The plan

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Jax P.O.V

I walked back to my dorm . I was buying some items I need to use for something special but I need help from the others too so things will go as planned .

I got back to my dorm . I thought Sora would be asleep but he was just looking at the window . I went towards him .

Sora P.O.V

I was gazing at the pretty shining stars . Until I heard someone walking towards me . I froze . But then Jax's hands hugged me by my waist . I felt his head laying on my shoulder . I coudn't help but blush .

Jax : Hello blueberry !

Sora : Hey ! If your gonna call me that I'm gonna call
            you rassberries !

Jax : Fine by me !

Sora : What if I do it in public ?

I say smirking at him .

Jax : Don't you even think about doing that !

Sora : I won't do it if you stop calling me blueberry !

Jax : Ok , but remember you are my little berry .

Sora : We are not dating so i'm not yours , IDIOT !

Jax : Not yet ~

I scoffed as I looked down .

Jax P.O.V

I just love how he is a tsundere . He just looks cute when he blushes . And I just can't stop teasing him because I found it funny when he reacts . I love him with all my heart .

I lifted his chin and kissed him . And he kissed back .
I was about to deepen the kiss but there was a nock on the door so I stopped and opened the door .

You were the one for me ( Soraxx )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant