The Third Pilot (Evangelion x...

By Alumina_

47.6K 1.4K 751

Y/n Ikari is a introverted person abandoned by his father as a kid. Now, years later, he is called back by hi... More

1. Just a Tool
2. Like that was Easy
3. "Thank You"
5. Who is Rei Ayanami?
6. Angel of Doom
7. Enter Asuka!
8. Incompatible Unity
9. Together as One.
10. Proud, Uninhibited, and Clipped Wings
11. Fallen Angel
12. Evangelion Unit-03
13. Peaceful Sleep
14. The Beast
15. The Calm Before the Storm
16. Beginning of the End
17. Blissful Death
18. Epilogue: YOU CAN (NOT) HAVE PEACE
19. Thank you

4. Not a Game

2.4K 78 27
By Alumina_

Thumbnail @LuCastroArt1

Italics: the thoughts of the person speaking/the current POV

Bold: Actions, Set changes, POV switches, etc.

Normal: descriptions, exposition, etc.

"Quotes": A character talking.


*EVA Induction Chamber*

*Y/n's POV*

"Alright Y/n, this will be the standard for engaging an Angel. Use the rifle to center in on the target, and pull the trigger."

Ritsuko: "Center in on the target and pull the trigger." Doing as she says, firing on the 4th Angel, till it collapses and explodes into a cloud of particles.

Ristuko: "Good, keep that up, we'll work on your aim for a while, till you can do it by feel. Be sure to aim for the core, it is their one weak spot. Destroying it is the only way we can physically eradicate an angel.."

Y/n: "Right" 

Ritsuko: "Yes, very Good Y/n, if you keep your nerves during the next battle, you'll have no problem."

Y/n: "S-sounds good." It's like they know another will come. Will they even look like the 4th again? I heard the previous Angel looks completely different. Apparently they managed to capture it, and are attempting some tests on it. Sounds brutal, I'm surprised that Europe and Russia actually managed to contain it, at a place called Bethany Base somewhere in the Arctic ocean. I suppose that it is a safe enough place, far enough from civilization. But they'll be left to their own devices should an emergency happen.

Ibuki: I'm surprised, I would've thought that after going berserk and getting injured, Y/n wouldn't want to pilot again."

Ritsuko: "I think he's just the type that will do what he's told. I guess that, until now, that's how he's gotten through life."

Misato stood behind them, putting on an annoyed face.

*Third Person POV*

Once the practice was over, Misato and Ritsuko were heading down to another part of the facility, by way of an indoor ski lift mechanism.

Ritsuko: "That reminds me, I heard that Y/n was hit by a classmate on his first day of school. Are you sure that our pilots have adequate security?"

Misato: "The intelligence department has them under constant surveillance. He was never really in any danger, although personally I'd like to have a word or two with those kids. I mean really, punching him for defeating an Angel? Even the SDF couldn't do squat to it... But, I really don't think we should be digging into his personal life like that, I'm sure that he has plenty of secrets he wants to hide." Both from us and himself...

Ritsuko: "Says the woman that's living with him. His maintenance is part of your job, you know that right?"

Misato: "Technically speaking. There's just a lot more sides to him that I didn't really expect."

Ritsuko: "Complaining already? You're the one who took him in." She said saying, getting a kick out of Misato's impulsive thinking.

Misato: "Oh shut up. I didn't mean it that way."

Ritsuko: "You're right though, from what I've been able to tell, Y/n's personality may not be geared towards making friends, he doesn't usually put out what's going on inside his head."

Ritsuko: "Have you ever heard of the Hedgehog's dilemma?"

Misato: "I've seen Sonic."

Ritsuko: "Good enough, see, with hedgehogs even if they want to get close to one another for warmth, the closer they get, the more at risk they become to hurt each other with the quills on their bodies. Its really no different for people. Y/n is worried about what will happen if he let's people in too close. And that's made him pull away from people."

Misato: "Then what about Rei, recently I've heard that Y/n has been eating with her at school?"

Ritsuko: "I think, that since Rei doesn't really react or hide stuff from others, Y/n feels more calm around her. There also is the fact that they both are fairly quiet on their own, so they wouldn't really be a bother on each other."

Misato: "Well, I hope he manages to figure it out someday. Part of growing up is letting those people in and getting hurt sometimes, to keep letting people in till you can find that safe distance where you can be close without hurting each other too much."


