, weaving a web of steel around him and deflecting the volley.

"Oh good, looks like I can actually have some fun!" the Siren cackled. "Remember me?"

"Not really, I don't pay attention to unimportant side characters, Sheila," Striker replied.

"You impudent Battleship!" the Siren shouted. "I am Hermit IX, second of the Arbiter-Class Sirens, and you shall feel my wrath!"  

Aiming her turrets, she fired, sending six gleaming energy beams flying toward Striker.

Rolling to the side, Striker dodged the lasers and aimed his primaries. Firing, he sent a salvo of shells crashing into Arbiter, knocking her back.

Dodging around another wave of energy blasts, Striker charged his railgun and fired, obliterating two of Hermit's guns.

"You fool, you'll pay for that!" Hermit shouted and fired.

Before her shots could hit, three planes flew in, intercepting the shots.

"Shoot, ya didn't think I'd let you handle this one all on your own, did ya?" Hornet asked, sailing up next to Striker.

"You're late, Mate," Striker said with a grin.

"Better late than never," Hornet countered. "You ready to take her down?"

"You two won't even manage to scratch my armor," Hermit sneered.

"Then I guess it's a good thing there's more of us."

Whipping around, Hermit turned just in time to get blasted back by Jersey's primaries.

"We've got you, big brother!" Wisconsin shouted as she and Jersey aimed their guns at Hermit.

"Yeah, go kick the Empress's butt!" Jersey agreed, firing a salvo at Hermit and knocking her back.

"Right." Nodding, Striker turned and shot toward the Empress in the distance, blasting Sirens out of his way.

"You girls ready?" Hornet asked, turning to Wisconsin and New Jersey.

"Let's kick her aft!" New Jersey cheered and aimed her guns.

"Fools!" Hermit snarled. "You pathetic weaklings are no match for—" She was cut off as a shell hit her in the face, knocking her back.

Eyes wide, Hornet and Jersey turned to see Wisconsin aiming her guns at Hermit.

"What?" she asked in confusion. "She was annoying."

"Now I definitely see the resemblance," Hornet commented, getting into a fighting position as Wisconsin and Jersey raised their guns, all three aiming at Hermit as the High-Class Siren charged them.

Off to the side, the Siren facing Enterprise tilted her head, her jellyfish-style rig floating behind her.  

"It seems as though my allies need my assistance." Raising her guns, she aimed at Wisconsin's back.

"Hey, Temperance!" Iowa shouted, aiming her primaries. "Remember us?!"

Temperance turned just in time to get a salvo of shells to the torso, knocking her back.

"So, you have survived," Temperance mused as Missouri and Iowa came up beside Enterprise. "No matter, I will just have to put you under the waves again."

"The thing is," Enterprise said, Belfast coming up beside her as well, "the only one who will fall here is you."

Aiming their weapons, the four shipgirls fired, only for Temperance to wave a hand, forming a forcefield and deflecting their attacks.

"You will have to try better than that if you wish to defeat us," Temperance stated and lashed out, three of her rigging's tentacles arrowing toward Enterprise. Before they could connect, Belfast blasted them out of the way and countered with a volley, which Temperance deflected.

Aiming their guns, Iowa and Missouri opened fire, sending shells raining down on Temperance and pushing her back.

Dodging around a volley of laser blasts, Striker aimed his railgun at the ship ahead of him and fired. The shell tore through the air, splitting the ship apart in a brilliant explosion.

Two High-Class Sirens charged at him, but before they could attack, two massive shark hulls tore them out of the air.

"Go, child!" Friedrich der Große called, aiming her guns and firing, obliterating two mass-produced ships. "End this!"

"Vee've got zis," Tirpitz agreed, raining shells on her enemy along with her sister. "Go!"

A Siren lunged at her, and thunder cracked through the sky as a massive salvo slammed into the Siren, shattering her into fragments.

"We will handle the Sirens," Yamato said, stepping up with her rigging deployed. Aiming her guns, she fired, obliterating two Siren Battleships. "End this fight."

Nodding, Striker shot toward the Empress and aimed his guns. "Fire!" Thunder echoed across the sea as his turrets fired, sending a salvo of shells flying toward the Empress.

