Stop Being Human

Writer_Kaylee tarafından

818 78 20

After an unfortunate mix up with a college acceptance package, Reighlynn Fritz is transported to a new world... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 12

16 2 0
Writer_Kaylee tarafından

I hunch forward, placing my hands on my knees, and try to catch my breath. I hate gym and most importantly; I hate running. "You good?" I look up to Axel, gliding down to the ground. His wings send an amazing cool gust of air in my direction when he lands.

"Y-yes." I answer between heavy breaths. "Seriously, I hate running."

Axel laughs and crosses his arms over his chest, "You're a panther, isn't that like one of your specialties."

"Shut up." I give him a rude look and then go back to trying to catch my breath.

Thankfully, he moves on from the subject. "Did your date go well with Brandon?" Just Axel mentioning it makes my stomach flutter. Or maybe I am just going to get sick from running so much.

"One, it wasn't a date and two, it was actually really good. Amazing. Words can't describe it. The Ruby Pond is an amazing place." My mind flashes memories of that night.

"Yeah it's-" A loud whistle interrupts Axel's sentence and we both look in the direction it came from. Niam, the gym professor, is staring at us with an unhappy look on his lion maned looking face. "Catch you after class." Axel waves and takes flight again. While I suffer running on the ground, Axel gets to fly.

I look back at Professor Niam and give him a "give me a second to catch my breath" wave. He's not too happy about it, but he turns his attention to some of the other students.

I take breaths and use my hands as fans until I am comfortable enough to force myself to run more. I begin to sprint but come to a quick halt when I see a large wolf in front of me. He is staring directly at me. Then I hear growling behind me and I find another wolf staring. Are these two really about to fight near me? I try to take a step back to avoid being stuck in the middle of a wolf fight, but I only end up finding another wolf. They've circled around me, they're not growling at one another, they're growling at me.

"Okay, woah!" I hold my hands out in a panic but let's chill out kind of way. Why me? What exactly is this? Some sort of ambush? Even if it is, they have no reason to come after me. I haven't even met a werewolf!

Panic suffocates me, and I have no idea what to do. I searched around for professor Niam and of course he is nowhere to be found now. I dig through memories to try and find maybe one reason this could be happening.

The wolf in front of me lunges, which causes me to yelp and fall backwards. Another also lunges and their nails catch my ankle. I hiss at the burning feeling. Nothing is going to stop them. I hang my head while holding my ankle. It's a perfect scratch and a lot of blood is seeping out. If I look for too long, I may just pass out.

A much more powerful growl catches my attention. As well as all the other wolves. A wolf larger than the rest jumps over one of the wolves and stands in front of me. He must be the Alpha.

I stare in fear, shock, and many other emotions. It's a major Twilight moment if you ask me.

The Alpha stands tall and growls more fiercely. All the surrounding wolves cower. The noise even causes my own ears to twitch in discomfort. Slowly they back away and then officially run off.

I look up from my bleeding leg and connect eyes with the Alpha's sunshine ones. Air catches in my throat. He is big, much bigger than I originally thought. I hate that he is looking at me. It doesn't help that he's a wolf and I'm a cat.

His eyes flick to my leg, then back to my eyes. He makes an odd huffing noise before running off.

"Rei!" Axel's voice forces me to look away from the large wolf running away from me. "We need to take you to the nurse." Immediately Axel is lifting me off the ground and flying into the air. I tightly hold on to him, and that's when I see her. Over Axel's shoulder Harmony and one of her friends are leaning against the side of the bleachers. She is smirking and watching us leave.

Of course.


I slowly and annoyingly limp through the halls trying to get to lunch. My stomach is growling eagerly for food. "Take it easy..." Axel places his hand on my shoulder to slow me down.

I can't help it, I'm hungry. I want to just sit down, and mostly I want to see Brandon. We need to have a talk.

When Axel took me to the nurse's office, the nurse added some sort of healing ointment on the wound and wrapped it with white gauze to help with the bleeding. The entire time I could only think about Brandon finding out and throwing a fire fit. Especially if he finds out Harmony is behind it. At least I think she is... why else would she be out near the field? She's not even in my gym class.

Axel has to help me push the doors open, since I am completely drained of all my energy. Everyone, other than Dante, of course, jumps from their seats the second they see Axel and I walk into the cafeteria.

"Are you okay!" Melody says when she runs up to me, "We have been so worried."

They all helped me to the table, and I told them all what had happened. Axel leaves to grab the both of us some food while I explain. Axel is way too nice for a dragon. The thought makes me laugh.

