By nodylanno

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Rhea Hel is the golden girl of Hogwarts. Everyone adores her and worships the ground she walks on. She flashe... More



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By nodylanno

what nourishes me also destroys me

THE WORST DAY OF RHEA'S LIFE BEGAN AS ANY ORDINARY DAY. The sun peeked through her bedroom window and the birds could be heard chirping outside her window when sat at her desk to brush her hair. Hel House had been quieter than usual that day too. It had been one of those rare nights when the spirits didn't make an appearance and Rhea was allowed to have a peaceful night of sleep. Her father was gone — off somewhere fighting alongside Grindelwald —  and her mother had disappeared with Pluto for the day, leaving Rhea to make her way to the woods where Eddie's treehouse was.

She hummed a tune to herself while she climbed the ladder and she could hear Eddie's footsteps pacing around above her. She imagined him running a hand anxiously through his hair and chewing on the bottom of his lip while he thought about what bothered him. Rhea lifted the latch and pulled herself into the treehouse.

"Rhea," Eddie said, turning around to face her. A small grin formed on his face when he saw her standing in front of him. Within seconds, Eddie made his way across the treehouse and pulled her to him, giving her one of his warm hugs that she loved so much. She could still remember the first time he had ever hugged her when they were eleven. She had gone stiff and hadn't moved for a few moments from shock. Eddie was the first person to ever hug her and she felt safe when he did. "We need to talk."

"Talk about what?" Rhea asked, frowning slightly when Eddie dropped his arms from around her. He took her hand in his and pulled her to sit on the two chairs that were pushed against the window of the treehouse. That's when Rhea noticed the solemn look in Eddie's eyes. "Eddie, what's the matter?"

"Run away with me." Eddie blurted out suddenly. Rhea's eyes widened and she resisted the urge to ask Eddie if he was going mad. Eddie took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts, "Rhea, I don't want to sneak around anymore worrying about whether or not your Mum will come bursting through that day. I love you. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone in my whole life and I know that you and I aren't just some thing. This is real. We may be young, but a love like this doesn't come around twice. We could take the train and get out of here."

"Eddie, I can't just leave my family. I have a life here, you have a life here. There are things that are expected of us and . . . can't you just wait a few more years? We're so young now, Eddie."

"Will you tell your mother about us?" Eddie asked. Rhea inhaled sharply at Eddie's question. It had been something he had been asking ever since they were kids. Would she ever tell her family about him? Her gaze dropped to the ground and she wondered what her mother's reaction would be if she told her she had fallen in love with a Muggle and had been seeing him behind her back. She shuddered at the thought. The only person in her family who knew about Eddie was Pluto and that was because Rhea knew Pluto would never tell their mother about them.

"Maybe when I get older, she'll be more accepting." Rhea tried to sprinkle a bit of hopefulness in her tone for Eddie's sake, but she didn't know how much good it would do. "Perhaps when I come of age she'll let us be together."

"Do you honestly believe she will?" Eddie asked sadly. "My dad's always wondering why I spend so much time in the treehouse and Andrew told him it's because I'm seeing a girl. I want you to meet them, Rhea, and I'd love to meet your family too. I just don't want to hide anymore."

Rhea swallowed, her heart thundering in her chest at the idea of introducing Eddie to her family and meeting his. Rhea never spent much time daydreaming about the future (She was a rather practical child who had always known what was expected of her), but she could see it all so clearly. Eddie was right when he said a love like theirs wouldn't come around twice. She didn't think there would be anyone else who'd be willing to love her — flaws and all — like he did. Rhea took a deep breath.

"I'll tell her on my sixteenth birthday. I'll tell my whole family the truth and . . . I don't care if they disown me. I'd give it all up for you." Eddie's expression colored with adoration when he looked at her. He knew how much Rhea valued family and how much she cherished their approval yet she was willing to give it up for him. Eddie planted a soft kiss on Rhea's cheek and brought her in for another hug that made a soft smile form on her face.

Rhea spent the next few hours with Eddie before she made her way back to Hel House. She could hear footsteps throughout the house and felt a sinking sensation in her chest when she realized her mother was home.

Suddenly, Pluto rounded the corner, a wide grin on his face.

