Ending Pan | OUAT Fan-fiction

By Edentopia

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It has been five years since Elle had received her happily ever after. Now running the New Neverland with Pet... More

Intro: Foreword
1: Something Wicked this way Comes
2: A Day Out of the Ordinary
3: A Lost Hope
4: We Meet Again
5: On the Case
6: Recovery and Secrecy
7: A Daunting Past
8: A Really Bad Day
9: The Anthem For the Broken-Hearted
10: Finding Magnolia
11: Hungover Traps
12: The Quest for Hellblade
12: Reason and Returns
13: Chess Moves
14: Return to the Underworld
16: Under the Fragile Facade
17: A Battle At Sea
18: The Little Errand Girl
19: Behind the Villainous Mask
20: I Swear by Styx
21: Museum Madness
22: When Past Meets Present
23: The Key to Oblivion
24: Saving Hope
25: A Day for Experiments
26: The World Beneath the River
27: Old Faces
28: Players in Revenge
29: A Warrior's Induction
30: Aftermath in Asphodel
31: A Star-Crossed Destiny
32: A Lover's Fate
33: A Way Back Home
34: Wicked Things and Noble Causes
35: Dark Descension
36: The Power of Mortal
37: The Politics of Games
38: To Anger a God
39: Feathers of Black and White
40: Queen of Fools
41: Battles and War
42: Stand By You
43: The Fifth Key
44: An Underworld Greeting
45: A Battle of Beasts
46: Finding Answers
Captain's Log #17 - The Best and Worst Pirate
47: Prove Yourself and Fight
48: Reunion of Pirates
49: Calm Before the Storm
50: Between Scylla and Charybdis
51: Hope's Resolve
52: Upon Nightmarish Soil
53: Reality and Illusion
54: Futile Faceoffs
55: A Dance in Darkness
56: The Fight for Souls
57: A Battle of the Pied Pipers
58: The Strong Survive
59: There's Still Hope
Bonus Content 1: Soundtrack
Bonus Content: Just Your Average Day
Just Your Ordinary Day in the Underworld...
Undaunting Pan

15: Retaliation

210 6 0
By Edentopia

The Storybrooke Hospital was bustling with the admittance of three new patients. 

"You sure know how to ruin a man's evening," Dr. Whale put on his medical lab coat. 

"You're the head doctor," David said with no remorse, "You should be prepared for this."

The doctor raised his hands up in surrender, "Touché. Well by the looks of it, none of your patients need surgery or anything serious. We put them in a room together to heal. They should be rested enough to hold a conversation."

Peter didn't need to be told twice as he ran to the room. He bursted into the room to face the trio. 

"Oh Darling," the woman greeted and lifted her mimosa, "I'm back!"

"Only temporarily," the man cringed, "If it were up to me, you'd be sent back in a heartbeat."

"That hurts," the woman feigned a hurt tone, "And here I thought we were bonding so well."

"Your Majesty," Felix addressed the man, "We have a visitor."

Felix rose to his feet and gave a curt nod, "Peter."

"Felix," Peter acknowledged, "It's been too long."

"Indeed," Felix says, "Though I must say the conditions of our premature arrival were not preferred."

Before Peter could respond, Emma's voice interrupted, "You..."

The woman sneered, "Oh, it's you darling. I thought it'd be an eternity before I would run into you again."

"Cruella," the man said and she glared at him, "I don't need to listen to you."

"Stand down," Felix warned, blocking her from Arthur, "From challenging the King of the Underworld."

"Former king you meant to say," Cruella mocked, "He was the King of the Underworld. The position is vacant."

"Was?" Regina asked him confused. 

Felix replies coldly, "Currently it is being usurped by a god."

"Usurped?" Mary Margaret furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes," the man confirmed and then said, "Taken by Pan who exiled us to Storybrooke. Hook."

"Arthur," Hook said, "Have you seen my daughter?"

"I have," Arthur confirmed, "She's being held in the Underworld."

"Elle's not going to like that," Felix snorted.

Peter agree with his former second. Elle had a disdain and fear of the Underworld after what happened five years ago. One thing was for certain, she wouldn't go down fighting. 

"Did you see her there?" Peter asked him. 

Arthur nodded his head, "It was by her will that we weren't killed by Pan."

"What is he trying to do?" Regina muttered. 

"I'm not too sure," Arthur admitted, "All I know is that the Underworld is in trouble."

