Waiting On You [18+]

By Lightblue44

204K 5.9K 1.6K

Book 2 in The 'Three Words Series' Theo and Naomi haven't spoken since. Since everything, that night, first y... More

Author's note


2.7K 86 3
By Lightblue44

Aimee had texted their friendship group's group chat wanting everyone to meet up. They hadn't all met up properly since Halloween and no one wants to talk about Halloween.

So a new meet up was needed.

But, it was winter. December, in fact. Meaning that no one really wanted to do much. It was too cold.

This was said very quickly in the group chat, causing Aimee to then demand everyone meet her at Ollie and Elijah's house the next day, with no exceptions, because she knew no one was busy.

It was now the next day.

Naomi got out of the uber with Tiana looking up at the house. She had no clue Ollie and Elijah lived together in second year. Well it wasn't surprising. But the way she had seen the house from Theo, that one time on FaceTime, it sounded like it was just Elijah's house. But according to Tiana, Ollie was always at Aimee's house so Elijah basically lived there by himself.

Turns out the house was actually a three bedroom, with en-suites for each of the rooms. The house even had a spare bedroom for Theo whenever he wanted to stay over because they knew what he was like. So Theo paid rent at both. How much money did this boy really have?

After finally getting into the house, thanks to Tiana's spare key, Naomi was met with the smell of weed. Like not a little bit that was smoked, it basically engulfed the entire house. She wasn't complaining, she liked the smell of weed, but it did make her want to smoke and she had none left.

Turning the corner and making it into the kitchen, she was met with Aimee stood behind the countertop, with Ollie, Elijah and Theo sat behind it, all looking at Aimee.

"Finally!" Aimee shouted, beckoning her and Tiana over

It wasn't until she got closer that she realised why the house smelt of weed. There lay a fat bag of it, along with several other items on the countertop. She wasn't really paying attention to them, she just wanted the weed. She hadn't gotten high in ages. She missed it.

"Okay!" Aimee clapped, "so I know you're all probably wondering why we're all here"

"Well no I live here" Ollie laughed, to which Aimee knocked the upside of his head, "shit sorry baby" he mumbled

Naomi smiled, knowing how down bad Ollie was. And how quickly Aimee could put him in his place.

"Anyway as I was saying... we're all here because the arcade night was good. Really good in fact, well besides Theo winning just about everything. And I felt like we haven't all seen each other in ages so I wanted to meet up"

"But since it's winter and you lot are all boring as hell, refusing to step outside, I had to get creative. So I thought why not make edibles together! We all smoke so it would be fun"

"You know what, Aimee that's actually a good idea" Elijah complimented

"Oh I know and judging by how none of you can take your eyes off of the weed, I'm going to take that as a yes from all of you to go ahead and start?" She asked

Everyone nodded, taking off their coats and getting comfortable, and washing their hands so they could begin baking. How did Aimee come up with this stuff Naomi thought.

Yes, making edibles was going to be fun, but how did she think of them to do that as such a random last minute thing.

When Aimee said they were all making edibles together, Naomi knew she should of expected less. As soon as they begun to measure all of the ingredients correctly, the boys all sat back down at the countertop, talking about some random football gossip on their team.

To be honest, none of the girls were mad cause they knew they would make the kitchen more crowded, so they continued with their task at hand.

Naomi couldn't deny despite everyone being in a relationship with their partner, they all made a good friendship group regardless. With Elijah mocking Aimee's voice everytime she read out the next instruction, on the recipe, to Aimee hitting him with her wooden spoon. To Tiana and Theo discreetly placing flour hand prints onto each other's clothes because they thought they kept getting one up on the other, but in reality they were both two steps ahead, meaning that they constantly were drawing and ultimately covered in flour handprints. To Ollie continuously trying dip a spoon into the mixture before it went into the oven so he could have a taste and Naomi giving him warnings, all the way to her eventually having to slap his head, which caused Theo to send her a wink at her doing something he always did to Ollie.

"I should of known not to mess with Theo's girl" Ollie mumbled, rubbing the back of his head, exaggerating the pain whilst Naomi laughed at him.

In no time, the edibles were out of the oven and cooling.

