An Unexpected Miracle....or T...

Por MochiMama18

5K 319 32

A one night stand with BTS' maknae line during the American leg of their Love Yourself Speak Yourself tour ta... M谩s

An Unexpected Meeting and A Night with the Maknae Line
The Morning After and Concert Day 2
A Shocking Secret & A New Beginning
The Truth Unfolds
Old Friends, Good Food, and New.....Relationships
(It was just the) Calm Before the Storm
Weathering the Storm
Midnight Pleasures Pt. 1 (With Tae)
Midnight Pleasures Pt. 2 (With Guk)
Lyssah's Birthday
An American Thanksgiving for BTS
A Surprise Visit and the MAMA Awards
What's Going on With Taehyung...?
A Bangtan Christmas and Two Early Christmas Gifts
The Fight for Baby Kim and Baby Jeon
A Long-Awaited Homecoming
Repaired Relationships & Heartfelt Thank Yous
ARMY Meets the Bangtan Twins
EPILOGUE: The Future Life of Bangtan

An Upset and Worried JK

165 12 0
Por MochiMama18

With things back to normal between all of them, Jeongguk wants to take Lyssah to meet his parents. He's not sure how they'll react but he reassures Lyssah that no matter what they say he isn't going to leave her or ignore her as Taehyung did. He reminds her that he loves her and their daughter more than anything. She's nervous but she agrees to it since it means so much to him.

Jeongguk booked two hotel rooms. One for Lyssah's guards and one for Lyssah, Taehyung, and him. He didn't want to stay with his parents in case things went bad. And he wanted them to have privacy as well.

Lyssah is nervous the whole four-hour car ride to Busan. Taehyung and Jeongguk do try to distract her by talking about their upcoming Christmas get-together. They had all finished their shopping already and were excited to exchange gifts and celebrate the holiday together.

When they were settled into their hotel room, Jeongguk ran Lyssah a bubble bath while Taehyung ordered them lunch. The tub was big enough for one of them to join her so Taehyung let Jeongguk do it in hopes that he could talk to her more about his parents in order to calm her nerves.

The bath was relaxing for Lyssah. Jeongguk did talk to her more about his parents. But he also held her close and told her how much he loved her and that nothing would change that.

After lunch, Jeongguk texted his mother to let her know he was in town and was coming to see them. She texted back saying she couldn't wait to see him. He assumed since the entire world knew about Lyssah that his parents did as well but he still didn't mention that he was bringing her with him. Maybe he was afraid they wouldn't want to meet her and that they felt the same way Tae's parents did. He'd never let Lyssah know that though. It would only make her more nervous than she already was and he didn't want that.

Lyssah kissed Taehyung goodbye before walking out of the hotel room with Jeongguk. Once they were in his car he took her hand and squeezed it.

"Angel, relax. No matter what happens I'm not going anywhere." He reassured her one more time.

"I know, Jeonggukkie. I have a feeling they aren't going to like me any more than Taehyung's parents do though. And I don't want to be the reason your relationship with your parents falls apart as well." She states.

"Lyssah, baby, what happened between hyung and his parents isn't your fault. And it won't be your fault if the same thing happens between me and my parents. Taehyung hyung and I are both grown men. We made the choice to sleep with you and the choice to be with you now. Yes, we love our parents but we also love you. This is our decision they don't have to like or agree with it but that doesn't mean we would blame you. And you shouldn't blame yourself either." He told her.

"Okay. You're right. I'm sorry, bun. I'm just nervous." She said.

"I know you are. But try to relax. I love you, angel." He said, taking her hand and kissing it.

"I love you too." She replied.

The drive there only took a few minutes. Once he parked the car, Jeongguk turned to her and took both of her hands.

"Remember, I love you and want to be with you. Nothing and no one will ever change that." He says.

Lyssah nods her head.

Jeongguk gets out of the car, coming around to open her door for her and help her out. They walked up to the door hand in hand. He opened the door and they stepped inside, taking their shoes off.

"Eomma, I'm home!" Jeongguk called out as he helped Lyssah take her coat off.

"Jeonggukkie!. It's so good to have you home...." She said, stopping when her eyes landed on Lyssah. "You brought her with you?" She asked.

"Of course I did. I wanted you and appa to meet her." Jeongguk replied warily, squeezing Lyssah's hand when he felt her tense up.

Lyssah took a deep breath and stepped forward, bowing her head to Jeongguk's mother. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Jeon."

His mother just scoffed. "Can't say the same, unfortunately."

"Eomma!" Jeongguk said in shock.

"What? Should I lie and pretend I'm happy to meet her? Should I pretend that she doesn't disgust me?" She asks him. "You have children near my son's age and yet you still chose to date him. It's wrong. You need to date someone your own age instead of going after a rich younger man that you can manipulate."

"I...I'm sorry you feel that way, Mrs. Jeon." Lyssah said. "I need some air, Jeonggukkie. I'll be outside." She adds to her boyfriend.

