Identity V x Reader One shot...

By Kuumaa_San

98.5K 2.7K 763

Guess I'm truly stuck in IV hell now XD I'll try my best to write :')) Closing requests and very slow updates... More

Aesop Carl x Reader
Naib Subedar x Reader
Joseph x reader part 1
Platonic Soul Weaver x Reader
Joseph x Reader part 2
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Naib x Reader
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Aesop x Reader Part 1
Eli x Reader
Aesop x Reader (Birthday Special)
Luca x Reader
Joseph x Reader
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Mike x Reader (Birthday Special)
Victor x Reader Part 1
Victor x Reader part 2
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Author's Note
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Aesop X Reader Part 2
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Author's Note

Joseph X Reader part 1

1.4K 56 8
By Kuumaa_San

Hooo boi I finally updated after such a long time. I know I was supposed to update weeks ago but assignments and tests hit me so hard and I couldn't get up :,))) Welp anyways this story is a lil bit different from what I have written so far but you can tell the plot is definitely inspired by every isekai anime, manga, or manhwa you have seen- Thank you for your patience and I hope you guys would somehow find enjoyment in this uhh junk T w T


Beads of sweat were beginning to form on her forehead as she was now finally introduced to the fiance her father has arranged for her. The temptation to run away into the carriage at full speed was growing but (Y/N) was very well aware that her actions would be considered rude and it certainly won't leave a good impression on the young boy who seemed to be around the same age as her if not a little older.

With all the courage that was left within her tiny body, she manages to offer the largest smile she could offer even if it did appear forced. Fortunately, he did not appear to be bothered at the slightest, returning the gesture which (Y/N) immediately deemed it as a million-dollar smile since his charming features were already enough to capture anyone's attention. Even without his good looks, Joseph Desaulniers has a good reputation and his family was quite well known despite having recently moved into the new country to settle down.

At first glance, any passerby or even their parents would be under the assumption that (Y/N) was just an awfully shy girl. After all, this was the first time she was meeting her fiance in person and the behaviour she displayed was considered understandable. However, their points were quite off the mark as the girl was not shy in the slightest bit. The viscount's daughter was more concerned about who she was going to be engaged to instead and after meeting Joseph, she was not exactly on board with the idea.

But the young gentleman has yet to do anything so why was (Y/N) already objecting so strongly? The reason is simple yet bizarre and laughable at the same time. If she had been reincarnated as a heroine, supporting or even minor character, there wouldn't be any complaints and she would have gladly accepted the fate without any second thoughts. Unfortunately, (Y/N)'s luck ran out the moment she had been involved in a car accident that cost her life.

The poor soul never had the opportunity to rest as the moment she had passed on in her previous world, she was immediately forced to take on the role of the villainess of her own story whether she likes it or not. However, considering the fact the author was granted with emotions and memories the villainess has along with the knowledge of the obstacles she may face in the future, there was still an opportunity left standing for her to change her fate into something more desirable.

Although everything has been carefully planned out since the beginning of a new life in the author's own book, she couldn't stop herself from sweating nervously now that she has come face to face with the main lead. Reminding herself what happened to the original villainess if she fails to annul the engagement or becomes a nuisance to Joseph's relationship with his lover. (Y/N) then attempts to shake those awful thoughts away as they were far from helpful.

"It's an honour to finally meet you, Joseph. My name is (Y/N) (L/N)." The girl greets politely while doing a curtsy, internally cheering for pulling the introductions off without stumbling over her words like a fool despite how nervous she was feeling. Even though her words may have come across as a little too formal to Joseph, he did not hesitate to return the same treatment. "Please raise your head. I should be the one to bow my head as a gratitude for you to come all these way."

Seeing that the children would be fine on their own, their parents left them on their own to wander around the mansion, believing an adult's presence would only be a hindrance for them to communicate at ease. A part of (Y/N) wanted to scream out "Why are you leaving kids unsupervised?!" but on the other hand, she forced those words down her throat as it would make the atmosphere more awkward than it already is. So now here they were wandering aimlessly in the garden, the birds chirping loudly as not a single word was exchanged between them.

