The Devil went down to Honnou...

By slenderfanboy

30.2K 486 272

(Y/N), also known as the Black Demon, arrives at Honnouji Academy to get some answers regarding a deceased fr... More

Welcome to Honnouji Academy
I've got balls of steel
Clash of the Kamui
I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!
Mr. Mohawk
Turn a Blind Eye
I'm on the highway to Hell
Major Whiplash
Now you see me, now you don't!
Face the music
Going Berserk
Shinijiro Nagita
We're going on a trip
The full story
Party Crashers
Things are starting to unravel
Rescue Mission
Do or Die
Wake up call
Final Preparations
Final Battle part 1

The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club.

1.1K 18 10
By slenderfanboy

(Y/N) or Y/N: Your Name

(F/N): First Name

(L/N): Last Name

Italic: Thoughts

Bold: Locations


Italic underlined: Flashback

Bold Italic: Telepathic communication

Underlined: Video/audio


Y/N was having dinner with Ryuko and the Mankanshokus. Everyone ate with fervor, save for Y/N who ate at a slower pace. A saddened look on his face. Ryuko took notice.

Ryuko: You alright?

Y/N: Y-yeah. Excuse me for a bit.

Y/N gets up and walks out of the dining room, everyone else watched.

Sukuyo: Is he alright?

Mako: Don't know. But he looked kinda down.

Ryuko: I'll go talk to him.

Ryuko then walks out, finding Y/N in the garage. He was sitting on a stool, his back turned to Ryuko.

Ryuko: Hey, you ok dude?

No response. Ryuko gets a bit worried, she walks to him. She then sees Y/N holding a locket, the picture that was in it had a man and a woman with a baby.

Ryuko: I guess this answers the question. You wana talk about it?

Y/N: *sigh* I'm fine, really. It's just...It's been a while since I had a family meal.

Ryuko: I'm sorry, dude. Do you...need a minute?

Y/N: No, I'm ok. We best get back before Guts eats my servings.

Y/N and Ryuko both walked out of the garage.


Ryuko was preparing to take a bath, and was prepared to remove Senketsu.

On the other side of the curtain, Barazo and Mataro were preparing for a show. (AN: Honestly, those two are really messed up) Unbeknownst to them, however, Y/N was sneaking behind the two.

Y/N: 😑 Really? Peeping on a girl in the shower? Why not just nab a few magazines or something?

Y/N then starts to crack his knuckles while the two peeping toms were too distracted.

Ryuko sensed Barazo and Mataro doing their usual peeping, and was about to strike the two. But she then heard the sounds of loud banging. Ryuko moves the curtain, seeing both father son lying on the ground, battered and bruised. She then looks to see Y/N, standing with his back turned.

Y/N: Took care of them for ya.

Ryuko had a soft smile.

Ryuko: You can turn around, man. I'm still fully dressed.

Y/N was a bit hesitant, but he turns, and sighs in relief upon seeing Ryuko still dressed.

Y/N: Is this stuff commonplace here?

Ryuko: *sigh* Pretty much. Thanks for that, by the way.

Y/N: No problem, Ryuko. I'll leave you to it, while I deal with these two bozos.

Y/N grabbed both Barazo and Mata to by the collars before dragging the two out, leaving Ryuko alone.

As Ryuko watched Y/N walk out with both Barazo and Mataro in tow, she couldn't help but blush.

Senketsu: Oh? Looks like somebody's smitten.

Ryuko: Sh-shuddup!


The next Day

At Honnouji Academy, Mako, Ryuko and Y/N were enjoying some lunch graciously made by Sukuyo.

Y/N: Man. Sukuyo knows how to make some of the weirdest yet amazing foods. I dunno how she does it, but she's a pro at it.

Ryuko: I know, right?

Mako: Alright, lets dig in!

Before the three could eat, a knife was flung, and it landed right into Ryuko's binto box.

Y/N: 😑 Oh boy.

Jack: Ryuko Matoi! I'm the president of the Knife Throwing Club! Jack Naito's the name!

Ryuko: You ass!

