The Hate in Our Memories 2

By mia_d_mivia

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Jeena a rich sweet girl full of cheerful vibe and everyone's star. She has a dream to become a singer and son... More

Prologue (Main Character Analysis)
Part 1: Say hi
Part 2: Changing Room
Part 3: Rude
Part 4: Let her free
Part 5: His Eyes
Part 6: Unwanted Help
Part 7: Slave
Part 8: Accident
Part 9: Tough Girl
Part 10: Smile
Part 11: She Likes Me?
Part 13: Argument
Part 14: Act and Jealous
Part 15: Its Okay to be Greedy Sometimes
Part 16: The 6 Days
Part 17: Choice
Part 18: Where is He?
Part 19: Its not Him

Part 12: Light of Happiness

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By mia_d_mivia

Ash: "What the heck you are saying?!"

Ash shoot a glare at her in disbelief.

Olivia: "What? it can be!!"

Ash: "Stop being a stupid, creating useless stories."

Olivia: "Yah are you saying you don't believe me?! Its really like her family tradition!"

He sigh and look at her in done mood.

Ash: "See its impossible--" she cut her off.

Olivia: "Nothing is impossible.. okay say she don't and it just slipped but since we are on this topic...."

She make him sit on a chair and place herself on front chair.

Olivia: "Tell me honestly.... What you think of Jeena?"

His eye flicker as he was taken a back from her question.

Ash: "C-Classmate of course" he look away.

Olivia: "We are also your classmates but you never talk to us or even give a glance. Where as you not only talk to her but we saw you even smiling at her. You can't take back I have proof"

She quickly take out her phone and showed her screen which had a picture of him smiling and talking with Jeena this morning.

Ash: "I-I..."

Olivia: "What you lost words?" she wiggle her eyebrows at his shocked face.

Ash sigh: "See its really nothing... its just she is kind and nice person so I try not to be rude to her. She don't deserve this after she helped me so many times so I can do that atleast..."

Olivia: "She didn't helped you, she was forced to" she gave him a sarcastic grin to which he just roll his eyes.

Ash: "Whatever I already apologized and she accepted so stop bothering me."

Olivia: "Okay but still I want you to think again about you and Jeena."

Ash: "What you want from me?! We are just friends." he raise his voice slightly with anger on Olivia.

She sigh loudly and stand up.

Olivia: "That's good then... you better keep your words." she glare at him and turn to leave but before that she said something which gave a weird sensation to his heart.

Olivia: "Don't regret later when she found someone better."

With that she leave him in pools of emotions. 

Do he really become a different person in her presence?...

Maybe they have common pain to which she was wanted to heal for him.

He feel different about because she is the first person who see him as something different which himself can't understand.

Its been a while he heard someone saying him good person. All the time troubles he created his image was ruined and he already accepted the tag of bad boy but then suddenly this girl came and call him opposite with so much affection poured in it making him question on what he really is?

The way she describe him that day was like she was talking about the Ash he never meet or lost long time ago.

He refused to believe he is really that person.

Ash was deep in his thought when someone tap his shoulder. He look up and found the person who took his breath.

Ash: "Jeena"

Jeena: "Hi!!" she wave at him cheerfully.

Jeena: "What you doing alone here? Are done with lunch?"

Ash shrug of all the thoughts when she greet him with her beautiful cheeky smile.

Ash: "Ah yeah what about you?"

Jeena: "I brought a pastry since soon recces is going to over" she point at the two small plates with a red velvet pastry each she placed a minute before.

Ash: "Oh good, you eat I got to go"

He stand up and turn but she hold his wrist. His heart race on the sudden touch.

Jeena: "Avo and Ola went to washroom. Will you accompany me, I don't like to eat alone."

 Ash look at her with unreadable emotions for a minute like he was lost in a garden of tinglings..

Ash: "F-Fine" he blink his eye a few times when she jump like a kid and clap her hands.

He smile mentally on her cute action. She act so open that he don't feel distance of being strangers with her who he just meet few months ago.

She drag him and sit opposite side of table facing each other. She started eating and talking about few stuff.

On the other hand Ash didn't found it boring more over he was not even listen her. His vision was only focus on her and her clapping lips which she roll and lick time to time while eating the pastry.

Just after a few moment he saw her passing the second plate towards him.