Blocking his shots, the Empress sneered. "You are no match for me, Battleship. It would be best for you to just give up."

"Sorry, Sheila, that word's not part of my vocabulary," Striker replied.

"Then you'd best extend it," the Empress replied and aimed her guns before firing, sending a barrage of lasers arcing toward Striker.

Dodging, Striker raised his railgun and fired, sending a shell tearing through the air toward the Empress. Opening a portal, the Empress disappeared through it, the shell flying past where she had been.

Hearing a crackling sound behind him, Striker turned just as the Empress's rigging lashed out, the tail slamming into his torso and throwing him to the water.

"You're weak," the Empress stated, staring down at him scornfully. "You're nothing but an insect compared to my power."

"You're one to talk," Striker retorted, rising to his feet. "Are you so weak that you resort to cheap tricks? Some Empress you are, not even strong enough to face an opponent head on."

"You want to see my power?!" the Empress shouted, eyes flashing angrily as her rigging gleamed. All around the battlefield, dozens of mass-produced Siren ships glowed and dissolved into purple cubes, which flew to the Empress, merging with her and forming a massive purple aura around her. "The strength of the Sirens flows through my veins, and you will feel their wrath!" Forming a sword of gleaming purple energy, she shot toward Striker, blade hissing through the air.

Raising his sword, Striker met her blow with his own, blue flames streaking down his blade as the two weapons crashed. The resulting shockwave sent water flying in all directions in a massive ring.

Pushing Striker back, the Empress swung her blade at his neck, but he deflected with his sheath and lashed out with his sword.

Deflecting the strike, the Empress kicked him backward and lunged, blade hissing toward Striker's neck. Crossing his sword and sheath, Striker blocked the blow, skidding back several feet.

"You are weak," the Empress growled, her blade hissing against Striker's as her red eyes flashed. "You're nothing compared to me."

"At least I don't fight alone," Striker countered. Pushing her back, he aimed his primaries and fired, knocking the Empress back.

Darting forward, Striker deflected a trio of lasers with his sheath and swung out with his sword, but the Empress deflected. Not giving up, Striker backflipped into the air, launching four missiles toward the Empress as he did so.

Swinging her rigging's tail through the air, the Empress destroyed the missiles. "Is that all you've got?" she challenged. "If this is the best humanity has to offer, then you are as good as finished."

"Not quite," Striker replied, jumping through the smoke above her. Spinning, his blade scythed down toward the Empress, but she blocked with her sword. Particles gathering around the barrel of one of her guns, she raised it and fired, sending Striker crashing backward.

"You were never strong enough to defeat me!" the Empress screeched. "Once I am done with this world, I will finish what I started in yours!"

Gritting his teeth, Striker staggered to his feet, acutely aware of the rest of the fighting dying around him as the two sides separated, watching silently.

"Come on," Hornet muttered, watching anxiously. "Get up."

"It's over," the Empress stated. "Give up."

Standing up, Striker raised his sword and got into a fighting stance. "I'm not done yet," Striker growled, eyes flashing blue with fire at the edges. "I still have people worth fighting for."


"That's the difference between you and me," Striker said, flames dashing down the edge of his blade. "You fight for yourself, to regain a power that was never yours. I, on the other hand—"

Fire flashed at the edges of his eyes.

"I fight for my sisters, for Hornet, for Azur Lane, and for both our worlds!" Striker shouted. A blue flaming aura exploded around him, and he shot forward, sword scything toward the Empress's shoulder.

Raising her weapon, the Empress deflected the blow, only to barely catch Striker's blade as the Battleship slashed at her side. Pushing him back, she aimed a blow at Striker's ribs, only for the Battleship to block with his sheath.

Her rigging's tail swung around, aiming at Striker's head, but before it could connect, Striker's left shark hull reached up, stopping it.

Bringing his sword around, Striker deflected a hasty blow at his chest and locked the hilt of his weapon with the Empress's. Twisting, he forced her blade down, disarming her and sending her sword splashing to the water below.

Before the Empress could react, Striker aimed his railgun and fired, shooting her in the chest and sending her flying backward.

"Give up, Empress," Striker growled. "It's over."

