The Princess and the Guard (B...

By abigailjgrace

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Demetria has been around for almost a century. Founded on the south pole and using a protective dome to prote... More

Twenty Five


42 4 6
By abigailjgrace


Juliette, sitting at her desk with her tablet propped in front of her, turned around. Odette was standing there, one hand on her hip.

"I'm almost finished," replied Juliette, already turning away.

"Then take a break."

The tone in Odette's voice gave Juliette pause. She wasn't irritated, but there was a tenseness about her that wasn't usually there.

"I need you to come with me. It's time for your doctor's appointment."

Juliette's eyebrows shot up. "My what?"

Odette arched an eyebrow. "Have you gone deaf now, too?"

"No, but I thought maybe you'd started speaking in tongues," Juliette muttered under her breath.

Odette waved a hand in Juliette's direction. "Hurry up, I don't have all day."

"Why am I going to the doctors?"

"Because some people need medicine to function." Odette shot her a smug smile. "You would be one of the 'some people.'"

Juliette knew Odette was goading her, trying to provoke a response. Despite years of hatred that had festered in Odette's heart, Juliette still longed for her sister's approval. Odette's words still stung. They pierced her heart, shooting barbed stingers through her ribs, pricking the tender flesh.

"I don't know what that means, but I'm not seeing a doctor for no reason."

"Oh, we're back to the defiance again. Fantastic." Odette nodded once, glancing over her shoulder as two guards walked in.

Juliette shot up, frozen to the spot. The two guards grabbed her arms, unbothered at her attempts to break free. "Let me go! What do you think you're doing?" she demanded.

"Taking you to the doctors, as I said. Since you're determined to disobey orders, I've had to resort to getting help, and Mother isn't here anymore to protect you." Odette smiled as Juliette was led through the door and dragged through the corridors.

Juliette struggled, determined to make the guards' job as difficult as possible. She remembered, not too long ago, when the guards had been ordered to protect Juliette from Odette. Their mother had seen the hatred festering, the abuse starting, and stood as a barrier.

It had been two and a half years since Odette and Juliette's mother died. Two and a half years—thirty months, one-hundred-and-thirty weeks, nine-hundred-and-eighty-four days—of living with Odette, and her newfound freedom to hit, and beat, and scream at Juliette whenever she felt like it.

"I don't know if you're aware, but House Canyons has been working on new technological advances," Odette said, unbothered at Juliette's attempts to break free. "From what I can tell, the software should impress even you, and make your work easier and more efficient."

House Canyons was one of the eleven House's that made up Demetria, and since their primary export was technology, it was Juliette's favorite House.

"I have taken the liberty of ordering you a series of new data tablets," Odette continued. "Which means I don't want any more excuses, because they will let you work more efficiently."

Juliette stopped struggling just for a moment. A new tablet? It had been a while since she'd gotten anything new.

Odette abruptly stopped walking, wheeling on Juliette. "Don't get excited," she snapped, jamming a finger in Juliette's face. Juliette wanted to smack her away so badly, but her arms were still being held. She twisted her wrist, but to no avail. "They're for working. And if you can't work effectively, they will be taken away."

Juliette glared at Odette. "You're so kind."

Odette cleared her throat, continuing down the corridor. "Have you made any progress in hacking into the other world leaders' conference calls?"

Juliette scoffed. Odette really wanted to talk about this now? "I thought I was just supposed to be looking into Russia."

"If you can get into Russia, then getting into the others shouldn't be a problem. It can't hurt to have more information."

Juliette reluctantly nodded. "Nothing concrete, but I've been working on establishing a stronger signal so it will be consistent and not quite so spotty."

Odette seemed relieved. "Keep at it. I cannot predict when this war will be over, but it would help if we knew what the other world leaders are planning, or who is looking to form an alliance with whom."

Juliette didn't reply. She glanced over at Odette, who looked like she wanted to say something but wasn't sure how to go about it.

"I'm sure even you are well aware of the struggles we're facing at the moment," Odette finally said, slowly, as if she were choosing her words. "It's important we all do our part for the greater good." She rounded the corner to another corridor. The carpet ended and her heels clicked on the shiny, marble ground.

Juliette dug her nails into the palms of her hands. She'd been told ever since she could remember that it was important for everyone to do their part. Even when her parents were alive, it was Odette who ran most of the kingdom. She was smart, intuitive.

For the longest time, Juliette worked hard to do her part, doing whatever Odette asked her to. It seemed like the only value Juliette held was when Odette needed a new computer installed, or built, or needed to hack into something.

"As I've told you countless times before, your part," Odette continued as if she were reading Juliette's mind, "is to follow orders and do it without having a meltdown."

