Ejen Ali Oneshots featuring A...


18.7K 512 148

Collection of Oneshots made by truly yours with touch of fanarts made by fellow shippers and music that may g... Více



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Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah
I won't give up, nah-nah-nah
Let me love you
Let me love you

Ali's Birthday is on April 8 while Alicia is on July 31--It is not in this oneshot though

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❦             PRESENT             ❦
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Tousled hair, twinkling eyes with quite long lashes, pointed nose, cherry lips, broad shoulders, wide chest, taught waist and tall height.

Alicia can't tell that it is Ali standing before her, she's been staring at him for quite some time. She didn't know that after 3 years Ali's physical changes would be like this, so... manly. He's now 6 feet tall on her estimate. Who would have thought that this guy used to be smaller than her, now she just reached his chest.

Guess puberty already hit him right.

" Hey Alicia can I come in? " Ali is suprised too when he checked her out.

Alicia is fit-no sexy---hot he thought. Her waist would probably only 20. And unlike before, Alicia's hair is now longer it reaches her elbow that indeed looks good on her--well he doubt that something wouldn't look good on her, her hazel brown eyes with long lashes are quite chinky, her cute pointy nose and that damn natural red kissable lips. Ali bit his lower lip and clicked his tongue.

" It's been a long time, how are you? What do you want for a drink? "

Ahh... the so called catching up

" A juice would do "

" I enjoyed the training there at first mostly when I experienced a peaceful and quiet day without Alicia Kheng but eventually I missed actual missions with you, uncle Bakar, and agent Rizwan, I miss the days that I'm dreaming then waking up late and going to school in a hurry, asking for Victor's help to slide in the discussion without being noticed but you always caught me up" he chuckled as he paused

" Actually the general extended the training for a year or two but I'm sick waking up with Rudy's face, him towering me, his harsh remarks well he isn't Rudy if he's not harsh, the training is harder--the reason why I grew this muscles, studying there is enjoyable too I met new friends in there, I'll introduce you to them someday, well now you can't argue with me putting my low grades on the argument I get straight A's there maybe because I studied a lot since it's boring there can't do stuffs I used to do here. How about you Alicia ? How have you been? "

Alicia felt the familiar tug in the corners of her lips that results to a smile as she handed the glass of juice to Ali.

'He's still the Ali I know before'

" I'm fine here, nothing changed that much, I'm training a lot too because I won't take it when you are now stronger than me. But yeah I kinda miss an idiot compromising things "

"Ehh? Is your feelings towards me considered in there too? " he asked not minding the other things she said

"Hmm? What do you mean feelings towards you? What do you think I felt towards you before" she asked masking the shock in her system.

"T-this is really awkward you know, Aish! You know what I'm talking about just respond to it " he replied, rolling his eyes

"Come on Alicia, I know you still remember that time w-when I c-confessed to you "

"What about it? As far as I can remember I didn't gave a clear answer because we're young, and I don't have time to make it clear, also you have decisions to make that time and I'm aware that by answering it, it might change your mind, I mean look at you--your changes prove something about the decision you made, what do you think will happen if I answered you that time "

" Oh come on, just look at my eyebags, I can't sleep early because I'm always thinking about you, sometimes I think that I sleeptalk calling your name, luckily no one heard it...well I think "

Alicia was amused on how Ali can say those words in front of her face right now, Ali is a frank boy but before, Ali would only tell if it slips out of his tongue then he's face would be as red as tomato but right now Ali didn't get his tongue slipped he is rather telling it directly though a hint of red tint is evident on his face.

" So you blame me now? "

Ali opens his mouth to retort but a familiar ringtone interrupted, a familiar logo has appeared in his and Alicia's phone screen.

" I guess it's time to welcome me back, 2 years yet fate did not want me to hear a response, great just great " he said then sighed

" Is there any secret passage in your house? "


The two were suprised when a certain girl catches their eyes, she is probably in their age she has a dark brown wavy hair that matches Alicia's hair length, she has black eyes and quite long lashes, slimmer and smaller than Alicia probably 6 inches smaller.

" Is everyone here? " General Rama asked

" Yes, General "they said in unison

" Today all of you has no assigned mission, We want to welcome our agents back and welcome Alice as a new inviso agent which passed the test earlier "

" Hi, I'm Alice I'm 17 years old and now living and studying with Alicia I hope we can all be friends, thank you and I also thank you general for helping and accepting me here "

" Alicia tour her in the town "

" Yes General "


It's been a month when Alice came to their lives, Alicia's mood never swinged back to good even if there's Ali in her side---busy chit chatting with Alice.

Oh how she hate Alice from her name to her core, she always asked herself why does her name even similar to her but according to Alice their mother will gave birth of them in the same month and they're pretty close so they decided to make their names similar.

' I don't even know who is my mother '

The said girl even gets the agents and her step-father's attention and sympathy that once admired her before. But not only that, she noticed that Alice' attitude is like Ali's so the two really get along together either in house, school, mission as if the two were partners.

Alicia always scolds them when the mission screwed up, She's starting to be fed up of her emotions towards the two. Of course she is jealous because the two is closer than she and Ali, how immature it may sound, it is true and she hates it.

