Shatter The Glass - Jax Teller

By ryanshitkowski

103K 2K 229

Familiar faces; haunting memories. Sophia Morrison returns to Charming to take care of her father and in hop... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven


2K 56 9
By ryanshitkowski

"Sophia Frances Morrison." Agent Stahl says as she sits across from her, sliding her a cup of coffee. Sophia turns her nose up at it, not trusting this woman for a second. The bitch probably poisoned it. "Possession of cocaine is pretty serious in the state of California."

She sits silent.

"If you, y'know, tell me where you got it, I might go easier on you. Like, if you got it from a Son-"

"Are you baiting me?"

"Not at all." She says with a knowing smile.

"I don't know anything."

"Oh, honey." Stahl shakes her head. "It's not about snitching. It's about throwing who ever gave you those drugs in to jail for a long time."

"Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, huh?" She reads from the business card on the table. "Tell me," she squints at the name printed in glossy dark blue ink, "Agent June Stahl, tell me where cocaine falls in your jurisdiction."


"Because I thought drugs, a 'D' word, hell, even 'N' letter starting narcotics don't fit into your little ATF world." She flicks the card back onto the table. "Unless cocaine has switched to alcohol, tobacco, or a fucking gun, you and I shouldn't be having a conversation."

June takes in a sharp breath before standing. "You're right. You are right. You're onto me." She leans over the table and gets close to her face. "So, why don't you tell me everything you know about Jackson Teller and the Sons of Anarchy and I'll let you go."

"This whole fucking waltz you guys did to get me in here is impressive but you're a bag of shit. I don't know anything about them."

"How do you know Gabriel Isaac Morrison?"

"Doesn't sound familiar." She sighs, using her pointer finger to push the coffee cup further away. "Haven't heard of him."

The door opens when she opens her mouth. "The hell're you doing in here?" The cop that let her off the hook for coke earlier this year says, shaking his head. "ATF's got nothing to do with a drug charge."

Sophia gives her a smug look as June Stahl is ushered out of the cramped room. "Wayne, looking well."

"Thanks, kid." He rasps back, grunting as he sits across from her. "So what the hell happened? I get a call saying you've been arrested for cocaine? C'mon Sophia, I thought you went through a rehab program."

"I'd pass a drug test right now with flying fucking colors." She shrugs. "Don't know how I got arrested for coke when I haven't been around since that day I met you for the first time."

"Well, the boys found half a pound of coke in your couch."

"What the fuck?" She sits up, looking at the pictures he's pulling out of a folder.

"Want to explain that to me?"

"Yeah, okay." She clears her throat. "That's not mine. I've been moving my dad's shit out of the house since I've gotten back in town."

"From where?"

"I was living with my brother for a while after Scotty died." She sighs heavily. "Someone who got a lot of cop visitations probably left it there because Scotty would never rat. Snitches get fucking stitches."

"Well, they got resisting arrest on you and that by itself is up to a year and the fact that they found half a pound of coke in your-"

"It's not my house. It's not in my name. None of the bills are mine, so you can't charge me with possession of coke in my house when it's not even my house. I just want to go home."

"Well, I'll see what I can do with the drug charge but you're going to serve with assaulting Hale."

She snorts. "Assault? I pushed him away because I don't like being touched like that- well, not by a cop or a stranger." Unser rolls his eyes. "It was self defense."

"We'll see what the judge comes up with at your hearing." He states as he stands. "You're good to go home. We'll call you with your hearing time and date and all that bullshit so just stay in town."

"You got it, Wayne." She says as she stands. "Have a blessed day, sir."

"Get outta here."


Sophia Frances has to serve a week in jail with the maximum fine, $1,000 and another thousand dollar fine for resisting arrest. She dodged the 'big house' bullet by a hair with it being her first adult offense so the judge was pretty lenient, especially with her shitty sob story about her dead father, estranged mother, incarcerated middle brother and sober eldest brother.

She was able to milk that hard.

Her and Jax had some pretty intensely passionate sex before she was shipped off to jail because he's going to Indian Hills for the week but promised to pick her up when she's released.

That time is now.

"You been waiting long?" Sophia asks, squinting as she steps out into the bright light of the parking lot, her belongings in a clear plastic bag under her arm.

"All my life, baby." Jax winks back as he stands from his relaxed position on his bike. He grabs her with a hand on the back of her neck and kisses her hard, his opposite hand gliding to the small of her back. "I missed you." He whispers, locking eyes with her while their foreheads are pressed together.

