Tell me you love me

By zoeamar

19.7K 171 100

Nate and Amy have been best friends since forever and now they're both grown up. Things get complicated. When... More

Tell me you love me
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Fan info
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11- Nate's POV
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Fan Info
Chapter 18 1/2
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 9

840 6 2
By zoeamar

Chapter 9

I stayed quiet under my covers, holding my breath. Why wouldn’t he just go away? After about thirty seconds I let gave in and gulped in more air. It was quiet outside my door, but I wasn’t falling for it. He was still there. I knew it.

“Amy?” He sighed.

Maybe if he thought I went to sleep he’d leave me alone.

“I know it takes at least seven minutes for an average human to fall asleep” He said wryly. Now if I were smart I would’ve kept quiet. But I’m not that smart.

“Yeah? Well I’m special!” As soon the words escaped my lips I regretted them. So much for being asleep.

I heard a laugh outside my door. He sounded tired. Why wouldn’t he just go to sleep?

“Could you please let me in?” He sighed impatiently.

I looked around frantically springing out of my bed.

We need a plan, we need a plan!

What kind of plan?

Ok, here we go. Go and grab that tennis racket.

Ok, now what?

Hit him with it!


Ok, plan B….lie

“My doors uh..stuck…won’t open..sorry!” I said sweetly. Wow I suck at lying.

“Your door. Is. Stuck” He said slowly. Yeah, it sounded even worse when he said it.




“So you wouldn’t mind if I got a coat hanger and unlocked your door from the outside?” He suggested. I could almost picture the smirk on his face. Dammit.

Play it cool Amy

“You could try that” I said calmly.

I heard him walk away and I let out a sigh of relief.

A few seconds later I could hear a rattling noise at my door. I froze when I realised what was going on. He was actually trying to unlock my door.

I saw the lock flip upwards allowing my door to be opened. I ran forward and shoved myself against the door with all my strength.

Well this is pathetic

You got a better plan?

Go grab the tennis racket and-


I felt force pushing on the door as Nate tried to open it.

“Amy are holding the door?”

“Noooo….why would you think that?”

“No reason” He said his voice uneven.

I knew that voice. It meant he was hiding something. He was going to do something.

Wait, he better not-

The door flew open making me fly into my bed hitting my head on the bedside table. I can’t believe he rammed my door. And how the hell did he push me so far? My poor door…

Nate stood over me with a smirk clearly on his face.

“Stuck huh?”

I don’t want to admit it but my eyes flitted over to the tennis racket for a second.

“Yep, looks like you fixed it” I said getting up and brushing myself off.

And just like that my door fell of it’s hinges landing with a big bang on the floor.

“Or not” I sighed. My parent’s were not going to be happy.

“Umm…sorry bout that” Nate smiled sheepishly.

I gave him a quick glare and crossed my arms over my chest.

“You’re paying for that” I told him coldly.

“Maybe if you hadn’t been blocking it, I wouldn’t of had to break it”

“I-“ Why bother? I was too tired to argue.

“Are you going to tell me what’s bothering you now?” Nate said.

I tried to look innocently confused. “What are you talking about?”

Nate sat on my bed making it slope downwards at an odd angle.

“I’ve known you long enough to know when something’s up. And you’re going to tell me right now” I was almost a little scared at the sound of his voice.

What was I upset about? I didn’t really know. I was annoyed at Jacob, but was I upset that Nate didn’t like me? No…just Jacob.

“You’re brother’s annoying me” I blurted out.

“How so?” Nate replied.

“You know you ask a lot of questions” I pointed out.

“That’s not what I asked”

I started to make my way out of the room but Nate blocked the door.

“Excuse me?”

His face hardened and a frown appeared on his face. I didn’t like it there. He looked much better smiling.

“You’re not going until you tell me what’s going on” Nate demanded.

Lie, lie lie.

“I’m sick of your brother hitting on my sisters” I exclaimed. That was partly true.

Nate gave me a confused look. “But he’s always hit on your sisters, he’s just joking Amy”

“Yeah, you might think that cos he’s your brother and all but I don’t like him joking around with my sisters!” I said raising my voice but whispering at the same time. Is that possible?

I noticed almost immediately the change in Nate’s body posture. He stiffened and began to tower over me. Great, he was suddenly in over protective brother mode.

“Back off Amy. Chill alright? My brother’s not doing anything wrong. He’s harmless”

I cringed away from him and I instantly saw guilt flash across his face.

“Look I’m sorry. Your brother’s fine. I’m just tired cos it’s like 3 in the morning dummy!” I said smiling.

Nate stood completely still. He didn’t buy it.

“Amy you know you suck at lying” He sighed.

“No I don’t” I said quite annoyed.

“Yes you do. I know every time you lie, it’s so easy to see”

I pondered this. “Well what about all the times you knew I was telling the truth but it turns out I’m so good a liar that I was actually lying but you thought I was telling the truth?” I pointed out.

“That makes absolutely no sense Amy and you know it”

“It so does make sense” I frowned.

“You always lie to me…..but this is off subject. What. is. going. on”

I looked down at my bare feet and my heart was thumping loudly in my chest. What should I tell him? Did I like him? But… I can’t say it. He’ll laugh at me.

