By 999Toxic

26.4K 936 613

A story in which an 18 year old girl who struggles with her mental health, texts the first number she types i... More



360 16 2
By 999Toxic

Madison was way out of her element when she walked into Buzzfeed headquarters, everyone around her was all dressed up in suits and dresses while she was in plain skinny jeans and a hoodie.

She looked extremely out of place and everyone staring at her just made her uncomfortable and made her want to walk right back out of the building. She probably would have too if she weren't approached by a girl who looked a little older than her.

"Are you Madison?" She was dressed just like everyone else, it must have been a company dress code. At least this girl seemed friendly, everyone else just gave her dirty looks or ignored her.

"Yes. Are you... Alice?" She asked, unsure of if she got the name right or not. She was too excited this morning and barely caught her name.

"Yes, that's me. Follow me, please." Madison was then lead down several different hallways, finding it hard to keep up with the girl who did this for a living.

When they finally stopped, much to Madison's relief, she was lead into a conference room with three people inside. The interviewer sat at the head of the table, to his left was a girl with a laptop who looked ready to type every word that was said.

The last person must have been the interviewers assistant as she had just brought him his coffee. "Miss Baker, welcome. Please, have a seat." The girl with the laptop began typing already, something Madison was sure to find annoying.

She took a seat at the opposite end of the table, waving goodbye to Alice who then stepped away and shut the door behind her. The interviewer, who's nametag read Charlie, took a sip of his coffee before getting straight to the point.

"So, Madison, you're trending on the charts and you're not even signed to a label. That's almost unheard of. How did you manage to get so popular so fast on your own?"

"Actually, I didn't do it on my own."

"You didn't?"

"Of course not. That's impossible, like you said."

"So you're saying you had some help?"

Madison smiled over the memories of working with Rook and Mod, those memories being kept close to her heart.

"Yes. I'm sure you know who my brother is, correct?"

Charlie only nodded as an answer before waiting for her to continue.

"His drummer, Rook, is my best friend. Has been for a long time. He did the drumming in my songs. My brother helped Mod Sun produce it. It was a team effort."

She paused to think about the person who helped the most. The person who inspired most of the songs. "And my boyfriend inspired most of the ep. He helped promote my work."

"I'm assuming you mean Yungblud?" It wasn't exactly a secret to the public that they were dating. They were all over each others instagram and constantly commenting on each others posts, but this was the first time someone really mentioned it.

"Yes. He's both my biggest inspiration and my biggest motivation. Without him, the ep would have never gotten uploaded."

"Speaking of Yungblud, he sent out a tweet this morning stating that you were going on tour with him."

Madison felt herself getting excited all over again, her smile widening at the mere mention of the tour. "Yes. We are going on tour together. I'm excited and ready to perform for the first time to a real audience."

They talked for a solid hour, about the tour, songs she released aside from the ep, and about her relationship with Dom.

"I appreciate you coming in and talking with me today. I wish you the best of luck with your new career path." She stood up to her feet when he came over to her before she shook his hand and left the room.

As soon as she was out of the building, she called Dom.

"Hey! How did it go?" He asked as soon as he answered the phone, she could tell he was smiling just by the tone of his voice.

"It went pretty well. The guy asked me a lot of questions about my ep and the tour. They also asked me about our relationship."

"I can't wait to see it." As soon as he said this, Madison's eyes went wide, her face paling as if she had just seen a ghost. She remembered revealing that most of her ep was insprired by Dom. She hadn't even had a chance to tell him yet.

"Don't read it yet. Please." Dom was confused. He had no idea why she wanted to keep the interview from him.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"There's things I mentioned that involve you and I want to be the one to tell you. I don't want you to find out that way."

Dom wanted to read it even more now but he had to respect her wishes and wait for her to tell him.

"Okay, well you might wanna tell me when you get home before it's all over Twitter and I see it anyway."

Shit, she didn't think about that. Now she had to tell him even sooner than she originally planned.

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