Freddie leaves.

By stawka

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Freddie argues with Carly and Sam, defies them and walks away. What will Freddie do without Icarly? Will he m... More

Chapter 1 corr
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Sql !!! Chapter 1
Chapter 2 sql
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Cheapter 10
Cheapter 11
Cheapter 12
Cheapter 13
Cheapter 14
Cheapter 15
Cheapter 16
Cheapter 17
Cheapter 18

Chapter 19

107 4 1
By stawka

The next time Sam went to visit Carly around 6pm, but she was only there for 2 hours because she couldn't stand Carly asking about Freddie or talking about Jacob all the time, so she made an excuse and went home. That day, she knew that Melanie would not be home because she would be staying with Valerie, so she did not want to come home earlier because her mother had been calm recently only because of Melanie's presence and she did not know what to expect when she returned home. Fortunately, when she entered her mother's house, she wasn't there yet so Sam decided to watch TV. At around 10 PM Sam's mother comes home completely frothy. Pam (Sam's mother) starts screaming and looking around the house when she notices Sam starts yelling at her.

-O the best I can see that all you know how to do is eat and watch TV, If you don't want to learn, you would get down to work. Says drunk Pam

-Mom, but I'm learning. Sam replies calmly

- Somehow I didn't know that you would look at any book at least once, all the time I just have to waste my money on clothes and food for you, finally start doing something. Yells Pam

- Until Melanie was gone, our fridge wasn't even plugged in and you're talking about food for me?Sam asks

-And the clothes are where you get the money for them, from me. Says Pam

-L have my money too. Sam replies

-And I already know where you spend all your time lately, and you probably have a lot of clients being so young. Pam says smiling lewdly

-I am not a prostitute, don't insult me. Exclaims Sam

-What is truth hurts and now maybe you give me your today's profit? Pam asks calmly

-I'm not a prostitute. Sam replies

-It's good if you don't want to share with me, move out of here and we'll see who agrees to take a whore like you. Says Pam, pointing to Sam

-You can't kick me out Says Sam

-I can and do, and don't come back until you change your mind and want to share the money with me, and Melanie needs more room to study." Screams Pam pointing at the door

-Yes, all for Melanie, and for me it's always just some scraps. Sam bad answers

-Thanks Melanie, at least I have money and you're just a waste of money. Screams Pam

-If you want it so much, I'll move out, I'll just go and pack. Sam says, standing up.

-All these things belong to me because they are bought with my money, so don't even dare to touch anything. Pam replies by shaking her finger

-But they're mine. Sam replies

Pam throws an empty bottle at Sam and the school cuts her leg.

-No. They belong to me and if you want to keep them I know what you can do. Pam says with one eye blinking

-What? Sam asks surprised

-Francis. Cries Pam

A well-built tall man enters the room

-What do you want, Pam? Francis asks

-She (Pam points to Sam) today it's up to you and you can do what you like with her. Says Pam

-mmm, but here to me baby. Francis says, rubbing his hands as he walks over to Sam

-Don't get too close to me, pervert one. Sam says backing up

-Sam, if you want to keep things, it's the only option now Francis will play with you, you'll like it. Says Pam

Francis tries to get to Sam, but he fights back

-mmm you want spicy, which is the way I like it. Says Francis

Francis hits Sam a few times in the face but she manages to kick him really hard in a certain part of the body and tries to escape but Pam closes the door so Sam decides to jump out of the window without opening it, breaks the glass and manages to grab a tree and climb down the branches to the ground and runs as far as possible

- You promised me a night with your daughter tonight, not hitting a vulnerable place, how will you compensate me now? Angry Francis asks

- Easy as soon as she comes back and she comes back for sure, then you will do it with her.Pam replies

-Let you, and today I won't be able to run after her, but I will go and look for her, maybe I can find her. Francis says and leaves.

-Do what you want and I have an idea to sleep. Pam exclaims after him

At the same time, Sam wonders what to do next. And she starts crying. He sits in a small alley between the blocks for several hours and it starts to rain.

Pov Sam

What should I do next, I can't go home. Where should I go? I won't go to Carly's cause I don't want her to see me like this, but where should I go? I know, I'll go to Freddie, he said I can come whenever I want, but what will he think of me? Never mind I have no other option, I have to go to someone and he seems to be the best possible option.

After a while, Sam finally finds himself in front of Freddie's door and starts ringing the doorbell. After a few minutes, Freddie opens the door and sees Sam

-What are you doing here at 1am and why are you in this state? Freddie asks concerned

-You once said that I can come here whenever I want. Sam says in tears

-So sure come on in. Says Freddie

Sam walks in and sits down on the couch.

-Freddie, I have a request for you, can I stay with you? He speaks very sadly.

-Sure it is, but what happened? Freddie asks

- I can't say I'm not ready for this? Asks Sam, crying

-Sure, I understand and even guess what's wrong with you, but if you don't want to speak, just sit down and rest, and maybe you're hungry at all? Freddie asks

-some Sam replies, reassuring himself

-Then maybe you can go take a shower to wash this blood and I'll do something for you? Freddie proposes

-But I don't have clothes, can you give me some of yours? Sam asks

-Sure, I will bring you right away and do not all these wounds hurt you? Freddie asks concerned

-Something like that. Sam replies

-Wait here in a moment I will disinfect them and I'll dress you. She says Freddie goes to get some bandages and some clothes and comes back a few minutes later.