"Over?" the Empress laughed. "It's only just begun." Raising her hand, purple energy arced across her palm.

"Oh great, now what?" Wisconsin whined.

Purple energy gathered around the Orochi, and the whole ship began to glow. With a bright flash of red energy, it began dissolving into thousands of red wisdom cubes. With an explosion of red light, the Orochi collapsed on itself, the cubes merging into a figure kneeling on the water.

"This cannot be good," Queen Elizabeth mused.

Flexing a gloved hand, the figure's hand snapped into a fist, and he raised his head, eyes flashing red.

Two Carrier decks rose on his back, one attached to each shoulder blades, and a single-barreled turret rose on each shoulder. Attached to his hips, two decks expanded, four triple-gun turrets primed and ready, two on each end of their respective decks. Multiple smaller triple turrets surrounded his hulls, several more on the edges of his Carrier decks as his conning tower rose over his right shoulder.

"Orochi!" The Empress ordered, hovering into the air above the battlefield. "Destroy them!"

"As you wish, my Empress," Orochi acknowledged, red eyes gleaming. "I will unleash the full power of the Sirens." Standing, he raised his guns.

"Fire!" The Empress ordered.

Orochi nodded, and his guns gleamed, swirling with red energy as he aimed...

At the Empress.

"What?!" she shouted.

Orochi fired, unleashing a barrage of red lasers that sent her flying backward.

"What is this?!" the Empress shouted, everyone on the battlefield staring in shock.

"This is the true power of the Black Mental Cube," Striker replied, walking up beside Orochi as blue and red flames flickered around them, respectively. "The one you tried so hard to control. Don't you see? The Black Mental Cube didn't fail because humanity was weak. It failed because humanity was stronger than you will ever be."

"So, you both have overcome my corruption," the Empress sneered. "No matter. At the end of all this, the sun will set over your bodies and this ravaged world!"

Raising her arm, she called Hermit and Temperance to her side. "Eviscerate them!"

Nodding, the two Sirens lunged at them, guns charging with energy.

"You ready, brother?" Orochi asked, drawing a pair of gleaming red katanas.

"Born ready," Striker replied and raised his sword into the air. "Azur Lane! Attack!"

Bringing his sword down, Striker charged at Temperance and Hermit, Orochi beside him as the two sides clashed once more.

Raising her guns, Hermit fired at Orochi, only for the Battlecarrier to summon a red forcefield in front of him, blocking the volley. Aiming his Carrier decks, he launched a fleet of Siren aircraft into the air and toward Temperance.

"Fool," Temperance stated. Her rigging's tentacles raised into the air and lashed out, cutting down several drones. "Was that supposed to be an attack?"

"No," Orochi replied. "A distraction."

Eyes widening, Temperance turned just as Striker fired his primaries, sending a hail of high-explosives shells raining on the Siren and knocking her back.

"You will pay for that!" Hermit shouted. She aimed her guns at Striker, only for Orochi to blast her in the side with his turrets.

"Eyes on me, Siren," Orochi growled, charging his turrets again.

Snarling, Hermit aimed her guns at Orochi and fired, but the Battlecarrier swung his swords, deflecting the salvo. Raising his turrets into the air, he returned fire, lasers slicing through the smoke to slam against Hermit, knocking her back.

"I've got this!" Orochi shouted, charging toward Temperance and Hermit as the two fired at him. "Take care of the Empress!"

Nodding, Striker turned and shot toward the Empress.

"Back for more?" she asked, another sword manifesting in her hand.

"You bet," Striker replied. Aiming his launchers, he fired, sending ten Tomahawk cruise missiles flying toward the Empress.

Laughing, the Empress lashed out with her sword, cutting the missiles in half and causing them to explode in front of her. "Is that the best your pathetic attempts can muster?"

In response, two armor-piercing shells slammed into her, knocking her back.

Eyes wide, she barely managed to raise her sword in time as seven more shells tore through the air, whistling out of the smoke as Striker fired, using the smoke to his advantage.

Barely dodging another salvo, the Empress raised her guns and returned fire, aiming at Striker, but the Battleship deflected her attacks with his sword. Raising his shark hulls, he fired, sending four high-explosive rounds slamming against her and knocking the Empress back.