"I wanna try them, they must be cool by now" Ollie piped up

"Nah, I say let's smoke a bit so they can actually cool first" Elijah suggested

"No that'll ruin the experience of the edibles" Aimee pointed out

"Then what do we do cause Ollie won't shut up" Tiana groaned

"Hey!" Ollie shouted

Whilst everyone was bickering, Naomi got up from her seat on the sofa, with Theo following her and used the back of her hand to test to see how hot the brownies truly were.

"So?" Theo whispered, knowing not to speak to loudly or else everyone would rush over to them demanding to have a slice

"They're cool" Naomi smiled, as she began to cut individual pieces for everyone

Somehow, Naomi and Theo had managed to plate everyone's brownies and return back to the sofa with them, without anyone noticing, until Ollie saw Naomi eating.

"Naomi's eating the -" he gasped, as he saw the brownie placed on the coffee table infront of him. One second it was there and the next it was devoured, with Ollie humming in satisfaction of how good it tasted.

"I know edibles take a while to kick in, but I'm not feeling shit" Elijah muttered as it had been twenty minutes since they had all eaten their first brownie

"Usually I would say wait, but I agree I don't feel anything, I'm going to cut everyone a bigger, second slice" Naomi offered as she got up from her seat again.

She knew edibles were tricky in the sense of knowing your limits, but their whole group were smokers or as people, definitely not herself, liked to say stoners, so one small brownie edible probably wouldn't do the job and if it was effecting them, it wouldn't last long, so another it was.

Once the six of them had eaten their second slice, they decided on putting on a film to watch whilst it kicked in.

They chose 'Step Up' a film they'd all seen before so they could keep up with the plot when the brownies did hit them. Theo sat next to Naomi, rubbing circles on her exposed midriff under the blanket covering them, whilst she was engrossed in the film.

A soothing act to show each other, they couldn't really show affection due to Aimee and not wanting that sudden pressure of being perfect and that they were okay, they were there for each other, whilst the brownies hadn't hit yet.

And they did, they hit them hard.

Aimee was knocked out. She claimed she wasn't tired at all, but everyone noticed her eyelids becoming increasingly heavy throughout the film and knew she was a sleeper when then it came to weed.

Ollie picked her up and carried her to his room, telling the others he was going to sleep with her because he knew she wouldn't let him leave the moment he put her down, as she was already cuddling into his chest.

Tiana and Elijah were the next to go. Tiana got the munchies and she got them bad when it came to weed. She got up and began searching the cupboards for snacks but soon realised that even in her hazy state, this was a house filled with boys who trained hard and played football constantly. Snacks weren't going to found here.

"Lijah..." Tiana pouted

"Yes baby?" Elijah responded

"I'm hungry"

"Shit, snacks, I complete forgot" he apologised as he pulled her into his lap, "How about we go for a walk and go to Tescos on the way and grab some snacks?" He offered

Tiana nodded, getting up and putting on her shoes and coat. "Bye Naomi, bye Theo, we'll... we'll be back" she trailed off, with Elijah ushering her out of the front door before they both got distracted.

And then it was just two.

Just Naomi and Theo, barely paying attention to each other but more so the film they were so engrossed in as their bloodshot eyes followed the characters movements on the screen.

Finally snapping back into reality and not watching the film absentmindedly, Theo remembered all their friends had the left the two of them alone. He looked down at Naomi to check she was still doing okay and found her staring into space.

"Naomi" he whispered

At the sound of her Naomi being called, Naomi blinked several times to allow herself to readjust back into her somewhat right mindset, so she could keep up with the conversation she was about to have, with whoever.

Glancing around at the room and the rest of the sofa, she noticed everyone else was gone, it was just her and Theo.

"Where did everyone-"

"Ollie and Aimee are taking a nap and Elijah and Tiana went to get snacks, but if I'm being honest I have no clue how long ago they even left, those brownies have definitely hit hard" Theo explained

"Oh I know, me too, I've barley been able to keep up with the film and now they're already performing the last dance sequence" Naomi nodded towards the TV

"You know this is my first time doing edibles" she admitted

"Really?" He asked, pretty shocked because Naomi seemed to look like she knew what she was doing earlier

"Yeah I've always smoked weed"

"Remember the last time we smoked together?" he mentioned


"That was best sex of my life" he mumbled, looking down at her as she began to turn her body towards him so she could focus on the conversation better

"What was that?" She asked, distracted by her moving around. She could only focus on one thing at a time when she was high.