Jeena: "Have some"

Ash was still staring at her with his doe eyes. Just then she wave her hand on his face taking him back to world.

Ash: " Ah no no you eat" he shake his hand in denial but his voice was not cold but deep.

Jeena: "Come on I can't eat more. Atleast help me to finish it." she gave him puppy eye which was not so helpful to his already thumping heart.

Ash: "O-Okay stop that" he gulp and look away while taking the plate which was in her hand.  

He took the first bite of the red velvet sweet which send heavenly relaxation to his body.

Ash: "It tastes nice" he said with his wide open eyes on which she chuckle as he keep eating with admiration.

For a second she doubt on the label of cold prince this campus gave him. But him eating like a child having his favorite flavor was so adorable.

Jeena: "So how was your lunch with my friends."

Ash: "Good" he spoke nonchalantly.

Jeena: "What do you guys talk about"

He choke on his pastry when Olivia's words flash in his mind.

"Maybe be she likes you!"

His hands froze and slowly he look into her eyes. They only gave him carefree vibes which award him an unexplainable comfortability. Why by her?

Ash: "Useless stuff..." he continue his meal.

Jeena: "Really! At least you guys have some conversation. I thought it will be super awkward so I rush here fast as soon as I freed from class,"

Ash : "They are dorks."

Her eyebrows raised in amaze.

Jeena: "Yeah I know but they are fun when you came to know them" she laugh to clear the awkwardness on his face while talking about them.

She talk about their funny memories they spend together after getting to know each other.

Seeing her laughing a small grin decorate on his face as well. He felt light weighted with her.

Jeena: "Hey you took photos on hiking right?" he nod.

Ash: "Yes I will send you after school."

Jeena: "then I will get them print and we will switch to next step. Okhay" 

Ash: "Hmm" With that they talk a little more before going to class.


3 days later

Jeena was again waiting outside a famous street for Ash so that they can go to nearby café and complete their project. Tomorrow they are going to present it in class so they decide to practice their speech together for last time.

Jeena look in her watch and tap her foot vigorously.

Jeena: "Where is he? Its already 15 min. Aish lazy punk." she took out her phone and call him but he didn't picked it.

Jeena's POV

I was standing in front of the entrance of street from past 20 mins, but there was no sign of him, moreover he is not picking his phone as well.

After maintaining my patients for 5 more minutes it finally broke.

Did he ditched our meeting?!

I was getting angry on his carelessness towards time. Its not first time, he is always late and make excuse of traffic.

My legs were already sore by now and I urgently need to pee as well. I couldn't hold anymore so I walk in the street and getting in a café. I rush towards the washroom and get fresh.

Ah finally...

I came out and thought to have a drink until this lazy ass arrive. I walk towards the counter to order my coffee.  After drinking it, the cashier made my bill hand it to me, just then I heard someone shouting on a staff.

I turn and it was a woman in her early 30's scolding a young boy in his café uniform wearing a green cap matching with this café's theme. She was creating a scene just because the americano she received had less sugar.

This is crazy! Their is no need to scream so much for such a small issue.   

But then she throw the cup filled with black-brown fluid on that boy's face and everyone gasp.

Meanwhile my eyes widen when I saw him removing his cap and wiping the face with his hand.

It was Ash.

To my surprise unlike giving her an answer or fight like he always do, he was just standing with his head hung down.

Lady: "This pieces of shit you sell to your customer huh?!" she scream like a crow.

Just then the manager enter and started to calm down the lady. He was a young man in his 20's probably a new starter. 

Manager: "I m sorry madam, we didn't meant to offend you I will order a special drink for you for free."

Lady: "Fuck your drink my mood is already ruined because of your disrespectful staff. See this shameless boy he didn't even apologized to me when I tell the defect. Instead he dared to argue with me"

Manager turn to Ash.

Manager: "Is it true?"

Ash: "She herself told us for low sugar but then she asked for medium sugar. Once I get it she said she don't want it anymore and return the money--"

He got cut off by a slap on his left cheek by the lady and I gasp. I saw him clenching his fist but he didn't even raise his head.

Lady: "How dare you blame me huh?! Do you know who I m?! I m wife of the second biggest company's chairman in this city!"