Ali didn't bother her anymore like before, he's now focused on Alice and her adventures in other countries, her lessons on taekwondo and how does her training goes so far.

" Alicia dinner is ready, I cooked chicken curry "

Alicia went down to eat dinner well she doesn't have any option she has a baby that is babysitting her, how ironic.

She holds her last spoonful to eat when she gulped the food too soon. She drank water immediately while slightly coughing.

'What is wrong with her? '

Alice just confessed to her that she likes Ali

' Did she even think of me as a friend or she did that on purpose, she even ask for help '

" Come on Alicia, we're going to be 18 next next month and Ali too right? he has the same birth date like you right? "

" What do you want me to do? Do I have a power to make Ali like you too? "

" Ali talks about you before so I thought that you two are pretty close so please help me out Alicia "

" I don't meddle in other people's business, just go to sleep and pray that Ali would like you too" she said standing up silently huffing.

That night Alicia can't sleep so she decided to stroll around in the middle of the night with thoughts of Ali and Alice in her mind. She is about to open her door when she heard a door closing

Though her mind says that it's one sided love, she still didn't settle down because there are chances that maybe Ali and Alice are going to meet tonight and it seriously irritates her. Now she understands how feelings messes up one's behavior and thinking and she hates it.

Oh she should've just...


What is she so uncertain about? Now it leads to here.

She decided to follow Alice that is heading to the headquarters in the middle of the night?

What would she do there?

As far as she could remember they have no missions or any sort of activity scheduled. Alice entered a secret passage so Alicia finds another one.

She entered the control room silently, no one is there though Alice is just ahead of her by couple meters and she just saw her enter the room 2 minutes ago. She Shook her head and decided to go back when she heard two voices, girls voices and she could recognize the voice of Alice.

' Maybe shes asking for other girls' help to get Ali but why in the middle of the night? '

The next statements that she heard answered her question.

" Are you done with your mission? We don't have much patience in us "

' Who is she talking with? Alice is also entrusted infos like that? How can this happen? '

Alicia fished her phone on her pocket and recorded everything.

" No, that damn neuro is ruining my plan "

' Is that supposed to be me? "

" Two months, long enough and you still didn't finish your mission. Do you think reconsidering you is a great idea? "

" N-no p-please d-dont, I'll do it faster it'll take no time, I'll bring a good news soon "

' So someone is a traitor or maybe a bug with that witch as her pawn '

Alicia aims her blastique to the two and ready to shoot when there's a hand that covers her mouth and gets her blastique.

She gathered all her strength to fight the unknown person behind her, jabbing and so. Her punch where half-way on the person's face when she was released. By then a familiar scent lingered to her nose.

' Ali '

" What are you doing here Ali? " she whispered

" Eavesdropping like you " he boredly said leaning against the wall

Alicia just glared at him not knowing what to say, forgetting her phone that recorded everything.

" Let's go " he said as he stood up properly and grabbed her wrist

They silently left, walking on their way home

" Why did you stop me? How long have you been in there? "

" I heard it all, I'm already there by the time you came, can't sleep. How about you why are you there? "

" I can't sleep too so I decided to take a stroll but I heard Alice's door open so I decided to follow her, I didn't know that she would lead me there. "

" But at least now I can breathe normally." she mumbled making sure that she's only the one who heard it.

" Did you say something? "

" No, I'm going to enter thank you for walking me by " Ali just nod and waved at her.


Days,weeks and a month had passed but nothing has changed even Ali and Alice closeness. They didn't told anyone about that night, maybe Ali is fooled again, still on his ' People changes, maybe they've changed for good ' damn that fool.

One morning while Alicia and Alice are eating their breakfast Alice dropped a bomb on Alicia's heart. She's in the middle of suspicion and believing.

Alice just said that she thinks that Ali likes her too, so she'll confess on their birthday and its on next Saturday.

' Oh no you don't '


Today is their day, it's their birthday but Alicia is noticeably spacing out. It's evening when the general gathered all the agents to celebrate their birthday to console them for the birthdays they couldn't celebrate and to announce the changes that is about to happen. Ali is still not there, late again.

" I'm happy that I witness Alicia's development, to witness her changes, on how my little baby is now a beatiful lady. I wish all the best for you. I'm glad and sorry that you learned by yourself because I'm not there to teach you and be there for you from time to time I'm so proud of you. Ali a stubborn boy that should be eliminated years ago is still standing, looking matured. I wish you the best too though youre hard-headed, clumsy, that doesn't know how to follow instructions, I witness your improvements. I'm glad to be the general of M.A.T.A. thank you for being faithful agents, for putting yourselves on the line everytime. "

" I want to say something general " everyone is surprised knowing that Alicia doesn't want to talk that much maybe it's important.

" Go on "

Alicia stood up and went to the mini stage at the shifting room. She stood at the metal podium and grasp it sides, slightly leaning forward. She won't keep her mouth shut anymore. And too bad her mind is so messed up it leads to this.

