Lion king Family

By Steampunk-Bakugou

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A story about the Lion King family. Simba was a former boxing champion also a professional boxer and Nala was... More

Chapter 1. A nice morning
Chapter 2. Kovu's visit
Chapter 3. Apologize
Chapter 4. Highschool
Chapter 5. Group of friends
Chapter 6. Sleep together
Chapter 7. Confess feelings
Chapter 8. Grandparents visit
Chapter 9. Meeting the waiter
Chapter 10. The fifth wheel
Chapter 11. Teenage love
Chapter 12. Get caught
Chapter 13. Punished
Chapter 14. Three teen lions
Chapter 15. This game sucks
Chapter 16. Family stuff
Chapter 17. Sleeping with him
Chapter 18. Ideas
Chapter 19. The First Skydive
Chapter 20. Rude
Chapter 21. Baliyo's rage
Chapter 22. Talk about movies
Chapter 23. Unlucky
Chapter 25. Still lost
Chapter 26. Teaching a lesson
Chapter 27. A promise
Chapter 28. Replay
Chapter 29. Beach time
Chapter 30. Having fun (The end)

Chapter 24. Spend time together

946 16 49
By Steampunk-Bakugou


It's 3:00 pm, Simba was at the Market to buy some drink and snack for him and his wife. He take 2 chocolate bars and 2 soda drinks, a male zebra next to him said.

Zebra: "You know that will damage your teeth, right? And it was unhealthy."

Simba: "My dad is 70 years old and he was fine and healthy."

Zebra: "Was it because he's eating chocolate and drink soda?" the zebra being sarcastic.

Simba: "No, it's because he was always minding his own business." he replied.

Zebra: "Oh, uh..."

The zebra saw him clenching his fist, so he decided to run away.

Zebra: "Uh, sorry. I gotta go, my wife's calling me." he said and run away.

Simba: "Yeah, that's right. You better run before I punch you in the face."

He walk out of the market and go to his car, he press the unlock button, get inside and start the engine.

Simba: "It's 3:00 pm now, and the weather look's like it's almost raining."

Just after he said that, he heard a thunder sound and it started to rain heavily.

Simba: "Yup, I was right, it is raining. I just washed this car, better slow it down to avoid a car accident." he reduced the speed of his car and drive slowly.

Rani's house

Kion and Rani were sitting in the living room and talking about something they like and their interest, suddenly they heard a thunderstorm and started to rain down heavily.

Rani: "Kion, it's raining heavily outside."

Kion: "Yeah, I can see that."

Rani: "How do you gonna go home?"

Kion: "My mom will pick me up, my parents already knew that I'm visiting you."

Rani: *giggles* "hehe, okay."

Kion: "What was it we're talking about it again?"

Rani: "I think it's about occupation or something."

Kion: "Hmm, try to talk something different other than that."

Rani: "Uhm, okay."

Baliyo: "Uhh, guys?"

Kion: "Yeah?"

Baliyo: "I'm the only one who is alone here and have no to talk too."

Rani: "Why don't you just texting your friends?"

Baliyo: "I did and it seems that they didn't online or replied my text."

Rani: "Why don't you just do something that you'll like."

Baliyo: "Like?"

Kion: "I don't know, try to do something different or talk to yourself."

Baliyo: "Talk to myself? You mean talking to my ownself?"

Kion: "Maybe? But I don't think you should do it. You might ended crazy or talking to your other self."

Baliyo: "Hmm...." he started to figure out something.

Rani: "Baliyo?"

Baliyo: "Uhh...yes?"

Rani: "What are you thinking?"

Baliyo: "Ohh, nothing."

House mansion

Sima just arrive at his home safely, he got out of the car and enters the house.

Simba: "Here's the chocolate bar that you want, honey." he give the chocolate to Nala.

Nala: "Thanks." she take it and eat it.

Simba: "Here's another one for you, Kiara." he gives another one to Kiara

Kiara: "Thanks, dad." she take it and put in the fridge, she's gonna eat the chocolate later.

Simba sit down of couch and enjoy the cold wind of the air conditioner.

Simba: "Wow, that's cold plus it's rain heavily today and that's make it even better.

Kiara: "Dad, I made you a drink." she gave the drink to her father.

He take it and drink it, he seems to enjoy the taste.

Simba: "Wow, it's good, what is this drink?"

Kiara: "A smoothie."

Simba: "Smoothie, did you made it?"

Kiara: "Yeah!"

Simba: "Wow, the taste is good, I like it."

Kiara: "Thank you, dad!"

Rani's house

Back at the living room. Kion and Rani continued their talk and Baliyo was just sitting on the couch minding his own business.

Kion: "Once I met this kind lion, he is 18 years old and 2 months older than my sister."

Rani: "What's his name?"

Kion: "His name is Kopa, I remember he wears a black hoodie jacket, black jeans and red nike shoes when the first time I met him."

Rani: "What does he look like?"

Kion: "He's a bit taller than me and his face almost the same as mine and his hair colour or mane is brown."

Rani: "His face look's like you?"

Kion: "Yeah, even his hair style look's like me and he's very good at Krav Maga martial arts."

Rani: "Krav Maga?"

Kion: "Krav Maga is a combination techniques sourced from Boxing, Wrestling, Judo, Aikido and Karate."

Rani: "Wow."

Kion: "I spar with him once."

Rani: "What happened next?"

Kion: "Well, I lost. I lost to him."

Rani: "Whoa."