Manager: "Madam please calm down, we will solve your order issue"

Lady: "I said I don't wanna drink here anymore, you better fire this shit otherwise I will take down your shop to bankrupt"

I saw a sudden fear in manager eyes and who won't be when it comes to their living.

Manager: "no madam I will fire  him--"

"Who you think you are dealing with Miss!!" I yell and their attention fall on me.

 I saw Ash's eyes going round on my appearance. I guess he is shocked.

Oh dear you gotta more to see...

I walk in front of that old lady and glace her head to toe with my crossed arms.

Lady: "Now who are you little punk.." she scoff at me only making me smirk knowing her this scoff is going to turn in sob once she got to know who I m.

Jeena: "I m your destruction."

I saw her smirking at me back.

Lady: "I guess I have one more poor life to destroy under my heals today" 

I look down and taking a long breath on her naivety. I took step closer to and stand near her ear.

Jeena: "You won't like to mess with the daughter of top company's CEO in this Continent.... do you?" I whisper in her ear and as expected her annoying smirk fade from her face.

Lady: "W-Who are you?" she said in shaking voice.

I get more closer and again whisper only for her to listen.

Jeena: "Jeena BICKETS..... Daughter of Parker Bicketts" and that's it.

Her eye shut open and the fear of manager was now visible in her eyes. I smirk at her and her legs started to shake.

Lady: "Please don't tell this to your father... I m sorry I m really sorry dear" she gave me a fake smile and try to hold my hand but I back off and bow at her slightly with a smirk.

Jeena: "We are not close so I suggest you to not act like one... also you just insulted my friend so I guess you need to apologies him." I said in monotone.

She quickly turn and fall on her keens in front of manager and Ash who were starring at her in utter shock.

I m sorry dad I used your name but I think this woman really needs to be thought a lesson.

She apologies a couple of time and they nod after giving each other a puzzled look.

Once she ran off the café I face Ash who was already gazing me with surprise written all over his face and two round brown eye.

I went near him and and snap in front of his eye to brought in reality.

Jeena: "I think you need to change."

I saw him blinking and looking down to himself.

Ash: "Y-Yeah" he shutter and went inside after glancing at the manager who gave him assured look.

Manager turn to me and bowed.

Manager: "Thank you miss for saving us"

I raise him.

Jeena: "Please don't do this... its fine. Umm can I ask you somethings?

Manager: "Yeah why not?"

Jeena: "Will you fire him?" I point at the direction he just went.

I saw a sad tint on his face.

Manager: "I m afraid I need to. She was our VIP customer and in future it can affect our business."

I sigh and take a second for my thoughts. I reach my bag and take out a card and hand to him.

Jeena: "Cancel her card and add mine in her place."

I saw manager's eyes going wider as soon as he read the card.

Manager: "Bicketts Group?!" he whisper yelled in shock.

Jeena: "The coffee in my dad's office really tastes bad, your coffees are much better. I would like to order 10 packages of your cappuccino and Americano and deliver to Stella building for workers. If it pass everyone's vibe we would love to Collab with you."

I said and his eyes started to brim.

Manager: "I-I don't know how to thank you Miss. You are a goddess for me, I was really having hard time to cop up with my business.. This order will help a lot"

Jeena: "Please don't.. I guess it probably will pass quickly, its really fresh in taste. Keep it up"

I smile at him and he wipe his eye before chanting chain of thank you. I pat his shoulder to comfort him.

Jeena: "So don't forget, tomorrow 9 a.m., 10 packs of each drink at Stella company. I will pay in advance"

Manager: "Thank you so much miss. I don't know how to return your favor."

Jeena: "Ah then I will ask for a favor, Please don't fire him and keep my identity a secret, specially from him okay" I showed him a okay sign and he return me with the mutual feelings.

Manager: "Alright miss no-one will know."

Jeena: "Thank you Mister... Can I get your card"

The man run fast to counter and return with his cafe's business card which I slip in my bag and face him. We shacked hands and bow each other.

I was about to go but then I remember something.



Ash came out from the staff cabin wearing his casuals and went near the counter where his  manager was talking with the others.

Ash: "Harry Sir..." he called his manager.

Manager: "Oh you came... you have 2 days off.. get some rest and join us next week"

He lift his head in utter shock.

Ash: "Y-You are not firing me?" he point at himself.

Manager: "You weren't at fault and don't think much go your friend is waiting outside."

