Second Chance | āœ“

By daphnewhite03

1.4K 29 0

Her past would scare most into never leaving the house again but she survived... Until the past came back to... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three


144 2 0
By daphnewhite03

Pulling on the ropes, I felt them dig into my wrists again, blood dripping slowly down to the ground. Groaning, I tried to pull at the ropes on my ankles. One of them loosened a little. Just as I was about to pull at the ankle ropes again, the cell door flew open. My captor walked in, the usual weapon of his choice, a whip was in his hand. My back was already burning. Smiling evilly, his eyes roamed my naked body. "I'm not going to hit you tonight... Mmm no, you are going to get dressed" he moaned. My stomach rolling over ready to hurl what was left in my stomach up. Maybe I could finally run. Dropping the whip to the ground, he left the cell and came back a few seconds later with a robe. Picking the whip back up he put it around his neck as he walked over to me. It would be so easy to strangle him with it, if it wasn't for the million guards he has. Letting my ankles out the rope, he moved to my wrists. Letting my other wrist go, he handed me the robe. Putting it on, I tied it. Looking at my bleeding wrists he clicked his tongue. "I'll need to bandage those" he muttered to himself.


Following him out to the car, my wrists burned under the bandages. He had tightened the bandages too tight, but that was probably his plan. A warning. Getting in beside me, the driver took off towards the venue. In the months since I was captured, I've only been out of the cell one other time. On the dash, the time and date stood out brightly. I was captured 4 months ago today. I couldn't look out the windows, it was too dark out to see anything useful.

Turning, we pulled into a line of fancy cars. Stopping, my captor got out and my guard got out the passenger seat and opened my door for me. Stepping out, I took my captor's hand like a good little slave he thinks I am. I've managed to make him believe I am fully entranced in him, that I love being with him. Thankfully he hasn't tried to have sex with me. But by the clothes I was dressed into, he definitely will tonight. Walking past the line, we went into the building.

Inside lights were flashing everywhere and music vibrated through the air. A club. Looking around, I noticed chicks dancing on poles, that all sat on little stages. Walking us to the VIP section, I looked over the massive group of men. A few had some chicks grinding on their laps while they drank their drinks or smoked their cigars. My stomach rolled again. Taking a deep breath, I sat down next to my captor.

30 Minutes Later

Beside me some blonde rubbed herself all over my captor. His hands dangerously high on her thigh. Averting my eyes, I looked out at the club. It was a place I would've enjoyed before I was kidnapped. Beside me the blonde moaned at whatever he purred in her ear. The air seemed to shift quickly though. A feeling of electricity zapped through the air. No one else noticed it but I sat up a little stiffer. Looking around, I watched a new group of men walk into the VIP area. One stood at the front of the group. He walked with an authority that scared me and turned me on all the same. Looking him over, he turned his head towards me. My heart stopped completely. Tyson Graham. The wealthiest business guy on the continent. I remember gushing over him in the business magazines at my fathers law firm before he passed. More moans beside me, made me stand up. "I'm going to the bathroom" I announced to my captor and walked slowly to the bathrooms. I highly doubt he actually was paying attention. My guard however followed me to the bathrooms.

Locking myself in a cubicle, I vomited into the toilet. Nothing came out, my stomach was empty. I had long ago, gotten used to ignoring the pains and groans of starvation. Flushing, I left the cubicle and washed my hands. Wiping my face off, I left the bathroom. My guard was standing in front of the door. He was double my age but he was built like a brick wall. "Madam are you okay?" a voice I didn't recognise suddenly asked, stepping around the corner, Tyson was watching us closely.

"Yes thank you" I smiled politely at him. My guard was getting agitated. Noticing the agitation from the guard, he stepped back. Looking behind the guard at me, he didn't walk away. "I must insist on you going to the hospital. You look very ill" he continued now ignoring the guards' balling fists.

"I am fine" I continued to lie. From where I stood, my face was hidden to the guard. Showing Tyson I was terrified, he stepped forwards just as my captive stepped up behind him. "There you are darling... I told you that shrimp was a bad idea" he announced and grabbed onto my arm. "Mr Graham, thank you for your concern, but I'll just take her home. Let her sleep it off, she'll be fine in the morning" my captor assured.

Seeing through the lie, he stopped my captor from dragging me away, by just putting his hand on my captors chest. "I suggest you let her go" Tyson growled in a warning. My captor's tight grip on my arm loosened. Stepping out his grip completely, I quickly moved in behind Tyson. Some other guys, now stepping up to us. Looking them over I realised they must've been Tyson's guards. "Jay please take the young lady to my apartment," Tyson announced, never breaking his stare down with my captor. One of the bigger guards stepped forwards and held his hand out to me. Swallowing hard, I looked at the two guys and quickly took Jay's hand, my body warming under his touch. Walking me quickly out the area and outside, he opened a Jeep door for me. Getting in the passenger seat, Jay got in the driver seat and we took off.

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