The silence between them was quite uncomfortable, to begin with, and the staring they received from gardeners and maids and butlers in the area did little assistance to ease the thickness in the air. Luckily, it seems that the girl was not the only person to feel this way as Joseph was bothered by them too but every time he turns to face them, they would carry on with their usual tasks as if they were never looking in their direction in the first place.

A soft sigh escapes from Joseph's lips as nothing much could be done as they did not mean any harm and he did not want to resort to telling them off which leaves him with one conclusion. "Come with me." He stated rather bluntly, walking off towards a specific place as (Y/N) quietly followed behind him, wondering if he had something in mind he wanted to show her.

Somehow, one way or another they managed to escape from the servants' sight and the author was beginning to question the size of the garden they have. "This is the place where I always come to when I need some space alone. I'm afraid it is not the most comfortable place to rest out of all places in the mansion though..." A sheepish grin could be seen on his face, implying that he was realising it was not a perfect location where you would bring a lady to. "Would you prefer if we head elsewhere?"

"No no this is fine really." Much to Joseph's surprise, his suggestion was immediately shot down when he had expected the opposite reaction. "There is no other place for us to sit aside from the grass, your dress may have dirt on them." He thoughtfully points it out as he has seen with his own eyes how many girls and women would fuss over when their favourite clothes have been either dirtied or stained by a small drop of water. It wouldn't be nice if (Y/N) was forcing herself so due to the current status of their relationship, he wanted to make sure she was truly fine with it.

A small smile graced her lips, a small laugh could be heard as she brought one of her hands up to her mouth. "That's very thoughtful of you Joseph but I don't think you need to trouble yourself with a small matter like this. The dirt would come off on its own and they can be easily washed off." Well, isn't this a rare case? "Are you really fine with it?" Joseph asks again for confirmation, receiving a firm nod in response.

"Unless you are not then I wouldn't mind changing the place. It would be a shame though since this place does seem quite peaceful to rest in."

To be honest, Joseph was not very delighted about the news delivered to him from his parents that he would be engaged to a girl he has never met before at such a young age. He was anticipating he would meet a snobbish and spoiled daddy's girl but (Y/N) has literally crushed every negative expectation he has and now he was beginning to feel a pinch of guilt for not being open-minded.

'I guess she isn't that bad after all.'

'Huh...he's kind of more friendly than I last remembered him to be. I hope this is a good sign.'


Several months later, the author has successfully adapted to the completely different surroundings she was suddenly thrown in and things were starting to look better than she had initially expected. It was safe to say that her current relationship with Joseph was steadily progressing well due to the knowledge she has of what were her fiance's likes or dislikes. Then again, even if she was clueless, there wouldn't be any major issues in the first place since unlike the villainess of the story, (Y/N) was neither possessive nor clingy.

More importantly, the author was more than happy to realise that the relationship she has with Joseph was progressing rather well to the point they could talk without holding any formalities when their parents were not around. The reason why Joseph has dropped his guard around her was partly due to his twin brother, Claude. Unlike many people who would either pity or ridicule his twin at first sight for having a weak body, (Y/N) treated him normally while keeping in mind that Claude could not participate in some activities that are stressful for his body.

Due to the fact, his twin brother often sang praises about (Y/N), it was only natural for Joseph to slowly open up his heart as well. There was no doubt that the young girl sincerely appreciated their presence as the body language she has shown along with the kind words she has offered to them when they were down were all genuine. Unbeknownst to the viscount's daughter, she was not aware that the charming young man had fallen head over heels for her.

"So...What is the special occasion for today, Joseph? Did something pleasant happen?" (Y/N) questions as her gazes fell on the table which was mainly filled with her favourite pastries from many popular and well-known bakeries. This wasn't the first time the young male aristocrat has come unannounced but this was certainly the first time he had decided to bring along gifts for her. 'Holy crap, this is the power of rich people.' Although she had been living the life of an aristocrat for almost six months, she still found it shocking that there would be people who were willing to pay hundreds or thousands or even more for a single cake.

