What was that all about ?

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Jax P.O.V

I overheard everything that just happened . I think I should ask Levi . I have his number after all .

In the text

Jax : Hey ,  do you know why Luca was crying while he
         Was heading to the store a while ago ?

                                                                                   ( unread )

Back to Jax 's P.O.V

Hmm , he is not answering . Maybe he is sleeping like how Luca said . I'm kinda worried for Luca . 

Luca : I... On look ! My stop is here ... haha i'm gonna go !

He then ran out of the bus door .

Jax : Guys , i'm gonna go follow him ! I will then tell
          everything that is SUS okay ?

Sora  : Okay , but don't took so long ! It's getting late !

Jax : Alright , I will .

I then got out of the bus and started looking for Luca .

Time skip :

So basically I followed Luca all the way back to his house .
And to be honest , it was such a nice one . There lucky to spend some days without schoolwork with there parents here . I then looked outside the window to see Luca kneeled to the ground cleaning up WINE ? WITH ALCOHOL ?!  I guess the parents drink ... But why are there broken class pieces on the floor with it tho ?
I decided to text the friend group leader about it . She is the smartest out of all of us anyway .

In the text :

Jax :

          Um, Alex so I arrived at their house but I found
          something suspicious .

                                                                                                 Alex :

                           Okay , What did you find ? Send a pic !

                              Jax has sent an attachment

Done with the text now back to P.O.V

Alex P.O.V

I can't believe what I was seeing ...

Jax told me that he thinks it's wine . But i'm not gonna agree with him . Wine is more liquidy and purple .
This is blood ... it's thick and redish !

I asked Jax to investigate more about this situation .
He agreed .

5 minutes later

I received a  message after few minutes saying that Levi had a bandage all over his head and body . Because he saw him sleeping on his bed . Now this was SUS AF
Maybe the blood from before is his ?! We don't have enough proof tho ! Next time we meet them ! I WILL ASK EVERYTHING FROM THEM !

Luca P.O.V

After I cleaned up the mess I went to check up on Levi .
He was awake ! I hugged him tight and asked how he was feeling .

Levi : I'm feeling alright Luca . No need to worry .

Luca : Big brother ! Would you mind telling me how
            many kilograms you weight , please ?

He looked at me , confused . I guess my question was very weird . 😅

Levi P.O.V

I was so confused ? What was that question ?! Did I heard that right ?! I just gave him a weird stare before answering him .

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