"No, no, no what did you say?" she asked

"I said it was the best sex" he smiled

"The sex was great but I preferred when you ate me out" she smirked

"Was it?" He hummed, watching her slightly smile at the memory

"Yeah, you made me feel so good" she whispered, feeling a wave of something flow through her body at the memory. Tingles straight to her core at the thought of him making her squirt.

The two of them were riling each other up. It wasn't a good idea, but neither of them were stopping. They both wanted to remember that night of high sex. Of how the other made them feel so good. So good that their bodies were tainted by each other. So good that they could never forget that night.

"And how good did I make you feel?" He smirked, cocking his eyebrow up at her

"So good"

"Fuck, I don't think anyone else could compare" she hummed, feeling Theo pull her closer to his body

"Hmm?" He encouraged her to continue keep talking.

"Theo I think about it all the time" she whined, feeling herself get hot and bothered just by talking about it


"I want you" she sighed as she was now sat on his thigh

"Fuck, baby so do I" he rasped at seeing her sat on him. He couldn't put her on his lap or else it would lead to more, so he settled for his thigh, to keep her close, but the words which left her mouth made it so much harder to hold back.

"Please" she whimpered, grinding herself against his thigh

Naomi didn't even know what she was asking for, but in the moment all she could do was beg. Beg for Theo. Beg for his intense stare, which made her heart race. Beg for his sloppy kisses on her neck, which caused her to moan out for him. Beg for his fingers to continue to dig into her hips as he gripped her tighter.

Theo's only focus was Naomi as her body sat on one of his thighs, grinding against it.

Fuck even her just riding his thigh was sexy as hell.

He watched as her body basically moved in slow motion along with the increasing speed of the music from the film. How her head fell into the crook of his neck, as her whole body leaned forward, with her bottom half still moving against him.

How she let out out breathy moans, with his hands guiding her to continue to move.

How he could tell the black flared trousers she was wearing were thin. How he could feel her wetness beginning to seep through and begin to leave a wet patch on his joggers. How her eyes were clasped shut because she wanted to focus all her attention on the pleasure Theo was giving her by just letting her ride his thigh alone.

"F-fuck Theo" she whimpered, as she felt him grab her ass to move her quicker against his thigh.

He wanted her to feel good, he wanted to listen to her struggle to keep everything in as she found her release. He wanted her to cum from just riding his thigh.

Theo's breath hitched at the feeling of Naomi's lips so close to his neck. Of her beginning to leave wet kisses on him. How she would stop every now and again, when she would struggle to contain her moans, so she had to just let it all out. How she didn't care if Ollie and Aimee could hear them anymore, it was just her and Theo in the moment.

"That's it baby"

"Mmm" Naomi moaned from hearing the rasp in Theo's voice, letting her know that she was allowed to ride his thigh. He didn't find it weird. He found it a turn on in fact. That he didn't care that she was so wet that she was sure there was a wet patch on his joggers from her juices.

"I'm going to cum" she whispered, sitting back up to look into Theo's eyes. She wanted to let him see her climax. She wanted him to watch her cum for him. She wanted him to know he was the only one who could get her like this.

Theo, with hooded eyes, watched guided Naomi to grind herself against him even faster. Moans continuously falling from her parted lips, as he felt her wetness even more on his joggers.

"Cum for daddy" he rasped, seeing her look at him with pleading eyes

Naomi nodded. She felt her body slightly being lifted and found herself sat ontop of Theo's clothed dick.

Despite the weed in his system, Theo still managed to get a very hard erection.

He let Naomi continue to grind against his dick as she found her release. He watched as her back arched and she threw her head back in pleasure, gripping his shoulders for stability as she cried out from the wave which flowed through her. How her body was manipulated by the power of her orgasm. How she twitched from it being pulled from her.

"Fuck" she gasped, catching her breath from it

He wanted it closer to him. Closer to his dick, because if he couldn't be inside of her then this would have to do.

"Daddy you're so hard, I want you so bad" Naomi moaned out, beginning to rock her hips again at the feeling of Theo twitching underneath her.

Not even knowing how, Theo found himself carrying Naomi to his bedroom. She was moaning in his ear as she kept brushing her core against his hard shaft.

They had made it to his room and they were breathing heavily.

Theo had Naomi pressed against the wall.

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