Adventure Time: Synthetic Lif...

By Dunked_oN

7.5K 285 41

The land of ooo Is a world of magic, mystery and danger. While out searching for a "mysterious relic" with Fi... More

The "Living Machine"
His Voice
A Prince
A Walk
Breakfast Princess
Sneaking Out


831 27 1
By Dunked_oN

'The Candy Kingdom was currently buzzing with activity. The courtyard had been blocked off for privacy, leaving the citizens to gather outside of it'

'Within the courtyard P.B could be seen standing in front of the robot she had repaired, she was doing her best to help him learn to walk'

'She hadn't anticipated it but his entire memory bank was reset upon rebooting, he didn't know how to speak nor walk without a support'

"Okay, one foot in front of the other" 'P.B said as she stood in front of the robot'

'The robot hesitantly did as he was instructed, causing the ground to rumble slightly in his immediate vicinity'

'His legs were long and made of a black metal. His feet were narrow and looked like he were wearing oversized heels. An extra portion of the leg having opened up for a stilt like support'

'With each step he took the ground shook softly around the robot. Earning a mild look of concern from P.B'

'Upon his next step, the robot stumbled as sparks shot from his left leg, causing him to collapse to his knees'

'The ground shook upon contact from just how heavy he was, causing P.B to stop next to him'

"Take it easy okay? You'll get it eventually" 'P.B said reassuringly as the robot got back up to his feet, a slightly more relaxed expression having crossed his face'

'B.P's attention was caught by two familiar voices yelling, a alarmed expression crossing her face'

"Oh no" 'P.B said in an exhausted tone of voice'

'Finn and Jake quickly vaulted over the candy hedge, prepared for combat'


"HOLY GLOB!" 'Jake shouted loudly as he noticed the robot, Cutting Finn off'

'The ground shook as the robot took a step back, a wary expression having crossed his face, as if he were actually scared'

"Rogue robot!" 'Finn shouted as he pointed his sword at the robot'

"Finn wait!" 'P.B shouted as she got between Finn and the robot, causing the human to stumble before falling due to the sudden stop'

"What's going on princess...." 'Jake asked hesitantly as he cautiously approached, helping Finn stand up'

"Finn, Jake. This is Axel, I got him online this morning. I've been trying to teach him to walk" 'P.B explained as Finn stood up, looking from P.B up to the large robot'

"Axel?" 'Finn asked in confusion'

"Yeah. I couldn't really think of anything so I just went with that" 'P.B said with a soft tone of voice'

'Jake let out a hum as he walked up to Axel, tapping his left leg before leaning on it, chuckling softly'

"Well he seems cool with me!" 'Jake said enthusiastically as Axel adjusted his footing, shaking the ground softly'

"Does he talk?" 'Finn asked as he dusted himself off'

", His memories were reset with his personality when he came online. So I'm going to have to teach him all that stuff" 'P.B explained as she looked up to Axel, earning a small smile from him'

"So you're like an actual mom now huh?" 'Jake asked curiously, catching P.B's attention'

"I was a mom before Axel, Jake" 'B.P said in a matter of fact tone'

"Yeah but when you made the candy citizens they all just sorta....knew what to do and who they were" 'Finn added, earning a look of uncertainty from P.B'

'The princess sat in thought before looking up to Axel, who had sat down. As much as his body would let him anyway'

"I guess you're right. I've never had to really raise any of them" 'B.P said aloud, more so to herself than anyone. Having sat down next to Axel'

"Well. I've always like challenges" 'B.P added, with a small but determined smile'

*To Be Continued*

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