You were the one for me ( Sor...

By bazounuruustories

26.8K 371 163

WARNING : CRINGE In this story Sora and Jaxx will quickly fell in love with each other . But that doesn't me... More

The school bell
My first step in the classroom
Lunch break
On our way to the princable's office
Who is behind the door ?
I woke up just to blush ?!
Hope today is better
What is wrong ?
Mental breakdown
The knock that saved my life
The Cafe break
Months of repeat
Do I really hate him tho ?
Angel's answer and devil's dare
Getting ready
Broken silence
Are we official ?
Prom ?!
A new friend ?
The plan
Please Stop ! 😒
Getting ready ( again )
Execute the plan !
Did the plan failed ?
Social comfort
Awkward lunch
(I don't know what to name this chapter 😅)
It's really okay ?
Let's hang out Guys !
Nice to meet you ! 😁
Luca ! It's not what you think !
tears running down just as much as his blood
What was that all about ?
Did I heard it right ?
It's too late to go back
The result
The night before prom
The brighter the light glows , the darker the shadow gets
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

I'm sorry Sora ...

601 8 0
By bazounuruustories

Drake P.OV

I ran after Sora , running to his dorm .
I tried getting in but he started yelling , so I stayed and listen .

After he was done I coudn't believe it ....
I understands how he feel , becuase me and zach had lost our father too ...

It must be painful for him ...
Especially when you think it's your fault ...

I ran back to Jax where he was stuck in the crowd of students , yelling and fighting . I got him out of the mess and told him that Sora was not doing well ...

Jax P.O.V

I decided to check on Sora . He was crying , with his face buried in his knees facing the wall in front of him .
I was about to pat him but suddenly he ...

SMACKED my hand away from him . His eyes was
flooded with tiers , his pupil was shrunken , the eyes's sparkle and happiness was gone . I could see his anger and sadness in his eyes ...

I slowly nodded and left him alone , giving him space .

Sora P.O.V

Did I just smacked Jax's hand ?!  He must  be so mad ...
What have I done ?  God i'm such a failure ...
Prom is 2 days away , I don't think that is enough time for me to get over this feeling tho ...

Alex P.O.V

OMG can't believe this . The plan FAILED !
Me and Jade were standing together and saw the whole
thing , we didn't expect such a thing ! I turned to Jade .

Alex : What now ?

Jade : I think we should let them go back to their dorms.

Alex : Great idea .

Jade crabs the mic and told every student that was in the common area to go to their dorms .

Zach P.O.V

Me and Drake were in our dorm . It was silent , until Drake spoke .

Drake : Hey , do you know that Sora 's parents are -
              you know ....

He slid his fist under his chin .

Drake : So that is why there is barely any one to support
              Him .... you know ?

Zach :  Just like our father huh ?...

Drake : It must be so hard for him , I want to go comfort
              Him but I think he want's to be alone .

Zach : I Agree most people when they are sad or angry
            likes to be alone . So it's the best if we just give
            him space . Any way want lunch ?

Drake : Yea , sure ! Let's call the others too .

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