Y/N: I got this numb-nuts!

Jack: Bring it, L/N.

Jack threw a bunch of knifes at Y/N's direction, only for him to deflect each one with one swing of his arm.

Y/N: Neat trick, bud. But you what they say in the movies.

Y/N then pulled out a small metal orb out of his pocket, and with a click if a button, the orb split in half, causing a mass of white light to appear before it took on the shape of what resembled rifle.

Y/N: Don't bring a knife to a gun fight!

Y/N then pulled the trigger, firing round after round of needles at Jack, which only left Jack immobilized.

Ryuko then leapt to Jack, and with one swing of her scissor blade, she stripped Jack of his Goku Uniform.

But suddenly, another Club member came into the fray.

Kagesaburo: Nice one. Now its my turn. I'm president of the Nanjing Lily club. Kagesaburo Kagero.

Y/N: 😑 Hello, and goodbye.

Y/N fired another wace of needles, immobilizing Kagesaburo, giving Ryuko the oppurtinity to strike him, and removing his Goku Uniform.

Watari: I'm president of the tightrope walking clu...


Y/N fired yet another wave of needles, and Ryuko removed the student's Goku Uniform with a strike of her Scissor Blade.

Y/N: *shudder* God, I hate clowns!

Ryuko: Wait, really?

Mako: You're afraid of clowns?

Y/N: I was on a mission to Maine two months ago, to where I had to deal with a shapeshifting clown that abducted children.

Ryuko: A...shapeshifting clown?

Y/N: Sounds crazy, but true. I managed to beat the guy's ass to Hell and back. *shivers* I still get chills thinking about it!

Senketsu reverts back normal uniform mode.

Ryuko: Knife throwing, Nanjing Lily and Tightrope walking? Man, where the hell are these specific clubs coming from?

Mako: Oh, those guys used to be the acrobatics club. They split because of you guys, though.

Y/N: Because of us?

Mako: Yep! Remember, when somebody beats either one of you guys, they get promoted to three star.

Y/N: You don't say.

Mako: Yep. But you gotta be a Two-Star first, and you have to be a president of a club to do that. So they split up and made new clubs. So that's why there coming after you guys now.

Ryuko: Jeez.

Mako: They're desperate. More stars mean a better life. That's how it works here.

Ryuko: Man, this system is totally messed up.

Y/N: Well, try as these poor saps might, I don't go down without a fight.

After hearing what Y/N said, Ryuko has a smirk on her face, to which Y/N notices.

Ryuko: Y/N, I think you just gave me an idea.

Y/N: I did?

Ryuko: I think I know away to get the answers I want from Satsuki.

Y/N: Oh boy. Why do I get a bad feeling from this?


Y/N: Ryuko, this is a bad idea!

Ryuko: Relx, it'll work.

Gamagoori stands in front of the three.

Gamagoori: What's the meaning of this, Matoi?

Ryuko: Whadya mean? Can't ya read? I'm starting a fight club.

Gamagorri: Hah! Sure you are.

Ryuko: You bet you're ass I am. You guys are starting all the lame clubs to challenge me and Y/N. So, I'm starting my own. Say hello to the president of the fight club, me! And Y/N here is my vice-president.

Y/N: Hold up! When did I agree to this?!

Gamagoori: You honestly think a club like that will get approved?

Then, a familiar light shone down from the large tower of Honnouji Academy, signaling the presence of Satsuki Kiruin.

Sastuki: I approve this fight club of yours.

Y/N: Wait, what? She just approves of this club, just like that? What are you up to this time, Kiryuin?

Satsuki: I see you have decided to take part in my system, Matoi.

Ryuko: Yeah right! More like break apart your system and bring it down on top of you!

Satsuki just smirks at this.

Stsuki: We'll see. Just try not to let it go to your head.

Y/N: Ok. Now I really think starting this club was a really bad idea.

Gamagoori: Let's get your paperwork sorted out.

Ryuko: Wow, you switched gears fast.

Gamagoori: Lady Satsuki made her decision. I must accept it. Matoi, are you sure you want to be president of this club?

