Chapter 11. Teenage love

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House Mansion

Simba help Nala garden her flowers and watered her plants, it was a sunny day and it was perfect for the flowers to grow.

Nala: "Don't water them too much, Simba."

Simba watered the plants but was careful not to water them too much.

Simba: "I know what I'm doing, honey. It's just the weather was too hot."

Nala: "And it was perfect for the flowers to grow and let the bees collect the pollen and carry it from one flower to another."

Simba: "Bees?"

Nala: "Yeah, Bees. They like flowers and they feed on their nectar and pollen. They used the nectar as a food and energy source to feed the larva in the hives."

Simba: "The baby bees."

Simba looked at Nala, she was planting some new flowers, the ones that Simba hasn't seen before.

Simba: "Is that a rose flower? It's purple."

Nala: "Yes, it's a rose flower. Aren't they beautiful?"

Simba: "It's beautiful, alright. But I've never seen a purple flower before."

Nala: "They do exist, Simba. Help me move the flower pots. Be careful, this thing is sharp when it breaks."

Simba: "Okay."

They move a couple of flower vases and put them on the other side of their backyard.

Nala: "Now, that's perfect."

Simba drinks a glass of water to stay hydrated.

Simba: "You want some water, honey?"

Simba offers her a glass of water.

Nala: "Sure do."

Simba poured glass water from the jug and handed it to Nala.

Nala: "Thank you." She took the glass of water and drink it and Simba just stand there looking at her.

Nala: "It's everything alright, honey?"

Simba: "Yeah, everything is alright. I remember when Kiara was 4 years old and she's scared of bees."

Nala: " *Chuckles* I remember that day, she was freaking out and fell into the pool."

Simba: "Why would she run to the swimming pool anyway? There's a lot of space for her to run in the backyard." He laughs as he remembers the day Kiara was freaking out and jumping into the pool.

Nala: "She was only a child, Simba. Of course, she jumps into the pool."

Simba and Nala laugh but Simba notice that Kiara is not home.

Simba: "Where is she, anyway?"

The park

Kiara was enjoying her own time sitting on the park bench, she took some fresh air and watch some kids playing with their parents. If only Kovu can gain her father's trust, perhaps she and Kovu could married and have kids of their own.

Kiara takes out her phone and texts him.

Kiara: 'Hey babe, where are you?'

Kovu: 'I'm on my way.'

Kiara: 'Okay, just be careful when driving.'

Kovu: 'That's why I drive slowly.'

Kiara: 'Okay, I love you😘'

Kovu: 'I love you too😘'

She exits the text app by pressing the home button and waiting for his arrival.

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