"Rhea," Pluto greeted her cheerfully. Rhea raised her brow at her brother, wondering what it was that had him so excited. "Mum took me to Diagon Alley to buy a new owl. I think I'm going to name her Bonehilde."

"That's wonderful, Pluto. I have something I need to tell you." Rhea grabbed her brother's wrist and pulled him into the study where she knew they wouldn't be overheard. She glanced at the portrait of their parents that hung over the desk. Pluto leaned closer to her conspiratorially, eager to hear her secret. "I told Eddie I was going to tell Mum about us on our sixteenth birthday."

Pluto's eyes widened.

"Really? Merlin, Rhea, how do you think she'll take it?" Pluto frowned. Rhea sighed.

"I know how she'll take it. I've always known how she'll react. She already killed my last Muggle friend. Imagine what she'd do if she met my Muggle boyfriend." Rhea shook her head angrily. "I refuse to live my life in fear of our mother any longer. After I tell her, Eddie and I will leave and I'm never coming back."

"Rhea," Pluto gasped, staring at her with a shocked expression. "You can't leave —"

"I don't have any other choice, Pluto. I love Eddie and I want to be with him, but we can't do that if we're stuck in Wiltshire." Rhea said, exasperated, frustrated her brother didn't support her decision.

"Has Eddie put these thoughts in your head?" Pluto frowned. Rhea rolled her eyes at her brother.

"Don't be ridiculous. Eddie was the one who suggested running away first, but I'm not a foolish girl who is easily swayed because a boy made me a few promises. I know what I want and I want him. I don't have all the details planned out, but I'm sure I can figure something out." Rhea tilted her head thoughtfully, her mind spinning when she thought about all of the preparation she would have to do. She was going to run away.

"What about me?" Pluto asked, sadly. "You're just going to leave me here?"

"You'll be fine without me, Pluto. As long as Mum's alive, she'll protect you and when you're ready then you'll start protecting yourself. Promise that you'll support me through this?" Rhea asked, her eyes silently pleading with him. Pluto opened his mouth, ready to say something, but decided against it. There was a conflicted look in his eye but, slowly, he nodded his head. Rhea let out a breath of relief and wrapped her arms around him. Pluto gaped at her, surprised that she hugged him. "I always knew I could count on you to look out for me, Pluto. I don't say enough, but you're the best brother I could've asked for."

When Rhea pulled away, tears were lining Pluto's eyes. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish, but Rhea had had enough sentiments for the day. She patted Pluto's shoulder before going to her bedroom, happy.

Looking back on it now, she wondered how she didn't see the obvious signs that something terrible was about to happen. It wasn't until later that evening, after Pluto, Caliope, and Rhea had eaten dinner together, that Rhea realized something was wrong.

"Rhea, follow me. Pluto, stay in the house." Caliope instructed. Rhea tensed out of worry that her mother was going to throw her in the cellar again for something she did. Instead, Caliope Hel flashed her daughter a wry smile before walking outside as the sun set low. Rhea followed behind her mother, feeling a pit form in her stomach. Alarm bells were ringing in her head and everything in her was telling her something was wrong. The further they ventured into the woods, the more Rhea's senses told her to turn back.

It wasn't until they were a few meters from their destination that a horrible realization crashed into Rhea. It was so sudden it made her stop in her tracks and her reaction caused Caliope to sharply turn her head to see tears welling in her daughter's eyes as the girl began to frantically shake her head.

"Please don't . . . please don't do this." Rhea begged, not in the least bit surprised or bothered when hot tears began to run down the sides of her cheeks. The sight of her tears caused her mother to strike her across the face so hard that she fell to the ground.

"Get up," Caliope spat, grabbing her daughter by the wrist and dragging her behind her. Rhea struggled against her mother's grip, but Caliope dug her nails painfully into her wrist.

"Don't do this, Mummy. Please don't do this. Please." Rhea dug her feet into the ground, but it was no use. They stood underneath Eddie's Stubbins treehouse.

"Come outside, Eddie!" Caliope taunted cruelly. Rhea began to sob so hard that her vision was completely obstructed by tears, but she could still hear Eddie frantically scrambling down the ladder until he stood before the mother and daughter pair. His gaze fell on Rhea, looking at her with a confused and slightly frightened expression on his face. "So, this is the Muggle boy my daughter has been seeing for years behind my back. This is the boy my daughter fell in love with?"