Ruko: Yep. But I don't need a Goku Uniform. I got my Kamui. And I also got Y/N to back me up, so I'm good.

Gamagoori: Understood. As president, you will submit club activity log every Friday. Each month you will file an expense report and a request for the next month's budget. You will also have to file a clubroom request form, a club member organization chart, and a list of family. And you must attend club president council meetings every morning at seven. No tardiness.

Y/N: 😏 Well, pres? Do you think you can handle all of this?

Ryuko: Uh...actually, my buddy Mako Mankanshoku's gonna be president.

Mako: WHAAAAA....



Mako: That was mean. Making me president without even asking.

Y/N: Dick move, Matoi! Really dick move!

Ryuko: Don't worry guys. The important thing is our fight club is all set up now. Soon as Y/N and I start beating the other club presidents, our clubs gonna get more respect, and you're rep here is gonna skyrocket.

Y/N: Oh hell no, Matoi. You can fight them by your damn self.

Ryuko: Aw, what!?

Y/N: I never agreed to this shit to begin with. Plus, I know that this idea is not a good one!

Ryuko: Oh come on! You heard Mako earlier. More stars means a better lifestyle. Plus, we each get a better place to live!

Y/N: I still have high doubts about this!

Ryuko: Man, what's gotten into you? Earlier, you said you wouldn't go down without a fight!

Y/N: Before this whole club even started! Ryuko, trust me, this is a really bad idea!

Ryuko: Oh? And you got a better one?

Y/N: Well, no. But...

Ryuko: Then shut up and go along with it!

Y/N: Fine! But when shit hits the fan, don't come whining to me!


Ryuko: What's up? I'm Ryuko Matoi from the fight club! Maimu Okurahama, president of the Folk Dnce club, I'm here fight you and take your uniform!

Maimu: Keep dreaming! We're gonna dance on your corpse!

And with a blow of the whistle from Maimu, the challenge has begin.

Y/N: Oh, I gotta get this on camera!

Ryuko: You're gonna have to do more than dance if you're gonna beat...

Folk Dance Club: *kick*


Ryuko: What the-

Folk Dance Club: *kick*

Y/N: This is priceless!! 😂 Hahahaha!

Ryuko: You mother-

Folk Dance Club: *kick*

Ryuko transformed and instantly cut ever uniform worn by the Folk Dance Club.

Ryuko: One down, and a bunch more to go!

Y/N: Aw man. Oh well, at least I got it on video.


Y/N: Yep. Every last bit of it!


Y/N: Try and catch me, first.

Ryuko chased down Y/N, but he was too fast for her to keep up. Mako just watched.


A week later

One-Star District

Y/N, thanks to the rising popularity of the Fight Club, had been upgraded to One-Star. And of course, along with this upgrade, came better living conditions.

Ryuketsu: Oh my. This place is amazing. What do you think, Y/N?

Ryuketsu asked, but he then looks to Y/N, who wasn't very ecstatic about the new lifestyle.

Ryuketsu: Y/N?

Y/N: I'm still not sure this was the best idea.

Ryuketsu: What are you talking about, man? This place has it all. Electricity, a working kitchen, air conditioning...

Y/N: I could care less about this crap!

Y/N: What? What's the matter with you?! Doesn't this stuff please you?

Y/N: Why the hell should it?

Ryuketsu:'s just that...

Ryuketsu: I know what you're going to say. Most people would kill for a lifestyle like this. But not me, so don't you even say it!

Ryuketsu: Ok, ok. Seriously, what has gotten in to you?

Ryuketsu: None of your concern! And if you like this so much...

Y/N proceeds to remove Ryuketsu before tossing him onto the nearby sofa!

Y/N: Than enjoy it without me!

Y/N then storms off into his bedroom, and Ryuketsu just looks on with confusion and worry.

Ryuketsu: Man. What is with him, lately?

As Y/N was changing into some regular clothes, he feels familiar presence behind him.

Y/N: For what do I owe this visit, Satsuki Kiryuin?