"Oh, nothing in particular. Claude mentioned you were craving for these but unfortunately since they have gained a sudden increase in popularity for the past few days, you didn't get the chance to get your hands on them." My, wasn't he incredibly transparent to the point where (Y/N) could easily read him just like an open book?

"Why that's very thoughtful of you Joseph. Although I do honestly hope you would be more honest around me. Well, not that I am not displeased by your shy methods. I find them quite endearing in fact." Her voice was laced with a slightly teasing tone as a soft giggle managed to escape from her lips which she did not mind since they were very comfortable with each other at this point.

Unfortunately for (Y/N), Joseph was not one who would become easily flustered even as a child so instead of expressing a look of surprise, he was bold enough to return the gesture without a second thought. "Oh? I'm glad our feelings are mutual then. I suppose it will be safe for me to say that I will be looking forward to our marriage which will occur in another eight years." The author internally choked, clearly taken aback at the words he had spoken while somehow maintaining an amused yet calm image as she wasn't willing to show Joseph what he wanted to see.

What a cheeky little bastard Joseph is.

'Eight years...I guess that is enough time for me to cancel our engagement.'

Even though there were signs that the story was beginning to stray away from the original plot due to decisions the new 'villainess' has made, (Y/N) was still skeptical about what type of person she was in the viscount's son's eyes. There was no doubt about the friendship they have but what about romantically wise? Would Joseph still want to marry her when the time comes?

The author could not find the reasons to deny the risks of staying in this arranged marriage. In eight years, the likelihood of Joseph holding some sort of attraction towards the heroine was quite high. After all, the main lead of the story would always fall head over heels for a kind-hearted, selfless, innocent yet strong woman, and (Y/N) will always have the role of a villainess stick to her side whether she liked it or not.

'Ah, whatever. I'll let the magic do its work and take a step back.'

Instead of giving a proper response or a playful retort, she releases a hum leaving up to the viscount's sign to decide what that would mean. Although as much as she strongly wishes to break off their engagement as soon as possible, it wouldn't be good for either of the families if that were to happen since it surely would affect their reputation without a doubt especially when (Y/N) has yet to find a legitimate reason as to why the marriage was not going to work out and that was one of the outcomes she would like to avoid since she was given an option this time around.

Their playful banter finally came to an end when Joseph suggested that they should start eating the fresh pastries, swallowing down a chuckle while doing so as from what he had observed earlier on, (Y/N)'s eyes would tend to glance towards the tempting cakes on the tables before returning her attention on him. He felt the urge to slip a few teasing comments but decided against it since he had already hit the quota of his day.

Besides, he would rather not point it out either if given the option to do so since the young girl would actually take his words into account, fixing up whatever 'flaws' she displayed beforehand and ensuring it would not happen again. Well, on the bright side at least she appeared much more relaxed and approachable than the day their engagement was announced for other aristocrats to know.

"Oh, you have a cream on your face." (Y/N) suddenly stated, snapping him out from his trance, feeling a tad bit embarrassed as he hoped the viscount's daughter was oblivious to his starings. If his twin brother were to hear about how the cream got to his face in the first place, he surely would be laughed at without a doubt.

"Do I? Where?" Pulling out his handkerchief, trying to wipe away the spot of cream the young lady had indicated. Alas, he still did not manage to wipe it away even after the girl had told him where it was which caused his face to grow warm after a while. "Here, let me help." (Y/N) offered, leaning closer slightly as she wiped away the cream with her own napkin with ease.

Due to her unexpected actions and the motherly smile she flashed, he was caught completely off guard, almost shying away from the gentle touches but to be very honest, he would like to experience something intimate like this more often. Of course, he couldn't bring himself to voice out his opinions in this situation partly because he was feeling sheepish about it since this was one of the few times (Y/N) had witnessed his cheeks slowly blooming into a shade of pink.

'Aw...He's pretty cute when he's quiet.'


Since there was still plenty of time left before Joseph has to return, the author thought it would be nice to introduce him to another friend of hers considering the fact there was literally nothing else left for them to do at the moment. But first, she has to ensure he would be comfortable with the idea as they would taking a short trip outside where it was insanely hot. Fortunately, being the gentleman he is, he did not complain.

