The Boy of Three

By ImJustNot

313 27 2

Boy has fire power in superpower world with heroes, but not really More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Halloween Special
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
How Ticks Work
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Universe hopping Filler!
UnF! Part 2
Chapter Nine
Season Two Trailer!?
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
World Hopping Filler?
Into the "Theo"verse Filler.
Into the "Theo"verse Filler Part 2
Into the "Theo"verse Filler Part 3
Into the "Theo"verse Filler Part 4

Chapter 20

3 0 1
By ImJustNot

The Sam one.

Ted: Sam, is it just me or is this place getting messier?

Sam: Nah, that's just you, mate.

Ted and Sam are in Sam's room, working on English homework together.

Ted: I dunno man, you've got a shit ton of boxes full of... I dunno, tech stuff.

Sam: You know I make all of my support items, right?

Ted: Where do you get the materials?

Sam: Made a song for it.

Ted: You have a song for everything huh?

Sam: No, I don't have a song for... let's say, creating human life.

Ted: I mean, it'd be weird if you did.

Sam: Right.

The two continue to do their homework while quiet lofi music plays.

Two hours later, May walks in to see Sam throwing one of his disk-shaped support items into Ted's head.

May: Sam! Did you just kill your best friend?

Ted: I don't like how calmly you said that.

Ted says poking his head around where Sam is standing to look at May.

May: Oh, you're alive. That's nice.

Clone: Hey, hey, hey! I'm not even dead!

Sam: Damn, I didn't throw it hard enough.

Clone: No it would've hit the brain of anyone unlucky enough to cross your path.

Sam: Then, why are you still standing?

Sam then noticed the thin string of Ted's black and white fire.

Sam: He's supplying it with Inergy so it stays instead of poofing away. Effectively making it almost immortal. With how stupid he acts I forget he's got the third-best grades in the class

Ted: So, May, what do ya need?

May: Oh! I came up to ask if you were staying for dinner.

Ted: Hm...

Ted: Theo, I know you're doing villain stuff. But could you do me a favour?

Theo: Uh, can't right now Ted. Currently tied up with something.

Ted: It's a Centipede Beastwoman innit?


This is gonna be a joke later on but Theo is really into Centipede Beastwomen, like, caused a curse on his entire bloodline into them.

Ted: Well you have fun with all those legs.

Theo: I... ugh... will.

I guess you could say he's getting more into Centipede Beastwomen if you catch my meaning.

Sam: Oi! Ted! You staying or leaving.

Ted: Oh, uh, I gotta make a call real quick.

Ted vanishes in a swirl of black and white, appearing outside.

Ted: Hey, Aunt Rose. Can I stay at Sam's for dinner?

Aunt Rose: Oh, well I actually wanted to not eat alone tonight.

Ted: So that's a no?

Aunt Rose: Yeah that's a "no".

Ted: Aww.

Aunt Rose: See you soon, love ya.

Ted: Love you too.

Ted appears in Sam's room, visibly downtrodden.

Sam: Welp, see ya at school tomorrow?

Ted nods sadly before walking out of Sam's room, passing May in the kitchen cooking something.

May: Ted, be a dear and look over here.

Ted looks into May's brown... wait a minute.

Once Ted looked into her blue eyes he blacked out for several minutes before awaking in a dungeon of sorts.

Ted: Huh? Mind control doesn't usually work on me.

May: That wasn't normal mind control love.

Ted's head snapped to May who wielded a whip.

Ted: Umm... pineapple?

May's brown eyes sparkled with mischief.

May: Under the sea.

Ted gulped in fear before he too donned a mischievous smirk.

Clone: Checkmate, love.

The clone vanished in a swirl of Ted's black and white fire.

May: Bollocks, I almost had him.

A swirling blue mass, courtesy of Ren, appeared and dropped a note.

"You really didn't"

Back with Sam.

Sam is sitting at his desk, tinkering with a couple of things.

Sam: Say, maybe I should make more melee weapons.

Sam looks over to the box labelled "stuff for future weapons"

Sam: Yeah, I think I'll get on that.

Sam pulls a hilt, like Ted's I-Sword, out of the box and starts thinking.

Sam: Yeah, I could do that.

Sam gets to work, doing whatever it is people who create these sorts of things do.