Y/N turns, and sure enough, the queen of Honnouji Academy was seen sitting on the bed.

Satsuki: Oh? I just come to see if this is to your liking.

Y/N: You heard my conversation with Ryuketsu earlier, right? So, you tell me.

Satsuki just kept her usual stoic glance to him, but internally she was stunned to see that he was not elated by being surrounded by such luxury.

Y/N: I know what you're thinking, Kiryuin! You think I'd be dancing in joy after being surrounded by this stuff, well you're dead wrong!

Satsuki: I see. Might I ask why you feel this way?

Y/N: Last I checked, that was none of your damn business! And don't think I haven't noticed what you're planning!

Satsuki: What do you mean?

Y/N: Cut the bullshit! You know exactly what I'm talking about! The moment you approved the Fight Club, I was surprised at first. But the moment me, Ryuko and Mako have been upgraded to One-Stars, I noticed what you're scheming!

Satsuki: *grins* So you figured it out?

Y/N: Damn right! And let me tell you, it's not gonna work!

Satsuki: We'll just see.

Y/N: You better get out, right now! I'm already upset as it is! Do not piss me off even further!

Satsuki just chuckled, but rose up and let herself out.


A few days later

Two-Star District

As the Fight Club's reputation increased, Mako had been upgraded to Two-Stars, and s a result, her and her family had moved into a mansion.

Ryuko and the Mankanshokus were sitting round the dining table, all except for Mako who still had work to do. The once hyper-active family now adorned expensive clothing and jewelry, and was more cold nd tame.

Mataro: Ugh. French cuisine gain?

Sukuyo: Oh, you're going out, dear?

Barazo: Yes, I got a meeting with the doctor's guild.

Sukuyo: Oh, right. Remember that diamond necklace I showed you? Can I buy it?

Barazo: Sure, go ahead. It looks great on you.

Barazo left, leving only Ryuko, Sukuyo nd Barzo left in the dining room.

Mataro: I was invited to buddy's birthday party. I'm outa here.

Matoro wlked out, now Ryuko and Sukuyo was all that remained.

Sukuyo: Well, I'll be heading out too. Enjoy your dinner, Ryuko.

Ryuko: Y-yeah, will do.

Now Ryuko was left alone.

Mako: Sorry I'm late. Council meeting ran late again. Hey, where is everyone.

Ryuko: Guess they all had other stuff to do.

Mako: Well, let's talk schedule. Once you're done eating, its of to gym for some weight training. I thought you booked solid for tomorrow, and the day after too.

Ryuko: What?

Mako: This is the life. Rich mansion, all of this stuff.

As Mako spoke, she was wandering if maybe if starting the fight club wasn't really a good idea after all.


The Next Day

Honnouji Academy

Ryuko: 😳 Uh....

Y/N: I've heard of extreme sports, but this is ridiculous!

Mako: Alright, Ryuko. You're gonna fight every single person in this gym.

Ryuko: What?!

Y/N: She's gotta fight all of these steroid fueled freaks!? You shitting me?!

Mako then pulls out a megaphone before speaking.

Mako: I'm Mako Mankanshoku! President of the Fight Club! And Ryuko Matoi here challenges all of you to a fight!

This got the attention of everyone in the room.

Mako: Any questions? No? Fight!


A few days later

Honnouji Academy

Ryuko was sitting on one of the step to the entrance of Honnouji Academy.

Y/N: You called?

Ryuko turns to see Y/N.

Y/N: Better make it quick, I got a lot of papers to fill out and file.

Ryuko: Y/N...I think all of this wealth and power is changing Mako. She used to be bubbly, happy, and constantly hyper-active. But now...she's somebody completely different.

Y/N: You just now noticed?

Ryuko: Excuse me?

Y/N: This is exactly what I was worried about, Ryuko! I told you starting Fight Club was a bad idea!

Ryuko: Oh, so if you knew this would happen, then why didn't you try to stop me?!

Y/N: Because you were too focused on getting the answers you want from Satsuki to see reason!

Ryuko: Well...I thought I'd also make Mako and her fam happy by...