"Why do we need to go all the way out though?" He curiously asked, wondering what was the reason for the need to come all the way out to meet someone at the stable. Instead of receiving a proper answer from the young girl who was already walking ahead of him, she only turned around, giving him a bright smile. "Oh, you will find out soon. I can guarantee you it will be worth your time especially when he's such a darling~!" Well, that certainly has piqued his interest more than ever for sure especially when she had referred whoever they were meeting as a male. "He?" The viscount's son asked again for confirmation, just in case he had misheard her words.

"Oh my, how forgetful of me. Yes, he's a very sweet boy. That's why I am convinced you two would get along just fine!" She replies cheerfully and at that same exact moment, Joseph realised her pacing had gradually increased which meant she must be really excited to see him. Joseph couldn't help but feel conflicted, on one hand, he was happy for (Y/N) as she had found another company she is comfortable with yet he was a little frustrated? All this time, her small group of friends only consisted of Claude and himself since their coming of age part had not arrived yet.

"Haha is that so..." Despite how his forced his laughter turned out to be, (Y/N) was not bothered by it at the least...or she probably did not even notice it in the first place considering how excited she is right now. 'I don't mind if she is happy she made a new friend but calling him a darling...isn't that a little too intimate?' Joseph furrowed his eyebrows and tried to recollect if there were any events where any children of his age he has met so far or even his twin brother had used the term 'darling' on their friends. Of course, no such thing came to his mind other than the interactions he has witnessed from his parents.

The viscount's son was so preoccupied with his thoughts to the point he had failed to realise they have already reached their destination until he heard (Y/N)'s cooing towards someone...or perhaps something would be fitted better in this scenario. "My father has taken an interest in horse riding as of late. Look, isn't he adorable?" The author had to hold back a squeal, allowing a giggle to escape once in a while as the horses nudge its head towards the girl, giving her a chance to gently stroke its neck.

"Oh...So he's the one who you wanted me to meet? I thought you were referring to a... never mind." Despite his efforts in trying to play off his surprise in a cool manner, he was unable to hide the tone of his voice which unfortunately or fortunately, the author has caught onto even though she was giving most of her attention towards the animal in front of her. "Hmm...You sound awfully relieved, Joseph." She purposefully hummed aloud, a glint of mischief could be seen in her eyes for a split second.

"Ah, don't tell me you were expecting a guy?" As if on cue, she flashed the cheekiest grin he has ever seen. Since he had yet to calm himself down previously, the poor boy was completely flustered now as his racing heart has returned. To make the matter worse, he had not even noticed that a faint blush was already forming across his cheeks which causes (Y/N) to turn away so she could force down the cackle which was threatening to escape from her lips. 'Kids are really that fun to tease huh...Maybe I should do this more often?'

"You were doing it on purpose, right?"

"Maybe?" She hums again, feigning ignorance.

"I won't go easy on you the next time."

"Fine by me~ I'll be looking forward to it."

Instead of choosing to sulk for the rest of the entire day, Joseph thought it would be a better idea to join in on the fun and wait for his next opportunity to catch her off-guard instead, although a small part of him was still slightly embarrassed at the fact that he had been worried for nothing and was concerned with her relationship with a stupid horse. Meanwhile, the author on the other hand was excited to visit Claude soon so she could share the details of his flustered brother.

'I wonder if the three of us will be on good terms in eight years' time. Even if I can't be his fiance by then, it would be nice to remain as his good friend.' Joseph notices her dazed expression, calling her out for it which she immediately responses in a calm manner. "Oh, nothing~ Just daydreaming a little." 


I was originally planning for this story to be short but my mind had other plans so- well shit here we go again- I won't promise you that part 2 is gonna be extremely fluffy but I don't think I'll make you readers suffer that badly 

One way for you guys to avoid suffering from angst is by praying real hard that I forgot about the plot in the midst of my studies XD

 I'm sorry if the story is a little weird or wonky(?) since I only touched on it when I'm free and somewhere along the line I forgot what I was supposed to write and what I had planned beforehand :,)) I hope you guys have as much fun reading it just as I have enjoyed while writing. See you guys again once my holiday finally comes ; w ;

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