I'd go in-depth but I don't wanna leave then get pulled down a rabbit ho-

Kevin: Several hours later.

A fire mace looks dope as fuck.

Shit, I did it again.

Kevin: Yep, you went down a "building cool shit" rabbit hole on YouTube.

Well on the bright side, Sam is done.

Sam held a hilt, a hilt akin to that of a space wizards weapon.

Sam activated Beastmode, then pressed the button on the hilt after putting a sufficient amount of Inergy into the weapon.

A green blade with a bubbly green aura around it shot from the hilt, ending just before 89 centimetres long.

Sam: Bit short, but I guess I should add like a switch or something like that.

Sam, being the number two second smartest in his entire class, decided to swing the small blade at his arm, feeling like he got hit with a blunt object, a very hot blunt object but a blunt object nonetheless.

Sam: Not what I expected, but I'm happy with the results.

Sam then switched to Firepower, the blade switching as well, turning from a bright green to dark orange, the aura surrounding it switching to that of the Fire Element Cloak.

Sam: I uh, probably shouldn't test this against my skin huh?

Good idea Sam.

Sam turned to the training dummy he has in the corner of his room.

Sam: I forget you're in here sometimes Buddy.

After several attempts to get the dummy out without moving any of the boxes, Sam carefully moves the boxes and grabs the dummy, carefully moving the boxes back once he did.

Sam: I should stop keeping explosives in my room.

Another good idea Sam.

Sam simply placed the short blade near the dummy's head, seeing the plastic start to bubble once he did.

Sam: Yeah, I should only use this against non-human threats.

Sam then activated Stormbringer, the blade turning blue and occasionally having arc lightning coming off of it.

Sam: I feel like this is more deadly than the last one. But I'm not sure.

Sam then swung the blade downwards towards the dummy's left shoulder, stopping once he hit it.

Sam: Huh, guess I was wrong.

When Sam went to correct the dummy he got shocked.

Sam: Ow! Bloody hell! If I wasn't using Stormbringer that would've done some serious damage.

Sam then activated Spider, a long, black, metallic blade sprouting from the hilt.

Sam: Feel like this isn't your average sword.

Sam swung the blade around, not seeing anything weird about it.

Sam: Hm...

Sam swung the blade at the dummy, once it made contact it opened up like a blooming onion and attached itself to the impact point, digging in till the eight different blades met.

Sam: Bloody Hell... if that hit someone... I feel like this is a war crime.

Sam then got a brain blast or something because he suddenly started laughing like a maniac.

Sam: That's what I should call it, War Crime. Hahahahahaha!

Theo, because, ya know, Theo, appeared out of one of his signature violent cough stolen cough swirling blue portals. Seems when you mention certain words one of three might appear.

Side note: Ted is kinda sorta into swords, like, big, long ones that shouldn't even be wielded, but are because they look fucking cool. Don't ask why he hasn't bought an I Sword like that. Don't tell anybody, but he doesn't have a license to wield the one he has.

Wait I just told you why he doesn't didn't I?

Kevin: Not, go to bed, I got this.

I dunno man, you didn't really have Season One.

Kevin: Ah c'mon, I got better.

Not: Whatever.

Alright, Kevin time.

Theo: So... you mentioned war crimes?

Sam: Oh, it's you. How the hell do you know where I...

Sam paused to think about it, then stopped thinking about it.

Theo: I'm assuming Ted told you but kept the important details to himself?

Sam: Yeah. So why are you here again?

Theo: You mentioned war crimes. I've committed several war crimes. I think you can see the connection.

Sam: Oh, by War Crime I meant this.

Sam motions to the blade in his hand.

Theo: Oh, it's called War Crime. What's it do?

Sam: I never really pegged you to be technologically inclined?

Theo: Oh I'm not, I just think it's pretty cool.

Sam: Ah, so close. Well anyway, what it does is, after putting some of my Inergy into it, when I activate a song a blade with a portion of the power of the song will sprout from this end of the hilt.

Sam points to the hilt the slender black blade is still protruding from.

Theo: Hm... what song do you currently have active?

Sam: Spider.

Theo: That explains the feeling of hundreds of beady eyes watching me.

Sam: What?

Theo: Your room is full of spiders that are all currently staring at both of us.

Sam immediately deactivates Spider. Hearing lots of tiny legs moving around his room, instinctively activating Firepower.