Y/N: Well you were dead wrong Ryuko! I've seen how Mako and her family is now, and let me tell you, they've been changed entirely!

Ryuketsu: Dude, calm down!

Y/N: You best but out, Ryuketsu!

Ryuko: Ok, seriously man! What's gotten into you?! Ever since we started the Fight Club, you've been rather moody lately!

Y/N: It's not something I'd like to talk about.

Ryuketsu: Well, now is probably a good time, because I can't stand another minute of this crap!

Y/N: Just whose fucking side are you on?!

Ryuko: If there's something I should know, than say it. Because whatever it is, it's really bothering you!

At this point, Y/N lost his cool.

Ryuko and Senketsu: 😳

Y/N: Alright! You wanna know, fine!! I'll tell you! *inhales* You familiar with the phrase "money buys happiness"?

Ryuko just nods in response.

Y/N: Well, that saying isn't entirely true.



We see a young five year old Y/N hanging out with a young girl.

Y/N: When I was five, I had a friend I met in the foster system. We did everything, went everywhere, we were inseparable.

We see young Y/N and the girl at swing set, the two were beside each other as they swung. We de a promise to never leave each other's side.

Then, young Y/N is seen, looking out a window, seeing the girl sitting in a car.

Y/N: But one day, she was adopted by a very prosperous family. The man who took her in owned an oil company, and his wife was a well known clothing designer.

Young Y/N was in tears as he see's the car drive off, and the girl waves goodbye.

Y/N: I'd never thought I'd see her again. But we would eventually cross paths once again.

A ten year old Y/N was seen wandering a local park, walking by himself. He then looks to see a very familiar face.

Y/N: Five years later, I would see her again. The clothes she wore, the jewelry she wore, the make-up she had, she was stunning. Despite her new looks, I knew who she was. So, figured we'd make up for lost times.

10-year-old Y/N approaches the girl.

Young Y/N: Hey, Lizzie. It's been a while.

The girl named Lizzie saw him, but she didn't seemed to enthusiastic.

Y/N: The way she looked at me, it was unlike her. But at first, I thought she was just playing around.

Young Y/N: Lizzie? You remember me, right?

Y/N: But what she said next, it would be the words I would never forget.

Lizzie: What do you want, peasant?

Young Y/N: Huh? You alright, Lizzie? It's me, Y/N."

Lizzie: Yes, I remember. Now what do you want?

Young Y/N: Lizzie, what's wrong with you? We were friends, remember?

Lizzie: Yes, I do. But the key word is "were". I got new ones.

Y/N: To say I was hurt by what she said would be quite the understatement of the century. I felt as if my whole world came tumbling down on top of me.

Young Y/N: 😢 L-Lizzie...

Suddenly, another girl came up.

Girl: Hey! She said beat it, loser!

The girl then pushed young Y/N to the ground.

Young Y/N could do nothing but watch as Lizzie and the girl walked off. Y/N then rose up and ran off into a nearby alleyway. Once he was alone, her just broke down crying.

End Flashback


After Y/N finished his story, he was teary eyed. Ryuko and Senketsu looked at their friend with sympathy. Even Ryuketsu was looking at his friend and partner with sympathy.

Ryuko: Dude. I'm so sorry.

Y/N: Every time I look at my place in the One-Star districts, I think of her. Bottom line is, money can change people. And more often than not, people let their wealth and prosperity go to their heads, and that usually leads to some really bad things.

Ryuko: I had no idea.

Y/N: When I saw Mako act the way she is now, It brought back memories of her. I miss the old Mako just as much as you do, Ryuko!

Ryuko: So, we're quitting the fight club?

Y/N: Hell yeah! Though you're gonna miss out on fighting the Elite Four, because those were the ones you were gonna go up against.

Ryuko: I'll worry about them another time.

Y/N: You mean "we'll" worry about them another time. *pats Ryuko's back* I can't let you have all the fun when you face them.

Ryuko: Heheh. *nods* Right.


Mako: At last! The day we face off against the Elite Four! Once we win, the Fight Club will stand supreme on the student council! We'll be respected and showered with all kinds of luxury!

