Broken Walls {ON HOLD}

By IsaacsScarfs

705 31 8

Nesryn Lockwood has gone through a lot in her short seventeen years. When she meets a kind gentleman things c... More

~Cast & Playlist~
~Quotes & Moodboards~
~The Invitation~
~Scrapped Palms- pt.1.~
~Scrapped Palms- pt.2.~
~The Audacity~
~First Dance~
~Explanation- pt.1.~
~By the Light of the Moon~
~Dinner Party~
~60's Dance~


23 1 0
By IsaacsScarfs

~Trigger warning for this chapter. It has a description of sexual assault. If you don't feel comfortable with this chapter that is ok, you can skip it.~


"What do you want to know Nesryn?" Elijah asked as I curled up on the couch.

"Why did you say you were leaving the night we danced?" I asked looking at the ring on my finger.

"From our short time together, I've got quite attached to you. But that also means you are in danger because of me. That's why I told you I was leaving. I didn't want you to get hurt." He said looking down at the ring on his own hand.

"Ok, then who will try to hurt me?" I asked looking at him. Shaking his head at me as he stood up. Elijah walked over to the window and looked out of it.

"My brother, Niklaus." He said as he spun his ring.

"The one you were texting at the hospital?" I asked as he turned away from the window.

 "Yes, he's quite possessive of me and our siblings. He's scared we are going to leave him. So to get me to stay with him, he'll put you in danger to make sure I wouldn't do anything." He said in a sad tone and he spun the ring on his finger.

"Just because we're friends?" I asked as I pulled my knees to my chest.

"Yes Nesryn, I don't have friends. You have been my first friend, my first true friend, in hundreds of years. When I get too close to someone my brother kills them, he does that with all of our siblings." Elijah said as he turned around to pour himself a glass of whisky. 

Standing up I walked over to him and grabbed a glass too. He tried to keep me from the bottle but I just grabbed the bottle of rum that was on the lower shelf, before walking back over to the couch.

Walking over to me Elijah sat down beside me as I took a drink from my glass. Looking over at him I could see just how tired he looked. He didn't have bags under his eyes, but his hair was slightly messed up and his eyes weren't as bright as they usually are when we were together. I gave him a smile as I pulled my legs up so I could sit on my feet.

"If it makes you feel better the only friends I have are my family and Matt, and Matt is basically my brother. So in reality you're my only friend." I said giving him a sad look before taking another drink as I leaned against the back of the couch.

"You told me something very personal, so it's only fair I tell you something in return. And maybe you can help me understand why I feel so comfortable with you." I said as I turned around to look at him. He nodded his head at me but I just looked down at the glass in my hand.

"There was this guy, his name was Logan. He was a part of one of the founding families and a few years younger than my parents. It was the week after I turned sixteen there was this party I had to go to. He was there too. I got pretty drunk that night, the first time I had ever gotten drunk. I left to go get a drink to try and sober up a little bit. I was only away from my brother and Matt for maybe ten minutes." I could feel his eyes on me but I was too scared to look up at him.

"Before I grabbed a drink I went to the bathroom, when I was washing my hands Logan came in. He said I had been teasing him the whole night. But I wasn't, I only gave him a smile when he would look at me. I was just being nice. He pushed me against the sink. He said I had to wait to be with him until I was legal, I didn't really understand what was going on. He grabbed me and pushed me into the counter, but before he could do anything one of the staff walked in. I was so scared 'Lijah, I didn't know what to do. I was a mess, I was crying and my hair was all over the place she pulled me away from him and took me outside." I said as a tear fell down my cheek, looking up at Elijah I saw his jaw clenched as he looked at the wall in front of us.

"I'll kill him." Elijah said his voice was calm as he crushed the glass in his hand.

"Elijah, he's already dead. But I told you that to prove a point. You were going to leave even though you didn't want to just to protect me from your brother. But even if you do leave or if you stay I'll always be in danger. Not because of you, but because it's the human experience. I'm not scared of your brother Elijah. I'm not scared of the monsters you say are in the world, because the world is scary enough without knowing." I said taking his hand in mine as I pulled the glass from his palm, the skin healing as I freed it from the glass.

"But you should be Nesryn, you should be scared of the world you are in because of me." He said as he looked at me. I gave him a sad smile before nodding my head at him.

"I know, but I'm not, the world is scary with or without knowing about your world. Besides my brother and Matt, you are the only man I feel comfortable around. That's why I want to be your friend because we both need each other to give one another some form of normalcy." I said as I laid his hand on my lap.

"You are so much younger than me, yet somehow you're much braver than I am." Elijah said with a sad look on his face. I just shrugged my shoulders at him.

"I think we're both brave, Mr. Smith." I said with a smile but he gave me a look before shaking his head.

"It's actually Mikaelson. Smith is just a fake name I used. So, Miss Lockwood, I'm Elijah Mikaelson it's a pleasure to meet you." He said as he pressed a kiss to my hand. Smiling at him I bumped his shoulder with mine before I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I have to be honest, Elijah Mikaelson sounds better than Elijah Smith." I said as I closed my eyes. He just laid his head on top of mine before he laced his fingers through mine.

"I have to say I agree, little rose. Before I forget do you have any more questions?"Elijah asked. I nodded my head before asking him a question about the other supernatural beings that are real. And he answered all of my questions until I fell asleep. With my head still on his shoulder as his voice lulled me to sleep.


