What is wrong ?

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Jaxx P.O.V

Why isn't he coming out ?
He left me with no choice .
I opened the door with the keys that was in my pocket ,
the door swung open .
I got inside the room to see Sora crying like a dumb baby...
Come on isn't he like 19 or something ?
Why is he just laying on the bed .
What the flip is going on .

Sora P.O.V

Oh frick , I forgot he has the door keys ...
I blushed a little bit . Because it's so embarrassing to let him see me like this.
I wiped my tears like it's nothing and but my backpack over my shoulders preparing to go to class.
Jaxx seemed confused ...

Jaxx : Dude why are you crying like a loser ?

Sora : ughhh well ummmm....

Jaxx : .......

Sora : My mom just told me that she had .....
            c-c-c ...
            I don't want to talk about it ....

Jaxx : C'mon you can talk to me .
Sora : Now why would I even talk to you in the first place?

Jaxx: ..... what ?

Sora : Didn't you hate me ?   I thought you did !

Jaxx : Tch ... I

Sora : You had always made fun of me at school...
            for over 6 years !!!
            And then now you think I would Trust you ?
            Like the hell you even think about my feelings
            in the first place !!!
            I know your acting !
            I know your just pretending !
            I know your-

Jaxx covers Sora 's mouth for him to stop yelling .
Sora struggles to let him self go .

Jaxx : Shhh !!! You dumbtruck !!!
            Let's go to class instead you idiot!


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