Sinking Aurelia (Xiao X Femal...

By SeeOhTwo

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*AN Aurelia is a fantasy land I've created, with basically nothing different to Earth, other than the weather... More

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By SeeOhTwo

"You okay?"

"I'm fine?" You turned to look at Xiao.

"Again with that book. What are you planning????"

"Mr. Jorge said the tanks weren't from our army. I find out where they come from, and now I need to know what the hell they're doing here."

"For what??" He sat down on the bed next to you.


"You think you can do something about it??? Be realistic here." You glared at him. "I'm serious! You're killing yourself over this, but what can you do???? The capital is probably flooded and nobody is there, your foot is still technically injured so what if something happens to you??? And if you even make it, who knows if again, someone is there, or if you would even be listened to!!" You slammed the book shut.


"Fine what?"

"Just, be quiet. I won't bother with any of this anymore. So you can stop complaining."

"I'm not asking you to do it just for me, I'm simply telling you the truth."

"They sound like my parents before..." Razor muttered. The four of them were pressed against the wall listening to everything.

"I'm so sorry Razor.." Ganyu pat his back.

"Okay well you're leaving me no choice."

"What are you so worried about this for??? What is it gonna help with???"

"Potentially stop a war??? Or even warn everyone about one that's coming??? I don't know why YOU'RE so worried about me reading into this."


"See you have no rea-"

"I DO! But there's a difference in being embarrassed to say shit, and just outright not saying it."

"So what you're embarrassed to tell me?? Are you scared of paper? Does this book just scream evil aura to you that you don't want me to read it???"

"I don't want you reading it because you're so worked up about it that you miss sleep. And we need you to be at a hundred percent." You looked down at your lap. "And I understand it's probably unfair that we put you in the leader position, but you're the best person for it, and you get us through anything."

"Alright." You said softly.


"I SAID ALRIGHT" You yelled. He flinched hearing the roughness of your voice.

"You guys had enough?" Xiao said. You were confused and looked up. The four of them revealed themselves in the doorway.

"Sorry..." They all said.

"You were listening???"

"Well to be honest, it wasn't that hard to not.. You left the door open."

"Xiao left the door open." You looked at the wall and scratched your arm.

"Are you guys gonna sleep in this room?" Ganyu asked.


"Ningguang and I decided to bunk together, and Razor and Bennett already set up their beds." Ganyu said.

"Y/n I can sleep in the living-"

"No." You slid yourself off of the bed. "We'll be fine here. And sorry that I mouthed off earlier."

"It's okay. I'd rather stay with you guys, what if something else happens here, and then like the power goes out or something." Ningguang scratched her neck.

"Oh, good!" You looked out of the tall windows. "We should go to sleep."

"I call bathroom first!" Bennett sprinted to the bathroom at the opposite hallway.

"Doesn't he know there's two bathrooms?" Ganyu asked.

"I guess not." You shrugged. You let everyone else use the bathrooms, to shower and brush their teeth, before you went. You changed into some basketball shorts you found, and a tank top, then you returned to your room. "So what now..."

"Bennett and Razor are lucky.. they got the only room with two beds."

"Then we'll just share this one." You took the covers off, and got in.


"Can you give me my backp-" You saw him glare at you. "I know you told me not to, but I can't help it, and I also wanna write for my sister."

"Fine." He grabbed your backpack and opened it, taking out the book you were reading earlier, and your notebook. He handed them to you, and stood there awkwardly as you slanted the pillow against the wall so you could sit up a bit.

"Are you gonna lay down???"

"Yeah.." He got into the covers. You read through the next few chapters, but noticed something was watching you.

"Are you reading it??"

"N-no." He turned to face the other side of the room. You laughed.

"Help me read it."

"Okay." He turned back around, and sat up right next to you. You scooted closer to him, to that the two of you could share the book. "Oh look." He pointed at a paragraph. "The founders of Aurelia and Uruni were on the same voyage crew."

"So that's why Ureni is named after it. But why are they here then.."

"I don't know flip through."

"Right." You passed a couple of pages, scanning everything for any clues. "Here."

"Oh what is it?" Xiao sat up.

"Uruni was in dire need of ally help during the 1794 war between them and Intercia." Xiao listened attentively.

"Okay then what??"

"Aurelia didn't send any forces over. They wanted no role in the war."

"So what?? Uruni summoned magical water spirits to flood us??"

"Okay well obviously not Xiao." You stared at the same paragraph. "I just wonder what the hell happened, and if they did have something to do with this, why did they wait so long..."

"... I'm not sure." He took the book from you, and shut it, placing it on the bedside table. "Write to Fischl."

"Okayyy..." You grabbed your notebook and the pen, and wrote something to her. You didn't write as detailed, or as much as you wanted to because Xiao was watching.

"You didn't write as much as you usually do?"

"Um yeah."

"Oh okay." He turned around to face the rest of the room again, and you finished writing. "Finished?"


"I'll put it on the table." You gave him the notebook and the pen, then he placed them on the bedside table, and turned off the lamp. "Guess we can't do anything about the windows."

"Well you could close the curtain."

"The bed's too comfy." Xiao said.

"Fine then." You faced away from Xiao and tried to fall asleep. Not realizing it, the two of you moved around in your sleep a lot. "Oof- man what the fuck??" You sat up after Xiao woke you up with his gigantic hand basically being slapped down onto your face.

"Hmm??" He rolled around tiredly.