Mako then turns to see Ryuko and Y/N approach.

Mako: Well, look who decided to show up. Today's the final showdown, guys!

Ryuko and Y/N then both presented an envelope to Mako.

Mako: What's this?

Y/N: Our letters of resignation.

Ryuko: We're quitting the club.

Mako: Huh?! What is this, a joke?!

Y/N: No, Mako. We're done with fight club.

Mako: But, you can't! We've worked so hard for this! If you quit now, they'll send us back to the slums!

Ryuko: We're ok with that!

Y/N: We could care about that, Mako! We just want the old you back!

Mako: No! I'm not going back there, ever!

Suddenly, a large container that resembled a closet crashed down near Mako.

Y/N: Huh?

Ryuko: What the?

Then, an all too familiar light shone from higher grounds, meaning Satsuki has made her entrnce.

Y/N: Fuck!

Satsuki: President Mankanshoku of the Fight Club! Your Two-Star Goku Uniform in is that wardrobe.

Mako: My uniform?

Y/N: You blood-blooded bitch!

Satsuki: If you wish to keep all you've worked for, you must fight and defeat both Matoi and L/N!

Ryuko: Say what?!

Satsuki: And if you defeat them, I will grant you a Three-Star Goku Uniform!

Ryuko: Typical! All you do is play dirty!


Gaagoori: HOW DARE YOU...

Satsuki: Stand down, Gamagoori! *looks to Y/N* I'm afraid you're friend decides on what's happens next!

Ryuko then transforms while Y/N pulls out his Tesla Hammer!

Y/N: Why don't you just come down here so I can smash your head like a watermelon!

Sastuki: Save you're strength, you'll need it for your other opponent!

Suddenly, Mako showed up clad in her newly acquired Two-Star uniform.

Mako: Ryuko, say you're prayers!

Mako went in to deliver an attack to Ryuko, only for Y/N to block it with his Tesla Hammer.

Y/N: Mako, please stop this! I don't want to hurt you!

Mako: Stay out of my way, Y/N!

Mako went to swing a spiked bat at him, but luckily he parried it with his arm.

As the fight went on, the Mankanshokus appeared

Ryuko: Stay back guys! Mako's not thinking straight!

But then surprisingly enough, the Makanshokus went to the stands to cheer Mako on.

Barazo: What're you standing around for?! Go on, beat the piss out of them!


Barazo: Sorry about this, guys. But we'd be crazy to walk away from this lifestyle!

Satsuki: This is human nature! Prosperity leads to greed! Greed leads to their downfall! One taste of a life of affluence and their enslaved! Slaves to a system to which I created! They're nothing more than pigs! Pigs in human clothing! Pigs that must be tamed by force!


Y/N roared at the top of his lungs to Satsuki, shocking everyone present by the outburst, including the Elite Four.

Nonon: Oh no he didn't!

Satsuki: I beg you're pardon?

Y/N: You heard me loud and clear! You may think everyone is easily enslaved by your ways, but not Mako! I'm more than willing to bring Mako back, even if I would die trying!

Ryuko: Y/N...

Satsuki: You would submit to such sacrifice?

Y/N: If I gotta be sent to the ER or even an early grave to bring Mako back, then so be it.

Satsuki: *smirks* You truly have fire in you, L/N.

Y/N: Funny, your mother said to me those exact same words.

The Elite Four gasped upon hearing this, and Satuki looked to Mako.

Nonon: Wait! Does he mean...

Gamagoori: No way!

Satsuki: Mankanshoku, prove this cur wrong!

Mankanshoku: With pleasure!

Ryukio: Mako, don't....

Y/N: Don't interfere.

Ryuko: WHAT?! Dude!

Y/N: I said don't interfere. *to Mako* If you want to do so, then go ahead.

Y/N then begins to remove Ryuketsu before tossing him to Ryuko.

Ryuketsu: Y/N, what're you...

Y/N: Ryuko, if I don't make it, watch over Ryuketsu. And if you managed to snap Mako out of it, tell her that I'm happy to have been her bestie.

