Adventures in The Omniverse:...

נכתב על ידי TheMiraculousMatt

715 59 126

Destiny!Error, Matt, and Crayola's adventures. Fun! All AUs mentioned go to respective owners MommaCQ belongs... עוד

The. . . Anti-void?
That One Time Crayola Accidentally Created an AU
Mattie, Karma, and Crayola meet ???
The Castle Pt. 1
Castle Pt. 2
Castle Pt. 3
Castle Pt. 4
Castle Pt. 5
Castle Pt. 6
Castle Pt. 7
Matt and Mattie meet Young Matt and Mattie
Castle Pt. 8 Finale
Alt. Delete.(Control Pt 2)
No Money
I Pulled a Raven
A Conversation
Lord Fantastic
Karma and Mattie meet - ???
Literally Therapy... + Fluff
Charlie Miraculous
Its my Birthday Today..?
Are You Alright?
Omniverse Gen2 Chat + Token Kids
Sneak Peak


13 2 0
נכתב על ידי TheMiraculousMatt

   "Matthew..?" Karma called quietly. He had been searching for his husband all morning.

   Matthew looked up carefully. "Huh..? Oh! I'm right here!" He smiled.

   Karma frowned lightly. "I've been looking for you..." He was starting to get worried. Matthew disappeared for hours at a time a lot.

   "Oh. Sorry. What did you need?" He hummed standing up.

   "Where were you? Why were you here?" Karma asked softly.

   Matthew chewed his lip. "I was just thinking. Wanted to be somewhere quiet."

   Karma frowned. "Come on. I know you better than that. You've been disappearing evey day since you came back. What is going on?" He had a very bad feeling about this considering last time he saw his husband before he returned... His husband was insane.

   Matthew stepped back. "I'm sorry. You don't trust me. I should have expected that." He chuckled softly and rubbed the back of his neck.

   Karma tensed up a bit. "Matthew..."

   "I'm scared. That I didn't let out enough power. So I don't want to be around you guys." Matthew admitted wrapping his arms around his chest.

   "Mattie-" Karma's tone instantly changed as he reached toward his husband.

   "Don't touch me!" Matthew snapped tangling his fingers in his hair. "I-I... Everything is my fault! Everything that's bad happened because of me. Because I was born!"

   "Mattie c'mon..." Karma stepped foward.

   "No! Its the truth. When I was born the Virus came with me and then I made Matt and attached it to him.Its my fault he Omniverse was split. And my fault dad died. And my fault Charlie went insane. And Cypher almost died. And everything that happened to you. If...If I hadn't-" He panted his eyes watering.

   "Mattie..." Karma gathered his husband into his arms. "Hey hey... Its okay."

   He shook his head. "No.. It's not."

   "Mattie... Bad things happen. Even when you swore off interfering bad things happened right?

   Matthew sniffled and looked up. "I... guess... But when I started interfering again the multiverse almost came apart!"

   "Nope. Nope. Fate caused that. Did you create Fate?"

   "No but if the Omniverse wasn't–"

   "You didn't create Fate. You didn't cause that. You didn't create the Virus either. None of that was on purpose. You were sick when you hurt us. We already forgave you." He murmured.

   Matthew buried his face in Karmas chest. He sucked in a sharp breath. "I-I..." He sniffled.

   "Shh..." Karma whispered pressing a gentle kiss to his head. "I love you."

   The brunet hiccuped softly and clutched his husbands shirt. Soon enough his sniffles died. "I love you too..." He murmured.

   Karma nuzzled close. "I know. Feel better..?"

   Matthew nodded. "Yeah." He pulled back. "Thanks."

  Karma smiled. "Anytime... Now! Care to rejoin us?"

   Mattie chuckled snd wiped his eyes. "Yeah. Okay."



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