Ash nod with his froze state and snap out when he mention 'friend'. He remembered Jeena and asked for the farewell taking his bag and heading out.

As he came out of the café he spot Jeena playing with the pebble on the footpath.

Her hairs tide in a loose pony tail and few baby strands were falling on her forehead. She was looking so innocent unlike the savage look she had few minutes ago.

He slowly walk to her and she lift her head on the sound of his coming footstep.

Jeena: "You came.." she beam at him.

He felt awkward about whatever happen a while ago and not to forget she also saw him doing a part-time job which was a secret in school.

He was embarrassed to let her see his submissive site.

Ash: "Hmm" he found hard to make an eye contact with her.

But then he felt a hand caress his left cheek. He flinch a little on the sudden contact of foreign warmth by the hand which belong to non other than Jeena.

He slowly turn his face to her direction and her focused on the red mark on his cheek.

Jeena: "Does it hurt?" she asked in with a stroke of worry.

Ash: "No" he was try his hard to not melt in her touch hug her tightly and cry on her shoulder saying that it hurts him in inside.

Jeena: "Liar" she gave a small pout and pull his hand and take him to near park ignore his words of protest.

She make sit on a bench and sit beside him.

Ash: "What are you doing?" he gaze at her in puzzle.

He saw her taking out a tube of relief cream and putting on her finger. Before he could stop her she grab his hand and glare at him.

Jeena: "Dare you move and I will shove it in your mouth."

He blink his eye taken aback by her boldness and sit slightly like a kid. She chuckle in her head seeing him following her without any whining.

She apply the cream on his cheek gently and he could fell the smoothness of her small hands.

His eyes soften and they were not stiff or cold anymore. He unconsciously keep admiring her face like a garden full of flowers sending him fragrance relief and joy.

Jeena: "Done, it won't sting anymore"

He just nod with his lost mind.

Jeena: "Um if you don't mind can I ask you something"

He snap out from his thoughts and again nod but look away. 

Jeena: "Why you umm... I mean.... work?"

She saw him sigh heavily.

Ash: "You mean a boy like me studying in an expensive school and here working as a waiter."

Jeena: "No no I didn't meant to offend you Its just...."

She bit her lips trying to find better words to not sound mean or high class to him.

Jeena: "I just wonder what makes you work when you were suppose to enjoy your youth like everyone." she look down hoping he don't take in wrong way.

Where as he was surprised by her question. No-one ever asked him such deep question about his compulsion of life. Everyone either judge him as poor or distance themselves on knowing his reality.

Ash: "To earn life"

Jeena: "What about your father...? Is he mad at you? Tell me we will talk to him."

His heart completely melt in her innocence and worry this time.

Ash: "I don't have dad...."

The silence cover them.

Jeena: "Y-You....."

Ash: "Yeah I'm an orphan who lost his family long time ago. I m a poor lonely bad luck in this world." 

He expect her to stop talking and make a distance from him but on the other hand her next word only push him deep in her world.

Jeena: "You are not alone."

Before he could process she hug him tightly which sends shiver to his spine and soon a pleasure of relaxation.

Jeena: "You have me... Allow me I will be your family."

That was the only thing his ears dying to listen from someone who could comfort him from his sad and lonely memories. His hand lift themselves failed to deny the comfort she was gifting him.

He hug her back.

Ash: "Really..." he whisper trying not to sound broken.

Jeena: "Promise"

For a few minute they remain like this and finally broke the hug. She see his eye were a little moist meanwhile he felt so good for hugging someone after so long.

Ash: "Then I will" finally he smile with all his heart and happiness he was feeling.

He has someone by his side in this world. He is not alone.

She smile back and nod widely making him chuckle and laugh on her cuteness.

She felt happy by herself for being someone's trust worthy and she will never break it.

Like this they deiced to take a walk and then start their project for which they met.

This walk make them open to each other more and share their thoughts and likeness. Every second pass they learn new things about themselves.

By now they were working on the project when a question arise in his mind.

Ash: "Jeena" she hummed while writing something on the chart.

Ash: "What did you said to that lady?" he sound nervous.

Jeena look at him and thought for a second.

Jeena sigh: "I know someone who is more powerful then her..."

Ash: "Who?"

She hesitate to tell him. She already experienced how people's thought change about her when they come to know she is from Bicketts's family. They thought of her as a spoiled child or a very high class person which distance her from the surrounding.