"We're just going to have to travel back to the Underworld and stop him," Peter said and glanced behind him, "You heroes don't need to come. You have a life here. Families to take care of."

"Elle is part of our family too," Emma told Peter, "We're going to save her."

"She's right," Mary Margaret agreed to Peter's shock, "While we may have our run ins, we know that Elle is a part of our family."

"We'll go to the ends of the realm," David vowed. 

"We may not come out of this alive," Hook warned them, "You would risk leaving your children orphaned?"

He glanced at Emma, "You should stay here and watch Hope."

"Henry can do that," Emma protested. 

Hook shook his head, "It's too dangerous."

"I'm coming too," Henry entered the room.

"Henry," Emma scolded, "You're supposed to be watching Hope."

"So it's true," Hope's voice said quietly, "Ellie was taken by a bad guy."

The adults in the room froze and looked down at Hope. While the small blonde haired girl was cheery, her blue eyes filled with emotion. She wanted her older sister back with her. She clenched her fists at her side and said, "We will save her, right Peter?"

Peter nodded his head and patted the girl's head, "Of course we will."

He hugged the girl tightly who was ecstatic to him back in Storybrooke. He pulled away and addressed the group, "We'll go to Gold and go to the Underworld to stop Pan."

He unsheathed his sword, "I swear it."

"There's one problem," Arthur said wary, "Any connection to the underworld has been severed with Storybrooke."

"Severed?" Hook asked the Underworld King. 

"Yes," Felix confirmed, "Not even Charon on his boat can come. The only way is by dying with regret which I do not believe you are prepared to do. Perhaps the Dark One may know of a way."

Henry's face lit up, "Actually, I might have a way."

Everyone looked at the Henry waiting for an explanation. Henry took out his Storybrooke and flipped through the pages and coming upon a schematic of the Hades' lair. Surrounding it were five different coloured rivers.  

"In the book, the five rivers of the Underworld each possessed a key. When they were put together, they created a portal to the Underworld. This might be our chance in gaining passage to the Underworld."

"Where can we find these keys?" Hook asked Henry. 

"That's the thing, the book doesn't say," Henry frowned, "I've read it front and back and there is nothing."

"Could the pages be missing?" Regina suggested.

Henry shook his head, "The page is fully in tact. There is no tampering to be found."

"Well, there is one person that may have the answers we seek," Peter says ominously, "The Dark One."

"It's late though," David said, "After everything that has happened tonight, we should all get some rest for a clearer head."

As the heroes went home, Peter entered his home with Elle. He picked up shards of glass from the broken frame. His mouth was curled into a frown. Was this how Elle felt in his absence? The dark house felt more like a barren prison than a home. 

He changed into clothes and showered. When he finished he exited to see Hermes in his bed. 

"What are you doing here?" Peter demanded. 

Hermes grinned, "I see you made it back in one piece from the little errand. Though I must say you failed to kill Pan. How disappointing."

"I don't have time for your games," Peter said to him.

"It would appear that way," Hermes rested a hand to his chin, "But must I say cutting off the route to the Underworld. Hades must be enraged."

Peter lifted an eyebrow, "Wasn't he obliterated by the Olympian Crystal?"

"Weren't you?" Hermes countered, "Nothing is as it seems."

"Why are you here?" Peter asked Hermes.

"I'm here to offer some advice," Hermes said as the atmosphere darkened, "The keys to the Underworld aren't physical in the way you think them. You'll need to use this."

He handed him a chalice explaining, "The Chalice of Hebe. Only the keys shall be held within its grasp. Don't break it."

Peter placed the relic on the night table and Hermes smiled, "I'll be watching."

And then the god was gone. Peter stared at the enchanted relic from the god. Just how did it play a role. 

The next morning, Peter poured himself a cup of coffee. He did not take his eyes off the chalice as he tried to piece together Hermes' plan. He finished his breakfast and met up with the heroes. They stood in front of the pawn shop and Hope bravely charged in. 

To say Mr. Gold was surprised was putting it loosely. The Dark One stared at a small girl who embodied everything he wasn't. He blinked and Hope stared up at him, "You have answers Mr. Gold."

"I must first say you are the youngest customer I have ever had," Mr. Gold said politely to the little girl. 

"Gold," Regina said, "We need to know about the keys to the Underworld."

"Keys?" Mr. Gold clarified.