"I hate to admit it, Paris, but I think your sister is behind it. She was by the bleachers and unless there is another gym class I didn't know she was in, I think she sent the wolves after me." I sigh and take a bite of the cheese pizza Axel brought me.

Before Paris can say what she is about to, someone touches my shoulder. I turn, "Hey... can I talk to you?"

The man's voice is way too low. I almost jumped from my seat. "Uh..." I look around at my table and they seem just as confused as me.

"It's Reighlynn, right? We have gym together-" His head tilts ever so slightly and I see the wolf's ears on his head.

"You're the Alpha!" The words leave my mouth so fast I can't catch myself.

He awkwardly laughs and scratches the back of his neck, "It's Jeremy but yes...I was hoping you and I could take a walk." He angels his head towards the doors that lead outside. I hide the sigh I want to release... I just want to sit and eat food...

"Y-yeah, sure." I answer reluctantly but still wanting to know what he may say, but Melody places her hand on my own as I begin to stand. She is giving me a warning look. "He stopped those wolves early." I whisper to everyone. Melody lifts her hand and nods.

I slowly lift my injured leg over the seat, then the other. Jeremy holds his hand out for help. "Thanks." I grab his hand to help balance myself. We walk to the doors at my own speed. Jeremy is patient with me, knowing my situation.

I can't help but search the room for Brandon. I looked for him when we first walked in and I didn't see him. It's been awhile and I still don't see him...

Jeremy holds the door open for me, and I walk through. We walk in awkward silence for a while until I tell him I need to sit. My ankle is in pretty poor condition. Walking on it for too long causes me a substantial amount of pain. I decided to just sit in the grass to reduce the throbbing pain I am experiencing.

"I talked to the ones behind all that earlier. On behalf of them, I wanted to apologize. No one will open their mouths about whose idea it was but I guarantee you they got hell for that."

I run my fingers through the grass, "You didn't have to do all that." I say quietly.

Jeremy gives me a funny look and his eyes trail to my ankle. "I for one am responsible for my pack, plus you looked pretty helpless. No offense." I chuckle and shake my head to let him know I am not offended. Not like I could have done anything in that situation, no matter who I was.

I can tell Jeremy is the leader. For a college student he sounds more like a Professor. More significant and an elegant tone to his voice. "Why didn't you shift, to at least match them? If you don't mind me asking."

"I can do that?" I let the words slip out before I realize how dumb I sound. Jeremy leans forward with a very confused look. "I mean.. Uh," I laugh it up to cover myself, "I... can't. At least I don't think so. Parents never taught me.." I scratch the back of my ear. Hopefully, he believes me.

"Ah, I see." He shifts his sitting position and for a quick second I can see his dark ginger and black tail. The ginger matches his hair to a T. "I can help with that. There's not many Were-animals left other than werewolves. I'd be more than happy to help you become more of yourself." His now honey-colored eyes sparkle in the sun. Would my eyes change colors like his?

I decide to agree to his offer only because how suspicious would it be if I turn it down? I'll have to talk to Melody about how far this magic necklace goes, because I highly doubt it can make me "shift". "Yeah, that would..." My eyes trail to the left of him. Behind him I can see the large windows of the catering room. A bright red glimpse is what catches my eye.


I can see the flames roaring from the inside. I am up, in instance, ignoring the awful pain in my leg. "What the hell!" My sudden movements cause Jeremy to whip around to see what I am looking at.

"Is that a fire?" He asks, and all I can do is nod. Did one of the kitchens catch on fire? But even so, there's a bunch of magical creatures in that room. Surely someone would be able to take it out. A water elementor possibly?

I'm frozen in my spot as I watch the windows. A fireball flies across the room... which means it's either a fire elementor or.... Brandon.

I take no time to make my way over to the doors. I may not be able to run, but I force myself to limp fast. Jeremy is way ahead of me, rushing into the cafeteria, probably to check on his pack members.

When I get inside, the group is hunched down in the corner to avoid any flames. "Are you guys okay?" I bend down to them just as a loud crash comes from somewhere behind me.

"It's Brandon." Dante announces to me. He is in the front of our group, in a type of protection stance, almost. For a fallen angel, he is an odd fellow.

"He's going berserk!" Paris whines, "He wants those wolves who attacked you." Her eyes follow a fireball that passes in front of us.

I should have known he would freak out, I thought I had time to tell him. He just never showed up... until now.

I quickly take in my surroundings. Most of the students are crowded in the corners or behind the now sideways tables. A couple of creatures are fighting back. Mostly screaming for Brandon to calm down.