Walking into class today was not interesting either. Right from when I opened the door to sitting down in my seat. There were whispers from the class. Looks like Toji and his friend spilled the beans... I should've expected. Once class continued I could feel the eyes of the people around me, especially one pair of eyes, Toji Suzuhara. He was not letting up. My god, lay off for once would you? It's extremely annoying and tiring. Yeah sure, your sister's hurt, but she's not dead. You don't have to look at me like I'm committing mass genocide.

One pair of eyes did not react to me like I was a wolf among sheep, that was Rei. She just sat there by the window, looking out. I wonder if she gets bullied for being a pilot too..... *Sigh* Hopefully not.

Once lunch had come, I went to the roof. Seems like that's the only place that is devoid of people. Well, except for Rei, who is standing over me as I lied down on the ground listening to that same damn music.

Rei: "There's an emergency, come on let's go." as she then jogged off.

Y/n: *sigh* "...Alright."


Over the ocean, was a beast hovering over the water and nearing the coastline. The fifth Angel has arrived.

Misato: "Now. battle stations, condition one!"

"Roger that. preparing city for ground to air interception."

Air raid sirens filled the city, as the retractable center of the city began moving to the safety of the GeoFront. Along with the deployment of countless buildings all outfitted with various armaments: Missiles pods, artillery pieces, heavy gatling guns, naval guns. All faced towards the port of Tokyo-3 where the Angel was closing in on.

"Transition complete, central dogma districts 1 through 7 have been retracted."

Misato: "Status of all non combat personnel and civilians?"

"So far all districts reporting successful evacuation."



Civilians and students alike, sit in the shelter. Many carried blankets and mats to rest on. Far as they know, this is likely a false alarm. Even if it is the real deal, surely NERV and their mysterious project will protect them.

It just so happens that Y/n's class is there as well, minus Rei and Y/n.

Kensuke: "Man it's doing it again..."

Toji: "Where they post that goofy message?" taking a look at the camera Keisuke showed.

Kensuke: "It's what you call a news blackout, they don't want civilians to know what's going on. Major event like this, it doesn't seem fair."

Gunfire erupted from the city towards the sky: Machine gun rounds, 120mm, 301mm, 16 inch, 31 inch. All these blasts did nothing but put on a show for anyone watching. Rounds exploding all around the monster, with almost all of them not needing an AT field to protect from it.

Ritsuko: "A waste of the taxpayers money."

Misato: "I guess, these military types aren't satisfied till they fired all their bullets."

"Call from Japanese Government, they are requesting EVA mobilization."

Misato: "They just don't get it. We'll mobilize whether they ask us or not."

Y/n was in Unit 1, waiting on HQ to finish preparing it for operation.

"LCL is charged"

Y/n: Even when I destroy this thing, no one'll care. They'll find something to complain about, and will blame it on me. Everyone hates me for it.


The people in the shelters hear the myriad rumbling of gunfire and explosions. Now aware that this is the real deal, many have piped down, not scared just ready to be shaken up but the rumbling.

Kensuke: "Hey... I need to talk to you about something in private okay?" He said to Toji.

Toji: "Yeah what?" He said as nonchalantly as possible. Not even bother with what is going on above.

Kensuke: "Come on.. Now!"

Toji: "Alright okay" he said as he got up and walked towards the class representative. "Hey class rep. We gotta go, you know, take a leak." 

Hikari: "Really? Oh come on you guys, you should've done that earlier."

With the perfect cover thrown over the class, or anyone that'd bother with them being gone. The two discussed while on the urinals.

Toji: "So what is it?"

Kensuke: "I gotta see it just once before I die!"

Toji: "Dude, I don't swing that way."

Kensuke: "What? No! The shootout up there. This is it! The real deal, there is no telling when another of those things'll come along."

Toji: "Yeah but Kensuke man, I don't know.."

Kensuke: "But this may be the only chance we'll ever get. Come on please, I just need you to help me with the lock."

Toji: "Arghh alright.. You know you can be pretty damn pushy sometimes you know that."

Kensuke: "Hehehe"

Back at NERV, there preparations were finishing up, and the operation was a go.

Misato: "Y/n, its time to mobilize. Are you ready?"

Y/n: "Yeah."

Ritsuko: "Listen closely as you neutralize the enemies AT field, fire a volley with the gatling gun."