Jeongguk stands there in shock as his girlfriend walks out. He had a feeling his parents wouldn't like the idea of them being together but he didn't expect his mother to be so mean about it to Lyssah.

"Good, while you're at it take yourself back to America and out of my son's life." Mrs. Jeon states.

"Eomma, stop! Why are you being like this?" Jeongguk said.

"Come on, Jeongguk. She's old enough to be your mother. It's obvious she got pregnant to manipulate you and get your money. You should be dating someone your own age. Not someone whose diapers you'll have to be changing in another few years." She states.

"Enough, eomma! Lyssah is an amazing person. She never wanted my money or Tae's in the first place but we insisted." He explains.

"Oh please. Of course, she would say she didn't want your money. A gold-digger never admits they want the money in the beginning. Don't bring her back here again. I don't want her in my home." She says.

"Don't worry I won't bring her back here. But just know that if she isn't welcome here then I won't be coming back and you won't be meeting your granddaughter either. Goodbye, eomma." Jeongguk said, turning his back to her.

He put his shoes and coat back on and walked out the door. He went to his car, assuming Lyssah was there waiting for her. Only she wasn't in the car and when he looked around he couldn't see her. Where could she have gone? He quickly got in the car and tried to call her to find out that she had shut her phone off. Shit! She was upset and took off with her phone shut off. What had she been thinking? How was he going to find her? He tried to call her again just in case. When he still got the message that her phone was off he decided to drive around and look for her.

Jeongguk drove around for twenty minutes looking for Lyssah and didn't find her so he went back to the hotel in hopes that she had gone back to Taehyung. When he walked into the hotel room the confusion on his hyung's face was enough to tell him she wasn't there.

"Where's noona?" Taehyung asked.

"I...I don't know, hyung...My eomma said some hurtful things and Lyssah walked out. I argued with eomma a bit and when I came back out Lyssah was nowhere to be found." Jeongguk said. "I tried to call her but she shut her phone off." He added.

"Fuck. We need to find her. She doesn't even have her guards with her and ARMY could easily recognize her." Taehyung said.

He called her guards and they came to the room. They all sat down to figure out the best plan to find her before ARMY did.


Lyssah hadn't stopped walking once she stepped out of the Jeon's home. She just kept going. It was cold but she didn't care. She couldn't stay there and watch Jeongguk's relationship with his parents fall apart like that. Because she could hear him yelling at his mother. A mile or so down the road an older woman stopped and gave her a ride. She didn't go back to the hotel because she needed some time to herself. She asked to be dropped off somewhere else in town, shutting off her phone soon after.

After she was dropped off, she found a place and went inside. She orders herself a drink and sat at a little table all the way in the back so no one would see her right away. She sat there crying quietly and drinking her hot chocolate.

Now both of her boyfriends' relationships with their parents were ruined. The twins wouldn't get to meet their grandparents. She didn't want Jeongguk or Taehyung to regret this in the future. As much as she promised Jeongguk she wouldn't, Lyssah couldn't help but blame herself for all of it. She should have said no back in May. If she had then both of them would still have good relationships with their parents. And ARMY wouldn't be angry at them or asking for them to leave like some had in the beginning.

She was so busy blaming herself that she didn't notice two girls watching her and whispering. They were ARMY and both recognized her immediately. They could tell she was upset and were whispering amongst themselves to decide what to do if anything.

Back at the hotel....

Jeongguk, Taehyung, and the guards had decided to split up and look around the city for her. It was all they could do without it getting out that she was missing and all alone.

Jeongguk and Taehyung were putting their coats on when their phones went off. Both of them grabbing their phones lightning fast. They frowned when they say that it was just an Instagram notification. They went to put their phones back but they went off again. Whoever was DMing them on Instagram was spamming them. They looked at each other then opened Instagram, going straight to the DM. Their eyes widened when they read it. They respond right away.

Lyssah's guard immediately went to get her. All Jeongguk and Taehyung could do was pray she stayed safe until the guards got to her.

The guards walked into the cafe a few minutes later. When the girls saw them they waved and the guards walked over. They pointed to the corner in the back where Lyssah was sitting. The guards thanked them and told them how much Jeongguk and Taehyung appreciated them keeping quiet about Lyssah's whereabouts.

They walked over and stopped next to her. Lyssah looked up at them, her eyes red-rimmed and puffy from crying.

"You gave all of us a scare, Lyssah-ssi." One of them said.

"I know. I'm sorry." She replied.

"Let's get you back to the hotel." The other guard said.

"Okay..." She agrees.

She gets up and follows them out tho their car. She knows she's gonna have two very worried and angry boyfriends waiting for her back at the hotel. She owes them both an apology for taking off like she did. The ride back to the hotel is quiet. She can tell her guards are upset at her as well. She does apologize to them as well.