I follow their gazes, and Brandon is just by the entrance. His hair is now lit on fire, and tiny flames spike from each of his fingertips. This must be Brandon's anger look, though I've never seen him use it in his fights. I need to do something.

My immediate instinct is the closet table to him, which also happens to thankfully still have all its legs on the ground. I rush as fast as I can to the table, avoiding some randomly lit areas, and stand on the top. "Brandon, stop!" I scream loud enough over the sizzling noise of the fire and any other magic being thrown in this room.

For a moment it looks like he is going to throw fire in my direction, but then he flicks his eyes to me and all the chaos comes to a halt. The fire on his head vanishes, and he closes his hands in fists.

"I'm fine... see." I hold out my arms, granted all of my weight is on my good leg. He doesn't say anything, he just walks in my direction. I observe him carefully, only because I don't know this side of him.

The whole world seems to stop around us. We are all holding our breath.

He sticks his hand out to me and I want to take it, but how can I trust him in this state? He doesn't even smile at me. I step forward with my not injured leg and slowly reach my hand out. What if his skin is burning hot from all this anger he has built up? I let only our fingertips touch and I can already tell his temperature is much hotter than usual, but it isn't unbearable.

I fully take his hand and he helps me down from the table. The entire time he is eyeballing my ankle and the people around us. I'm not sure if he gets impatient or what, but he grabs underneath my knees and picks me up bridal style. Without a word, he's bringing me out of the room. I look at my friends one last time and mouth "I'm sorry" to them.

Brandon takes us through the halls, and I can tell he is going to the front entrance. My arms are wrapped around his neck, and I can see the veins popping out of his skin.

His arms warm up underneath my legs, then his chest, and his breath becomes heavy. It's becoming hot, then boiling. "Brandon." I lift my head from his shoulder. He says nothing, he is only staring straight forward with no specific emotion on his face. His heat starts to sting my skin. "Brandon." I repeat, but still get no answer. It is like he's in this angry state and won't snap out of it. "Brandon... please. If you continue this, you're going to burn me..." Now the heat is getting a little too hot to handle. I may have to jump out of his arms if he doesn't listen to me.

His eyelids flicker, but his face doesn't change. He heard me at least because almost right away his body temperature cools and I can see that he is trying to take deep breaths.

He walks me all the way to his dorm room and then sets me on his bed. The soft mattress bounces slightly to my weight. Brandon gets on his knees and examines my wrapped ankle. "Brandon." I state for who knows the amount of times now. Again he says nothing. He twists my leg slightly to the right and he and I both see the small red dot forming. An unsettling growl leaves his throat.

I do the first time I think of that will get him to speak to me. I reach down and grab his face, forcing him to look at me. "Talk to me..." Brandon grabs on my wrist and leans into my hand. It's a start, he's responsive at least.

He sits up on his knees, his face dangerously close to my own. I can feel the heat radiating off of his skin. "I'm sorry if I scared you." Finally he says something to me. He closes his eyes and leans his forehead against mine. I give him his time. After a couple of quiet minutes he speaks again, "I heard what had happened... and when I couldn't find you, I just became so angry. I saw the wolves. I didn't care which did and which didn't... I just wanted them to pay."

"I didn't know a demon could care so much about someone." I try to lighten whatever mood this is.

"I guess I've just fallen for you then." He smiles and opens his eyes. He does feel the same way as me! The butterflies in my stomach start a party they've been waiting to have.

"That was fast." I tease, rubbing my nose against his. The both of us have formed feelings for one another pretty fast. It's like we've formed a bond that should have taken at least months, maybe years. His warm hand creeps up from my back and stops at my neck. His hot breath brushes against my lips. I try to keep myself relaxed when his forehead slowly leaves mine so our lips can touch.

I know that he is usually hotter than a normal person, but it still shocks me with how hot his lips are against mine. I tensely wrap my arms around his neck. It's embarrassing how tense I am. I haven't exactly kissed someone before, let alone a half demon boy.

Brandon doesn't break the kiss, but he grabs underneath my legs to push me into the center of his bed. His body now towers over mine, and I can't ignore how much I love this feeling. It's like sparks are running up and down my body.

He then pulls away and smirks at what I would assume is the bright blush on my cheeks. The smirk fades quickly though, "I just wish I could have helped you." Brandon shifts over me to lay by my side.

I turn and face him. I run my finger down his lip. "You're here now, and I am fine."