"Damn.... how much do you move in your sleep????"

"Huh??" He rubbed his eyes.

"You just slammed your hand onto my face, fucking scared me." Xiao chuckled.

"My bad.." You sighed and lied back down. He put his arm around you, but you were too tired to care.

"LOOK AT THEM!!!" Ningguang and Bennett yelled as they peeked into your room.

"SHHHH!" Both Ganyu and Razor dragged them away from the doorway.

"Are you crazy???? You'll wake them up!" Ganyu said. "Let's make breakfast for them."

"And ourselves???" Bennett said.

"I'm hungry" Razor sat on one of the barstools.

"Okay, there's a bunch of things here, I think I can make some type of spicy soup, if that's okay?"

"Sure, don't make it too hot though, we don't know how much spice everyone can handle." Ningguang said. "I'll help too!" Ganyu smiled and nodded.

"I will help by waiting." Bennett sat down next to Razor.

You woke up and saw you were hugging Xiao. "Oh." You tapped him and he woke up.

"Oh shit I'm sorry" He immediately removed his arms from around you.

"It's whatever. I bet they're cooking, so we should get ready, I wanna leave right after."

"Alright." He said and got up, letting you get out of the bed. You grabbed clothes from the duffel bag, and went into the bathroom. He walked passed everyone and went into the other bathroom.

"Oh what the hell did I pick out.." It was a pair of black cargo pants, with a whole lot of chains, and different things attached to them. And then you picked up the shirt that you grabbed from the bag. It was a white t-shirt, with a teal to green gradient whale design in the center. A whale was the state animal, or technically the island animal for Leon. You tucked the front into your pants, and walked out of the bathroom after you brushed your teeth and stuff. "What'd you guys make?"

"Oooohh! Y/n! You look cute today!!" Ningguang said.

"Thanks." You said awkwardly.

"That's a cool shirt!" Bennett yelled. Xiao came out in the same clothes he wore yesterday.

"Nice pants."

"Yeah.." You sat down next to Razor, and he sat down next to Bennett.

"Okay Bennett helped chop the green onions, but he sliced his finger."

"You're telling me there's finger in this soup??" You asked, pointing at the bowl that Ganyu put in front of you.

"Hopefully not..." Ganyu frowned and looked around.

"I ate the green onion that got dirty" Bennett said.

"Anyways eat up, it should be yum. Next time someone else can make food." Ningguang said. You nodded, and grabbed the spoon, slurping up a bit of the broth. It was definitely spicy, but it was still delicious. You could feel the burn stay behind on your lips though.

"Is there anything cold??"

"They have soda's!" Ganyu said. She handed you one, and you put it against your lips.

"Wait is it that hot??" Ningguang asked.

"No it's like good, but it burns my lips." You said. They laughed at you. "Maaaan... Anyways are y'all ready to go?"

"I think we're ready right?" Razor looked around. Everyone nodded.

"Alright, I wanna check in on Yuki and his mom first, so you guys can leave and wait for me at the lobby floor." You finished the last bit of soup, and placed the bowl in the sink. They nodded.

"Y/n I'll get your bag."

"Alright Xiao." You walked over, and knocked.

"Hello??" You heard Yuki's small voice.

"Hey it's me Y/n" He opened the door.


"Hey! I'm just here to say bye to you and your mom."

"Oh okay, she's over here we're watching a movie!" He grabbed your hand and led you to his bedroom where his mom was.

"Oh hi Y/n! Are you guys leaving now?"

"Mhm, just wanted to make sure you guys were doing okay"

"Oh we're doing just fine! You closed up my wound perfectly! I hope you guys a safe trip"

"Thank you! I hope you guys stay safe here too okay?"

"We'll be just fine!" Yuki said.

"Alright, then I'll be heading out now. I've got people waiting for me, come lock the door Yuki." He nodded and followed you, giving you one last hug before waving and closing the door. You waited to hear the lock, and then you went down to the lobby. Nobody was there.

"What the hell...."

"Y/n hide!" You heard Ningguang shout. You went back up a couple of steps and hid behind the wall of the staircase.

"Why am I hiding???"

"Army's outside." Xiao said.

"Hoh, fuck." You peered your eye over the wall, and saw some of their beige vehicles. "What the fuck do they want??"

"How are we supposed to know???" Xiao said. You looked around to see them hiding behind different things. Once the cars were out of view, the six of you got up, and left.

"How do we get to Preaizi?" Razor asked.

"We're gonna have to go east, and then a bit north east, so we can reach that highway. It's short, so it shouldn't take too long to cross it, but getting there might take long." You said.

(A page from your notebook)

The Uruni army keeps driving everywhere, and none of us actually know what they want. Mr. Jorge had an encounter with them, but I already forgot what he said. I have no clue what the hell they want, but Xiao convinced me to just not get involved. Although last night he was really interested in it for some reason. If you were here in person, you would be laughing right now, when I'd tell you that Xiao and I had to share a bed, and we ended up hugging each other. Knowing you, you'd be making jokes about typical cliché's, but everyone else had picked the other rooms, and I did not want Xiao to be on the floor, much less did I wanna sleep with his feet next to my head. We skipped Kain's capital, because we heard you guys had a three day headstart to Yukhan. So please for the love of god, stay there. I have a pretty good idea of where you guys are going, so please stay there.

(AN_ I didn't do a final check for this chapter so I'm very sorry if there's any mistakes!)

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