SYJ x HB : The Stories Behind...

By yazzeewrites

25.6K 2.1K 320

We continue with the life and adventures of the lovely Kim family, as depicted on the frst book with the same... More

Jeju Thoughts
The Call
Dia de la Madre
The Trip Back Home
Eagle Eyes
The Reunion
The Flight
Appa Duties
The Streets of Fira
The Party at the Hyuns
Dia delos Padres
The Fiery Night
Get Well, Buddy
Pooh Comes Home
The Man
Caught in Between
Deadly Obsession
After the Storm
The Way To Her Heart
School Boys
Ji Hwan
The Marine
The Storm
The Ship Has Docked
The Airport Strut (One Shot)

When in Santorini

807 70 6
By yazzeewrites

'Hi, Eon Jin. Can I possibly ask you out?'

An Instagram direct message came through as I was talking with Bin and planning for the kids' costume for the party we will be attending this weekend. My mood suddenly changed and Bin was quick to respond to it.

'What is it, baby?' he asked, but it felt like a fading sound. I tried to check whether I knew of this someone and when I did, it didn't help at all.

It was that man again. Is he a stalker or is everything just a coincidence?

'Baby, someone is asking me out,' I said. I wanted Bin to know everything that is happening. Yoona unnie came to my room through the adjacent door and gestured something to me.

'Baby, can I call you back? I guess Unnie needs to say something,' I said to a serious-faced Bin. Clearly, he is not pleased with what is happening.

'I can wait for you. The kids are sleeping and there is nothing much I am really doing as of the moment,' he stated, stern and I just knew that I had to follow what he was saying.

I smiled at him faintly. 'I'll be back.'

I went over to unnie then asked her what was happening. She sighed and her look spoke of worry likewise.

'Yejinah, there is someone at the door. A man, and I am thinking that he is that guy we saw at the airport in Schipol,' she said.

What the heck? Really? Of all people?

'What?!' I exclaimed as I ran my fingers through my hair and closed my eyes. Thanks to this man, my vacation is ruined.

'Do you know him, Yejinah?' she asked.

I shook my head. 'Apparently, he is some guy who wanted to see me before but then I didn't show up. He was there in Daegu before we had this trip.'

She nodded. 'Does Bin know?' she asked, processing what was happening and maybe looking for a solution.

'About now? I only told him that someone wanted to ask me out, and that is that guy right outside our suite,' I replied. 'Eottoke?'

Unnie rang the frontdesk to report an incident and while we were waiting, I went back to Bin on facetime. He looked sleepy but I know he won't just give up on this, especially when there is something he feels that is not right.

'Baby,' I called him. He looked at me and replied.

'What's going on, babe?' he asked and the look in his eyes tells me there is something that he has planned.

'We reported an incident to the front desk,' I replied. He looked at me, dumbfounded. I have forgotten to tell him that the guy was just outside our suite.

'Why, is there something wrong? Please tell me,' he said. I then told him what happened. He took a deep breath before he talked again.

'Are you supposed to go somewhere with noona today?' he asked.

'Yes, but I think I will pass. Unnie is also thinking the same thing,' I replied, and I just know it would ease his mind up likewise. He nodded as we continued talking, letting Yoona unnie take charge of what was happening outside.

'Baby, you know what, we visited that site where I shot my first CF,' I said, recalling the one that started it all. 'It is somehow the same and some folks still recognized that girl who was riding the white bike,' I continued, then I saw his face lit up.

'Oh yeah, how could I ever forget that?' he said, smiling. 'That was shown to us during The Negotiation interview in the cinema, remember?'

I smiled at him and even when I knew that he was still not comfortable with what was going on, much as I am, I was just glad that his smile came back.

How I wish you were here Binssi, I thought.

'Baby, I need to answer this call. I will call you back, okay?' he said as we hung up. I heaved out a deep sigh and closed my eyes. I decided altogether not to entertain that man and I guess I will have to cut the trip short, considering the things that are happening.

Yoona unnie came back and told me that the man was sent back to where he came from as she complained that she doesn't know him and she needed privacy as she was on vacation. We used the time to talk about some of my apprehensions on motherhood and being a wife.

'You know what, it's not a secret that Binssi is such a handsome man even for his age. You are a beautiful woman likewise, maybe that's the reason why that man outside has been following you when he had the chance. But then, even when we feel secure about our relationships, there will always be a time when our mind tells us otherwise,' she said. I nodded in agreement.

