Meet & Greet (E.H)

By prettymuchdelight

6.9K 140 27

"𝑀𝑦 π‘‘π‘Žπ‘’π‘”β„Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿ π‘™π‘œπ‘£π‘’π‘  π‘¦π‘œπ‘’ 𝑔𝑒𝑦𝑠" More

πŸŽ€Chapter 1πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 2πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 3πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 4πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 5πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 6πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 7πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 8πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 9πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 10πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 11πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 12πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 13πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 14πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 15πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 16πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 17πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 18πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 19πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 21πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 22πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 23πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 24πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 25πŸŽ€
πŸŽ€Chapter 26πŸŽ€

πŸŽ€Chapter 20πŸŽ€

155 4 0
By prettymuchdelight

(Edwin) (12:00) I wake up and look at my phone hoping there's something from Desiree but nothing just shows that it's noon. Last night she just kicked me out . I have no idea why. She told me that I said I loved her and I said that I didn't mean it cause I was drunk. But I did mean it. I do love her , so much. I just told her I didn't so I wouldn't freak her out or scare her but I don't know what happened.

I get up and decide to walk downstairs to see Brandon , Nick , Austin , Zion and Maggie on the couch "Edwin?" Nick questions "what you doing here" he ask "I slept here" I sit on the couch and say . "Why? I thought you was sleeping at Desiree's" Zion ask "she kicked me out" I say and their jaws drop "what?!" Maggie says shocked
"What happened" Austin ask "so the night we got drunk , I admitted that I loved her" I say "ouuu"

I sigh "then yesterday she told me what I said and I told her that I didn't mean it and that I was just drunk" I say "do you love her" Zion ask "yeah man I do" I say "but I told her it was drunk me talking then she got all weird and kicked me out" I explain "Edwin" Maggie says "what" I ask "what did she say when you told her you didn't mean it" she ask
"Well I said I was saying stupid stuff cause I was drunk so that's when she got upset or weird and said oh" I tell her "are you dumb" Maggie ask

"Damn babe" Brandon says to her "what do you mean" I ask "she loves you!!!!" Maggie says "huh" I question "she thought you meant it and when you said you didn't that made her upset cause she was gonna say it back" Maggie says "you make no sense" I say "ugh" she whines "she loves you and when you lied and said you didn't mean it that probably made her feel like fool cause now she loves you and thinks you don't love her" she says

"Oh shii" I say "yeah" Maggie shakes her head "I f*cked up" I say "should have told the truth" Nick says "now what?" I ask "umm talk to her man" Brandon says "she doesn't wanna see me" I say "she will when she knows this" Maggie says "but just text her first" she adds "okay wow Maggie thank you" I say and she chuckles "welcome"

(Desiree) "Kammy come on we gotta go" I say as she walks downstairs "ready?" I ask "yes mommy" she says and I take her to the car before strapping her into her booster seat. "All set" I smile .
I get in the drivers seat then start the car. I begin to drive as Kamryn plays with her little dolls
Today we are going to my parents so I need to talk to my dad about what happened last week .

He needs to realize that I can move on but by the looks of everything with Edwin and I , im not really sure how everything is right now but I'm not even gonna tell my dad any of that . I don't wanna hear him brag about "being right" Edwin and I haven't made anything clear yet , just not sure . I really love him but he said he doesn't love me and that really made me feel like a complete fool.

(Parents house) I walk in to see my mother sitting on the couch with my brother . "Grandma" Kamryn says and my mom looks at us "oh hi sweetheart" she picks Kamryn up "hey Desiree" my brother says "hey bro" I hug him and then hug my mom "hi hon" my mom says "hey mom" I smile "is dad here" I ask "he's in his office right now" I nod

"Keep a eye on Kamryn please" I say "of course"
my mom agrees and I walk to my dads office .
I knock "come in" I hear him and I slowly open the door to poke my head in. "Oh hi Desiree" he say "hi dad" I say and walk in and close the door
"Uh how are you and Kamryn" he ask "we are doing good , she's in the room with mom" I say
"Oh okay" he says "listen I came here cause I wanna talk about last week" I sit on the couch

"Yeah I been wanting to talk to you" he says "I just wanna say that there's nothing you can do to change this , I'm an adult , I make my own decisions" I say "If I want to move on then I will , ya know dad he's great to Kamryn , she really likes him and not because he's apart of her favorite band" I add

"he cares about her and me. If he was bad I wouldn't even be near him" I sigh "Edwin means a lot to me and I finally found someone who can I can open up to and let in Me and Kamryn's life" I tell him "I'm sorry if you don't like it or except it but I'm not pushing him out because of this" I shake my head and he takes a deep breath before speaking

"I can't control you , you are an adult and a fantastic mother" he nods "I understand he treats you two well but I mean Desiree are you sure?" He ask "what about Kamryn's actual dad" he says "what about him" I ask "you're not gonna let him see her ever" he says "are you serious?" I ask

"Dad he left me when I was 16 pregnant with his baby and you want me to give him another chance" I question "but you will be able to have a real family" he says "a real family doesn't mean blood relation" I say "a family is people who care and love each other , people who can trust and talk to about anything" I stand up "Whether you like or not Edwin is staying" I snap "If Kamryn wants to find her dad when she gets older then I will let her"

He looks at me "But now Edwin so what she has and she's happy with him here" I start to get teary eyed "dad , I love him" I admit "I do , I really do and Kamryn damn near does too" I say "this is me and my daughter life , i wouldn't put my daughter in a situation where I knew it wasn't good" I say "but this situation with Edwin is perfect and Kamryn loves having him around" I add "I don't need your approval for anything" I tell him

"You can either support it or stay out of it" I grab my stuff "I suggest you go Desiree" my dad says and I chuckle "Whatever" I walk out "come on kam" I say and her as well as my come over to me "mom I can't convince him and I don't care anymore" I shake my head "I hope you are not being like that" I say "no honey , as long as you are happy and he's good with Kamryn" she says "he's perfect with Kam" I say "he makes both of us happy" I say and she smiles "then okay"

I weak smile "you should bring him over for dinner one day" she says "maybe , I'll think about it"

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