Juliette stifled another sigh. Meltdown. Panic attack. Tantrum. I know, she inwardly drawled.

"The tasks I've been giving you are extremely important, but they aren't enough, not on their own. We must solidify Demetria, both as a country and as a kingdom. There is a war going on the world. We can't be so foolish as to think we will be overlooked."

Juliette frowned to herself, but she said nothing. Why did it sound like Odette was trying to convince herself, as well as Juliette? The two guards holding her slowed, at Odette's command.

"Now, are you going to cooperate on your own free will? Or do I need to drag them in with you?" The corner of her mouth tilted in a cruel smile. "And don't forget you won't be wearing much."

Juliette worked her jaw. "I'll cooperate."

Odette looked at the guards and they both released her. "Come."

Juliette forced her feet forward. It was much colder inside, and she involuntarily shivered. She followed Odette through several white corridors until they came to a private room. A long counter ran along one wall, with a computer mounted in the corner. A folded gown was resting on top of the exam table.

Juliette hovered by the table. She pointedly ignored the folded gown, not about to undress in front of Odette, who always told her she was too skinny and looked like a walking skeleton.

"It should be fairly simple today, just a basic physical," Odette said, finding sudden fascination with her fingernails.

"And why am I here?" Juliette asked again.

"I told you. I can't stand your behavior and want to do something about it."

Juliette narrowed her eyes. She could tell Odette was lying, but she wasn't sure why.

"When the doctor is finished with you, I want you to go back to your room and finish your work," Odette said, leaning against one of the sleek walls.

Juliette drew in a lungful of air. "Yeah, sure. Are you staying?" she asked dubiously. For once, Odette looked completely out of place in her elegant gown and glittering tiara seated in the middle of a hospital room.

"Yes. Someone has to make sure she actually does something." Odette snapped her head up. "And I don't want any trouble out of you," she hissed.

A laugh bubbled in Juliette's throat before she could swallow it back. She should have seen it coming, but Odette kicked her in the back of her knees, forcing her to the ground.

"You're getting entirely too comfortable being a brat."

The door swung open and a woman with grey hair pulled into a bun, and square classes walked in, carrying a data tablet. She froze in the doorway, glancing from Juliette to Odette.

"Your Majesty, Princess Juliette," she murmured.

Juliette blinked her eyes clear, her knee stinging from hitting the ground. She wished she was bigger. Bigger, stronger, taller, braver. She wished her body's response to fear wasn't always tears. She'd stand up to Odette in more ways than fighting the guards who pinned her down.

"We're here today for just a basic physical, correct?"

Odette nodded, sinking gracefully onto the chair. Her skirt poofed out around her. "I need you to run some tests. Make sure she's healthy and up to standard."

Up to standard. As if Juliette were a product being tested.

Juliette wordlessly donned the gown when Dr. Greene instructed her to, ignoring the glare Odette shot her. She was weighed and measured, her heart rate and blood pressure checked, and a bright light shone in her eyes.

"How have you been getting eight hours of sleep?" Dr. Greene asked, lowering her voice just a little. Not that it mattered; Odette was listening intently.

"Probably closer to six, if I'm being honest. Works kept me up lately," she added with a pointed look at Odette.

Odette made a face.

Dr. Greene turned away, loading a syringe with a large, empty, vial.

Chills shot down Juliette's spine. "Is that a shot?" she asked, trying to stifle a groan.

"Not quite; I'm just going to run a quick blood analysis, and make sure there's nothing abnormal going on," Dr. Greene said, smiling. She took Juliette's arm and turned it over, wiping the inside of her elbow off with a cold wipe before inserting the needle into her skin.

Juliette winced, even though it really didn't hurt. Dr. Greene removed the needle and pressed a cotton pad to her elbow.

"Keep pressure on it so you don't bruise," she said gently.

Juliette mechanically flattened her other hand around her elbow.

"I should have her results back by the end of the day," Dr. Greene assured Odette. "But I don't see anything that's cause for concern."

Odette visibly relaxed.

On her way out the door, Dr. Greene cast a glance back at Juliette.

Juliette looked away.

"Hopefully she'll be able to confirm that you're fine and we can move forward," Odette said with a sigh. "If not, we'll have to come up with something to combat it. Whatever it may be."

A frown settled on Juliette's face. Move forward with what? She was fairly certain Odette was trying to be provocative, but what if the reason she hated Juliette so much was actually her own fault? What if a simple solution was all it took to get Odette to love her? What if Dr. Greene came up with an easy solution that would fix whatever idiosyncrasies Juliette displayed that irritated Odette so much?

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