We fell in love in December

By SewerSquirrel133

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Soooo, I noticed that there were ZERO Riley from Happiest Season fanfictions. That today will change I shall... More

Chapter 1- Home for the holidays
Chapter 2- Realization
Chapter 3- Secret Hide-out
Chapter 4- Questions?
i made a playlist for this book
Chapter 6- Drunken confessions
Chapter 7- Almost...
Chapter 8- 'Hey beautiful...'
Chapter 9- Car...
Chapter 10- Foggy windows
Chapter 11- What the fuck!?
Chapter 12- texting
Chapter 13- getting ready

Chapter 5- ice skating, a party, and being dumb

348 14 13
By SewerSquirrel133

A/n thanks for being patient with me alot has been going in with me mentally but I finally found the strength and inspiration to write hope you guys enjoy sorry if there are any grammer mistakes I didn't proof read. Also 'y/bsf/n' means your best friends name, if you don't have a best friend make up a name or input my name which is Alex, or hell use a fictional characters name. Anyways let's get to the chapter.

When we got to the ice rink Sloane was stumbling as soon as we got on the ice. I was trying to contain my laughter but it was very hard.

"Jane time us," Slone said demanding. "Actually I'm having fun just-" Jane started to say. "JANE!" both Harper and Sloane said in unison cutting Jane off.

Jane pulled out her phone to start the timer. Not soon after Harper and Sloane took off. They kept trying to knock each other down but instead knocked some sweet couple and some kids down.

"Jane time!" Harper said. "Oh no!" Jane said. "What?" You asked. " the timer didn't start." "Well don't tell them that!" I said" This was going to be fun trying to explain to them later.

Once I got home I immediately went upstairs to take a nap and a break. But that mission was soon failed by the sound of knocking on my door. "Ughh, Who is it." I said annoyed.

"Put some fancy clothes on we're taking a photo then go to dad's fancy party thing," Sloane said slightly offended.

Why now when I was just about to go to sleep? 


I went into my suitcase and looked for a suit, the one thing I hadn't packed. But I did on the other hand pack a dress. It was about mid-thigh length with a slit on the left side, thin straps, and black. 

(Like this basically, you can imagine it longer, or differently if you want<3)

Once I got to the party everyone was already gone except for Jane and Abby. But after a second of awkward silence, Abby said, "I'm gonna go get some food." "Oh! Me too." Jane added. So then I was left standing up on the balcony all by myself.

I got bored easily and decided to look for everyone, see what they were up to and naturally be nosey. I looked down from the balcony and saw Riley, she smiled and waved a little, and all I could do was sit there and smile like an idiot.

I started to head down to get a drink but my phone started buzzing. I read the caller i.d and it was y/bsf/n. I ran outside and answered the call.


"Hey! so how's it going"

"Shitty for the most part but there have been some bright points in it."

"Oh no, are they homophobic, I told you this wasn't the best idea!"

"Ha so uh- about that... I haven't told them yet."


"I know, I know, but what am I supposed to say 'oh hey there family I got us all drinks, also I'm gay.' That is the most stupid thing ever also! Harper still hasn't come out yet and then I have to wait a few months or even a year after that before I come out."

"Why is there some cooling off period for coming out?"

"No, but,- look I'll call you later my dad's about to give his speech in a few minutes and I have to knock a few drinks back before that."

"Ok, but remember be as hot as possible and maybe you'll get lucky,  bye!"


Thank God that conversation was over I didn't need another lecture from my best friend. I was about to go inside when I heard a voice say, "you know I can relate." It was Riley... and she probably heard the whole conversation.


"I wasn't spying on you or anything I just- I was out here before you and- yeah-." She was rambling. I always found it cute when she rambled. And all I could do was laugh.

"It's okay, but um, how much of that conversation did you hear?" You stared to dryly laugh at the end.

"All the way from 'life being shitty, to needing a few drinks.' And both are very relatable."

So at this point she pretty much knows your gay which helps a little in some way. She knows your gay, you know she's gay. But that won't give you the confidence to tell her you like her. 

Besides its probably just a little crush that will fade in a few days.

" You wanna head back inside?" She asks

"Sure." You replied with a smile on your face.

Once I got inside I immediately headed to the waiter with the cocktails. I grabbed two drinks. Both for myself.  Then headed back to the spot Riley was at

"Is one of those for me?" Riley asked. In this situation, I had two options. Option 1, give her the drink and have to suffer through the rest of the night with one less cocktail. And option 2, Don't give her the drink and be an asshole and potentially ruin the chance I have with her. I made a wise split-second decision and went with option 1.

"Yep, here you go." You said and handed her, her drink.

After sitting through the longest speech you had ever heard, drinking another 2 cocktails, and reciting the same song in my head over and over again, The party was finally over

"Here let me drive you home," Riley said.

"But you drank too? that's not safe!"

"Technically I only had about half a cocktail before you stole it and drank it."

"Oh yeah, haha okay then let's go!" You said most definitely going to regret this tomorrow

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