The One That Got Away || Benn...

By _weasleylife_

211K 3.9K 503

Reagan Sullivan was never the one to cope. She always liked to avoid things. For example, feelings. When she... More

Season One
Season Two
Author's Note


1.1K 31 3
By _weasleylife_

Reagan sat on the floor as she flipped through Benny's spellbook. She was hoping there could be something to come in handy for their battle against Stern. Benny was in the armchair as he tried to think. He did not want to be sitting around, there had to be a way to fix his best friend. 

"You know what. Enough is enough." Benny stands from the armchair. "We have gone up against all kinds of crazy stuff before, and we always win! You're the guy who pulls it together. Every time. So pull it together!"

Reagan gets back onto her two feet and stands beside Benny. "Okay, let's maybe take a gentle approach when our friend is obviously not himself next time, okay?" Sarah enters the living room with her phone in her hand.

"I just talked to Erica. She didn't sound like herself. She's leaving town with Rory, and the entire Vampire Council's running." Sarah kneels to Ethan's level beside the couch. "Ethan, we need your help. If we can't stop Stern, who knows what's going to happen to us."

Ethan opens his eyes and looked at his three best friends, and their skin was still grey with their white eyes. "Look, I can't let anything happen to you guys." He sighs as he stands from the sofa. "Your grandma said that I had to find something stronger than fear. I think I did."

He held out his hands and gestured to the three. "Here..." They look at his hands and intertwine their hands together, suddenly feeling a surge of energy flow through them. "Do you feel that?" Sarah asks.

"Yeah, what is that?" Reagan questions.

"Dude, are we having a moment?"

Ethan takes a deep breath and looks at his friends, no longer scared by their faces as they went back to normal. "I'm okay, as long as I don't let the fear through. We can do this."

"We're on our own against Stern." 


"Guys, don't freak out," Ethan tells them as they stood waiting for Ethan's plan. "I've thought it over and this is our best shot, okay?" He turns around and motions for somebody to come in. 


Sarah and Reagan instantly hiss at him while Benny took a step closer to Reagan. "You three aren't very happy to see me, I can tell."

"Oh, can you?" Reagan sarcastically questions, her hands glowing red. "You bit our best friend!" Benny exclaims.

"And you made me suck out the venom when you knew what it would do!" Sarah adds. 

"And I'd love to be sorry about that, but you all know I've done much worse," Jesse tells them.

"Later. The man who has the Lucifractor is related to the wizard you took down 200 years ago." Ethan says to Jesse. "Sinestro family revenge; what a shock."

"How did you stop his super-great grandfather?" Benny asks.

"He loved power." Jesse answers. "He loved to show it off. I let him wipe most of my flock with the Lucifractor while I snuck up behind him and drained him dry. I told you I've done worse."

Jesse smirks as he looks down at Reagan. "I'm guessing you're aware of the situation; what you'll be needing to do if our plan doesn't work."

"What is he talking about?" Benny asks, looking down at his girlfriend. Reagan didn't look at him as she glared at Jesse. "Nothing, don't listen to him. He doesn't know what he's talking about."

Jesse discreetly brings his fingers to his lips, pretending to zip and lock his lips shut with a mocking grin.

Reagan remembered why she didn't like him. 


When they entered the council building, they saw the ash of the fallen guards on the ground. "We're a little late to the party." 

"Where would Stern go?" Ethan asks. Jesse doesn't answer as he thinks before saying, "The Caller. We use it to communicate with other covens but he can use it to broadcast the Lucifractor's field across the entire town at once."

They continue walking into another room and walking around a corner, they found Stern. "Ethan-- so happy you could make it." He grins. "Well, I got bored looking at dead people."

"Benny?" Stern snaps his fingers and motions next to him. Benny's eyes flashed for a moment before walking beside Stern to stand with him. "Benny and I had a little conversation when I caught him in the office. Well, a one-sided conversation, really."

Reagan snarls at him with her fangs flashing. Stern grins before turning to Benny. "Take care of your friends for me." As Stern walks out of the room, Benny turns around with an unfamiliar grin on his face. 


Benny flung his hands and tried to blast the four with a ball of magic. They quickly duck down behind a table. "We have to take Benny out. He's an acceptable loss." 

"No, he's not!" Ethan and Reagan exclaim before she remembered something. "Wait! I know what to do."

Reagan stands back up and aims her hands at Benny, them glowing red. "Veritas mazok-nar Benny pal-natak!"

A blast of magic hits Benny and knocks him to the ground and Reagan chuckles. "Never thought I would have to use that spell, but that was awesome!" She turns to the confused three. "He gave me that spell if there was ever an Evil Benny again." 

Reagan runs to his side. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Don't hurt me again, Grandma." Benny groans and Reagan chuckles before pressing a kiss on his forehead. 

"Reagan, you stay here with Benny. The three of us will go stop Stern." Ethan tells her before running off. Reagan glances between Benny and the three running in the opposite direction. She wanted to stay with Benny, but she couldn't.

Looking one last time at Benny, she whispers, "I'm sorry." Then, she gets up and quickly runs into The Caller.

"Enough!" Reagan uses her magic to overpower Stern's, causing the purple lightning beam from the Lucifractor to transfer from Jesse and Sarah to Reagan's hand. She struggled as she tried to maintain it with her magic but the Lucifractor was advancing over her. 

"Reagan, what are you doing?!" Sarah pants as she watches her friend slowly get weak. 

Stern smirks until Ethan came from behind him and places a hand on his shoulder, causing Ethan to enter Stern's mind. The magic from the Lucifractor vanished and Reagan fell to her knees, catching her breath. 

Sarah runs to her side. "Are you crazy? You could've gotten killed!"

Reagan pants while she slowly raises her head to meet Sarah's eyes. "I have to do this, Sarah. I have no choice." Before Sarah could question her, a gust of energy surged throughout the room, leaving Ethan and Jesse to fall while Sarah and Reagan were already on the floor but a shot of pain went through them.

Reagan looks up and Stern had a purple lightning bolt zapping into his forehead from the Lucifractor. "I can feel the power." 

This was it, she thought. 

It was now or never.

She slowly raised from the ground with small grunts escaping her lips. Stern met her eye and said, "You can't stop me. You're not as powerful as your mother was, you're weak."

Reagan tilts her head. "You wanna bet on that?" Her hands glowed red and she blasted an energy ball towards Stern. It knocked him off guard which gave her an advantage and she sent a beam of red lightning at him, absorbing the Lucifractor magic. 

Ethan helped Sarah and Jesse up, and his eyes widen at what Reagan was doing. Ethan and Sarah both tried to stop her, but Jesse stopped them.

"No, we can't stop her. Not with the risk of all of us dying." He tells them.

"But then Reagan will die!" Ethan yells.

Benny came running in and his eyes landed on Reagan. He saw her eyes glowing red as she struggled to try and take control over Stern's and the Lucifractor's magic. The magic between the two continued to grow stronger. He had no idea why she was doing this. 

"Reagan!" Benny yells for his girlfriend. She turns her head and tears formed in her eyes as she looked at him. She gave him a sad look before saying her last three words, "I love you." 

The last thing they saw was purple lights. But right before it burst, a voice shouted, "Et ex agris deducere vis!"

Suddenly, it went dark.

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