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Ethan, Benny, and Rory stare as Reagan was crouched on the kitchen counter, sniffing the air. She decides to hop off the counter and use her super speed to the refrigerator, throwing food at the boys and empties the refrigerator.

"Reagan, why don't we just--" Ethan was cut off as Reagan spoke in a foreign language that the three couldn't understand. "That's definitely not Reagan. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"The ghost that escaped from the seance board," Rory says and Ethan nods. "It found a body that it liked." 

"Can't say I blame it." Benny chuckles. "You gotta admit, she looks like a lot more fun. And hotter."

Reagan smirks as she caught a glimpse of the chocolate cake that Ethan's mom made. She throws the chips off the counter, replacing them with the cake. "Oh no! No! Not the cake! Please don't! Please, my mom just made that cake for her book club tomorrow." Ethan pleads. Reagan glances between him and the cake before shoving the chocolate cake into her mouth.

"Ethan, where's Reagan!" They heard Jane yell from upstairs.

"We think she's possessed by a ghost from the Netherlands!" Rory yells back. Ethan scolds the blonde-haired vampire. "She's just getting a snack. Be right up."

"I have got to try that cake," Benny says as he makes his way towards Reagan and the cake. "What? It's not like your mom can feed it to her book ladies now. Besides, this is Reagan. She knows it's me--" 

He cut himself off as Reagan flashed her fangs at him and hissed. Her eyes also flashed a deep red, which was new to Benny. He backs away from his possessed crush and hides behind Ethan.

"Reagan? Are you in there?" Ethan asks, trying to find any sign of his best friend. She stares at him, her eyes a deep red. "Non est ultra Reagan." She snarls at the boys before using her super speed into the hallway.

The boys run in after her and she picks up a trophy and holds it hauntingly. "Stop! Stop, okay? Just put down the trophy." Ethan begs. Reagan looks at him as her hand suddenly shines red, smashing the trophy into pieces from her hand. 

"Okay, that's it!" Ethan yells. "This party is over! I command you to return to the board and go back to wherever you came from!"

"And give me back my future girlfriend!" Benny adds. Reagan glares at the three, her eyes back to a deep red. "Big mistake." 

Reagan opens her mouth and a gust of wind hits the boys. They scream and watch as she uses her speed up the stairs. They follow her until they heard Jane's scream. "Jane!"

The three boys run up the stairs as they continued to call Jane's name. Rory stops when he saw the flashing lights from Ethan's room. "Uh, guys? I think I know where she is."

When they opened the door, they scream at the sight of Reagan's eyes glowing a deep red and her levitating in the air. She lifts her hand and the door slams shut.


Ethan, Benny, and Rory run down the stairs. "What the heck was that?" Benny asks.

"A guess? I'd say some kind of demon has taken over Reagan's body." Ethan says. Benny sighs. "This was a bad idea. Why couldn't we listen to Reagan?"

"We're going to get her back. We just need to find a way to get the demon out of her body." Ethan explains. "Let's assess." Beny starts. "We have an evil demon who's taken possession of a vampire's body, not to mention who is also our best friend. She also has your little sister trapped inside your bedroom."

"Right." Ethan and Rory agree.

"Well, then, there's only one thing to do..." 

A while later, the three boys were walking towards Ethan's room, either wearing pots or a hockey helmet, holding kitchen utensils for weapons. Rory opens the door and Ethan's room was glowing blue. He opens the closet door and it reveals Jane, who was crying and pointing to the computer that sat on his desk. Reagan was there sitting and typing on his computer.

The One That Got Away || Benny WeirUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum