cynical | l.dh

By hyuckssidehoe

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๐š–๐šŠ๐š๐š’๐šŠ / ๐š๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐šŠ๐šž "๐š›๐šŽ๐š–๐šŽ๐š–๐š‹๐šŽ๐š› ๐š๐š‘๐šŠ๐š ๐š’'๐š•๐š• ๐š—๐šŽ๐šŸ๐šŽ๐š› ๐š•๐šŽ๐š ๐š๐š‘๐šŠ๐š ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š™๐š™๐šŽ๐š— ๐š๐š˜ ๐šข... More

โ˜พ characters
โ˜พ chapter 1
โ˜พ chapter 2
โ˜พ chapter 3
โ˜พ chapter 4
โ˜พ chapter 5
โ˜พ chapter 6
โ˜พ chapter 7
โ˜พ chapter 8
โ˜พ chapter 9
โ˜พ chapter 10
โ˜พ chapter 11
โ˜พ chapter 12
โ˜พ chapter 13
โ˜พ chapter 14
โ˜พ chapter 15
โ˜พ chapter 16
โ˜พ chapter 17
โ˜พ chapter 18
โ˜พ chapter 19
โ˜พ chapter 20
โ˜พ chapter 21
โ˜พchapter 22
โ˜พ chapter 23
โ˜พ chapter 24
โ˜พ chapter 25
โ˜พ chapter 26
โ˜พ chapter 27
โ˜พ chapter 28
โ˜พ chapter 29
โ˜พ chapter 30 pt.1
โ˜พ chapter 30 pt.2
โ˜พ chapter 32
โ˜พ chapter 33
๐” ๐”ฌ๐”ช๐”ฆ๐”ซ๐”ค ๐”ฐ๐”ฌ๐”ฌ๐”ซ

โ˜พ chapter 31

366 10 4
By hyuckssidehoe

D - D

The day had come where my dad was supposed to snatch me up from Haechan but since I wasn't anywhere near their base I don't know how that would be possible. I wasn't at The Boyz' base but at their dorms and they were about to tell me why I was here. To be honest I trust them quite a bit because the used to collaborate with my father back in the days yet when they realised that my fathers business was harmful to society and putting the members of public in danger, they cut off all ties.

I mostly grew up with them, also knowing their back stories and why they had to join the mafia. It's not their fault and it's also nothing they could have prevented themselves because it happened when they were all so young, they were only forced to join the mafia because of their parents or having lost someone important to them.

People would say that I'm delusional for trusting a mafia group with my life, but I've entitled them with that respect and trust. I hoped that when I go downstairs i wouldn't have to listen to news that would shatter me completely. If I didn't know them I probably would've tried to attack them. I did learn martial arts a bit when i was younger, but it didn't seem to come that helpful since whenever I was in danger I would forget to use my abilities and just wait for someone to help 'the damsel in distress' which is me.

I took a quick shower and changed into the clothes that Kevin left by the sink. It was nerve-racking, just like the day I moved into the NCT dorms and stayed with them for the first time, awkward. I took slow and steady steps as my body was half covered by Kevin's oversized hoodie and shorts. I've never worn any other persons clothing other than Haechan's so I felt uncomfortable, other than the fact the Kevin's clothes were soft.

As soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs, I heard distant muttering and I felt that I had the need to walk in. I don't know whether to walk in excitedly or just casually walk in. My mind couldn't be made up with these two options until I heard footsteps coming towards me. The faint footsteps alerted my brain and my eyes shot in the direction that it was coming from.

"Hey, Jaerin. We're all in here waiting for you," Kevin invited me in. The interior of the room was beautiful. White and grey walls as the breathtaking portraits bought the dull room to life. The crazy contrast of colours made me feel loved and hopeful. I took small steps into the room that had a big oak wood door, everyone sitting in their allocated seats as they turned their heads, smiling warmly.

"Sit here," Sunwoo spoke. My eyes were forming tears as I recalled our memories together.

"So...we have something important to tell you. Listen carefully because I'm only going to be saying it once, understand?" Eric questioned. I nodded, giving him a small smile as I let him continue.

"Your father was trying to sell you off to Wooyoung, right?" He began.

"Yes," the small strength in voice called out.

"He wanted Wooyoung to take you because he never wanted you in the first place. He let Wooyoung abuse you and he did so too. Did he do anything to you specifically?" Eric paused. His eyes filled with worry and anticipation as my mouth opened but the words were trapped in my throat, only uh- was able to leave my mouth properly.

"It's okay take your time," he reassured me. This conversation was bound to happen at some point so I might as well tell them.

I took in a deep breath and began.

"One night, I was sitting in my room completing my composition that was due for the next week. It was maybe around 1am but it was urgently needed to be handed in and since it was Music and I really enjoyed the subject I thought 'why not complete it now'. So I was w-working on it," I began.

"It's okay take your time, Jaerin," smiled Juyeon.

tw abuse

"H-he kept calling me so I picked up the phone and he told me to stop doing my work and turn off the lights. One thing I didn't understand about this was that his room was at the other end of the house, so why was my light being on bothering him. It's not he can't sleep because of it if he can't even see it," I sighed.

