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When Benny saw the purple lightning, he thought his life was over. But when he felt nothing happened, he opened his eyes and saw that the room was still intact. He looked beside him and his eyes widen.

Ethan, Jesse, and Sarah were surrounded by some kind of force field. They looked just as confused. Benny then noticed he was also in a force field. 

So, that's how they were unharmed. But how was that possible?

As the force fields vanished by themselves, he remembered hearing a familiar voice before the blast.

"Reagan! Where's Reagan?" His eyes scanned the room as he looked for the girl. He didn't even bother to question Stern's whereabouts as his body was suddenly gone. In the corner of the room, a body laid on the ground.

"No, no, no..." He mutters. Benny's heart pounded as he ran as fast as he could to reach her. Once he got closer, he knew it was her. Reagan laid there unconscious. "Reagan!" He began to shake her, but there was no response. Her skin was slowly turning pale, the remaining of her magic were sparkling at her fingertips.

"Please don't be dead." He pleads, continuing to shake her. "Come on!" From behind him, Sarah had tears falling down her cheeks, choking back a sob. Ethan stared in shock as he saw his best friend. But there was no more Jesse as he sped out of there the moment the force field went down. 

"Benny-- we need to get her out of here," Ethan says, his voice cracking. He kneeled beside Benny and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe your grandma will know how to help her." Benny nods before picking up Reagan in a bridal hold. 


The moment they arrived at Ms. Weir's magic room, she used a spell to create a small bed for Reagan to lay in. The three weren't allowed inside the room until Ms. Weir was done.

But when Ms. Weir came out with a sad expression on her face, Benny already knew. "No, no." He shakes his head. "I'm sorry, my boy. But she's gone." 

"She can't be-- she isn't dead!" He yells, grabbing a fistful of his hair. "Benny--" Ethan tries to comfort his best friend, but Benny pulls him off.

He storms out of the room and Sarah started to cry. Ethan instantly wrapped an arm around her and pulled her to his chest. 

"I'm sorry, kids." Ms. Weir softly says to the two. They didn't say anything as they held each other, crying over their friend.

Ms. Weir silently exits the room, searching for her grandson. She found him sitting on the porch of the front house, staring off into space. 

She takes a seat beside him and notices his bottom lip quiver as he tries not to cry. Ms. Weir places a comforting hand on his back. "It's okay to let your feelings out." She whispers to him, and a tear drops from his cheek.

"She wasn't supposed to die." He croaks. "Why did this happen to her-- no, why did she do this?"

Ms. Weir sighs. "Reagan knew what she was doing, it was all part of her plan. She did what it took for her loved ones to be safe."

Benny looks at his grandmother. "What do you mean part of her plan? You mean to tell me... that she knew she was gonna die?" 

Ms. Weir nods. "I think this would explain better than I can." She pulls out a letter from her pocket and hands it to Benny.

He looks at the letter and almost started crying again when he noticed her handwriting on the front. 

As he went to open the letter, Ms. Weir stops him. "This is something you should read with your friends." 

The One That Got Away || Benny WeirWhere stories live. Discover now