My mind then came up with the best lie I’ve probably ever thought of.

“Mymbunnymdied” I mumbled.

“What?” Nate asked confused.

“My pet bunny died!” I exclaimed. Do I have a pet bunny? No.

“You own…I mean owned a bunny?” Nate asked.

“Yes!” I said bursting out crying. Wow, I usually wasn’t this good a liar.

Nate looked at me in sorrow. “When?”

“While you were gone” I sniffled. Nate pulled me into a hug and I stiffened. My heart beat faster and I buried my face into his warm jacket. Why hadn’t he taken it off for bed?

I would have been happy to stay like that forever but I slowly pushed myself away and wondered why I was still crying. I didn’t even own a god damn bunny, I don’t even like bunnies!

“I’m sorry” Nate said, his brow furrowing.

“S okay” I coughed out.

I stumbled over to my bed and sat down.

“You should go sleep in your room now” I mumbled I actually felt sad. My heart ached, I wanted to tell him. I wanted him to tell me he loved me. I wanted him to stay.

“Ok” He said in a hushed voice.

I pulled the covers over me and lay down with head peeking out. I slowly closed my eyes and waited for him to leave.

I heard silence for a while and then I drifted off. Sort of a half consciousness. I felt a light pressure on my forehead that sent a shiver down my spine. I opened my blurry eyes slightly and was looking into shiny green ones. They reminded me of a forest. So pretty.

I closed my eyes again and realised he’d just kissed me. Ok, so on my forehead and to comfort me over my “dead bunny”. But still. My heart beat faster and I wear I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

*           *           *

I woke up in the morning with a massive headache. Will it ever go away?

My eyes opened slowly and squinted in the bright light filling my room. Urggghhhhh. Today I had work at the diner. Great.

I sat up in my bed and looked down at a mess of sheets and pillows on my floor.

What the-

It was moving! The sheets were slightly rising up and down. A rabid possum in my room? The sheet monster?


I have a great imagination when I panic

The sheets moved off to reveal Nate. What the hell?

“Good Morning Sunshine” He laughed.

I just stared in shock.

“You snore you know?” He told me in a teasing voice.

Still in shock.

“Not much of a talker in the mornings are you?”

I shook my head slowly. “What are you doing on my bedroom floor?”

Nate smirked. “I slept in here to keep you company you know cos of your pet bunny”

“What bun-“ I froze. “Oh yeah. Thanks. That was real sweet” I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and felt him stiffen. I quickly ran out of the room realising what I’d done.

Nate didn’t come after me and I was relieved. I can’t believe I did that.

I made my way down the stairs and saw Jacob sitting at the table stuffing his face with coco pops. Yuck.

“Hey Amy” Jacob said with a slight smirk on his face.

I was instantly suspicious.

“So what were you doing with Nate last night?” He said snickering with his eyebrows going up and down. My sisters walked in and sat next to him, chuckling with him.

I stopped where I stood. “Talking, Jacob”

The smirk was still playing at his lips. “Then why did he stay in your room huh?”

I glared at him. “It was nothing Jacob. back off”

He held his hands up and feigned fear. “Sorry. Just playing. So has it happened yet?” He asked.

“Has what happened?” I asked confused.

He waved my sisters off who skipped off into the lounge room.

“Have you fallen for my brother yet?”

“What?!” I said a light blush spread across my cheeks.

“I KNEW IT!” He said out loud.

“I don’t like him” I said biting my lip looking away.

“You do. Is it when he looks at you? Does your heart beat faster?” He teased.

“No!” I said annoyed. A red blush was spreading over my face.

Jacob was about to say something more when Nate started coming down the stairs.

I turned to face him and stopped. Was it just me or did he look hot.

My blush deepened and I walked off into the lounge room. As soon as I walked in I worried if Jacob would tell Nate something.

“So sis. What aren’t you telling us?” Jessica whispered in my ear. She and Jamie stood side by side. Twins who never left each other’s side.

“Whatever Jacob’s telling you it aint true” I muttered walking over to the TV. An hour before I had to go to work.

“We don’t need him to tell us anything. We can read you like an open book. So how long has it been going on?” Jamie pressured.

“Nothing is going on!!!!” I almost screamed at them.

The nodded looking disappointed. They thought they were onto to something big. Were they?

I plonked myself down on the couch and turned the channel to the Simpsons. I couldn’t find it in myself to laugh at the funny parts. Only realise how messed up their lives were. That comforted me. I wasn’t alone.

Then I got depressed again because I was comparing myself to fictional characters.

Before long the credits were playing and my mum was yelling at me to get to work. I sighed and made my way to the door. I saw Nate’s face as I walked out and it was filled with sadness and confusion.

Did Jacob tell him something? Oh my god I was hyperventilating. Calm down Amy. I hopped in my a car and just as I started it up someone else hopped in. I turned to face Jacob with a scowl on my face.

“What do you want?”

“Your mum said you could give me a lift to the skate ramp” He smirked.

This should be fun.

*       *      *

I made a long chapter to make up for not uploading! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment vote and fan! Luv u guys!!! ;D

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