"And because it was 1am, I brushed off his words and continued to complete my song. Uet when he realised that I wasn't going to listen to h-him when he told me to turn it off, he k-kept calling and calling me. Obviously there's a point where I was starting to get p-pissed off because he was interrupting my work.," they all nodded, listening carefully to my every word as Hyunjae rubbed the top of hands, trying to comfort me.

"He went through about 53 phone calls, realising that I wasn't going to pick up either, and I put my phone on silent so it didn't bother me. He stroked into my room, causing the door to hit the cracked walls aggressively. He starting shouted, making me flinch as his voice raised an octave h-higher with every word. However when I knew that he wasn't going to leave, I ran into my step mother's dinky lit room, seeking shelter from my a-abusive f-father," a tear slipped out the corner of my eye so I quickly wiped it away and sniffled.

"Here," spoke Jacob, handing me the tissue box before retiring to his seat.

"Thank you," a gave him a smile with all the courage I had left.

"So...he started shouting again so I jumped onto my step mother's bed, as tears streamed down my face, creating a pool of water on the bed. He didn't seem sympathetic at all because he grabbed me by my hair, tightly wrapped around his hand and threw a punch in m-my face. Purple bruises and infected cuts started to form all over my f-face. Once his fists were covered with my blood, he slapped me across the face and started calling me a slut. To be honest I've never kissed a boy or even held hands with one so I don't understand how I was a s-slut," all of their faces were in shock as they listened carefully to each and every word that left my mouth.

"Because my hair was wrapped around his fist, he took the opportunity to pull it and seepage my hair from my head. My step mother tried to prevent it from happening, throwing random objects at him or trying to pull him away from me but it wasn't helping with the situation. H-he pushed her away into the oak wood door and slapped her across the face. He cut her cheek with his rings and her helpless body slid down the door and fell onto the floor. The thing is that, she tried to get back up to continue throwing things at him but he immediately snatched it from her hold and threw it at m-me," I kept stuttering occasionally m, as the memories of that day all came back to me.

"He walked up to my face and held my chin with his thumb, index and middle finger before lifting his arm to slap me once again. Blood flowed out of my lips, the metallic taste lingering in my m-mouth. For some reason, he was furious as I choked harshly on my blood and my eyes fluttered shut as I laid on my step mothers bed, blood gushing out from my head and lip with bruises covering my arms, neck and f-face," I took in a deep breath, closing my eyes, trying to removed the memories from my mind.

"He g-grabbed me by the hair and dragged me out of my step mother's room. She was equally as helpless as I was. My cousins watched in s-shock. I feel so bad that they had to witness that at such an early a-age," I paused.

"As I s-stared to gain consciousness, I felt another hand across my cheek once a-again. I was in the living room and my father kicked me countless times in the stomach . I held my stomach in pain, bloody spilling all over the floors yet the only thing I could think about was how to get out of there quick."

"When I finally got the courage, I made my way upstairs to my room and locked my door, taking a deep breath and tucked myself into my bed. Tears streamed down my face and soaked my pillow. My mind took time to process what had just happened and I really couldn't believe it did happen. I never thought that someone getting angry would result to abuse this s-serious."

"It happened a few time before but it was never this extreme. I don't understand why me doing an assignment resulted to me getting phyically abused by my own father. I couldn't see him the same way as before. He was a monster in my eyes now and would forever remain that way," I finished.

It felt so relieving to know that I didn't have to carry this in my shoulder anymore but I did have to tell Haechan before he finds out himself.

"Did any of that affect your memories, Jaerin?" questioned Sunwoo.

"Actually I'm not sure because I seem to remember you but there's a part of my memory that has been completely wiped out. I'm not sure what happens during ghat period of time but I seemed to remember everything so clearly," I answered.

"Jaerin, there's something very important that you need to know and it's not your fault, okay?" said Younghoon. I nodded, allowing him to continue.

"Jaerin, you're not actually your father's child," he began.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, causing lines on my forehead. "What do you mean?" I was confused. Why would he test me like shit when I wasn't even his child. How did I even end up there?"

"When you were 3 years old, he kidnapped you from your original parents. We don't know who they are or where they are, whether they're alive or dead but we're currently investigating that." he continued.

"We'll tell you the rest another time since we don't have enough time at the moment," said Sangyeon, before looking at the door, listening to its knocks.

"He's here," said Chanhee, getting up from his seat to open the door.

"Who's here?" I asked, curious to who was more important that this vital information.

The door revealed a disheveled Haechan. My eyes lit up and I ran towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck as he splattered kisses all over my face. I nuzzled my head in his neck, tears dripping off my face, soaking his jumper.

"Who's clothes are these?" asked Haechan. He seemed jealous and it was cute knowing so.

"Oh, they're Kevin's. He let me borrow them," I replied.

"Well, you can change now. I bought you my flutes to change into," jealousy was visible on his face at this point.

