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"Our young prince Ho-tep died at the tender age of 18 but the ancient Egyptians viewed death as merely a journey into another world." Mr. G explains to the class. The class was at a museum overlooking Egyptian culture.

"What's with the ancient supperware?" Ethan asks, pointing to a couple of jars next to the mummy. "Oh, you know the expression, you can't take it with you? They didn't."

Ethan, Benny, and Rory were extremely bored while Reagan was slowly falling asleep as her head was rested on Benny's shoulder.

"This gift-wrapped fellow here was arranged to marry a pharaoh's daughter. But when he refused because he wasn't in love with her, the Pharoah had him executed." Mr. G continues.

"I bet she had one killer unibrow." Benny comments and Reagan laughs before Sarah punched them both in the shoulder.

"According to these hieroglyphics, he vowed to never enter the afterlife without his true love."

After the class left, the group stayed behind at the Egyptian exhibit looking at the mummy.

"He actually chose death over a life without love." Sarah gushes. "That's so romantic."

"It probably got less romantic when they bottled up his organs." Ethan comments and Sarah rolls her eyes at him.

"And if I'm lucky, one of these jars will have a pancreas," Benny whispers, but the others heard him and gave him a weird look. "You wouldn't understand. Cover me!"

Benny opens some of the jars as he looks for a pancreas. "Just make it quick," Ethan tells him.

"You guys are asking for trouble. I don't want any part of this." Sarah says before leaving the exhibit. "Maybe she's right. It is stealing." Ethan agrees.

"So? The museum stole it first. Do you think they asked Raggedy Andy here to raid his tomb? Didn't think so." Benny says. "Trust me, no one will miss this."

They watch as Benny plops the pancreas into a plastic bag, his face scrunching in disgust. "Ugh, it's hideous." He groans.

"Suck it up, buttercup." Reagan jokes as she pats her boyfriend's back as they all exit the exhibit.


"What is the big deal? We collect weird stuff all the time." Benny argues with his friends as they walk into Ms. Weir's magic room.

"Yeah, when we're fighting monsters. This time it's more like getting groceries." Sarah tells him.

"Come on. It's nothing like that." Ethan begins to say until he received a look from Sarah. "Okay, so it is."

"Everything worked out fine." Reagan shrugs.

The moment Reagan had said that, a loud bang came from the door as it burst open and came in the mummy. More importantly, Prince Ho-tep. The four scream and jump to the corner of the room. Ethan pushes Sarah behind him as Benny did the same with Reagan. The terror from the mummy lessened as its wrappings got stuck on the door handle.

"This is getting sad," Reagan admits.

"What do we do?" Sarah asks. Ethan takes the pancreas from Benny's hands and begins to taunt the mummy with it. "This is what you want, isn't it? Got get it." He tosses the plastic bag into a closet and the mummy walks inside, Ethan quickly shuts the mummy in.

"Benny, we have to get this thing back to the museum," Ethan tells him. "Sarah or Reagan could fly him back in seconds!" Benny suggests.

"Sounds fun! Or we can go to class and let you clean up your own mess!" Sarah says. "What? There's a monster on the loose and you're not gonna help us?"

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