Sweet As Candy(Laughing Jack...

By scarlet_vantas

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Moarning over the loss of your family relative Isaac you were brought to his mother and fathers house, given... More

Chapter 1: Isaac
Chapter 2: The Pale Clown
Chapter 3: Weird feeling
(A/N): <_<
Chapter 4: Blood and tears
Chapter 5: Ecstasy
Chapter 6: School day from hell
Chapter 7: Murder Case
(A/N): Urgent!!!
Chapter 8: The stone cold cell
Chapter 9: into the asylum
Chapter 10: Stuck in madness
Chapter 11: Insanity
Chapter 12: Lost
Chapter 13: Abandoned
Chapter 14: Who's the more insane one?
Chapter 15: Nightmares and Terrors
A/N: THIS...
A/N: Face Reveal
Chapter 16: Who ARE You?
Chapter 17: The Risk
Chapter 18: The lamb
A/N: -_-
A/N: Read this please

Chapter 19: Brutal reality

1K 19 1
By scarlet_vantas

"Okay so there are more people within these woods then just me" You sound out loud to yourself as you sat alone within what seemed to be some sort of a run down waiting room of sorts, the cement over laid the floor as the walls had run down wallpaper that was starting to rip at the top do to the weather conditions around it. Echos all around as nothing with in the room to stop it sounding like an open theater with a lot of room, looking from your left to your right you could see a door that looked way to sturdy to break open with just a few kicks.

Throat going dry as you started to hear something.

Distanced voices outside the room.

The curiousity within the back of your mind practicly erking you to take a peak through the cracks of the door, repeaditly telling you to take a peak and that it would be fine. You didn't believe it, not more one single moment. Not when everything has been hell around you for what seemed like a while now.

Footsteps stopping outside of your door as you saw two shadows peaking through the bottom part of the door do to a faint light.

Were you in some sort of Saw type shit? It felt like it, only without all of the sedistic traps and disection. Watching the door open as you sat there frozen in fear with your eyes fixed on the two human like figures who walked into the dimmly litted room. First thing coming to mind is if they were actually someone to be trusted or someone to be ready to fight? No way of knowing as of the moment as they said not a word or even made a move, just stood there as if looking you over. For what though?

"U-um may I help you?" You managed to ask only to recieve mumbling between the two with an additional hard hit in the back of the head followed by the echoing sound of what sounded like the ringing echoed noise of metal. Falling uncontious into darkness once more.

~~Time skip~~

Soon after a good ammount of time blacked out you soon came back only to be surrounded by what looked like haustages. But they looked like they were having a worse day then you, counting an average of at least only five people at the same table. Looking to the sides to see familiar figures keeping an eye on all of you, "Fucking clown" you muttered quietly to yourself under your breath venomously.

However he wasn't the only one there accounted for, Jeffery Woods was present along with even Ticci Toby and that masked guy from before who you soon learned to call Masky.

Wincing in pain as one of them touched the back of your head as they gripped your (h/c) (h/L) hair to turn you harshly to them, meeting face to face with the familiar face of the chrome clown that had terrorized you since day one. Neverending rage settled within the pit of your stomach as you focused your attention only on him, "What the fuck do you want?" You muttered lowly as a little low growl erupted from your raspy throat that was bare from dehydration. The clown meerly cackled in a sinister way as he eyed you a single time, "What I want from you is to win this competition. Then you'll be by my side as my proxy, wouldn't that be fantastic?" He replied, the last sentance sounding enthusiastic and a spychotic monitone all in one.

"A.. What?" You asked, hands shaking in your lap as your eyes shifted to the remaining survivors in the room.

"It's killed or be killed, then a proxy you will be" Laughing Jack cackled out causing your skin to become pale, "If I refuse?" "Then you'll be killed off do to backing down, simple as that" Toby chimed in as a look of seriousness never faultered from his expression, he twitched at his head as his neck cracked. The sound causing you to crindge the slightest bit but you didn't dare speak up about it.

"So.. How does this work anyway?" You asked, obviously nervous to hear the answer as the both of them eyed you from head to toe before looking at eachother.

"How this works is quite simple my dear, survive the obstacles, kill a few people, fight for your life. That whole entire ordeal~" Laughing Jack cooed out in a sickly sounding voice. This made you sick to your stomach causing you to not want to eat at all, eyes darting all around the room to the last few people around you before you pushed your plate to the side. "You start the next trial in the morning, bosses orders" Toby added before turning to Laughing Jack. "Which reminds me, crazy clown freak take her to her room and remember to lock the damn door" he stated before leaving the room fully. Jack sighed as he looked at you, "You done eating?" He asked with a seemingly caring tone but that faultered as he cleared his voice, you answered with a simple nod before you were escorted to your assigned room, the room had dressers, a bed and a lamp. Not really much to go on about but enough to care for your needs, getting sittuated in bed you heard a lock on the door outside in the hallway before you were engulfed into a deep sleep.

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