With Orochi

"Come on," Orochi taunted, swords gleaming as he faced Temperance and Hermit. "Is that the best you two can do?"

"Hermit, do not—" Temperance started, but was cut off as Hermit lunged toward Orochi, "...attack."

Aiming her guns, Hermit fired, sending three jets of gleaming energy hissing toward Orochi.

Raising his Carrier decks, Orochi positioned them in front of him, blocking the blows while taking light damage.

"Are you so weak that you have to cower behind your own shields?" Hermit taunted. "What a pathetic—!"

She never got to finish as Orochi relaxed his decks to standby, revealing all his turrets charged and ready. "Sayonara!" His guns fired, sending a barrage of energy flying through the air to crash into Hermit, annihilating her rigging and blowing off her arm.

"'Tis but a scratch!" Hermit shouted.

"A scratch?" Orochi asked disbelievingly, raising an eyebrow. "Your arm's off."

"No, it isn't."

"Then what's that then?" Orochi gestured to the fallen limb with one of his blades.

"Just a flesh wound."

Orochi sighed. "Just surrender before you lose another arm... and your legs."

"You can't defeat me; I'm invincible!" Hermit cried.

Darting forward, Orochi's blade flashed, and Hermit's other arm fell to the water below, his second blade cutting through her legs and sending her collapsing to the water. "I guess we'll call it a draw." Red flames burned across his sword, and he stabbed Hermit through the heart, flames consuming her body until there was nothing left.

Wiping some ashes off his blade, Orochi turned and raised his other sword, pointing it at Temperance. "You're next, Siren."

"Intriguing," Temperance mused, seemingly undaunted by the massive threat in front of her. "You are very powerful indeed to have defeated Hermit so easily. Yet I wonder, can you protect your allies from suffering the same fate?"

Raising her guns, Temperance fired, sending a barrage of energy bolts flying toward Amagi, who was simultaneously holding off a pair of High-Class Sirens and three mass-produced ships, blocking their attacks with her parasol.

"Sister/Amagi-San!" Akagi and Kaga shouted.

Sensing the threat, Amagi turned, and her eyes widened as the energy shells blurred toward her unprotected side.

Before they could hit, a shadow passed over her, pushing her out of the way, and the shells hit in a massive explosion.

"Amagi!" Akagi cried, only to stare in shock as the smoke dissipated, revealing Orochi standing above her sister, his swords crossed.

"Guess I am strong enough," Orochi commented. Sheathing a sword, he turned and extended a gloved hand to Amagi. "We really have to stop meeting like this."

Amagi nodded, and a small smile crossed her lips as she grasped his hand, and Orochi helped her up. "Yes, that would be quite preferable." Turning, she gestured toward Temperance as the Siren escaped through a portal. "What about her?"

Orochi smirked and showed an empty launcher beneath his left hull rigging. "She won't get far."

With Temperance

"It seems as though the Empress's plan has failed," the High-Class Siren murmured, stepping through the portal and into the mirror seas, where dozens of mass-produced ships and Sirens awaited her command.

"Let us see how strong Orochi is when faced with the might of..." she trailed off as she heard a beeping sound behind her.

Turning, Temperance's eyes widened at seeing a Fritz X missile attached to her rigging. "Oh, sh—"

The missile detonated, vaporizing her instantly along with the entire fleet she had assembled.

Back with Orochi

Amagi smiled. "So, it would seem." She gestured to the battle around them. "Shall we?"

Orochi nodded, drawing his second sword. "Let's go." Together, they charged into the fight, guns blazing.

As he launched a fleet of aircraft from his decks, Orochi glanced up at where Striker dueled the Empress above, blue and purple energy flickering around each individually. Hope you're being careful up there, bro.

With Striker

"Come on, you call that an attack?" Striker taunted, deflecting a blow to his side. Swinging his railgun around, he fired, but the Empress dodged the blow. "I've seen Purifier aim better."

"I heard that!" Purifier called, unleashing a salvo of lasers on a group of mass-produced ships.

"Gah!" The Empress lunged at him, her sword hissing toward Striker's head.

Catching the blow on the hilt of his katana, Striker lashed out with his sheath. The blunted weapon slammed into the Empress's torso, knocking her back.