"I missed you too." She giggles quietly. "Take me home, outlaw." She winks, tossing her bag into a side saddlebag before sitting herself on the back seat of the bike. "Now, please."

"You got it, darlin'."

They barely make it into the house before clothes are stripped off and things are knocked over while they fuck right there against the front door.


"How was Nevada?" She asks, reaching down to play with his growing hair while his head is on her bare chest.

"Uneventful." He says, looking up at her, resting his chin on the hand laying on her belly. "You make anyone your bitch in jail?"

"You wanna know if I fucked around with another woman? Wanna know all the sexy details? Me and another woman getting hot and heavy?"

"Mmm, yeah, baby." His eyes go dark at her words.

"Well, nothing like that happened." She responds, brushing her thumb across his cheek. "Sorry to disappoint."

Jax laughs, pressing a kiss to her belly. "I missed this." He admits quietly, his eyes dropping to the exposed breasts in front of his face. He licks his lips then brushes them across her hardening nipples. "A lot."

Sophia lets out a shaky breath, adjusting her legs on either side of him as he leaves small hickeys on her tan flesh. She whimpers softly, her legs shaking in anticipation as he moves his lips further south, finally settling between her thighs.

She moans outright at the feeling of the badass blonde outlaw going down on her. Her body trembles as she lifts her head, her eyes barely open. "Fuck- holy shit." She gasps, her hands dropping to her breasts, tweaking her own nipples. "Hhhuh..."

Jax smiles against her, slipping two of his fingers into her up to his chunky rings, his tongue not stopping. She cries out, grabbing at his hair. "Jax- Jackson- fuck, wait-" She forces her eyes open. He pulls away and wipes his mouth. "Fuck me, please."

He smirks and pushes her long legs up, his hands on her thighs to keep her knees up toward her chest before he pushes into her, moaning at the tight feeling around his dick for the second or third time that day.

Sophia is beyond happy to be back in this dance with Jackson Teller. Ever since she first laid eyes on him, she's had feeling for him- sexual and sensual feelings. She's always had a feeling that she's supposed to be with him and so far, that feeling is right.

When she left Charming the second time and went to Lodi, she felt like she had a gaping hole in her heart and pussy- but that's besides the point. She felt so ashamed and embarrassed for telling him she loved him and he didn't say it back but his love doesn't need to be verbal, he loves to hear it but doesn't really have a need to say it when he can show it.

Until now.

Sophia moans against his neck as she slams headfirst into her climax, her body falling back against the sheets from the sitting position she was in with Jax's arms tight around her. He's not too far behind as he comes too, pulling out then to the side.

Sophia rolls on her side, starting to drift asleep. She smiles slightly when she feels a pair of strong arms around her body. Jax kisses her shoulder lovingly as he spoons her, brushing his thumb against her hip, whispering, "I love you," to her before he joins her in a deep sleep.


Sophia's head jerks up from the car she's working on; it's some shitty Honda Ridgline with a bad motor or some shit, the guy who brought it in had no idea what he was talking about, when a huge cargo truck pulls into the lot.

Juice hops out with some scrawny brunette in a tank top, short shorts that are too baggy on her and a pair of tall cowboy boots that swallow her skinny legs. Jax and Clay meet them at the truck and the blonde smacks Juice on the back of the head before hissing something in his ear.

Juice grabs the girl's arm but she pulls away from him, standing in her tracks as she looks at Kip. He awkwardly turns away, making his way behind the vehicle Sophia is working on with the clipboard in his hands.

"Get me outta here." The girl scoffs to Juice, letting him pull her to the side of the building.

Sophia grabs the clipboard from his hands and stands in front of him. "Who was that girl?"

"C- Cherry- I- I don't..." He keeps his eyes on a spot on the floor.

"She from Nevada?" Half-Sack bites his lip. "Did Jax hit that?"

"I- I don't know who he's hitting, I mean besides you 'cause you're his, y'know, girlfriend-"

Sophia's face drops. "Go." She clears her throat. "Now." Half-Sack nods and makes his way to the office while Sophia leans back against the wall, tears forming in her eyes.

She watches the guys head into the clubhouse leaving her alone in the shop. She lets out a quiet sob, shaking her head at the newly retained information.

Sophia quickly wipes her flushed cheeks when the guys return to the shop. Jax throws his arm around Sophia, lazily pressing his lips to her cheek. She locks eyes with the newest prospect before she throws her elbow into Jax's gut hard.

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