"No...these are comfy," I felt weird saying that because I didn't usually push away any of his affection.

"Bitch- take it off or I'm going to be sad," he pouted, he looked the cutest while doing aegyo and killing all my nonexistent brain cells.

"No I'm not taking it off-" he pulled me into a comfortable kiss as the other boys watched, wide eyed as we forgot they stood there watching a whole kdrama kissing scen being shot.

We all stayed in The Boyz' dorms until we knew that I was safe for sure. Even Haechan stayed with me, watching films with the other boys all day as we cuddled.

The day went pretty fast yet I still wondered why I was kidnapped.

The clock struck 03:00 am and I rubbed my eyes as I saw Haechan peacefully sleeping, his head on my shoulder as soft snores left his mouth. He probably realised that I was staring at him so he opened his eyes and carried me all the way to my room, throwing me onto the bed before joining me.

"Let's cuddle to sleep," he requested, I smiled as my cheeks turned a bright pink. I accepted his needy request and fell almost fell asleep in his arms.

"Princess, why were you crying when I walked in? Did they make you cry?" He asked.

"No they didn't," I giggled, "I was talking about what my father did last year during quarantine."

"You can tell me if you want to, only if you're ready. I'm not going to force you, I'm going to wait patiently whilst giving you kisses," he seemed determined.

"I'm only telling you once, a summary okay? Listen carefully and don't get distracted by my beauty, okay?" I smirked.

"I'll try not to, darling," he smirked back.

"So it started when I was doing my school work. He starting shouted, making me flinch as his voice raised an octave h-higher with every word. I ran into my step mother's dinky lit room, seeking shelter from my a-abusive f-father," a tear slipped out the corner of my eye so I quickly wiped it away and sniffled.

He gave me a comforting kiss.

"Thank you," a gave him a smile.

"So...he started shouting again so I jumped onto my step mother's bed, as tears streamed down my face, creating a pool of water on the bed. He didn't seem sympathetic at all because he grabbed me by my hair, tightly wrapped around his hand and threw a punch in m-my face. Purple bruises and infected cuts started to form all over my f-face. Once his fists were covered with my blood, he slapped me across the face and started calling me a slut. To be honest I've never kissed a boy or even held hands with one so I don't understand how I was a s-slut," all of their faces were in shock as they listened carefully to each and every word that left my mouth.

"Because my hair was wrapped around his fist, he took the opportunity to pull it and seepage my hair from my head. My step mother tried to prevent it from happening, throwing random objects at him or trying to pull him away from me but it wasn't helping with the situation. H-he pushed her away into the oak wood door and slapped her across the face. He cut her cheek with his rings and her helpless body slid down the door and fell onto the floor. The thing is that, she tried to get back up to continue throwing things at him but he immediately snatched it from her hold and threw it at m-me," I kept stuttering occasionally m, as the memories of that day all came back to me.

"He walked up to my face and held my chin with his thumb, index and middle finger before lifting his arm to slap me once again. Blood flowed out of my lips, the metallic taste lingering in my m-mouth. For some reason, he was furious as I choked harshly on my blood and my eyes fluttered shut as I laid on my step mothers bed, blood gushing out from my head and lip with bruises covering my arms, neck and f-face," Haechan looked at me hurt. His eyes watered and every tear drop that was left in his body managed to leave.

"I'm so sorry, baby, that you had to go through that alone," we cried together in each others arms.

"That- that's why you don't remember me," his cracked voice spoke.

"Huh? I knew you before?" I was shocked and confused now.

"Yes...we grew up together. But funny thing is that you remember everyone else but me," I felt bad for forgetting about him.

"Don't worry, now that we're together, no one is ever going to be able to separate us again, I promise," he pinky promised me, sealing it with a kiss.

"But we need to catch up then. Find out why and how I forgot," I said.

"I think we've figured out how...your story right now explains that but we don't know why you did forget," he whispered.

We both laid down under the covers, our legs intertwined as our slow and steady breaths turned into soft snores.

Author's POV

"Aww they're so cute," whispered Changmin.

"Shut up and get it, you're going to wake them up," whisper-shouted Haknyeon. Everybody turned to look at him shushing them both.

They shut the door behind them, before leaving and gking to their all ages dorm rooms.

Haechan and Jaerin were very tired, the tears that they shedded together and all the pain they shared was soon to be replenished.

Soft snores filled the dorms. Everyone was asleep except one. And that was Kevin. All he thought about was Jaerin but he couldn't like her because she had a boyfriend and they were more than happy together and he's not the type to hijack a happy relationship.

He soon joined everyone sleeping as his mind was now cleared and realised that his feelings were jealousy and lust and not love at all.

u n e d i t e d

Ayo- so guys that's the reason why Jaerin never remembered Hyuck. It's actually my personal story and the actual reason I started this book, so I can vent out my anger on her father rather than Jaerin's father getting away with his ways. It makes me feel relieved that I can vent.

Thank you guys for reading and keep your eyes open for the next chapters :)

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