Misato: "Move out!" The EVA blasts up to the surface, ready to fight. Meanwhile Toji and Keisuke are running up the stairs to a shrine on the mountains surrounding Tokyo-3. At the top, it gave them a good view of the city, and the Angel. A red skinned cephalopod-like creature had two spots on its head. Kind of resembling a pair of eyes. On its underbelly was a spine with either legs or moving ribs.

The angel smoothly glided through the city before stopping once a slot in the ground opened up for the EVA to deploy through. Standing up vertically, the Angel exposed its legs and its core as well. Waiting for the deployment of Unit 1.

Both Toji and Keisuke were visibly shocked, Toji moreso. "Sweet! This definitely makes up for all the trouble we're going to get." Kensuke said. Soon after they both heard the beeping of Unit 1's deployment slot opening, "Here's the main event!", Unit-1 had come up and deployed its AT field.

*Y/n's POV*

Ritsuko: "Just like we practiced alright Y/n?"

Y/n: "Right!" Detaching from the lift and grabbing the gatling gun next to me I fired a volley at the Angel. The rounds as big as cars did nothing to the beast as they merely hit its deployed AT field.

Y/n: "M-Misato, the burst didn't work!" I said as I fired another burst, this time longer. Shells falling, crushing cars and destroying asphalt alike. The gun fired fast, and the hits would bring up a lot of dust and smoke. So doing a burst this long was dangerous.

The smoke lingered before two long, glowing, pink energy-tentacles whipped through them and sliced the gun in two, narrowly hitting me as well. As I dodged the whip. The situation was once again dire right from the start.

Toji: "Oh hell, he's already getting thrashed..."

Kensuke: "He'll be fine."

Misato: "We're sending you another rifle, grab it!"

SHIT SHIT, Get some distance! Before the rifle had deployed itself. I got up and dodged to the side, as it attacked again, hitting the building behind me and slicing it apart like it was butter. Shit how do I fight this any ranged attacks are blocked.

Constantly avoiding its attack, proved futile as it could keep right up with the EVA. slicing apart building by building, trying to close the distance with Y/n.

Kensuke: "Wow. Maybe he isn't seeing right from that beating you gave him.

Toji: "S-shut up!"

I-I could try a stronger attack, but that gun seemed powerful enough. S-So I doubt that the deployed one will do any better. Dodging the most recent attack. I was on the ground and narrowly avoided another large swipe. The attack missed the EVA but it had hit the power cord connected to the EVA. Once it had been cut, Unit 1 switched from external to its internal supply.

5 Minutes of active time remaining.

Seeing that timer didn't help me at all. It only added to the amount of stress and fear inside me. I need to calm down, *sigh* shit, shit shit SHIT GODDAMMIT. HQ has been awfully quiet! Give me something so I can do something!

Misato: "Y/n! Get some distance and we can send up another power cord!"

Y/n: "R-right!" ...Thanks Misato. Okay breathe, I just need to keep my distance till they send the power co-

The Angel grabbed my leg and proceeded to violently toss me around like a ragdoll.

Hitting the ground, buildings, left, right, again and again till throwing me into the air. Flying for a few seconds I slammed into the ground, throwing up plenty of earth and smashing the trees beneath me.

Misato: "Y/n! "

Y/n: "...Ah, Jesús...." I got up slightly and got a good impression of my surroundings. It threw me quite far. I have a sec to get my thoughts together. Sticking my distance doesn't work, not with the guns I have; it will be able to toss me around like that. Dammit... So I need to get close then, I can't lose now. I refuse to-...

Y/n: T-that's Toji and his friend.... Wh-why are they here?! "W-SHIT!" I reacted quickly and grabbed the tendrils that the Angel thrusted at me. Flailing as they tried to worm their way out.

Both Toji and the other were looking at me terrified, they were close, not even 20 feet away from Unit 1.

Misato: "What the- Two of Y/n's classmates?! What are they doing there?!"

Toji: "Why the hell doesn't he fight it?!"

Kensuke: "I think it's because we're here, He can't fight with us in the way!"

3:21 left, time was running out.

The hands of the EVA and likewise the hands of Y/n were burning, the surface beginning to blister and burn. F-Fuckk J-Jesus Christ, this hurts. My hands feel like they are in the middle of a fire. The systems on Unit 1 were distorting from the powerful surge of electricity from the Angel. Displays were malfunctioning and flashing.

Misato: "Y/n, Let those two into the cockpit."

