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Reagan sat at her seat in the yearbook committee classroom as Ethan and Benny explained their new idea.

"In conclusion, our yearbook needs a facelift." Ethan finishes.

"Or at least some serious Botox, which brings us to the photos," Benny adds. "A lot of us spend as much time gaming as we do in school." Reagan quietly chuckles at how they believe the yearbook would approve. She loved her best friends, but they were sometimes clueless.

"We think we should be able to use our avatars as our yearbook photos," Ethan explains. "Why look like yourself when you could look like a Level-25 Storm Ranger?"

"I feel that who I am on the inside is better represented by Thor Angerheart," Benny says, holding up a picture of Thor, the God of Thunder.

"Thanks to the yearbook committee for your time. We think this idea could take the Whitechapel Rememberer to the next level." Ethan says.

"Um... no. Don't think we're gonna use that. But thanks anyway." Reagan's new friend, Hannah Price, shot down their idea. The boys sigh and look over at Reagan who gave them a thumbs-up. "I propose we go totally retro and use this old-school camera for the student photos." She suggests.

The students applauded Hannah's idea while Reagan walks to the front of the class, helping the boys gather up their stuff. "Good idea, Hannah."

The Price girl smiles at her friend. "Thanks, Reagan."

"That's my camera--or it used to be. It was my grandma's." Benny explains. "I sold it to Hannah at a yard sale on Saturday."

"Well, now she has the old-school camera and you two can't do your avatar photos. Deal with it." Reagan simply says before the boys follow her out of the classroom.


"I'm getting my hair done after school. You two wanna come?" Erica asks the two girls as they stood at Sarah's locker.

"Why are you getting a makeover for the yearbook photo?" Sarah questions. "Vampires don't even show up on film."

"This would have been my first hot yearbook photo ever. The other ones were..." Erica trails off. "Not the best pictures of you." Reagan finishes.

"I don't care if nobody else can't see it. I'll know I looked good." Erica says. "What about you? Don't you care?"

Sarah sighs. "I don't know. I kind of just wish I could forget this whole year."

Ethan walks up to the three girls. "Sarah, Reagan. A girl just asked me if she could trust me. What does that mean? Is it a trap?"

"What does that mean?" Sarah questions.

"What do you mean?" Ethan asks.

"Sarah, you have got to stop hanging out with him. You're turning into the same person. Next thing you know, you'll be reading comic books and snorting when you laugh." Erica explains and Ethan laughs with a snort.

"Hannah Price just asked me if she could trust me. Can she?" Ethan asks.

"Can she?" Sarah repeats.

"I can't watch this happen," Erica says, and Reagan nods.

"Me neither. I'm going to find Benny."


Ethan, Benny, and Reagan were sitting in English class when Ethan started whispering to them.

"So this morning, Hannah was really nice to me and asked if she could... confide in me."

"Dude, it's a trap." Benny laughs.

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