Kion: "Yeah, turns out that when Kopa spar against me he was holding back all the time, he said if he go all out I'll probably ended up in a hospital with a broken limbs and bandages."

Rani: "Ouch!"

Baliyo: "Can I tell both of you something?"

Rani: "Sure."

Kion: "What was it?"

Baliyo: "One thing that I don't like about girls is that they love to freaking test us, the boys."

Kion: "Let me guess, it happens to you?"

Baliyo: "Yes."

Rani: "Tell us more."

Baliyo: "When they test us that shit is a hundred-percent of that time was unrealistic, like the question they asked us don't make any sense and any answer that the boys give will never satisfy them."

Kion: "Okay?"

Baliyo: "I was talking to this one girl, again talking. We're not even dating but she test my loyalty out of freaking nowhere but I'm like, 'okay cool, I got this, light work,'. "

Rani: "Tell us the story."

4 days ago

Baliyo was talking to his classmate during breaktime at the cafeteria.

Jina: "Can I ask you a question?"

Baliyo: "Okay cool, I got this. Light work, light work."

Jina: "So what if we're in the ocean and then a great white shark tries to eat me, what are you gonna do about it?"

Baliyo: "Wait slow down. First of all, what the heck are we doing on the ocean? Second of all, what am I gonna do about? What do you want me to do, fight it? I'm not Jackie chan, I can't do kung fu shit like that."

Jina: "Oh my god, excuses! That's how I know that you are not loyal to girls!"

Baliyo: "Wait what? Why don't you fight it then?"

Jina: "Uhh??"

Baliyo: "Girl, you'll understand that I'm skinny, right? How do you expect me to fight a shark? I won't even fight a crocodile or an alligator on a river, that thing will just kill me in a seconds. Did you know a shark has 300 sharp teeths and has 1,835 kilograms of force, and I can barely break a pencil."

Jina: "........"

Present day

Kion: "Ouch! You got a point."

Baliyo: "Told you."

Rani: "Not all girls are like that."

Baliyo: "Well, it's true but some of them is."

Rani: "Okay."

Then Baliyo continues watching youtube on his mobile phone.

Rani: "Hey Kion?"

Kion: "Yeah?"

Rani: "Do you mind if I get lay down on top you?"

Kion: "Uh, sure."

Rani: "Okay."

Then Kion lay down on the couch and Rani lay down on top of him, she put her head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat.

Rani: "Hey Kion?"

Kion: "Yeah?"

Rani: "I love you."

Kion: "I love you too."

Rani: "Thank you for being such a good friend."

Kion: "Hehe!"

Rani snuggled to him and Kion kiss her forehead.

Kion: "Hey Rani?"

Rani: "Yeah?"

Kion: "I'm sorry that I didn't spend much time with you."

Rani: "It's okay, I also want to spend time with you but everyone has a life and busy with things that is important."

Kion: "Yup, I'm just telling you that I'm sorry that I didn't spend much time with you."

Rani: "It's fine, I think you have beautiful brown eyes, golden fur and Kion, I really love your personality."

Kion just chuckles to what she said.

Rani: "And I think you deserve this." she kisses him and Kion kiss back.

Baliyo just saw what they are doing and he was jealous, he knew he was a thirdwheel.

They moan louder and Baliyo feel's a little disgust, he tries to get their attention.

Baliyo: "Guys, anyone wants to play video games with me?"

But he was ignored because Kion and Rani enjoys their kiss.

Baliyo: "Hey guys, it's still raining and it's about to flood outside!" he try to get their attention but he was ignored because they are still kissing.

Baliyo: "Okay guys, I'm gonna go and let myself wet outside. Who know's that I'm probably slipped and die, right?" he still got ignored because Kion and Rani are still kissing.

Baliyo: "I'm serious, you have to stop me! Hello?"

Around 10 seconds later and still got ignored, he just go upstairs and play some video games, he knew that he's a third wheel.

After that they pull off from the kiss.

Kion: "Wow! What a really long kiss, hehe!"

Rani: "Yup, a really long kiss and I enjoy every second of it."

Kion: "Yeah. By the way, did Baliyo say something?"

Rani: "I don't know, I enjoy our kiss too much and the only things that I hear is our moans."

Kion: "Hehe!"

Rani: "Hey Kion, there's a picture that I want to show you. It's an art but I think you're gonna love it."

Kion: "Well, show it to me."

Then Rani take her cell phone amd show the picture to him.

Rani: "Here."

Kion: "Let me see."

This is the picture:👇

Kion: "Wow, what a nice art."

Rani: "Yeah, even his face look's like you."

Kion: "Really?"

Rani: "Yup, I also like the way he smile. He look so cute and handsome."

Kion: "Yeah, he does."

Rani: "Here's another one."

She show other picture to Kion

This is the picture:👇

Kion: "Wow, that's a really nice art."

Rani: "The way he smile is cute."

Kion: "I can see that."

Rani: "I'm sure a lot of girls fall in love with him."

Kion: "Hmm, he does look like me."

Rani: "Yeah, he does."

Kion: "You know how to fall in love?"

Rani: "How?"

Kion: "Step 1, dig a hole. Step 2, call it love and step 3, you fall in it. Conragulations, you fall in love! You're welcome."

Rani: "Hahaha!" she laugh to Kion's joke. He just smiles to her.

Rani: "Hey Kion?"

Kion: "Yeah?"

Rani: "I love you."

Kion: "I love you too."

Then Rani put's her head on Kion's shoulder as he comforts her, they enjoy their romantic relationship moment.

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