The entry plug opened and a hatch on the side opened up letting a collapsible ladder deploy.

Misato: "You two get in!" She announced to the two outside, by means of a speaker.

Once the two had jumped in, they were knee deep in LCL. Before they could do anything however, the entry plug reinserted itself and began refilling to its normal levels.

Kensuke: "Oh man my-my camera!"

Toji: "What the!?"

With the plug refilled. The LCL had recharged and the outside display returned, illuminating the plug, and illuminating it's pilot. Struggling against its persistent flailing. Grunting and looking like he was in pain, which he was.

"Contact three! Protective film melted"

Finally managing to win the scuffle, Unit 1 threw the Angel back. With the angel trying to fight its inertia and stop, and continue the fight. Slowing down ever so slightly.

Getting up, Unit 1's hand had its surface melted through, leaving, oddly enough, a hand. Complete with fingernails and skin. It's as if the armor and surface was a glove. The pilot was no better. Breathing heavily, his own hands had melted through its plug suit, leaving his bare hands exposed as well.


*Pant *


Y/n: *Pant* Shit, I can't feel my hands, the skin is aching, and burning. My joints are straining, I need to let go of the controls. B-but if I do then I cant fight.... I have to... I don't want to lose. I don't want to die. So I have to kill this thing before my time is up.

Misato: "Use extraction route 34. Fall back Y/n!"

Toji: "Hey new kid. I think they're telling you to run!"

Various orders overlapped each other, Misato wanting me to leave, statuses on the Angel and Unit 1. Toji telling me to run...

If I run, the people underneath us will die. I can't abandon them, they did nothing wrong. I know the situation the best, I can do it. I'll kill it. But to do that I mustn't run away I mustn't run away, "I mustn't run away I mustn't run away. I mustn't run away!"

1 minute left, with that announcement the display and lighting in the plug turned red. Alarms sounded as the EVA tried its best to conserve its own power.

Deploying its progressive knife and unsheathing it. It began to vibrate at extreme speeds, allowing it to cut very effectively. Eva Unit 1 began moving down the hill to attack the Angel

I HAVE TO GET CLOSE. That was my only thought. As I screamed, I didn't think of saving everyone, I didn't think of Misato, or Rei or anything else. Only that


With the EVA closing in, the Angel had no need to try and move so it attacked. Thrusting both tentacles into the chest of the EVA. This had knocked the wind out of Y/n. Struggling to breathe, he couldn't think about much, only that he needed to kill. Thrusting his progressive knife, it had pierced the core and had begun to create cracks in it.

Y/n could feel the pain of everything. The pain of being hit straight through, the pain of 2 golf ball sized tore through the nerves in his stomach, It was as if someone had shoved a knife inside you and started twisting nonstop. The only thing keeping his mind focused on the task was the sheer amounts of adrenaline that was pumping into his veins.

"C-Come on! JUST. FUCKING. DIE!!"

Pushing the blade as far as he could into the core, both hands were pushing one of the handles, in an attempt to kill it before time was up. Turns out luck was on their side. As the Angels core had exploded, and was raining blood over both the behemoths. Just in time as well, Unit 1's internal power ran out soon after. Enveloping the pilot and his two guests in darkness. Slightly illuminated by a faint little red emergency light.

Toji and Kensuke watched in silence, as the wave of exhaustion and pent up fear flooded over Y/n. So much so that he began to give off a few sobs in between the constant panting. This was the pain that comes with piloting an EVA. It's not some game, your life and the lives of others depend on your actions while operating these. Toji and Kensuke had realized that.

*End Chapter 4*

Hello, so that was the 4th chapter. Most of it was the battle against Shamshel and helping develop Y/n's personality. Once again I apologize for the bad action, I'll see if I can figure out a more engaging way to write them. The next angel coming is Ramiel, so I'm excited. He's one of my favorites, especially the set pieces in the movies. They were nice. Hopefully I don't botch it up as much.

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. Personally, I think that the story has a more slow pacing, and I want to have it seem like the relationships are developing naturally. Although I do force some nudges in the right direction. So I hope you don't mind the way I am writing this. Writing this is an interesting hobby, takes up plenty of time too. I don't think I've ever typed this vigorously, apart from research papers and such. I don't have a pic to tie into my author's note today, so here is a meme about the 13th element, Aluminum.

(Some of the foils are actually made of tin. Mine aren't though.)

I don't plan on dropping this story so expect more to come, eventually.

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