Aiming his primaries and secondaries, Striker fired, sending a salvo of shells flying toward the Empress.

As the Empress's rigging curled around to protect her, Striker launched six Harpoon missiles at it, blowing off two of its fins and one of the Empress's guns.

Growling, the Empress shot toward Striker, her blade hissing toward Striker's chest.

Deflecting the blow, Striker ducked, the Empress's blade hissing over his head. Bringing his sword around, Striker struck at the Empress as she did the same, their blades crossing between them in a shower of sparks. His right shark hull lashed out, slamming into the Empress's chest and biting into the side of her rigging. On Striker's other side, his left shark hull did the same, immobilizing the Empress.

"You know the thing about underestimating your opponent?" Striker asked, his sword burning against the Empress's. "Don't do it."

Pushing her sword to the side, Striker raised his railgun and fired. The shot slammed into the Empress, blasting her through her rigging and shattering it to pieces as she flew backward, barely managing to stay in the air.

His shark hulls tossing the remains of the Empress's rigging to either side, Striker shot forward, sword blurring through the air as the flames dancing across the blade shined brighter.

Her sword gleaming, the Empress charged at him as well, purple energy streaking around her.

With a tremendous clash, their swords met, and a bright flash tore through the sky.

Down below, Siren and Azur Lane forces alike paused, staring up in shock at the sight above them.

The Empress's sword gleamed as its blade burned in Striker's gloved hand, purple energy flickering. Aura dispersing, the Empress looked down, horror streaking her features as she stared...

At Striker's sword buried in her chest.

"What... are you?" the Empress coughed.

"What am I, Sheila?" Striker asked, his whispered voice carrying across the sky as his eyes flashed. "I'm a monument to all your sins."

Flames burst across his blade, and with a mighty heave, he slashed upward, splitting the Siren leader from hip to shoulder as flames danced through the air.

Everyone watched, frozen in shocked awe as the Empress's body fell to the water below, flames consuming her until nothing remained but ashes.

All around, Azur Lane forces cheered as the Sirens retreated, disappearing through multiple portals as Striker sank to the water below, flames dying around him.


Looking up, Striker smiled as his sisters ran to him and tackled him in a hug.

Laughing, Striker embraced them, his rigging relaxing for the first time since he arrived.

Eventually, Striker looked up and saw Hornet running toward him. Gently moving his sisters aside, he caught Hornet in a hug, embracing her as she did the same.

"It's over," she said with a smile. "You did it, Striker."

"No," Striker corrected, pulling back and smiling back at her. "We did it." He looked around as Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Sakura Empire, and Iron Blood ships alike celebrated. "Together."

(A/N) For those who think this is the final chapter, don't worry, there are still a few more chapters to come. 

(A/N) Here's a key of faction characters and their alliances, so you all can keep track. It will be updated throughout the story as new characters are introduced.

(Azur Lane) Eagle Union: Enterprise, Cleveland, Hornet, Laffey, Northampton, Long Island, Arizona, Helena, Hammann, San Diego, Nevada, Columbia, Denver, Montpelier, Essex, Bogue

(Azur Lane) Royal Navy: Prince of Wales, Javelin, Illustrious, Unicorn, Belfast, Hood, Warspite, Queen Elizabeth, Edinburgh, Sheffield, Langley, Ark Royal

(Azur Lane) Dragon Empery: Ning Hai, Ping Hai

(Red Axis) Sakura Empire: Kaga, Akagi, Ayanami, Zuikaku, Shoukaku, Kako, Souryuu, Hiryuu, Nagato, Mutsu, Takao, Atago, Akashi, Ise, Hyuuga, Yuudachi, Shigure, Yukikaze, Amagi, Yamashiro, Fusou

(Red Axis) Iron Blood: Prinz Eugen, Z23, Z1, Tirpitz, Admiral Hipper, Deutschland, Roon, Bismarck, Friedrich der Große

Sirens: Tester, Purifier, Omitter, Smasher, Observer Alpha, The Empress, Observer Zero/Dreamweaver, Orochi, Hermit, Temperance

Unknown Alliance: Striker, Iowa, Missouri, New Jersey, Wisconsin

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