When Nesryn woke up her head was in Elijah's lap as he read a book. His fingers were running through her hair, and with a soft sigh, she sat up. Giving Elijah a smile as she rubbed her eyes.

"I should get you home." Elijah said softly, Nesryn nodded her head at him before standing up.

He watched her as she walked to his room. She looked so sweet wrapped up in his clothes, it was like she was meant to be in them. Pushing the thought away, he had to remind himself that they are just friends. He stood up and walked into his room, walking over to her he placed his hand on hers.

"You can leave your things here, if you ever come back here it would be best if you have the necessities." He said giving her a smile. Nodding her head at him, Nesryn took all the things from one bag and put them into the other. Placing her dirty clothes and the rest of her jewelry into the empty sack. She turned to him and wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him into a hug.

"Promise me if your brother shows up that you will tell me." She said into his ear.

"I will, Nesryn. I won't let him near you." Elijah said into her hair before pulling away to look at her. Her eyes had large bags under them and her skin looked paler than it should be. He knew it would be good for her to sleep in her own bed and to be at her home.

Nesryn sat down on the bed and slipped her heels on. Before standing up and grabbing the sack that had her clothes. She gave him a sleepy smile as he took her hand to look at the ring.

"Always keep this on ok, even when you are asleep. I need you to be safe." He said not looking up from their hands.

"I will, but I think we should get going." Nesryn said sadly before following him out the door.


When Elijah pulled the car to the end of the driveway I stopped him. Turning to look at him I pushed my hair out of my face. I gave him a smile before turning to look at the house.

"It's best if I walk the rest of the way, if my mom or Tyler see you drop me off they will ask questions." I said looking down at my ring as I spun it around.

"That's alright, I don't want you to get in trouble because of me. And I put my number in your phone if you ever need me, call ok. I'll be there as fast as I can Nesryn." Elijah said as he looked at the house. Nodding my head at him before I opened the car door. Turning to look at him I grabbed his hand off of the steering wheel.

"Thank you, for trusting me and for being my friend. The same goes for you if you ever need me just call. I'll talk to you later ok?" I said before stepping out of the car. When I stepped out of the car and closed the door he rolled down the window.

"Stay safe." Elijah said giving me a pointed look. I laughed before nodding my head.

"You too." He nodded at my words before backing out of the driveway. When I couldn't see his car anymore I made my way up to the house.

When I got to the steps I was cursing our long-ass driveway. As I opened the door I slipped off my shoes when I heard my mom and Sheriff Forbes coming out of the living room. Mom had tears in her eyes and it looked like she hasn't gotten any sleep in months. I felt my stomach churn at the thought of me doing that to her.

"Nesryn Rochelle Lockwood where the hell have you been? It's been two days, no calls no texts what is wrong with you? I thought something happened to you." She yelled before pulling me into her arms.

"I'm sorry Mom, I was with a friend. I didn't even think about checking in. I'm so so sorry." I said into her shoulder, not completely telling her the truth but not lying either.

"Nesryn, whose clothes are those?" Sheriff Forbes asked as she looked at my outfit. I felt heat rush to my face as my mom pulled away to look at my clothes, well Elijah's clothes.

"They're my friends, all I had was a formal dress. They wanted me to be comfortable." I said, yet again not really lying. Their questioning looks made my chest tighten as I started to spin the ring on my finger.

"Nesryn, those are men's clothing, were you with a boy? And where did you get that ring, I've never seen it before?" Mom asked as she grabbed my hand.

"Yeah, Mom I was with a boy, and he gave me the ring too." I said looking down at my feet.

"You were with a boy, for two days? Without calling to tell me you were ok." She said crossing her arms.

"Tyler can do it with girls, why can't I do it with a boy?" I said not looking at her.

"That's different, the two of you are different." Mom said giving me a look.

"What do you want me to say, Mom, I didn't have sex, I didn't do drugs. I was safe the whole time, I didn't mean to forget to call you, but it's not fair that Tyler gets to do whatever he wants but I can't?" I said as I stuck my hands into the pockets of Elijah's sweatpants.

"Sheriff Forbes, I think it's best if you leave." Mom said without looking away from me. I heard the front door close before walking up the stairs, Mom following me as I went. When I walked into my room mom grabbed my arm. Ripping her hand off of me I looked at her, not backing down as she glared down at me.

"What's wrong with you, why are you acting like this?" Rolling my eyes at her I walked over to my desk and sat the bag down.

"You really want to know Mom. I'm acting like this because I felt normal before I came home. I was happy with my friend, we talked about all the shit I've been feeling for the pasted year. And I was actually able to sleep, something I haven't been able to do since Dad died." I said turning around to look at her.

"Please Mom, let me have this. I won't ever do it again, I promise, but I just had to breathe." I said as I sat down on my bed. 

"Ok baby, but don't ever go that long without telling me you are ok. Alright?" She said as she kissed the top of my head. When I nodded my head at her she pulled away and walked over to my door.

"I love you, baby." She said.

"I love you too momma." I said as she closed my door. Leaning back into my bed I spun my ring around, before slowly falling asleep again. Elijah's scent filled my nose as comfort washed over me.

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