"Yes," Henry answered, "You are aware of the five rivers of the Underworld. According to the legend, when put together, they create a portal."

"A blood passage," Mr. Gold said in a low tone, "Never in the Enchanted Forest had it ever been attempted."

"Whose blood do we need?" David asked. 

"You've already answered that yourselves," The Dark One replied, "The blood of the rivers combined together shall give you what you seek."

"Who possesses the blood?" Emma asked him. 

"I would be inclined to say our newest residents in town," Mr. Gold answered. 

"You're being quite helpful," Regina said skeptical, "How unlike you."

"While I may be the Dark One," Mr. Gold defended, "It would seem our interests have aligned."

To everyone's shock, Hope hugged Mr. Gold's leg, "Thank you, Mr. Gold!"

She smiled innocently at the man and the heroes gawked. Peter smirked and glanced at the pirate who he assumed must be fuming. To have his own daughter hug the person whom he swore revenge on long ago. Peter found it quite amusing.

"Well," Emma exchanged looks with the others, "What's the best course of action?"

"We'll have to tackle the keys one at a time," Arthur strategized, "Most likely they have ties to Pan himself and will not go down without a fight."

"Whatever we have to do to unlock the blood passage," Peter decided, "For Elle's sake."

The green eyed boy looked at Hope and then to Hook and Emma, "You two should take Hope home. It won't be safe for a four year old."

"No!" Hope stomped her foot on the ground, "I want to stay and help Ellie."

"Hope," Emma pursed her lips and she was cut off by the little girl, "No mommy. Ellie has done a lot for me. Now it's time for me to help her."

"Your daughter is wise beyond her years," Mr. Gold observed. 

"She is the daughter of the Saviour," Regina said unsurprised, "She was always quick on the uptake."

Emma and Hook looked at their child. Emma's voice was stern, "Hope, you are going to go home with Henry where it's safe."

Hope ran behind Peter, "Peter! Don't let them take me!"

Peter swallowed when he saw the look in Hook's eyes. He was already one foot in the grave thanks to the pirate. Hook opened his mouth to speak, but the sound of a scream interrupted them. They exited the pawn shop and saw Eric and Ariel running over to them. 

"Ariel?" Mary Margaret asked her, "What's wrong?"

"Trouble at the harbour front," the mermaid caught her breath, "Someone was destroying everything before retreating into the ocean."

"I think you might've found your first key," Mr. Gold stated the obvious. 

"Come on," Peter said, "Let's go."

The group sprinted to the docks to see Felix and Arthur already there. Tinker Bell was wearing nurse scrubs and helping people get away. 

"What the hell is that?" Tinker Bell asked. 

In front of them was a large wave building up power. If it came down, it would demolish the town. Emma, Mr. Gold and Regina put up a barrier with their powers. The wave hit it and the trio gritted their teeth from the sheer force they were combatting. Peter unsheathed Hellblade and Hope screamed in fear. 

The wave receded and from it stood a figure on water. A girl with dull brown hair and pale blue eyes stared back at them. 

"Ten minutes," She murmured. 

"What?" Emma asked. 

"Ten minutes until you arrived," the girl said bored, "Somehow I'm impressed."

She tossed her hair behind her and her eyes glowed. She wore a navy blue blouse with black pants. What shocked them was that she was sitting on water.

"He warned us you would arrive," the girl said, emotionlessly, "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Thisbe. Lord Pan assigned me and my sisters to keep you busy. I was more than happy to comply."

"Where are your sisters?" Regina asked her. 

Thisbe just smiled coldly, "They are where they should be." 

"You-" Arthur faced the girl. 

Thisbe had a look of disgust, "Oh the Fallen King of the Underworld. What a wondrous moment to see you lose your power. All within a single night. It was a shame that girl that Pan wants so dearly pleaded to spare your pathetic life in exchange for... Well, why ruin the surprise?"

Felix took out a sword and stepped forward to defend Arthur when Arthur ordered him to stand down. Felix had a look of uncertainty from the king's orders. He obeyed them nonetheless.  

"What is this?" Thisbe turned her attention to Hope who was hiding behind Peter's legs.

Her pale blue eyes boring into Hope's own vibrant ones. Thisbe appeared distracted and in thought. She blinked and then muttered, "No matter, they shall all fall."

"Looks like it's a battle she wants," David said. 

Peter only held his blade tighter as the fire burned in his eyes, "Well its a battle she'll get."


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