"Eddie, I'm so —"

"Don't speak." Caliope spat at Rhea, who could hardly see due to the tears clouding her vision. Caliope stared at Eddie — a gaze filled with disgust and hatred — and, without saying a spell or use her wand, Caliope caused Eddie's feet to lift off the ground. Eddie struggled against the magic, but it was no use. Caliope held out her wand to her daughter. Rhea glanced between it and her mother.

"Please don't make me do this . . . please don't make me do this . . ." Rhea repeated over and over again while Eddie's eyes darted between Rhea and her mother.

"Rhea, what's —"

"Take my wand." Caliope's voice commanded. Rhea's entire body shook with sobs and she frantically shook her head, keeping her arms locked at her sides. "TAKE MY WAND OR I WILL STRIKE YOU DEAD WHERE YOU STAND!"

Fear coursed through Rhea's body and, slowly, she took the wand from her mother's hand. She couldn't even look Eddie in the eye, she was so ashamed. How did this happen? How had her mother found out? Before Rhea had much time to wonder about these questions, her mother stood behind her and wrapped her cold fingers around Rhea's wand hand, lifting it so that it was pointed directly at Eddie. Rhea cried out in agony when tears started running down Eddie's face and he looked at her with a silent plea for her to not go through with it in his eyes.

"You're nothing but a spoiled child," Caliope hissed into Rhea's ear. For a split second, Rhea wondered what would happen if she pushed her mother away from her and turned her wand to the woman instead, but she knew the action would be foolish and would result in her immediate death. "My daughter falling in love with a Muggle? You are a disgrace to the Hel name. You're weak and foolish. Imagine what your father would say if he could see you now."

Caliope's words stabbed into Rhea like they were daggers. There were so many emotions running through her at that moment, but the only thing she could focus on were Eddie's eyes.

"I will give you one last opportunity to prove yourself," Caliope said before saying the three words Rhea feared the most, "Kill the boy."

She snapped her head around to look at her mother, shaking it hurriedly, "Please don't make me do this, Mum. Please don't make me hurt him."

"No. You will do this. This will teach you a lesson." Caliope said. She grabbed Rhea by the chin and forcefully turned her had back to face Eddie. "Look at how weak he is. He's defenseless, they all are. Never forget that you're the one with all the power. People like us — Hel's don't fall in love. Love is a weakness and we are not weak. Are you weak, Rhea? Are you weak like the Muggle boy?"

Rhea turned to Eddie again, her mother's words echoing in her head. He shook his head and his voice sounded far away when he began to beg for Rhea to spare him. Rhea could hear her mother's twisted laughter in her ear.

"Are you weak, Rhea?"

Rhea swallowed deeply, her heart pounding. For the first time, her wand hand shook uncontrollably and she turned her gaze to Eddie.

"I'm sorry," She whispered, her voice softer than it had ever been. Then, it was as though she flipped a switch and suddenly she didn't feel anything. There was no more pain, no more guilt, and no more sadness. Her tears dried and when she looked up at Eddie, she felt a certain emptiness that she had never felt before swallow her whole.

She had no choice. That's what she would tell herself when she went to bed at night and would see Eddie's ghost standing in the corner of her room, haunting her and never letting her get a good night's rest until she spoke to him.

Every fibre of her being was screaming at her not to do it, but no matter how hard she tried she found herself uttering words she could never take back.


"Where am I?" That was the first question that fell from Rhea's lips after Eddie made a reappearance into her life. It had been two years since his death and she had felt every single moment since then so agonizingly. But, she knew the treehouse she stood in wasn't the same one that stood in the woods in Wiltshire and she knew the Eddie seated before her wasn't the same Eddie who used to whisper sweet words of encouragement to her whenever she was upset about something her mother said; This wasn't the same Eddie who would write to her every day she was away at Hogwarts to make sure she wasn't lonely; This wasn't the Eddie who she had shared her first kiss with — that Eddie was dead and she was the one who killed him.

Eddie smiled wryly at her.