"I know but..." Brandon lets out a large sigh, "I just feel like Jeremy may have set this up because we're in the competition and-"

I cut him off quickly, "It wasn't Jeremy's idea."

Brandon raises an eyebrow at me. "You know Jeremy?"

"He saved me from them, Brandon. He even told me that he and I quote 'gave them hell' for it." I explain and move a loose strand of his hair out of his face. "Brandon... I hate to say it, but I saw Harmony out there. I think she told those wolves to come after me."

He seems to freeze in his spot, "She wouldn't..." But the way he answers has a hint of maybe she did. He's lost in thought, staring.

"Does she know the wolves?" I figured he would defend her, so let's try to pull all the pieces out, and then maybe we can put them back together.

"Yes, but-"

"Does she have gym class around, I don't know one?" I believe my class is around then. I don't pay attention to time often. I just show up then leave when told to at this point.

"She doesn't have a gym class in general... only swimming but that's not until later." Brandon looks at me with such disappointment, then he wraps an arm over my shoulder and pulls me close to him. I now lie on his chest and I can hear his heartbeat. It surprises me because I guess I thought demons didn't have one... "I'll talk to her tomorrow." I'm sure it's hard knowing there is a chance, even if it's a slim chance, that a close friend of yours could be behind something like this. I don't blame him for not wanting to completely believe it, but this certainly cannot be the first time she has tried to get girls away from Brandon. If what Paris says is true, then Harmony still likes Brandon and does not enjoy seeing him with other girls.

Brandon and I cuddle for a while. I don't even realize that I am missing classes, but whatever. Brandon probably does not want to see another werewolf, and I don't even know if I would be able to handle walking from one class to another.

After a while, there's a knock at the door. Brandon opens his eyes and lifts his head slightly. My ears perk, and I sense the smell of dogs... "I'll get it." I get up quickly, careful not to put too much weight on my foot.

"Let me-"

But I am already making my way there. If Brandon were to open this door, I have a feeling someone would be getting punched... and it wouldn't be Brandon.

I open the door just enough to see Jeremy standing there. "I figured you'd be here..." He eyeballs behind me, probably questioning where Brandon may be.

"Hi to you too." I roll my eyes and twist my injured ankle around my other leg. Jeremy catches the movement and looks down.

"I brought you something. It's a werewolf healer cream. I believe it could help a werecat as well." Jeremy holds out a small jar with gold cream inside as well as some extra wraps. That is very sweet of him.

"And if it doesn't, wolf boy?" Brandon is right behind me before I can even get a word out.

Jeremy's eyes trail above my head. The both of them are tall but I believe Jeremy beats Brandon by an inch or two. "Then nothing happens. Unless of course you have any certain allergies?" He's back to talking to me.

"No." I smile and lift up the materials. "Thank you Jeremy, I will have to try it."

He nods and begins to leave. When I close the door, Brandon yanks it open. "Hey!" His loud voice echoes through the halls. Jeremy snaps his head to look at us, exactly like a dog would. "You better keep your pack in check from now on!"

This is exactly what I didn't want to happen. I lightly place my hand on Brandon's chest to push him back. He doesn't move; he is determined to stay in this spot.

"I handled them. I wouldn't have let it happen in the first place had I known of this plan. I can assure you, Reighlynn and my pack will not be having any problems from now on." Jeremy nods to me as if to be saying his statement more towards me than Brandon.

"If your pack doesn't stay true to that, I will easily come after all of you."

Jeremy's stance changes. He stands up taller and balls his hands into a fist. "Are you trying to threaten my pack, Brandon?" My eyes widen at the realization. Even Brandon's temperature is rising again.

"Jeremy, no he's not. He doesn't mean that." I turn my attention to Brandon. "Brandon, stop! We are not starting another fight." He won't look at me, he's only getting more furious by the second, just like before.

"It's more than a threat, wolf boy." You have got to be kidding me. Why won't he just fucking listen to me?

"Okay, that's it." Jeremy is walking back towards us with his chest pushed forward.

I have to hold my hand out to stop Jeremy. He pretty much rams into my hand, but at least he stops. "Boys! No, this is not happening right now." When neither of them seem to listen to me, my own anger builds up. Then my cat claws came out. My nails are sharp and pointy, it's only a question of whose skin I may have to cut to see how much damage they do. "Jeremy." I dig a nail slowly into his chest. The small touch causes his eyes to flicker down to me. "Go home. Brandon." I look over at him, "Go inside right now, or I swear I will claw you." My words come out sharp and snippy.

