My first step in the classroom

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Teacher :  Alright students ! Before we start I just want to           
                   let you guys know that we have a new student
                   joining us today ! So be nice to him okay ?

Students :  Ok teacher !

Teacher :  Now come on in !

Sora enters the classroom awkwardly ...

Sora :  Hey guys I'm Sora , and I'm so happy that I'm here ,
            and that uhhhhh......

???:  Boo !!! You suck !!! Little nerd !

Teacher : Jaxx ! Watch your mouth !

Jaxx :  What ? I'm just telling the truth his new name
             should me Sora the Sore eyes !!!

Students :  Pfft -  Sora the sore eyes that is so good ....

Sora P.O.V

Oh come on .... Jaxx again ?  Why does he always find a way to make fun of me and humiliate me ?!
This is the worst 1st day of school ever !
I will just ignore him and take a seat .

Jaxx:  Oops watch it nerd !

Sora : ?

Jaxx on purposly made Sora trip using  his feet .
Sora trips over it and fell...

Sora : Why would you do that ?

Jaxx :  LOL even people with 4 eyes can't see . HAHAHA

Teacher : Jaxx if you say something again i will send you
                  to the princanle's office !!!!


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