"You're not here, but you're not there either. You're somewhere in the middle." Eddie shrugged, staring up at her underneath his long lashes when she didn't speak again. "Isn't there anything you'd like to say?"

"Like what?"

"Oh, I don't know. A sorry for murdering you would be nice." Eddie said sarcastically. Rhea gritted her teeth together and continued to stare coldly at Eddie. Eddie chuckled. "My, my, you have changed."

"I'd say the same about you, but you're not really Eddie, are you?" Rhea asked. Eddie tilted his head to the side, his gaze sweeping over Rhea's figure as he inspected her under slightly narrowed eyes.

"I've been watching you, Rhea. For a while now and I think I'm beginning to realize something." Eddie stood from his spot on the ground and circled around Rhea like he was a predator and she was his prey. "I don't think you ever realized how your mother found out."

"She followed me or she overheard me talking about it that night with Pluto in the study. Or, she knew before then and waited until that night to do something about it. Either way, it doesn't matter to me. I wasted enough time trying to figure out what goes on in Caliope Hel's mind and I won't do it anymore."

Eddie laughed again, but Rhea thought it sounded unnatural. Eddie's laughs had always been rather loud and boisterous. They were the kind that had her fighting back smiles to keep from laughing with him, but this . . . this wasn't Eddie. Even though it looked like him and moved like him and talked like him, this wasn't her Eddie.

"What if I told you I know how your mother found out about you and Eddie?" Eddie asked. Rhea narrowed her eyes at him.

"In exchange for what?" Rhea asked. Eddie's eyes twinkled and he smiled mischievously.

"I've taken quite a liking to you, Rhea. I see big things in your future." Eddie clasped his hands together and stopped circling her. He stared into her eyes, his own changing to a pitch black color that seemed never-ending. Rhea felt the hair on her arm raise when she looked into them. "You and I have something in common: we both like a bit of chaos and I . . . well, I have a feeling I know what's going to happen once you find out the truth."

"This is supposed to be a test. Is the whole idea that I'm supposed to turn down your proposal and then I'll be able to return?" Rhea asked. Eddie grinned, though his teeth looked a tad sharper than Rhea remembered.

"This isn't the test. This is simply me doing you a favor. Of course, you'll owe me in the future and I'll come collecting . . . eventually." Eddie said, his hair darkening until the strands achieved a pitch black color. "What do you say?"

Rhea realized what he was now. This was a trickster and she had learned that tricksters should never be trusted unless . . .

"Tell me your name." Rhea said. Eddie's smile dimmed only slightly. "Tell me your name and then I'll make the deal with you."

"That doesn't seem like a very fair trade." Eddie frowned. "I'd be telling you my name and giving you a valuable piece of information and all I would get in return is one favor?"

"Make it two." Rhea bargained. She could see the trickster's black eyes twinkle at the thought of Rhea owing him two favors.

The trickster held up its hand, a mischievous smirk on his face, "Then, you have yourself a deal. Shake my hand, Rhea."

Rhea didn't break eye contact with the trickster as she raised her hand and shook its hand. Trickster's always had to honor their deals, though they could find loopholes and ways to get around them.

"My name is Cain," Cain introduced, bowing his head to her dramatically. He revealed one of his many appearances to Rhea. She was no longer staring at Eddie, but looking directly into the eyes of Cain the Trickster. His hair was midnight black, like his eyes, and his jaw was sharp. He was handsome, but in an unnatural way as though his features were too perfect. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Rhea Hel."

Rhea did not share the same sentiments.

Cain chuckled and lifted his head.

"On the day Eddie died, you told your brother, Pluto, that you were going to run away with your boyfriend. You begged him not to tell anyone and to keep your secret, and he was going to. But, when you thanked him for looking out for you, Pluto had a change of heart.

"Your brother decided that the only way to protect you was to keep you from leaving. So, after you left the study, he went to your mother. He told Caliope everything. He revealed to her your relationship with Eddie, he told her you were planning to run away and he told her where you and Eddie would meet. Your brother was the one who told your mother about Eddie."

Rhea's entire body felt cold, though she could feel anger starting to well up within her.

"No," she shook her head firmly. "Pluto would never . . ."