Jeremy gives Brandon one more look before turning and finally walking off. Brandon waits and watches him like a prey. I shove him back in his room and rub my temple. I thought mortal boys were trouble, but I guess monster college boys are just as much, if not more.

Brandon grabs my elbows, "I'm sorry."

I shake him away, and limp to the bed, "Yeah you said that about the last time and yet you almost just went full Hades again." Brandon looks at me, confused. Mythical creatures don't know about Hades? Now that doesn't make sense. "Nothing." I mumble.

I slowly take off my wrap while ignoring the dip on the bed when Brandon sits next to me. I flinch at the site of my ankle. It's an unperfect deep line, and it looks absolutely disgusting. I pop open the top of the jar and am greeted with a minty scent. It's so strong I have to turn my head.

"Let me." Brandon grabs the jar before I can even protest. He gets on the floor to have a better angel with my ankle. He scoops out some of the gold liquid and smears it down the cut. It stings more than I expected, so this shit better work. "Easy with the claws." Brandon says, looking at his bed. I hadn't even noticed that I had grabbed his bedsheet, and my claws were ripping through it.

I release my hands and mumble an apology. Brandon finishes easing the cream onto my wound and then wraps it up for me with the fresh gauze. He smirks up at me, "Didn't know you had claws." I put my hand in front of my face and analyze my claws.

"Yea me neither..." It's very odd how this magic necklace works. Brandon is watching my hand, too. I run my finger down his cheek and then under his chin. I lift his head and pull him up to me, pressing our lips together. My stomach flutters by the way he trails his hand up my back and into my hair. These moments make it feel like I am dreaming, floating, imagining when it is in fact real.

Just as he began to get up from the floor without breaking away from me, the door was being knocked on again. Brandon pulls away from me and rolls his eyes so hard you would think they should have gotten stuck. I tap into my senses and it's not Jeremy, but I recognize the smell of the person outside.

Brandon walks to the door and opens it. "Good afternoon Mr. Brandon. Do you have a moment to talk?"

Even my body tenses, I don't have to see who it is to recognize the voice. It's Niam, the Chancellor and my gym professor. There's only one reason he is here. "Yeah." Brandon replies in a I already know what this is about type of tone.

"It has come to my attention that you were the reason for destroying our catering room this evening, is that correct?"

I am frozen in my spot on the bed. Any sort of movement and I feel like I will interrupt their conversation. I have no idea if Chancellor Niam knows I am in here or not. He has to though, right? He and I should be similar with our cat instincts. Even so, I still don't move.

"Yes, Sir but I-" Brandon goes silent and nothing is said. Maybe Niam held up a hand to stop him or made a face. I wish I could see what is happening at the door right now.

"I have already spoken to some students regarding the reasoning for it, Brandon. I understand that some people can be very important to you but that does not give you the right to almost burn down the cafeteria." He pauses, then continues, "But I am also not saying that gives students the right to attack other students. You had good reasoning for your actions but next time come to me, alright?" There is more silence, so I only assume Brandon nods for a reply. "Rei, no need to be nervous, you are not in any sort of trouble."

I tense more when he says my name. I hop up from the bed and carefully come into the doorway's view, "Hi Chancellor..."

He looks at me with no surprise that I am here. "How is the ankle?" Brandon is to the side, against the door, so I can see Chancellor Niam better.

I look down at my wrapped leg. "Fine... I guess. It's still fresh so I don't feel any different." I play with a strand of my hair. He told me not to be nervous, but I still am.

Chancellor Niam nods to me, "I will be going to speak to the wolves who did this after this, as well as Jeremy, their Alpha. We will make sure this does not happen again. Now for you Brandon," Chancellor Niam runs a hand through his lion's mane like beard, "If it were up to others you would be disqualified from the competition. I am giving you one other shot. Do not let this happen again. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir, it won't happen again." Brandon nods and thanks him.

"You two have a goodnight now. Come to me if you need anything." With that, Chancellor Niam walks away.

When Brandon shuts the door, he leans against it and lets out a relieved breath. "You're lucky." I tell him, and he nods in agreement. I would probably be dealing with another not so happy Brandon if he was told he could no longer compete.

I sit back down to get off my leg. Every time I stand for too long, my ankle becomes sore and swollen. "Speaking of the competition," Brandon sits down next to me and checks on the phone, "You'll be there Friday night, right?"

"Of course... The party after though," I point at my ankle, "I don't know if I can do that." Brandon shakes his head and laughs softly. I smile and lean my head on his shoulder. It's still kind of hard to believe this is all happening...

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