Once they arrive back at the hotel, she follows the guards inside and into the elevator. They get to the floor they are staying on and she gets out her key card for the room. She takes a deep breath to prepare herself for the lecture she is sure is coming from one if not both of her boyfriends and opens the door. As soon as she steps in the door Taehyung stands up from the bed.

"You.." He says with a hint of anger in his voice. "I was so worried about you, noona."

"I know. I'm sorry. Tae." She replies.

He comes over and pulls her into his arms. "Don't ever do that again." He mumbles as he kisses the top of her head.

"How angry is he?" She asks.

"Angry doesn't even begin to cover it." She hears Jeongguk say as he steps out of the bathroom.

"Bun...I'm sorry." She says, turning to him.

"Sorry? What went through your head? You know you can't go out alone! It's not safe, noona! Do you have any idea how worried we've been?" He says angrily.

She nods her head, tears starting to fall down her cheeks again.

"Shit..." Jeongguk says as he walks over and pulls her into his arms. "I didn't mean to yell at you, angel. I was just so worried something would happen to you. Don't ever do that again, please." He adds.

"I'm sorry, Jeonggukkie. It won't happen again. I just...I couldn't stay there and listen to you two fight..." She replied.

"I know, baby. But you should have waited in the car for me. Coming outside to find you gone scared the shit out of me." Jeongguk said.

"I know, bun." She said with a sigh.

"You look exhausted. Let's get you comfy so you can take a nap. We can talk more about this later." Taehyung cuts in.

Jeongguk nods his head and helps Lyssha out of her coat and shoes. Then Taehyung grabs her hand and leads her over to the bed. They both climb into bed and cuddle her. It doesn't take her long to fall asleep between them, both of them following soon after.

When they wake up they sit together and talk about the things Jeongguk's mother said as well as everything Taehyung's parents had said when he had talked to them as well. Lyssah did cry a bit more and told them that she did feel guilty about the way things were between them and their families now. But both of them reassured her that it wasn't her fault and that they loved her very much. Later they went down to the restaurant in the hotel and had a nice quiet dinner together.

Once they were back in their room they each took a quick shower and settled in for the night. They sat in bed and watched TV for a bit. After a while, they shut it off and just cuddled.

It started with Jeongguk softly kissing the back of her neck. Then Taehyung kissed her deeply. They hadn't shared her since that night back in May but both of them were more than willing to share her tonight. They wanted to show her how much they loved her. Taehyung slid his hand down to her hip, squeezing it as he pushed his tongue into her mouth and Jeongguk left love bites on her neck and shoulder. She whimpered causing both men to growl against the skin of her lips and shoulder.

"Need to get these clothes off," Taehyung said as he pulled back.

"I couldn't agree more, hyung," Jeongguk said, pulling away to pull off his shirt.

They undressed then helped Lyssah out of her clothes. Taehyung kissed her again then pulled away to trail kisses down her neck and chest, over her belly, stopping at her hip. He lifted her leg up and put it over him, leaning down to lick and suck on her clit as Jeongguk slid a finger into her. She gasped and reached out, wrapping one of her hands around each of their cocks causing them both to hiss. She stroked them in time to the thrust of Jeongguk's fingers, all three of them moaning. Taehyung's moans causing enough vibrations against her clit to send her into her first orgasm of the night. She came crying his name. They didn't even give her time to come down for her first orgasm before they were working her toward another one. The thing about knowing her body so well was that they both knew how much she could take before she became too sensitive. By her third orgasm, she was begging for them to take her. And of course, neither of them could say no when she always begged so prettily for them.

They didn't make her beg more. Taehyung moving from between her legs so they could get her in a better position to take them both. He laid down next to her and moved her on top of him with her back against his chest. He held her and kissed her passionately while Jeongguk pushed into her with a groan.

Taehyhung's hands were roaming all over her as Jeongguk rocked his hips into her, both of them mumbling praises and "I love you's" against her skin. It didn't take long for her to come crying Jeongguk's name, the youngest coming only moments later. Once they and both come down, Jeongguk and Taehyung switched spots and Taehyung pushed into her, making her gasp. He was already so wound up, it didn't take him long to come but both men made sure Lyssah came first.

When they were done, Taehyung got a washcloth and cleaned her up, then himself before tossing the washcloth to Jeongguk. Once they were all cleaned up, Jeongguk made sure she had water to drink then they snuggled close and went to sleep. They were going back to Seoul in the morning so they would need their rest.

The following morning, they had a nice quiet breakfast together in their room before leaving for Seoul. They talked and laughed while Lyssah's guards drove. They made it home and sat with the other members, telling them everything that had happened. They all felt bad that Lyssah had gone through all of that so they gave her hugs and told her that they would always support her relationship with the two maknaes. And for her, that was going to be enough. Because BTS was a family in and of itself. Her lovers' brothers were happy for them and that made her happy.

Christmas was coming and she wanted to put everything that happened with Taehyung's and Jeongguk's parents behind her so she could enjoy her first Christmas with her boyfriends, her friends, and the rest of BTS.

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