Theo: Woah, as much as I like committing arson, pretty sure your mom is still in the house.

Sam: True, but I'm arachnophobic.

Theo: Then why'd you make a song- you know what, not even gonna question it.

Sam: You gonna help me or what?

Theo: I made a technique just for this a while back.

Theo creates a small ball of plasma, then moves it above his and Sam's heads.

Theo: Once we leave the room, all the spiders are gonna cease to live.

Sam: Oh, well what are we waiting for let's get the fuck out of here.

Sam and Theo walk out of the room, hearing the sound of plasma cutting through cardboard and spiders, not even a second after the door closed.

Sam: What would happen if that was aimed at a human.

Theo: Imagine a pin going through your brain, heart and dick all at the same time.

Sam: Why dick?

Theo: I dunno, just felt like it.

Sam: So, what am I gonna do about all the dead spider bodies.

Theo: Phase Two of the attack should be starting right about...

The sound of spiders disintegrating is heard.

Theo: Now.

Sam: Ah, you thought of that?

Theo: I think about a lot of things.

The two walk back into the room, Sam grabbing the hilt off his desk.

Sam: Wanna stay around for the next few tests?

Theo: Sure.

Sam: Hey, could you double-tap the space bar on my PC?

Theo: Uh, yeah.

Theo does the thing, hearing a song play out from the speakers around the room.

"An earthquake is the perceptible shaking of the surface of the earth, which can be violent enough to destroy major buildings and kill thousands of people. The severity of the shaking can be barely felt or violent enough to toss people around. People often confuse earthquakes for Teminite gigs, but that's okay.

Theo: Bit vain don't ya think? And you still need to listen to songs?

Sam: Course I do. You still need to think about the thing you're creating when you create it right?

Theo: Yeah, but I- nevermind.

Sam swings the short glowing green blade at the dummy, seeing it vibrate for a bit after being hit.

Sam: Ooh, what if I swing it harder?

Sam swung harder, the dummy collapsing in on itself on impact.

Theo: You go to a hero school, what purpose would that serve?

Sam: Intimidation?

Theo: Did you try Stormbringer yet?

Sam: Funnily enough, right before Spider.

Theo: Damn, missed it. Energize?

Sam: Thinking about doing that one last.

Theo: Shockwave?

Sam: I forgot about that one. Double-tap the space bar again.

Theo did the thing and like magic, shockwave started playing.

Theo: How the hell did you know it was next up?

Sam: I'm just lucky mate.

Sam smirked at Theo before swinging the short glowing blue blade at him.

A wave of blue Inergy shot out in an arc towards Theo who countered it with a wave of plasma.

Theo: Plasma Style: Moth Ray.

Sam: You named all your plasma style moves after Godzilla characters, didn't you?

Theo: Maybe.

He totally did.

Sam: You're a proper nerd mate.

Theo: Well one of my hosts, fake cough Ted,  fake cough, was really into them and watched every single Godzilla movie, even the shitty TriStar one released in 1998. Tch, so bad they took the God out of Godzilla.

Sam: I didn't even know there was a Godzilla released in 1998. Just shows you're a proper nerd mate.

Theo: Oh fuck off.

Sam punched Theo in the shoulder while smirking at him.

Sam: I was taking the piss mate.

Theo: Whatever, let's just continue with the tests.

Sam: Next up is Elevate.

Theo: This one makes you bouncy, right?

Sam: With just the name you'd think it made me fly or something.

Theo: Lyrics?

Sam: Lyrics.

Theo creates a Fire Clone with pretty moderate defence.

Theo: Since you broke your dummy.

Sam: Thanks, mate.

Theo: Whatever.

Sam pokes the clone with the short salmon coloured blade.

Theo: Why poke it?

Sam: Makes me bouncy, no telling what would happen if he bounced around when I have explosives everywhere.

Theo: Ah, true.

Theo then thought about it.

Theo: Wait a fuck, why not just do this in the giant ass forest that surrounds the city.

Sam: I got a bit excited and didn't think about that.

Theo opened a glowing blue portal next to where the dummies crumpled body lay.

Theo: This'll feel weird.

Theo pushed Sam into the portal, before jumping in after him.

As per usual they're falling from the sky.

Sam: THEO! Why are we falling?!