-Okay, Sam, now show your wounds. He asks Freddie

-No Freddie you don't have to do this. Sam says, not wanting Freddie to see all the wounds

-I have to trust me. Freddie answers and cleans the wounds with hydrogen peroxide and treats Sam

-This leg wound looks really bad, maybe I'll take you to the hospital? Says Freddie, noticing the cut on the leg

-No, Freddie, I don't want to go to the hospital. Says Sam

-Well, I have another idea, I will come soon and you try to stop the blood with, for example, this towel. Freddie says, handing the towel

-Where are you going? Sam asks fearful.

-Don't be nervous, I'll be right there. He asks Freddie

Freddie goes out and goes to his mother's house and wakes her up.

-What's going on, Freddie? Marissa asks

-You have to help me, just promise me that nothing will upset you and you will not ask any questions. Says Freddie

-It's okay if you want it, now tell me how can I help you? Marissa asks

-Get your dressing supplies and follow me quickly though. Freddie replies

-Well. Marissa agrees and takes things with her that she knows Freddie is not in his home medicine cabinet and goes with him to his apartment. When she notices Sam, she is surprised by her condition.

-Sam what happened to you? Marissa exclaims

-I spoke without unnecessary questions, she does not want to talk about it yet and now take care of her leg. He asks Freddie

-Well. It may hurt a bit by itself but I have to stitch this wound up but I will give you a painkiller and a tetanus injection beforehand to reduce your pain and possible complications. Explains Marissa

-Well. That's right Sam

Marissa sews up the wound and watches Sam's other injuries

-And doesn't this hand hurt you? She asks Marissa, looking at Sam's left arm

- My other hand hurts a little, but not too much. Says Sam showing the scars from breaking the window

Marissa looks at Sam's right arm.

-It doesn't look broken, but bruised at best, but to make sure I would go to the hospital to check it out and find out if nothing else happened to you. Marissa proposes

-I don't want to go to the hospital. Says Sam

-You should go. Marissa tries to convince her

-No. Sam is unconvinced

-Why? Marissa asks, surprised by Sam's stubbornness

-Because then my mother will find out where I am. Explains Sam

-Mom, please don't ask her any more questions, when she's ready to tell it all. Says Freddie, and Sam looked at Freddie with a thankful smile.

-I have a different idea. I have a friend, a doctor who has his own clinic, let him see you. Marissa proposes

-The one where you always take me? Freddie asks.

-Yes Marissa replies

-But it's too late for that so maybe we'll go there tomorrow before school? Freddie proposes

-It's a reasonable idea but I know it's open 24/7 so maybe you'd better go now? Marissa asks

-I don't want to rest now. Sam replies

-Well, I'll go away and remember tomorrow you have classes at school at 10 o'clock so don't be late. Says Marissa

-Mom, do you think Sam can wash now despite the stitching? Freddie asks

-Yes, I think she should just Sam not too much urinate this place. Asks Marissa

- Fine and thank you. Thank you, Sam

-You're welcome, Sam and let me know when you want to see this doctor tomorrow. Asks Marissa

-Sure thank you Mom and good night. Freddie is saying goodbye

-Good night. Marissa says goodbye and leaves

-Okay Sam take these clothes and go take a shower, do you like chicken salad? Freddie asks

-May be. Sam replies

-It's not good to eat too much at this hour. Says Freddie

-Maybe so. Sam replies

Sam takes a shower and after 25 minutes she leaves wearing Freddie's clothes.

-How are you feeling now, Sam? Freddie asks

-I better thank you for everything. Sam replies smiling

-No problem, Sam, now eat a little and go to sleep in the room we furnished today. Freddie is also smiling

-Well thank you. Sam replies

Sam and Freddie go to their rooms to sleep.

After an hour, Freddie wakes up hearing screams from in the room where Sam is and decides to check it out. When she goes there, she sees Sam crying and screaming in her sleep and decides to wake her up.

-Self wake up.

But Sam doesn't wake up. So Freddie starts patting Sam on the back.

-Self calm down and wake up He wakes up himself.

-Don't hurt me please. Exclaims Sam as he opens his eyes

- Relax, Sam, you're okay, it's just me, Freddie, and you're at my house, now calm down. He asks Freddie

As soon as he hears it, he hugs Freddie and Freddie hugs her and I stroke her head

-Okay, Sam, you're okay. You're okay. Says Freddie

Sam begins to calm down at these words.

-Freddie, may I have a request for you? Sam asks, lisping in fear

-So clear what's going on. Freddie replies

-Can you stay with me? Asks Sam

-Sure, but maybe we better go to my room because it's bigger? Freddie proposes

-Well. That's right Sam

Freddie puts his hand around Sam and leads him to his room. Sam lays down on the bed and pulls Freddie in, and he does the same

-How's Sam better? Freddie asks

-Yes much, thanks. Sam replies smiling

-Please, and now we could fall asleep a bit because we have classes tomorrow? Freddie asks

But Sam no longer hears it because he is asleep and in his sleep he embraces Freddie which he really likes and he also starts to hug her and after a few minutes he falls asleep.

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