Olivia and Aviana were also nervous with her at first but gradually they become close after knowing she is same like every other person.

She don't wanted Ash to feel the same and built insecurities in him.

Jeena: "Just someone I know Nothing deeper. Now you tell me who you became a special admission" she said that just to change the topic but regret when she saw a serious look on his face.

Jeena: "I m sorry if I said something wrong..."

Ash sense her being nervous to not hurt him which again soothe him. His face relax again saying 'Its nothing.'

Ash: "Lets say I have a god father..."

Jeena: "Huh?" she look at him astound.

Ash: "He was the boss of my dad. Since my father did a honest job at him till last breath, he wanted to return the favor."

Ash: "I don't wanted to own someone too much so I earn my living myself and he afford my studies."

Jeena nod with 'O' face.

Jeena: "Your god father is a good man."

Ash chuckle: "Do you found everyone good in this world?"

Jeena: "Hihi maybe I m good that's why I see only good things"

Ash: "You are so naive..."

Jeena: "But I m cute" she make a funny face at him making laugh.

After they were done Ash offer her a ride and she accepted. While wearing the helmet her eye went to something shiny written under the back handle of his bike. She bend a little and read it.

Jeena: "Vroom?..."

She look at Ash with questioned eyes.

Jeena: "Why you put sticker named vroom?"

Ash: "Huh?" he also bent and see the sticker.

Ash: "Oh this... its the name of my bike I gave."

Jeena amazed: "Why vroom?"

Ash: "Its the first sound it made..." he said with his big doe eyes that she found so cute and funny.

She try to hold her laugh but miserably failed.

Jeena: "Omg you are such a cute kiddo" she laugh and pinch his right cheek.

A burning sensation started to cover his cheek and and soon it turn crimson red.

Ash: "Y-Yah who are you calling kiddo"

She stopped laughing and put her hands back and lean closer to him.

Jeena: "You why? what you gonna do?" she smirk.

He rub his cheek and narrow his eye playfully on her mischievous whisper.

 Ash: "I will beat you" the same smirk climb on his lips.

Suddenly she back off and starts running.

Jeena: "Catch me if you can~!" she shout at him and again start running.

He chuckle before placing the helmet on bike and run back to her. They reach in the garden again start playing and tickling with each other. Soon few kids also join them and this became the happiest day of his life.

He laugh loudly forgetting all the norms and hardness of his life with her. Without her knowing she become the light of his dark world.

Weeks passed, months passed and they became more closer to each other. He become a little comfortable with her other 2 friends but Olivia always keep eyes on him.

Olivia already lost his fear when she once saw him admiring a photo of the dancing fairy of school Jeena alone in basket ball court.

Ever since that day she keep teasing him and Ash can't do anything but to only glare at her which hold no more affect on her.

Thanks to Jeena, Ash learn to control his anger and get in less fights. He was still an introvert which she understand completely and don't push him too hard.

She always respect his thoughts and same goes with Ash. She was the only person who could control him.

Like this they passed their 11th grade laughing, playing, learning and teasing each other.

Today was the first day their 12th grade and hope full they are in same class again. Jeena was place her bag on the seat where Olivia was siting in her back and Aviana to Ola's right.

Ash sit in the back corner of their class since he sleeping during the lectures. He practice taekwondo in morning, do part-time in afternoon and study at night. Jeena help him in his notes and lesson since its hard for him to cop up with lesson.

Because of her he could able to sleep for few duration but peacefully knowing she will be their for him.

Jeena and her friends were talking about stuffs when their last year class teacher came in and introduce herself as this year mentor as well.

Teacher: "I have 2 news to share with you all. First is your classmate Maria is selected in Top National Science and Technology Institution. Its an honor for our school"

Everyone clapped for the genius topper of their class.

Teacher: "So she is transferred from here and second thing is we have a new student to join us"

Just then a guy with brown hair, sharp jaw and taller as Ash in his black shirt and coffee color jacket paired with black Jeans enter inside the room and everyone's jaw dropped on the floor.

???: "Hi my name is...."


Words: 4329

This is the longest chapter I have ever wrote in my life.

And a sad news... Its gonna be slow updates...

Don't ask me why because...

My life is on doom.🙂🔫

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