"One thing I like about you, Rhea, is that you're not naive. Don't start to be now." Cain chuckled. Rhea's chest began to rise and fall at a faster rate as her hands curled into tight fists. She could feel the anger spreading through her like a wildfire.

"Pluto told her." Rhea said, her voice lower than it normally was. She glanced down at her hands and saw a hot, green fire spreading from her fists and traveling up to her wrists. "Pluto. Told. Her."

"Save that anger for later. I still have to present you with your test." Cain walked to the window, leaving Rhea to deal with her rage. She could contain it, for now, but there were a hundred dark thoughts flashing through her mind when she thought about her brother. "Your test is simple: You can either choose to return to your land and reunite with your family — where you'd be able to get your revenge on your brother for betraying you and you'd be able to marry Atlas Krane — or, you could come with me to the other side where you'd reunite with Eddie again and spend all of eternity together."

Rhea raised a brow.

"That's the test? I simply have to choose whether I want to live or die? No offense, but I'm feeling a little underwhelmed."

The corner of Cain's mouth twitched.

"I'm the one who determines the test. It's always different, but, like I said, I've been watching you for a long time, Rhea. You're different from anyone who's been brought to me before and I have tested a lot of people." Cain's dark eyes met hers. "If our deal's to work out, I need you to back to your own time. I never took you as someone who would give up their own life, even if it meant reuniting with the supposed love of your life."

Rhea raised her chin into the air.

"I love Eddie," Rhea stated, "but I'm not going to die to be with him again. I'll see him again when it's my time and right now is not my time."

This time, the grin really did break out across Cain's face.

Rhea's vision began to darken around the corners and the treehouse began to fade away from view.

"We'll be seeing each other soon, Rhea Hel." Cain's voice echoed around her and she knew that it was a promise. She didn't think it was a good thing that a trickster had taken a liking to her, and she knew that the favors she owed him would come back to haunt her, eventually, but the only thing Rhea could taste now was victory.

Her eyes opened and her back was sprawled on the ground. Day was breaking in the sky and the sounds of drums and chanting had faded away, leaving some sort of eerie silence as everyone waited for Rhea to wake up.

Then, a face appeared over her. Atlas stared down at her, looking shocked as she blinked up at him.

"Rhea, are you . . .?" His voice was hesitant and she knew that he was checking to make sure if she was still her. She wouldn't tell them that Cain had gone easy on her because he liked her. She knew that that would only cause Keres and Gaia to oppose her even more.

"I'm fine." Rhea lifted herself from the ground and her eyes immediately went to the different altars. While Atlas plucked leaves from her hair, she realized that everyone else had disappeared and left Atlas and Rhea in an empty clearing. "Where is everybody?"

"They're waiting to find out the results back at the Manor." Atlas said. Rhea followed Atlas while he led her out of the clearing. She didn't let the expression on her face convey what she was really thinking as they walked back to the Manor. "You passed the test."

Atlas's tone held such disbelief that Rhea felt a little offended. The pendant around her neck felt warm as it rested against her skin and served as a constant reminder of what just happened.

"You came back unharmed and you're still alive, which means you passed and that means that . . . that means that you are going to be my wife." Rhea wasn't blind to the way Atlas's face noticeably paled when he said the word 'wife'.

"Try not to sound too excited." Rhea said, her voice dripping in sarcasm. Atlas turned to her, his dark eyes wide.

"It's not that, it's just . . . it's finally setting in that, in two years, you and I are going to be married." Atlas said. Rhea swallowed the lump that formed in her throat. In two short years, she'd no longer be Rhea Hel, the golden girl of the Hel family. She'd be Rhea Krane.

Rhea thought back to Eddie and remembered the time where she had so foolishly believed that one day, her name would be Rhea Stubbins.

They approached Krane Manor and Atlas glanced in the direction of the drawing room.

"My parents and the rest of the family will want to see you, but your family's waiting for you upstairs before we all come together." Atlas said. Rhea gave him a polite smile before they parted ways. Her footsteps hurriedly climbed the stairs and any traces of kindness wiped from her face in an instant. Rhea slid her long wand from the pocket of her robes and pushed the door open.