'But, but with the both of you, I know that what we see goes deeper. It's not just you and him being in love, it's about you and him being able to trust and protect each other. Trust me, Yejinah. There will be things that will lead you to suddenly ask yourself if you did the right thing to marry. it may not come now, but it happens. When it does, just think about what made you say yes to him and what made you fall in love with him. And always,' she said. 'Always think about the kids. Your eldest is so adorable. I want to borrow him for a while.'

I laughed at what she said, because she was right. Pooh is very adorable, in fact he is actually a headturner whenever we go to Bin's office. He greets everyone and seems to be friends with all of them. Then I smiled thinking about how Joo Joo liked him the first time they met when he was still a baby. That started the bond that they all have now, whenever they are together, they are inseparable.

Speaking of which, Mrs. Hyun informed me earlier that the party will be having a Paw Patrol theme and Pooh is going to be Chase, while Lilo will be Everest of the popular dog show. I have already asked Mujin's help in looking for their stuff and I was just glad that she was going along just fine with it. I just hope my daughter will agree with the clothes she will be wearing then.

The following day, unnie and I went to the spa to have a massage before we went home the next day. We have already toured Delos, who in itself is known as the island where the Greek god Apollo and goddess Artemis were born. It is said that there is no other island in the world who hosts many monumental antiquities, centuries of great Greek art than Delos. It is a history in itself, so to speak. Likewise a mysterious island too.

We went back to our suite after that pampering session and were having some refreshments when I realized that I haven't received a call from my husband. Where could he be? He might be stuck in a meeting but then, he could have told me or what. Besides, we made a deal that he will stay with the kids the whole time. I tried to call him but then I was redirected to voicemail. I called Pooh but he was not answering too.

'Where could my babies be?' I thought.

We were in the middle of a conversation when we heard the doorbell ring. I wondered if we ordered anything but the unnie beat me to it, saying she will get it. I stayed back and looked over to the horizon, admiring the beauty of the sunset that just splayed its rays over the Aegean Sea.

Sunsets definitely had a way to get through me and as I looked at it, I realized that every single day is more unique than the previous. Every day is a step to moving forward, and living the life that we have always wanted to pursue. I have lived my life the way I wanted, worked hard, found love and a forever home. I don't know why but this particular sunset made me more emotional than the rest.

A few minutes had passed and I wondered why Unnie hasn't come back yet. I thought she might be feeling tipsy and rested already, or maybe she was just too relaxed. That's why she is in bed. Whatever it was, I decided to stay until the last ray of the sun hides. Just then, the door leading to the patio opened and I was relieved that unnie had come back.

'What took you so long, unnie?' I asked. But, there was no response. 'Unnie?' I asked again. Feeling worried what could have happened I turned to look, only to find someone else staring back at me.

'Can I watch the sunset with you?' he said, in his deep baritone voice that I actually missed hearing in person. It was a magical moment, and if I am dreaming, I don't want to wake up from it.

'Binssi?' I asked, surprised at him suddenly appearing before me when I was just thinking, and wishing, he was here with me. He smiled, and as he opened his arms I ran to him, crashing my small frame onto his bigger one, his wide chest became my shield and in that instant, I felt protected.

His lips landed on top of my head, then gave me his signature kiss I so loved and missed, before I looked up to him and gave him a proper kiss. It was a soft and short one, since I dragged him to the edge of the patio to catch the last rays of sunset just in time. I couldn't describe what my heart was feeling, but I know that it was happiness. A real one, even when there are two people missing right now, I know that I will see them in time.

For now, I am happy to be here with their father.

He locked his arms around my waist as he stood behind me, heaving a sigh of relief that he found me perhaps, and I rested my head on his chest, feeling him and his heartbeat. Cheesy, yes, but I don't mind. I missed him.

I turned around to embrace him and when I did, a sudden gush of tears fell down from nowhere. I myself didn't know where it came from but then he was rubbing my back while telling me that it's okay.

'Why are you here?' I asked, after I had calmed down. 'Where are the kids? Who's with them? Do your parents know?'

He smiled at me and answered, as he placed a strand of my hair behind my ear.

'I want to answer you, but then please stop asking more questions first,' he replied. I burst out laughing as I remembered that dialogue.