Theo: Oh! This is what I do when I use my portals, I go to a different world then go back in at a different location.

Sam: But why fall?!

Theo: It's fun!

Theo opened a portal in front of Sam, falling in after him a second later.

Now in the forest that surrounds the city.

Sam: Are you off your rocker mate?!

Theo: Ahahahahaha! Course I am!

Theo laughed crazily at Sam's question.

Sam: You're proper mad mate!

Theo: Yep. Anything new?

Sam makes a noise of exasperation before walking towards where he thinks is the city.

Theo: Other way.

Sam turns around and walks towards the city, seeing lights once he passed Theo.

Theo: See ya in a couple days!

Theo yells out at Sam as he starts to jog away.

Theo steps into one of his portals, stepping out of one on the top of an abandoned warehouse.

Yep, that's right, he doesn't have to travel to another world then back to go places, he can just go there. He did that solely to fuck with Sam.

"Ah Fuck off, would ya!?"

Not is spinning in his chair at his desk, thinking of things he could add to the story that he'll definitely add later.

Not: Should I say it or are you gonna say it?

Ugh, fine, because this particular short involves a God-Like be-

Not: I am a God.

Ugh... involves a God, any chance of this being non-canon to the original story are close to zero, so it's canon.

Not: Better.

Fuck off.

Not: Nah.

Not did his usual vanishing act, not leaving a trace as usual.

Hey, I guess that's why they call him Not.

Not appears on a very familiar doorstep, knocking on it once he got his bearings together.

Not: I'm a God, I got this.

Rose Cole: Hello? Who are you?

Not: Yo! I'm a friend of Ted's! He told me this is where he lives so I decided to stop by while on a walk.

Rose: That so? He usually doesn't tell people where he lives, not unless he absolutely trusts them.

Not: We've been friends for a while. Though I did move away quite a while ago.

Rose: Hmmm... plausible.

Not smiles wide, his suspiciously long canines sitting uncomfortably on his bottom lip.

Well, not uncomfortably, but there's this weird constant knowledge of them being there that is slightly off-putting.

Ted had noticed the void of Inergy that is Not when he did his teleporting thing onto his front doorstep.

Ted: Hey, Aunt Rose, I know that guy. We're friends from a while back. he moved away which is why I never told you about him.

Rose looked at Ted, then looked at Not, seeing him somehow smile wider.

Rose: Kid's are getting weird these days. Come in.

Not walked into the Cole residence, taking his shoes off at the front door.

Ted and Not walk up to Ted's room, Not sitting on Ted's bed and Ted sitting at his desk.

Ted: So... Not... Whadyou want?

Not: Just visiting my... 12,29, carry the 1... second favourite person.

Not mumbles out a few numbers to annoy Ted.

Ted: All that math was to annoy me wasn't it?

Not: Heh ha! Yeah.

Ted: And I'm assuming the reason I can't see or hear Kevin's narration is that you don't want me to?

Not: Righto!

Ted: Ugh, this is gonna be a long day. Well, whatever you've got planned can it wait, I got homework to do.

With a wave of Not's hand, Ted's homework is done.

Ted: Oh hey Kevin, also thanks Not, but I've also got to clean my roo-

Not deadpanned at Ted.

Ted: That can wait. Got it.

Not: Because I get bored from time to time, we're going on a trip.

Ted: Don't I get a say in this?

Not: Not when you're alone.

Ted: He just died, come on!

Not: Nice job on the re-dye. Though someone's gonna notice sooner or later.

Ted had a sombre look on his face, thinking about the death of one of his best friends. It hurts, far worse than any pain he received in her "care."

Ted: where are we going?

Ted had adopted a certain someone's way of speaking, in such a monotonous way that seemed completely devoid of emotion.

Not: Oh that's weird to hear in your voice.

Ted: whatever.

Ted grabbed onto Not's shoulder, vanishing the second he did.

On a cliff past the forest that surrounds the city without a name.

Ted: woah.

Not: Despite how much of an asshole I can be, I still care ya know?

Ted: ah fuck off, would ya?

Not: I know you still have it, so I'll leave you to it.

Not made a shovel come into existence and handed it to Ted.

Not walked off into the forest, having a nice little walk on his way back to Ted's house.

I can't really tell much more without completely giving away the end of Season Thr33.

See ya.

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