"Rhea —"

"You," Rhea's tone was venomous as she barreled past her stepmother, who had risen from her seat alongside the rest of the family at Rhea's sudden appearance. Rhea kept her eyes focused on her brother and watched as his eyes widened when he saw her looking at him so angrily. None of them had ever seen Rhea quite this angry before.

Rhea grabbed her brother by the collar and slammed him against the wall, her wand digging firmly into the bottom of his chin. She couldn't imagine how she must look to them — marching in unannounced wearing white robes which were covered in dirt — but she didn't particularly care. The anger inside of her burned so brightly that she could feel it mixing with her magic in the way the candles in the room flickered and a cold breeze moved around them.

"Rhea, what are you doing?" Cato asked, approaching her cautiously, but Rhea continued to stare at Pluto, who looked more confused by the second.

"How could you do that to me? I'm your sister, I'm your twin. How could you do that to me?" Rhea pressed her wand further into Pluto's cheek.

"Rhea, what are you talking about?" Pluto asked frantically.

"This must be because of the test." Pavlina said, turning to her mother-in-law.

"I'm going to speak to Gaia immediately —"

"Sit down," Rhea commanded, her eyes darkening. Armchairs shot out and her grandmother yelped when an invisible force shoved her, Cato, Rialta, and Pavlina into the chairs. Rhea turned her attention to her brother. "You were the one who told Mother about Eddie. You were the one who got him killed."

Pluto's face paled. There was a collective silence throughout the room.

"Who's Eddie?" She heard her grandmother ask. Rhea knew that the full story of Eddie Stubbins had only been told to her father, her uncle, her aunt, and her stepmother. They had all collectively decided against telling Elvira Hel because they knew that Elvira hated Muggles even more than Caliope had.

"Eddie is —"

"IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO EDDIE IS!" Rhea yelled. Everybody flinched when Rhea threw her wand hand to the side out of frustration and a stream of fire escaped it. The green fireball hurled into the fireplace and lit the room with green light. Dragons and serpents shot from the flame, snapping their jaws angrily. Rhea turned to her brother. "I want you to say it. I want you to tell me exactly what you did."

"Rhea, stop this at once." Elvira commanded, rising from her seat. "This behavior is completely unacceptable. This is not how Hel's behave."

"SAY IT! TELL ME WHAT YOU DID!" Rhea screamed. Pluto cried out in pain, tears running down his face, when Rhea placed her hand on her brother's temple and forcefully entered his mind. She could see flashes of a vision from that day: Pluto telling their mother that he needed to talk to her . . . Pluto explaining everything in-detail to a horrified Caliope . . . Pluto telling their mother that she needed to do something to stop Rhea from leaving. Rhea left her brother's mind and looked at him with the coldest expression she could muster. "You told her —"

"I'm so sorry, Rhea." Pluto sobbed.

"You knew that she would hurt him and you still told her!"

"It wasn't like that —"

"You knew how much he meant to me." Rhea wasn't surprised when she felt tears beginning to fall from her eyes. "You knew that he was the one thing I had and you told her. You told her and she killed him and for the past two years, you've been lying to my face."

"I'm sorry, Rhea —"

"You like to act like you're better than the rest of us, Pluto, but deep down, you're as cold-hearted as the rest of us. I hope the guilt of what you did eats away at night. I hope it consumes you because you and I are done." Rhea looked at her brother with an expression of utmost loathing. Pluto flinched at her words and Rhea dropped her grip and her wand from him, unable to get her anger to subside. She spoke through gritted teeth, "Get him out of here before I kill him."

"Rhea, please let me explain —" Rhea felt Pluto's hand come down onto her shoulder. She whirled around in seconds and instinctively raised her wand. Pluto cried out as pain exploded in his head.

"GET HIM OUT!" Rhea screamed. Cato and Pavlina rushed forward and grabbed Pluto as he writhed at Rhea's feet, dragging him out of the room. Elvira and Rialta stared at Rhea in shock as the girl turned to face the window.

Her entire body was shaking and she could feel herself losing control of her magic as sparks jumped from the tip of her wand. She was reminded of what Cain had said about her liking chaos as she tried to calm herself down. Chaos was what would ensue if she became too angry. She breathed heavily, squeezing her eyes shut tightly and vowed to herself that she would get her revenge on Pluto and make him pay for what he did.

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