'Well, I am an Avenger right? So I am here to protect you,' he said, while giving my forehead a kiss. 'The kids are with Eomma and Abeoji, they were more than willing to babysit them. Nanny Shin Hye and Ahjumma are at home with Stitch, since Eomma insisted that she would take care of Lilo.'

'How did you get here? It's not as if this is Ilsan or Daegu,' I stated. He smiled.

'I have a college friend who happened to have chartered planes as a business. So I asked him and he personally brought me here,' he replied. 'We will be riding with him home tomorrow, at any time.'

I smiled at him, and I know that there is still something that lies deep within as to why he is here. It's quite obvious, he was worried about what happened yesterday. I hugged him once more and told him that we will be having dinner in a few minutes.

'Let me call unnie so we can go,' I said but he stopped me. He smiled and pulled me closer to him, before he whispered something.

'Noona is not here,' he said. 'Kyung-gu hyung fetched her and they are staying in their own suite for the night.'

My eyes narrowed at his revelation and he could only give me his wide grin. 'Oh you planned this!'

He smiled wider and replied.

'No, it just happened that I needed to come after what I heard last night.'

Well, he's got a reason. I could only smile at him, while hitting his shoulder.

'Let's have dinner first,' I said as I pulled him in. Closing the door, I then gave him a proper kiss.

The four of us went to the Black Rock Restaurant of the Santorini Secret Suites where we were staying. The night was filled with happy moments, and we exchanged stories of how we spent our days here in Greece. We were seated on top of a cliff and the vast Aegean was below us, while the sky served as a canopy of stars over us. Bin was holding my hand the entire time which prodded unnie to crack a joke at him.

'Ya, Binssi. She won't go anywhere,' she said which had us all laughing.

'Oh, I am not afraid noona. I just miss holding her hand now,' he replied.

'Would you like us to leave now, Binssi?' oppa asked him, and we exchanged hearty laughs once more.

A man and a woman across us looked our way, and if I am not mistaken he was that guy who came up to me during our reunion. I managed to inform Bin and when he knew, he placed his left hand over my chair and leaned on to me. I hope seeing us this way is enough for him to realize that I am not really interested. Maybe this was the reason why I refused to see him before, he was an airhead to begin with.

We then retired to our rooms after dinner and Bin asked if we could use the outdoor infinity pool to relax. Who am I to complain? I said yes and a few minutes later, we had changed into our swimwear. Dipping into the heated water, I clung on to him as he began kissing me which I know I have truly missed. It has been a long time since we have done this, even when we have one at home.

'I miss you,' he whispered. 'You didn't make me sleep last night.'

'Why?' I replied, running my fingers through his wet face.

'Well, apart from that man, someone tried to start something only to have it stopped,' he replied. I laughed at him and ran my fingers along his smooth hair.

'Let's have a race first. Five laps,' I said. He smiled.

'Bets?' he asked.

'If you win, we can continue where we left off last night. But if I win,' I replied. 'We can go to sleep after,' I continued, teasing him while at the back of my mind, I will still push through continuing where we left off. The pout was visible that I had the chance to place a kiss on it. He got ready for the game, and we started.

I finished five laps first and when he realized he lost, he was pouting. I had to laugh at him and I got on top first, calling him to come so we could 'sleep'.

'You just go on ahead, baby,' he said. 'I want to relax my muscles after five laps,' he continued.

I went back to him and smiled. 'Oh so you're the ahjussi now,' I teased him, as I stood in front of him, wearing an all white two-piece ensemble. Before I turned my back on him, I loosened up the top and took it off while turning, throwing it at him. As I walked, I took off the last piece of clothing and left it outside, before I called him once more, entering the suite with the mood light on.

'Are you sure you're staying there, Binssi?'

I know he is coming, as I heard a splash of water indicating that someone was in a hurry to get out of it. I laughed and went straight to the room I have been occupying for the last three days.

Bin looked like a hungry lion as he reached the door and looked at me savagely. Walking towards me, wearing nothing but his birthsuit that showed his defined muscles and abs, he smiled naughtily.

'Don't you know you are such a tease, Mrs. Kim?' he said as reached me. I felt his hot breath and I know, we are going on a pajeony kind of night tonight.

I smiled sweetly at him, locked my arms onto his shoulders, climbed up to him like a koala before I said.


We were left with no words as we started that steamy summer night together on top of the Aegean.

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