" How does you recruit agents general? "

" I never forced someone to be an agent, it's their willingness that I considered and also their potential why did you asked? "

" Not long ago, I went here---to the control room. I followed Alice that time because she's going out in the middle of the night only to find traitors talking right agent Alice who's that girl with you anyway? As I was saying I eavesdrop that night because their agenda caught me up they are discussing about Alice' 'mission'. At first I thought that they are just talking about a mission in M.A.T.A. not until I heard this " Alicia fiddled with her phone connecting it in a speaker and played the record.

Now everyone heard the record, gasps and judgement are heard in the whole room.

" I thought keeping it for a while is considerable, giving a chance to them is an option. No one should leave, guard the door up " Alicia said when she saw a girl trying to escape sneakily, she should be the girl.

" Now, Alice what is your mission? "

" Thank you for training and taking care of me. You've just trained an opponent. May I have a speech before the chaos? " she asked chuckling

The door swung open spilling Ali that is running towards them.

" Ahh I-I'm sorry for being late " he said panting

" You're right on time Aliii! I'll be giving my speech " Alice tone changed into a chirpy one as she beamed on Ali

" Woahhh is that a birthday message for me? Go on I'm all ears " Ali responded not noticing what is really happening.

" Excuse me haven't you noticed the commotion dummy? " Alicia glared at him.

" W-What? " he asked, confusion written on his face

" I believe that she already think it through and take side with us " he added after some time when he understood what she mean.

" HEY! So you know about this too boy!? "

" Sorry general "

" Why are you acting like that Alicia? Are you afraid of me? All days and you picked your birth date to announce this up? Oh right! Maybe this date was unforgettable since I said that I would confess today. Why not make yourself happy for once? Instead you ruin your day as well as Ali's Are you already fed up? Or you're afraid that I might get Ali earlier than you?How's your pride state by that? Ali likes you for years then there's this great lady that managed to get him from you in just months "

" Verbal assault it is. " Alicia mumbled as if announcing the mode someone picked on a game

" Oh shut up, we both know that you're just taking all of their attention and love because no one gives it to you. " she replied

" WHY YOUUU--- "

The lights turned off and chaos begins, the room were filled with sound of heavy panting, shattering glass, punches, shouts then there were Dos evacuating the two other numeroz.

Alicia then focused and find Alice' presence then she grabbed a fistful of her hair

" Change side witch there is a chance that Ali would like you if everything's going to be fine " she whispered in her ears then pushed her to Dos that is approaching them

5 minutes after the lights turned on, everything is a mess, Alicia is still standing in the mini stage, Ali is still standing in the front, stunned while looking at her, the day was ruined. Suddenly the door was opened by General Rama in flesh.

" You are all dismissed I expect you tomorrow " he said approaching Alicia that is now standing beside Ali.

" Why did you let them go? "

" Our birthday is already ruined Papa, what happened today is enough "

The general opened his mouth to reply to Alicia but she cut him off.

" I'm tired, I'm going home thank you for arranging this for us. Sorry for ruining it up "

She left the two and started to walk out. Ali followed her and stop her on her track.

" Happy birthday Alicia we're now in our legal age "

" Happy birthday too Ali " she said and turn back to walk again

" Wait you haven't give me your present yet "

" But I didn't demand for your gift either so why asking me a gift? "

" It's not only about give and take you know. Here's my gift let me put it " Ali handed her a small yellow paper bag and get the little black box in it---a jewelry box that contains a jewelry set.

" It's black pearls so you'll remember my eyes that are only looking at you,kidding I might end up with a black eye because of cheesiness, I bought it months ago from where I trained, I'll take your earrings off okay?"

Alicia didn't even respond she was shocked she knows that pearls are expensive but then again, Ali is rich.

" Why did he even gave me jewelries? " she was suprised when she heard him laugh

' Why is he laughing? '

" Alicia don't think out loud I heard it. I gave it because it is intended to be given to my jealous girl " he stated with voice laced with mischief.

" W-what? "

" Come on,you're 18 now sweetie don't make it too hard let's have a date. I already told general Rama about it years ago "

" Huh? "

" I'm courting General Rama for years just to prove myself. I even trained hard so I can fight the general to prove that I can protect you " he said rolling his eyes

" You don't have a gift for me don't you? " he added

Alicia just blinked and retorted.

" I don't need anybody to protect me. Also am I not enough as your gift Ali? Why ask for more? How can Papa agree with this anyway. What did you offer? "

" You admitted that you're mine~~~Eheyyy~~~~ You're not that pricey, I just got you by a promise like a prize claw! "

Alicia who snapped out from her daze, replied

" Uhuh? Yet you told me earlier that you trained hard just to prove yourself. So...which one is the lie "

" Uhm the second one, the truth is I promised the general 5 agent children!Just kidding! Don't think about it will you, now give me a kiss as a substitute for your gift "

Ali slided his fingers through hers and intertwined it now they're walking hand in hand. Alicia who is blushing gave him a kiss on the cheeks and looked away. Ali just chuckled in her adorable act.


Credit to the artist of the fanart above : https://www.instagram.com/p/CNKEe3fgiys/?utm_medium=share_sheet


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