Day By Day; MYG

By 134340purpl

2.3K 155 4

Lee Y/N has had a hard life from the beginning. After having to grow up as a rogue, it's safe to say she's ti... More

🌄Before you read🌅
《 2 》
《 3 》
《 4 》
《 5 》
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《 7 》
《 8 》
《 9 》
《 10 》
《 11 》
《 12 》
《 13 》
《 14 》
《 15 》
《 16 》
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《 18 》
《 19 》
《 20 》

《 1 》

170 11 0
By 134340purpl


Twigs snap under my feet. Branches scrape against my sides. I'm tired, my feet hurt, and I just want to rest, but right now I'm more concerned about my life than to care about some fatigue. I sprint as fast as I can through the undergrowth and trees, attempting to get away from the wolf trailing behind me as I simultaneously dodge low-hanging branches and leap over roots. I feel like I'm in this exact situation way too often for my liking, being hunted by other Rogues, trying to stay alive. Only to be mercilessly beaten by them, just barely making it out alive. No matter how much I seemed to scream or cry, it never made a difference. I could usually hold my own for a while, sometimes even long enough to get away mostly unscathed or even overpower them, but more times than often they overpower me. This isn't what my life was supposed to be like. If you had told me when I was younger this is where I was going to be at nineteen, I would have laughed.

I used to live in the Silver Paw pack; we were a relatively small pack, only having thirty or so pack members, which thinking back is probably one reason for our downfall. We had few warriors, and the ones we did have were mediocre at best. We had subpar healers with an insignificant amount of medical supplies. Our technology wasn't up to date. I mean, we barely had the technology for things such as lights. The Head Alpha was a nice man from what I saw. He knew everyone's name in the pack and tried his best to please everyone, but when it came to making treaties with other packs, he fell short. He didn't want to make enemies by having close relations with one pack rather than not having it with another, so he just never made any treaties. That was the second reason for our downfall. My family didn't hold any place of power in the pack. My Mom stayed at home to look after me and my dad was one of the pack warriors. My parents were the best ones I could have asked for. They were kind and always made time for me. My Mom taught me basic skills like maintaining the house and such while my dad taught me self-defense just in case, I ever found myself in such a situation where I would need to defend myself. I didn't have many friends because I was shy and was picked on a few times, mostly for my small stature, so I never made the best effort to make any. One night when I was seven, I woke up to the sound of blood-curdling screams, loud enough to wake the dead coming from outside. I peered out the window above my bed to see most of the village on fire. My parents rushed into my room, my dad sweeping me off my bed into his brawny arms while my mom was scrambling around my room, grabbing a few items I couldn't identify in the dim light. "Daddy, what's happening?" I asked, tears brimming my eyes because of the loud commotion coming from outside. My dad gave me a sad smile while moving the bangs from in front of my face.

"It's going to be okay baby, there are just some bad men in the village, so you have to leave," he said in a soft voice as his eyes became glossy.

"Are you and Mommy going to come with me?"

"No, not this time, you have to go by yourself sweetie," he said, his voice slightly cracking as he caressed my round cheek.

"But I want you to come with me," I mumbled, leaning into his touch, pouting slightly.

"I know, I know, and we'll see you again one day, but you're going to be on your own for a while." My mom came over, taking me into her arms, kissing me tenderly on my forehead. I looked up at her to see tears streaming down her face. I used my small, chubby hands to wipe the tears, not wanting to see my mom upset, especially if this would be the last memory, I'd have of her for a while. She set me down before placing the bag she had put together on my back.

"This should help you out for a little while. Now, Dad and I need you to run out of the village, keep running until you can't see the fire anymore." She paused for a second to collect herself. "You are so beautiful, and I wish we had had more time with you," she said before breaking down. My dad came up crouching down behind her, hugging her in an attempt to calm her down. My parents took me to the back porch that faced the woods, away from the village. They hugged me, kissed me, and said what I didn't know at the time was their last goodbyes. "Be strong for us, even if it gets hard just wait it out, please, and keep your head held high," My mom whispered in my ear while she hugged me. I didn't understand why she told me this, so I just shrugged it off. They let me go and told me to run. I started running towards the tree line, looking back momentarily once I was hidden by a few layers of trees, only to see my house bursting into flames. I stopped in my tracks for a second, gazing up at the rising flames. I was about to run back to the house to look for my parents, but I remembered what my mom had instructed me to do. So I reluctantly turned around and continued running, not stopping until the sun broke through the trees. I looked around while I caught my breath, trying to find some form of shelter, but all I could see were countless trees towering over my tiny figure. Then I heard twigs snapping nearby, so I quickly ducked behind a shrub. A dark brown, almost black wolf with red eyes made its way into view, stalking almost in my direction. I was about to ask for help, not noticing the murderous glint in its eyes, when another wolf came into view, this one grey with bright green eyes. They both circled each other a few times before the red-eyed wolf lunged at the green-eyed one, going straight for the neck. I backed up before running in the opposite direction. I had heard stories, terrible stories about wolves that just attacked each other for no reason, wolves that didn't belong to a pack, Rogues. That's what I basically was now. I was a rogue. I hadn't been kicked out of my pack, but I'm pretty sure there's no one left to go back to. The first few years weren't as hard because I was too young to present so I didn't have a prominent scent, also I was small so I could hide easily, though it took me sometime to be mature in the sense that I had to learn how to take care of myself, but when I turned eleven, things changed. I presented as a Trueblood Omega, so I had a pretty strong scent. I automatically became a target for most Alpha rogues.

Not all of them were monsters, though, just the vast majority of them. They probably ended up in this lifestyle unexpectedly like me, so if we ever crossed paths, we just ignored each other and went about our day. Though not everyone copes well with being forced into this lifestyle, they go feral, driven off the edge into madness, they resort to killing or attacking other Rogues, sometimes even pack wolves. They are the inspiration for the horror stories packs tell about us, the reason other packs despise our very existence, the reason it's illegal for us to enter packs or cities. I've run into my fair share of them. They always came after me because I'm small and I look like an easy target. I had to go through my first shift alone, which was one of the most excruciating pains I've ever felt. I just want this pain to end. I continued running from the Alpha behind me when I saw a canyon with a river with a strong current below. I couldn't turn because I'd most likely be caught, though it was quite a distance between the two sides, but I still took the chance and jumped, narrowly landing on the cliff. I look back at the other side and see the Alpha is still over there. They huffed before skulking away with their shoulders slumped, looking defeated. I mentally sighed in relief before jogging away before they changed their mind.

Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter

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