Ryuko: Y/N, no! I won't....

Y/N: Alright Mako! *spreads his arms* Hit me with you're best shot!

Mako: Alright, Y/N! But you asked for it!

As Mako charged, Y/N closed his eyes, preparing for the attack. Then, Mako's fist connected to Y/N's midsection, sending him straight into the arena wall with a loud boom. Ryuko was wide eyed in shock.

Ryuketsu: Oh no!

Ryuko: Y/N!!!

Mako was then brought back to her senses.

Mako: Y/N? *gasps* Y/N!!! Oh no!

The arena fell silent as Mako and Ryuko both sprinted to where Y/N was launched by Mako's punch. The two began to dig through the debris.

Mako: Y/N? Y/N!!

Ryuko: Y/N?! Dammit, you better not die on me!

Mako: Why? *sobs* Why didn't you guys stop me!? I just lost good friend!! My god! How could you just sit there and watch while I just killed one of my close friends!?

Mako's parents, Mataro and Guts were stunned.

Mako: What kind of parents are you!? When I got to be president, I thought our lives were better because everyone was so happy. My whole family was glowing with happiness. But... it was all a lie! None of it was real at all. We were just only blinded by greed. That's what the glow was, it was plain old greed burning inside us.

Ryukesu hopped out of Ryuko's hands and hopped to Mako, reaching a sleeve to Mako's face, making her look to the Kamui.

Mako: Ryukestu?

Ryukesu then wrapped his sleeves around Mako in a hug, to which the girl returned as she wept.

Y/N: Glad to have you back, Mako.

Mako and Ryuko gasped, seeing Y/N was still alive, albeit covered in a few scrapes and bruises.

Mako: Y/N! You're alive!

Mako, with tears still in her eyes, wrapped her arms around Y/N in a tight hug. Ryuko rushed in and joined in.

Ryuko: Dude! You really scared us, you know that!?

Y/N: Heh, at least Mako's back to normal now.

Mako: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry guys.

Y/N: C'mon, wipe those tears away. If there's one thing I hate to see, it's a girl crying.

Ryuko: Let's end this, guys.

The two both nod, and Y/N looks to Satsuki.

Y/N: See Kiryuin? What'd I tell you? Human's aren't as weak as you claim.

Mako then tossed her Goku Uniform, and Ryuko uses her scissor blade to shred it to bits!


Honnouji Academy Student Council Room

Inumata: See?

Satsuki and the Elite Four were watching over the footage of Mako and Y/N.

Inumuta: Mako's fist, while not a maximum strength, connected perfectly with Y/N midsection.

Nonon: What's your point? She was probably holding back.

Inumuta: That matters not, Manknshoku was donned in a Two-Star Goku Uniform while Y/N was devoid of his Kamui. The moment Mankanshoku struck him, he should have died on the spot.

Satsuki kept her focus on the massive screen, her eyes on Y/N.

Nonon: I'm still stunned that he knows Lady Ragyo.

Sanageyama: Who wouldn't know her? Lady Ragyo's well known throughout the globe.

Inumuta: But the way he mentioned her earlier, it sounds like he knows her on a more personal level.

Satsuki: You did say that Y/N is affiliated to Issin Matoi, correct?

Inumuta: I did, milady.

Gamgoori: Maybe he and Lady Ragyo have had a confrontation or two.

Inumuta: Sounds most likely.

Satsuki: See if you can infiltrate Nudist Beach's database and gather any information you can find on Y/N L/N.

Inumuta: At once, milady.

Sastuki then turns her attention back to the screen, her gaze never leaving Y/N in the footage.


At the Mankanshokus

Ryuko and Y/N were having dinner with the Mankanshokus, happy that everything was back to normal.

As they ate, Y/N had a soft smile on his face.

Ryuko: What's with the smile?

Y/N: I'm just glad that everything's back to the way they were.

Ryuko: You and me both.

Y/N looks to the Mankanshokus, remembering the good times he had with his family before they passed, causing a lone tear to roll down his face.

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